SEPTEMBER 2017 walk-run-jog-bike steps/miles challenge



  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Sept 1st - 2.2 km
    Sept 2nd - 5.79 km
    Sept 3rd - none

    Week 1 total: 7.99 km

    Sept 4th - none
    Sept 5th - 5.71 km
    Sept 6th - 6.52 km
    Sept 7th -
    Sept 8th -
    Sept 9th -

    Week 2 total so far: 12.22 km

    Total so far: 20.22 km
    Goal: 120 km
    Remaining: 99.78 km
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    edited September 2017
    My goal is 3,000 daily steps for September.
    My goal is also Swim Exercise 1 hr for 3 times weekly.

    Tues 5th = 1715 steps / no swimming
    Wed 6th = 2490 steps / 1 hr swim exercise
    Thur 7th =
    Fri 8th =
    Sat 9th =

    Sun 10th =
    Mon 11th =
    Tues 12th =
    Wed 13th =
    Thur 14th =
    Fri 15th =
    Sat 16th =

    Barb B
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Sept 1 - 2.66m
    Sept 2 - 1.13m
    Sept 3 - 1.49m
    Sept 4 - 1.05m
    Sept 5 - 2.05m
    Sept 6 - 2.35m

    Total so far: 10.73
    Goal: 50m
    Miles to go: 39.27m

    Hmm think I may need to up my steps a bit to keep on track to hit my goal!
  • power0304
    power0304 Posts: 293 Member
    September 1 - 12 km
    September 2 - 21 km
    September 3 - 17 km
    September 4 - 17 km
    September 5 - 23 km
    September 6 - 20 km
    September 7 - 15 km

    Total 125 km

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    Brittany don't worry about it being long. It is your post so go for it... :)

    Sept 6th...............22.50 Walking Miles
    Sept 7th..................4.00 Walking Miles

    TOTAL as of Sept 7th ............26.50 Walking Miles
  • brittanydashnay
    brittanydashnay Posts: 203 Member

    Sept 1st - none
    Sept 2nd - 1km walk
    Sept 3rd - none

    Week 1 total: 1km

    Sept 4th - none
    Sept 5th - 4.5km walk, 5.68km bike, 1.92 km elliptical = 12.1km = 12.1km
    Sept 6th - 1.3km row, 1.9km elliptical = 3.2km
    Sept 7th - 5.42km bike, 1.9km elliptical - 7.32

    Week 2 total so far: 22.52km

    Total so far: 23.52km
    Goal: 140km
    Remaining: 116.48km
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    My goal is 3,000 daily steps for September.
    My goal is also Swim Exercise 1 hr for 3 times weekly.

    Tues 5th = 1715 steps / no swimming
    Wed 6th = 2490 steps / 1 hr swim exercise
    Thur 7th = 3101 steps / no swimming
    Fri 8th =
    Sat 9th =

    Sun 10th =
    Mon 11th =
    Tues 12th =
    Wed 13th =
    Thur 14th =
    Fri 15th =
    Sat 16th. =

    Barb B
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    edited September 2017
    My goal was set as follows:

    120 walking miles and (to get me to the gym) 90 stationary bike
    Fri Sept 1: 4 miles
    Sat Sept 2: 4 miles
    Sun Sept 3: 4.5 miles
    Mon Sept 4: 7.5 miles
    Tues Sept 5: 4.6 miles
    Wed Sept 6: 5.4 miles
    Thurs Sept 7: 4.2 miles

    So far that is a total of 34.2 so I'm on track for my goal. Just hope I keep it up!!

    I'm taking the mileage from my Fitbit reports and I am counting all the steps/miles. I hope that is okay?

    So far, have not gotten myself to the gym, but I know me. If we get to Sept 30 and I haven't got my miles on the bike, I'll be there at 11 p.m. trying to do 90 miles before midnight. I will get there over the weekend, I hope!

    Everyone is doing so great. WTG, guys!!
  • aleumdaum
    aleumdaum Posts: 5 Member
    So far i've only been walking 2-2.5 miles a day (with other exercises of course) but i plan on stepping it up and walk at least 150 miles in a month!
    Goal: 5m a day. 7daw.

    Good Luck Everyone. :)
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    All that being said I am probably the OLDEST person on the forum. I will turn 65 on October 10th. I wish I had started walking YEARS ago. Health Issues made me start walking. I lost 50 pounds and my cholesterol levels dropped. I have gained a bit of weight back. I am trying really hard too get that off but I seem too have problems dropping my calories low enough...I dont' give up. I just keep taking one day at a time...

    ANYONE that MOVES too try and better their health is NOT A LOSER! I am happy too have all of you here with me. I have been doing these challenges since OCTOBER 2013 . People come and go. I think one month I was by myself for most of the month. IF I ever give up/quit then I know I will fall back into old habits and ruts. SO with GOD'S help I carry on...

    Jeannie, well, have you beat. I'm 67 so I am probably oldest, but I agree with you 100%. I got into walking because I couldn't even get to the front door without a walker and it seemed like I would just get sicker and weaker if I didn't do something. So I went to pulmonary rehabilitation to deal with lung issues and started to walk. Had some set-backs, but in April this year I got a FitBit and it has helped soooooo much! It spurs me to walk more and to just be more active. I aim for 10,000 steps a day now (started at 3000) and sometimes do more. Since April their badges say that I have walked more than 500 miles. I really believe that being active like this will keep me able to be independent and healthier for far more years. Otherwise, the way things were going I was just slowly dying.

