Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Itisneeded
    Itisneeded Posts: 147 Member
    Oh, now I see what a core group is! I sent you a friend request instead, typically not reading enough before acting. Well, I would like to be part of the group too, if that's ok. I have only a little bit left to lose, but it won't go. I realize it's because I am so close to my goal, and I simply need less food now that I'm lighter. Anyway, I would like to encourage you all when I see an opportunity, and just go on trying to at least not lose ground myself. I am on almost 1400 cal a day.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Morning, ladies!
    I've been really good calorie and activities wise the past week. There's also a lot to do since I'm moving countries, the little anxiety is almost begging for working out to calm it down. It's been PMS week, but I haven't gained a gram! So proud of myself! That means once the bloat is gone, I shall see some numbers go down more hopefully :)
    Have a healthy day everyone!

    My question - do you eat all/none/some of your workout calories?

  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    hi all - I'm still here, sorry for going awol. We've had the most lousy few weeks with Alistair and his sleep - he has gone right back to basics - waking through the night, can't get himself back to sleep without major help, then gets up at 5am ready to face the day! We've tried a number of things and we seem to be slowly getting him back on track - hence I've had two uninterrupted nights sleep in a row the last two days - for the first time in about 3 weeks :(. So focus has been purely on getting through the days, eating and exercise has gone to pieces! I just need to try and ease myself back on track.

    @gymprincess1234 - I eat back most of my exercise calories - it doesn't seem to have a negative impact on my ability to lose and I find I get so hungry and grouchy if I don't!

    Anyway, not going to try and catch up right now, going off to deliver some training this afternoon. Hope everyone has a good day and I'll catch you all later.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 I can't even imagine how hard it is to stay on track with small children and messed up sleep schedules! I'm glad you're back, we missed you!

    @gymprincess1234 I'm impressed you made it through PMS week without overdoing it! I don't specifically eat my workout calories, but I eat a high amount of calories every day that factors in my movement. When I average 2100 per day I lose 1/2lb a week

    Welcome @itisneeded, glad to have you in the group! I'm also working on vanity pounds so you'll fit right in!

    @clicketykeys So sorry to hear about your coworker. How's the first week of classes going?

    @velocity60 I'm just a part of a local rec league so nowhere near good enough to be professional but it's a lot of fun! I love that you have their flyer as a bookmark! Way to go on setting up a local page within your new group, I hope it brings you local people to work out with! Once your yearly Planet Fitness membership is up do you have a gym in the area that does group fitness classes that you could switch to?

    @HGSmith0920 I usually just do the online calculators to find my TDEE. Here's an example of one:

    So glad to see everyone back on the boards, it's been quiet without you! Work has also been crazy here with the first week of school but we're powering through. I've been staying on plan really well this week, but this weekend we're going to the Renaissance Festival with a big group of friends so it's going to be a challenge. I think I'll volunteer to be DD to try to limit my Mead intake (they have so many fun flavors!). At least I'm not going to the State Fair this year, that is one calorie bomb I don't need in my life!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Never thought I would wish for my period to come faster! It's been 3 days of the same weight, I want to see a loss so bad! I've been so good with working out calories, I need a reward on the scale! Frustration :D
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Work was great today! My drawer got audited(a monthly requirement) and everything was perfect. It was a nice simple day. I work at my not favorite branch tomorrow. But after 5 pm tomorrow I am off until Tuesday morning! I had a great NSV the other day! I properly fit into my favorite pair of comfy jeans. They are super soft denim and I love them so much and they actually fit the way they're supposed to! It's been about two years since they fit the right way! Also! I worked with the manager that just recently lost her son. It was the first time we had seen each other in 3 months and she almost immediately noticed that my clothes were looser and asked me if I had lost weight! She and another coworker are the only ones who have audibly said anything about my weight loss. It was just so nice for someone to notice the hard work I have been putting in!

    Welcome back @janetay01 I've missed you! I was wondering how you were doing! I'm so sorry about his terrible sleep pattern. It must be so hard on you! As much as I am looking forward to being a Mommy, those are some of the things that I am not looking forward to. Lol.

    The last few nights before bedtime I have been thinking about hopping on the scale in the morning to see my weight but either I totally forget because I'm running out the door for work, or I just forget because I'm forgetful. Lol, But when I do step on, I am delighted to see that I have gone down a few ounces every time!

    @Rachel0778 I used to have a jawbone(a fitness tracker) which would show me how many calories I burned in a day while I was not doing anything. What my body would burn just doing its daily functions. The fitness tracker app was connected to MFP so much calorie intake would show up in the app and then it would show me how many calories I burned per step/workout so it gave me a really nice breakdown of what my actual calorie deficit was! Too bad the tracker broke and I've been too poor to buy a new one! Lol.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ah - thank heavens it's Friday - last day before I have a week off - woohoo!

