Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • NYCFit2012
    NYCFit2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :) I hope it is okay if I join. I love the idea of this thread! I am trying to get back on the wagon for the millionth time, so my goal for tomorrow will be a small one: do 30 minutes of yoga/meditation at home.

    Hope you all have a nice day tomorrow!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JTF 8/29/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in calories :)
    3. Get up at 6:30 :)
    4. Get in quiet time(Bible, meditate, pray) :)
    5. Keep drawer balanced :)
    6. Look into C25k apps :/Will do tomorrow!
    7. Yoga :)
    8. Call doctors and make appointments(Neuro/GYN/LCSW) :/Will also do tomorrow!
    9. Bed by 10 pm :)

    Have a great night everyone!

    I had a great day today! I think the morning kicked it off right! I got up at 630, drank some coffee, read, meditated, prayed, did a quick yoga sequence and then got ready for work! Had a great day at work. The DH passed out on the couch shortly after dinner, so I turned off the TV and did another, longer yoga sequence. I had fallen out of the habit of doing it but now that we've moved things around in the living room I actually have room to stretch out. It has been very nice!

    JFT, 8/30/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in green
    3. Get up at 6:30
    4. Quiet time
    5. Look into C25K apps
    6. Yoga
    7. Call doctors!!!!!!!
    8. Bed by 11

    Have a great day everyone!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Tuesday, hold tough on calories, make exercise happen, do one hour of house garbage and clutter fighting, assist son to do 6 lessons, and it is my day to help at Family Heritage Center. How did I do? calories okay but those cookies over there have to go, did 22 minutes on cycle and then 40 minutes in pool (How come I can cycle as hard as I can and burn 5 calories a minute but I could eat 100 calories a minute of stuff?), laundry folded and mostly put away and dishwasher emptied, son did maybe 2 lessons today-like pulling teeth, the Family Heritage Center was manned!!
    NYCFIT2012 Jump right in. For me, this thing of just one day has been so great in keeping going.
    For Wednesday, calories will be controlled, Y is basically closed so TREADMILL is getting dusted off, one more hour of house garbage and clutter fighting, assist son to do 8 lessons to make up for yesterday, and the sun is supposed to shine but I am not doing yardwork. Goal 5 will be to change the flowers on the front door-I have a basket of roses but am thinking a wreath of mums for fall.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    NYCFit2012 wrote: »
    Hi everyone :) I hope it is okay if I join. I love the idea of this thread! I am trying to get back on the wagon for the millionth time, so my goal for tomorrow will be a small one: do 30 minutes of yoga/meditation at home.

    Hope you all have a nice day tomorrow!

    Small goals are great! Welcome to this wonderful group!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,367 Member
    Welcome @NYCFit2012 and @leadedlightsolutions ! Jump right in!

    Joan, I totally understand about the motivation thing. I get so depressed when I see myself going in the wrong direction. I have to thank you for starting this thread, because this is seriously what keeps me coming back! I have met friends on here and have to check in or I don't feel complete!

    @cschmitz110515 How are you feeling? I hope your back is better!

    @skymningen I'm sorry about the fellowship! It sounds like you've got a good attitude about it, which I probably would not. I'd probably dig into the sweets!

    @josephinebowman I love mums in the fall! We had some that came back every year at our previous house. They were just lovely. I miss that house a lot. I'm a country girl at heart!

    I'm working from home tomorrow, so I will hop on in the morning with my goals for tomorrow.

    Good night!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Love the kitty picture!
    (I feel as if I am "lurking" on this site lately---but I am reading everyone's posts, and continue to log what I am eating).
    Is it me, or have we lost a few people?
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    8/29 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔Awake early
    ✔Prep school lunches
    ✔Kiddos to school :)
    ✔Attend Classes
    ✔Meeting with Research Doc. for project info.
    ✔Purchase lab materials
    ❌Run on elliptical
    ❌Day 1 - Restart Plank Challenge <-- (I forgot this yesterday) :#
    ✔Pick up kiddos ~ 4 / 5 pm
    ✔Take kiddos to hubby then head back to campus
    ✔Attend class 6 - 8 pm
    ✔My Dinner by 9 pm (family will eat before then)
    ✔P. Chem Homework
    ❌Bedtime by 11 pm --> to much homework!!

    I allowed stress to consume me today and my diet suffered from my decisions. :'( Tomorrow is a new day, I'll try to be strong!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited August 2017
    @OConnell5483 I had some sweets. 200 cals worth of them, but because I did not eat that much during the day that still was way in my calorie limits and even in my macros (I am fairly high carb anyway.) But I actually realised while eating them that while they tasted nice, they did not make me feel any different about life. So I did not eat the other 220 cals worth of them that I still have in the house.

    To my surprise I slept well and I am totally 'over' the fellowship for now. I will not give up. I will find a job, I just have to keep searching, because I want it to be a good one, not something I just take to be employed. The most important thing is that I will defend my PhD successfully and not get derailed by missing out on future opportunities. I chose academia. I knew it would not be easy. I am grateful for having come so far.