    Rachel - that festival sounds like fun!

    @HGSmith0920 - glad the drawer audit went well and congrats on your coworker noticing - it's so nice to get an unexpected compliment like that! As for being a mummy, well it's full of amazing positives - but yes, the sleep is a major challenge because it stops all of us from getting a decent night. I think what I'm finding hard is that he's always slept well - he slept through the night for the first time when he was about 6 months old and, barring illnesss, has generally done so since then. So we've had two years of generally good nights - makes it doubly hard when it falls apart and with us both working full time, it's certainly not easy!

    Driving up to see my father in law this evening - long drive but will be a nice weekend and will mean that Alistair gets to see his great grandmother which is good. Hope you all have good weekends :)
  • Vegatron70
    Vegatron70 Posts: 29 Member
    Trying something crazy. My grandmother is visiting the states in October, and most likely her last visit here due to her age. I want to look healthier like I was during her last visit, so my goal is to get down to 350 by October. I know this sounds like a lot, but I have been able to do it before without sacrificing my food intake. I started this week this week at 402lbs, and already down to 396lbs without exercises.

    My calorie goal will stay around 2200/day
    My exercises will be 60min./day (6 days a week minimum)

    Going back to my all/mostly national foods diet. (keeping highly processed foods out (breads, pastas, anything that comes in a box)
    Sticking with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc.

    Let's see what happens, I'll posts daily.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome @vegatron70! It sounds like you are making lots of major changes! Be kind to yourself during the process and know that any amount that you lose by October is an accomplishment!

    @janetay01 I hope you have a wonderful week visiting your father in law!

    @HGSmith0920 Congrats on the successful audit! I definitely recommend doing the online calculations if you no longer have a fitness tracker. It's a great way to accomplish a similar plan without having to shell out the $$$

    @gymprincess1234 I know it's frustrating, but patience is key with weight loss :)

    So I weighed in today back to where I was at the end of my SO and I's last weight loss challenge which felt good (and it's only week 2!). I'm glad the higher number was just a temporary fluke and nothing to be concerned about. My shoulder is pretty sore today between CrossFit and Pole Dancing so I'm glad I'm taking it easy this weekend to rest up. My fur baby is at doggy daycare today so hopefully he will be plenty tuckered out this evening so we can snuggle on the couch <3
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Also, happy meme Friday!!!!

  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Hi all! It's been a while since I've posted, but I have been reading all of your updates! It's encouraging to read about your struggles, and it's fun to celebrate your successes. :smile:

    I have had some personal stuff to deal with lately, which hasn't been fun, but I think we've gotten that all resolved now. The wedding is coming up super quickly (28 days!), and today is the last day to RSVP, so I think I'll reach out to some people. We are still waiting on 130 people to respond!

    I had my bachelorette party last weekend, and surprisingly didn't do too much damage. I was the same weight on the Monday after as I was the Friday I left. I definitely indulged, but I tried to do so within reason, so I'd say that was a success. We are having friends over to watch the fights tomorrow night, and we'll have a walking taco bar. It'll be easy enough to make my plate without going crazy with those foods. We also have a wedding shower tonight, so I'm sure there will be lots of yummy food there! I'm feeling more confident these days in my ability to treat myself without going overboard.

    I am officially down 27 lbs, but the weight has been coming off much slower these days. I'll take any bit that I can! Ideally I'd like to get down to 150, so I have another 20 to go. I think if I buckle down on weekends (which will probably be a little easier after the wedding and honeymoon), that I can accomplish that in a reasonable amount of time.

    I hope you all have great weekends!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Still the same number on the scale, ughhh!! It's TOM now, so there better be a good drop of numbers next week, I've been doing my 500kcal deficit with such accuracy, my patience is thinning without any scale reward!
    Off the scale my stomach has shrunk and I'm not so hungry, which is good. Moving in 5 days, so my mind is occupied with packing and life admin, less time for it to wander to the kitchen.

    Can't wait for the morning when I'll be able to write here that I've killed the 2,4kg I had gained this summer, would be perfect if that happened till my move, to start on a blank page :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    It's a breezy 77F here at the Jersey Shore! I'm gonna go for a walk once my phone charges. It's been a few weeks since I have walked and I'm really looking forward to it. Then I am going to spend the rest of the evening on my back porch with my laptop and a beer!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,626 Member
    sounds really nice HGSmith, We're about to have another heat wave for a week, ugh 108-104. been busy the last couple days, picked up my grand dtr from pre school thursday, took her over to grand sons 5th B day, won't bore you with details just to say I was with little kids ALL day, love them & my kids but it wore me out I had to nap friday. There were other ppl things too so only got to go to HIIT class last Wednesday. I usually go 3 days/wk. Tomorrow is my mammogram appt, so plan to go in evening. Been trying my best to eat less so I can lose the rest of the weight. Made a bunch of lean ground turkey patties (we love them) & lots of veggies/salad. Started to get discouraged & wondered if the HIIT is doing me good, but today for church I put on these longer shorts that are a bit stretchy & snug & they were a bit TOO big, yay for me. After the 4th is when I get my monthly eval with the trainer where she takes measurements & body fat %, etc my BMI is 27, so I'm almost out of the over weight, altho this one place accounts age & says I'm good the way I am.But I'm determined to lose 15 more lbs.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @HGSmith0920 How was your walk along the shore? That sounds like a wonderfully relaxing evening

    @Evamutt You're so close to a regular BMI, way to go!!! How clothes fit is definitely a stronger factor than a number on the scale

    @gymprincess1234 It's only been a few days, you didn't gain it all overnight and you won't lose it that way either :)

    @rachelbachel32 Great job maintaining over your bachelorette party, that is amazing! Sorry to hear about the RSVPs, that sounds like a nightmare

    My weekend was absolutely wonderful. We spent all day Saturday at the Renaissance Festival. Sunday I spent the day cooking and catching up on stuff around the house. I also took my dog on a 4 mile walk around town. Sunday night was of course Game of Thrones season finale! My brownies went over so well I only had 1 to bring home so not too much junk around the house. For a healthy morning snack, I made these: and they were pretty good!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 Usually after a good week I have scale weightloss too, but now I stopped stepping on it every morning, wasn't good for me mentally and I can see the flat stomach, that will be enough till numbers change too.

    Excited today, spoke to my uni and after France I am moving to Canada for 4months starting after Christmas. :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Rachel0778 It wasn't actually a walk along the shore. Lol. I just live in a town by the beach. Lol. It was just my normal walk but it was relaxing none the less. Lol. I'm glad you had a good weekend. Today is my last day off until Sunday. Lol. But then I have another three days weekend because of the holiday and then a doctors appointment on Tuesday.

    @gymprincess1234 Yay Canada! That's awesome! Are you excited to come across the pond?

    @Evamutt I'm so proud of you! I can't wait until I'm at that point! I'm not THAT far away. I know you'll get those last few pounds off! I just know it!

    Just had the last three days off and did absolutely nothing. Went for a walk one day and then that was it. Slept in every day, barely did any cooking, did some laundry and some dishes and that was about it. Lol. And I ate absolutely terrible. Lol. I only gained a few ounces back which kind of sucks but isn't surprising. Lol, Gonna take a walk today even though it's supposed to rain( work gave me this huge, awesome umbrella. I also think that I am going to do some to try and do some yoga outside too.
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Cayla. I am a young mother of two small children. I have always been on the heavier side, but since meeting my husband and having my girls I have felt it worsen in every aspect. This past week I have started using MFP, ( third time trying ), and have stayed relatively close to my calorie goals. I do believe keeping in touch with those going through similar experiences will help me long term. I am proud that I have lost 4-6 pounds these past few days. I am still eating things I like, really just adding more veggies. Also I am an avid Pepsi drinker. I havent had a drop in about 9 days. Some days are harder, like the Mayweather V McGreggor fight we went to some friends and they had so much food. I stole some bites of cheese, but forced myself not to over do it. With eat bite of cheese I felt my grip on the control losen, and the next day being home all day I went over my calorie goal and snacked on junk. Today I am back on track, waiting for my babes to fall asleep so I can. Yet I only want to eat.. Any one else just starting out trying to change their eating habits? Or know the feeling of constantly wanting something to snack on?
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @HGSmith0920 I still can't believe it, so excited! I'll be at the University of British Columbia, which is in TOP20 in the world in my field, so this is the pinnacle of my academic life. Feeling smug lol
    Just a bit stressful now, I'm moving from Latvia to France in 2 days to a place where I haven't been before, but I already have to prepare documents, flights,accomodation,etc. for Vancouver and also this came as quite an unexpected thing, so I was not mentally prepared to not see my family till next May. I had packed luggage till Christmas, now it's for 8months. I'm all over the place
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Odd, half of my post disappeared, but I woke up to a -0,6kg today! So I've got 1,8kg from my summer gain left and overall 9,8kg to lose till goal weight!
    Feeling back on track :)