    @Bex953172 I am supposed to eat around 1600 cals for maintenance, but I set it to 1700 so I would theoretically have a small surplus and gain muscle. At the end of the day I still eat only between 1300 and 1500 most days. There is something in my brain about 'being in the green' that keeps me eating too little. And finally also the scale says my body fat % is going down a little, so maybe that is not too bad. I will not fight too hard to eat more as long as I don't drop below 110 lbs. Not that I cannot eat more. I easily can. But it is a little like "all or nothing". I can stick to my 1400 cals per day as of now, while allowing up to 1700 or I can munch in over 2000 and then feel guilty for the next days and severely undereat. Right now I chose the first. I don't have the strength to fight on too many fronts at the same time, so I chose the comparatively easy route for eating now. Also not having as much fruit and veg as I want to any more. Less grocery shopping.
    But if you are still ravenous, maybe you need more to keep greedy baby happy? Or change up on the macros?
  • leadedlightsolutions
    Hiya, don't really know where to start! Is this where people just check in each day and chit chat and give an update on how their doing?

    I'm day 4 using this App and loving it. My main barrier is getting organised with food! I'm a mummy and work full time and so I tend to be last on the list re sorting food for myself. I've made me eating a real priority for the last four days...absolutely loving the app, such a motivator. I have a Fitbit and have connected that up also, great to see the impact moving can have on my food intake allowance!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a pretty good day! Day 1 after a lapse is always easy.... let's see if I can keep it up!

    My aim is to average out my calories at 0 (as in, calories left. Not calories consumed, that would be ridiculous) across the week. I have a pub trip on Friday so need to be good on the other days!

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks except ryvita :) None at all!
    - No alcohol :)
    - Be in the green :)
    - 60 minute lunch break :) pretty much - 50
    - Meditate :)
    - Walk at lunch :)
    - Read 2 papers :)
    - Listen to music to boost mood :)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - No alcohol
    - Go to gym and burn 300 calories
    - Be in the green (with 300 deficit)

    - Meditate (mid morning)
    - Gym at lunch
    - Early evening walk (further than the supermarket!)
    - Read 2+ papers
    - Listen to music to boost mood
    - Call mum and one other relative this evening
    - Do something fun, not just chores!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    @slittlemeister, you always have some amazing comitments! And you're calling home one has made me feel guilty.

    So, in addition to staying with my calorie limit, and drinking 8 glasses of water, I'm going to call my mom tonight.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Recap T 8/29
    1) Walked dog 2.35 miles before work & happy dog = :smiley:
    2) Net calories green = Yay green! :smiley:
    3) Use Calm app, pause & pray = Too busy w/ new office mate :(
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog W a.m. = In bed 10:15 & TV off 10:25 :smile:

    JFT W 8/30
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, saw fog & 1 bunny = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Net calories green
    3) Evening: drop mail at P.O., boil eggs, wash dishes, sort laundry for Th
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog & wash/hang clothes Th before work
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/30 Wednesday JFT:

    Up early
    Read P. Chem ch. 1
    Prep school lunches
    Kiddos to school
    Attend class
    Pick cupcakes (& order b-day tart for son)
    Run by elementary
    Home for lunch
    Run on elliptical
    Day 1 plank challenge
    Back to campus --> Lab
    Pick up kiddos ~ 5:30 pm
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    !! Don't Stress Out !!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,367 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Love the kitty picture!
    (I feel as if I am "lurking" on this site lately---but I am reading everyone's posts, and continue to log what I am eating).
    Is it me, or have we lost a few people?

    Hi there! I think we have lost a few people too, but I've been using this thread for a few years and that's kind of how it goes. Gain some, lose some! Some people come back after a while. I think I have disappeared for a few months at a time on the previous version of this thread (last year's).

    I love it though. It keeps me grounded. I think if I didn't have people on here that I like to check in with I would probably just give up and eat, eat, eat.

    Always good to see you post!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited August 2017
    JFT 08-29-17
    :) Be considerate of High school girls feelings as I have a chat with one or two of my team members - I 'coach' a bowling team and there is a lot of drama, but I am hoping to help some of the girls work on their relationship skills
    :) Log every bite
    :) Stay in green
    :| Water 64+
    :) Do a day of C25K
    :) Vacuum - but not until after I do C25K day - that takes priority.

    Goal wise had a good day yesterday, but I set small goals.

    Having some issues at work; we are all topsy turvey and tho I am semi-anonymous here you never know on the internet so I speak limited things about issues. However one of our organization chiefs had an attack of some kind this morning (asthma, MI, not sure) and this is going to make every day harder for a while. I will need some meditation time outs. I think running yesterday was very beneficial so I will keep that up more stringently. My boss really needs support now so I need to be on my top game as long as I work here. Ah life!

    Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
    ~ African Proverb

    JFT 08-30-2017

    Be prepared to work LATE
    Log every bite
    Stay in green
    Water 64+
    250 steps every hour
    get 30 minute walk
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,367 Member
    I have my annual evaluation at work today, so I'm not exactly excited to go to work. In the past 24 years, I have had really good evals. I have a new director and manager this year and I'm fairly certainly they do not see me in the same light, so not expecting much. Hoping I at least still get somewhat of a raise...

    Just for Tuesday:
    :D 1. Journal my food
    :D 2. Decrease amount of sugar from yesterday
    :D 3. Hydrate with water 64+ oz
    :D 4. Smile, be positive but stick up for myself during my evaluation.
    :/ 5. Take a walk after my evaluation I had a meeting so didn't have time.
    :D 6. Stay away from negativity. Walk away, wear earbuds, do what you have to do to avoid it.
    :( 7. Try Tai Chi tonight I ended up sitting and chatting with my husband, which is rare because he is a quiet guy. So, I consider that a win anyway!
    :D 8. Write in my gratitude journal

    Yesterday was a really good day! One day in a row! Huh...what do you know? :mrgreen: My annual appraisal at work went better than expected. I was very happy and it gave me a renewed sense of accomplishment, just knowing that they see and recognize that I do try very hard to give my best to all our customers. It was nice to hear.

    Today, I get to work remote from home and I am in heaven! My DH just left to go up north and get the hunting land ready for opening bow season and my GD is at work, so it's just me and my buddy (our black lab). The windows are open, the TV is off, and all I hear are birds singing right now. I absolutely LOVE this quiet time. I can already tell it is going to be a really nice day.

    I made it through my first night without ice cream last night, so I'm pretty happy about that. It was hard as heck to watch my DH fill his bowl up while I ate cottage cheese with blueberries, but it is doable and I hope that I can stick to it now that I've got Night 1 under my belt!

    Just for Wednesday
    1. Sugar <29 g
    2. Carbs <75 g
    3. Water >64 oz
    4. 30 minutes activity - walk or if too hot, then gym
    5. 30 minutes of "me" time - bubble bath maybe?
    6. Keep a smile in my voice, even if I don't feel it inside
    7. Listen to podcasts - Optimal Living Daily & Optimal Health Daily
    8. Write a real snail mail letter to someone I have lost touch with. Probably my friend, Mary.
    9. Pay bills
    10. Unplug at 9:00 pm, write in gratitude journal & read out of Simple Abundance book. Bed at 10:00 pm.
    11. Be grateful for having had another day

    I hope you all have a great day! I plan to enjoy the solitude and quiet as long as I can today! :heart:
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Love the kitty picture!

    Thanks - he is my only kitty at the moment. A good boy.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited August 2017
    I am reposting my goals again, and adding a few.

    I've been reading about volume eating. Lots of veggies to fill me up, but fewer calories. I think I need to eat more - otherwise I am so hungry at nite, and that leads to the binging. Last nite, I was hungry all nite. I don't know if it was cravings or what, but no matter what, I still wanted to eat. So I looked at what I was eating during the day! Breakfast was just 1 egg (my usual). Lunch was cantalope, 1 slice of whole wheat bread, and 1/2 cup cottage cheese (again, my usual). Dinner was just 3 oz of chicken cacciatore, and a corn on the cob. Then ... I was hungry at 8. So, I had some walnuts (not very low in calories!). Then a Outshine juice bar. Then some shredded wheat chex! Geez!

    I had many people at the gym tell me I need to eat more during the day, so this is what I am going to try to do. Not more calories per say ... but more volume. Its called volume eating - you know - filling up on more healthy foods, like tons of veggies and fruits.

    I work out at the gym now 5-6 x a week, 90 minutes. I get frustrated that I am not losing more quickly. I do feel better, and many shorts that I used to not be able to wear, now fit me. So I know I am toning up more. But still .... I want that scale to get at least into the 180s.

    JFT, Thursday
    1. concentrate on drinking water - 2 glassed with each meal
    2. read my responses cards to remind myself of why I want to lose weight
    3. visualize how I will look and feel when I am at my goal weight
    4. drink water in the evenings.
    5. CLOSE the kitchen. If I don't have it planned, don't eat it. Drink water ... wait 10 minutes
    6. eat slowly. Enjoy every bite.
    7. Aim for 10 cups of veggies and fruits today - eat more volume
    8. go to the grocery store - stock up on veggies, cut them up, ready to snack if needed
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I can feel myself really slipping, and today, almost thought that I'm just going to take a break from MFP. My motivation is really not there, and to be honest, I am getting tired of logging everyday, etc.

    But .. I also know that if I do that, I will gain weight.

    Please don't give up! This thread exists b/c of you, and you are such an inspiration to me with all you do. Quit logging food for a few days if you need to take a break. I can relate to that, because I used to log "points" with WW and it became SO tiresome. But then I quit tracking altogether, and gained all my hard weight-loss (50#) back. Don't let not logging be an excuse to eat anything & everything. Remember Christmas!