    In two years, I have evicted 107 pounds, my blood sugar is under control and I take very little insulin anymore, and I may even be allowed to get rid of one of the asthma medications. There are still health issues, but right now I think I'm healthier and more able to do things than I was 20 years ago. God has allowed me a miracle!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    edited September 2017
    Love your post Lin! I too had health issues in 2009 when I started my journey. I am Insulin Resistant which makes it very hard too lose weight and keep it off. I gain here and there and when I lose it is less than I gain. I am happy I have kept most of the weight off but still I've gained a bit I am trying too lose! For awhile Dr had me on Cholesterol meds. I felt I could barely walk! I told my Dr I had lost too much weight and I felt I could barely walk now so I stopped that medication. Dr not very happy but I can walk again without pain!!!!!!! IF I could drop my calorie range down too at least 1300 daily I could probably lose the rest of the weight. I just find that difficult. ....Being Insulin resistant did not let my weight come off quickly. It took me 2 years too lose 25 pounds when Dr did a test too see why I was losing so slowly. That is when he found the Insulin Resistance. He did place me on med for that and I lost the other 25 pounds but it was at a slow rate as well. I would gain a couple, lose a pound, lose 2 pounds, gain a pound. Which is pretty much where I am NOW...

    People have given me so many different ideas too my weight loss. Some say I need too eat the 'NET' back. Some say that is why I'm not losing weight. When I do though I gain weight. I just get confused by it all..

    I am so proud you have lost so much weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what I told my mom once. YOU GOTTA MOVE. Seems people get too retirement age and they just sit down!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want too live as long and healthy life as possible! YOU HANG IN THERE! <3

    Will log later today after our walk...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Review ... (Distances include cycling + walking)
    March 15: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July 2015: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep 2015: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March 16: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June: 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    July 2016: 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug: 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep 2016: 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct: 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov: 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec: 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan: 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min
    Feb: 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min
    Mar: 1113.2 km (691.7 miles) = 78 hours 25 min
    Apr: 1181.9 km (734.4 miles) = 76 hours 45 min
    May: 426.6 km (265.1 miles) = 39 hours 21 min
    June: 575.7 km (357.7 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 714 km (443.7 miles) = 52 hours 23 min
    August: 475.8 km (295.6 miles) = 38 hours 41 min

    In August, I ended up within the range I wanted to end up ... between my 2015 August and my 2016 August. I would have liked to get closer to my 2016 August, but a cold/flu/sinus infection kind of took me out of the game.

    I see September has been a relatively low-exercise month the last two years ... ideally I'd like to improve on that and do slightly more this year. :)

    Sept 1 - 1.4 km walking (15 min)
    Sept 2 - 161.9 km cycling (510 min)
    Sept 3 - 0
    Sept 4 - 0
    Sept 5 - 4 km walking (50 min)
    Sept 6 - 5.4 km walking (65 min) + 13 flights of stairs (10 min)

    And then winter came back and the weather has not been nice ...

    Sept 7 - 2.2 km walking (25 min) + 16 flights of stairs (12 min) + weights

    Sept 8 - 1.7 km walking (20 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)

    2017 Monthly September
    Walking Distance (km): 14.7
    Walking Time (min): 183.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 161.9
    Cycling Time (min): 511.3
    Stairs Climbed Number: 49.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 39.2

    Total Distance (km): 176.6
    Total Distance (miles): 109.7
    Total Time (min): 734.2
    Total Time (hr): 12:14:13
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good morning everyonecoffeebath.gif ...hope it's ok for me to join this late! Love that you are all so dedicated to posting your daily miles/steps.

    My goal for the month is 120 miles with my fit bit tracking the day's results!

    9/1 3.45
    9/2 3.04
    9/3 3.15
    9/4 3.03
    9/5 0.00 forgot my fitbit ...darn!
    9/6 3.30
    9/7 4.57 Finally a good day. Yay! B)B)


    I live in the Arizona desert...and as soon as the weather cools off, I will be swimming after work. Not much fun right now. BTW, I think I am the oldest...69 in October.

    Walking, swimming and some treadmill will be my exercise with a chair gym used for strength training.

    Wishing you all a great septboard.gif

    MAY MILES: 147 (moved into our own home this month)
    JUN MILES: 133
    JUL MILES: 132.44
    AUG MILES: 118.29
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome magic! Never too late too join!!!!!!! Arizona? I love Arizona. Husband and I have traveled there several times. ....YES I guess you are the oldest but that's ok! I have learned that we 'older' people can stay younger by moving! I love your little dog tracker. I had forgotten about those. I use too do that for awhile a long time ago..

    as of Sept 7th ............26.50 Walking Miles
    .........Sept 8th................3.00 Walking Miles

    TOTAL as of Sept 8th............29.50 Walking Miles
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thanks a bunch. Looking forward to improving!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,682 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Welcome magic! Never too late too join!!!!!!! Arizona? I love Arizona. Husband and I have traveled there several times. ....YES I guess you are the oldest but that's ok! I have learned that we 'older' people can stay younger by moving! I love your little dog tracker. I had forgotten about those. I use too do that for awhile a long time ago..

    as of Sept 7th ............26.50 Walking Miles
    .........Sept 8th................3.00 Walking Miles

    TOTAL as of Sept 8th............29.50 Walking Miles

    ACUTALLY I have an update. I had planned on mowing (with Push mower) tomorrow. However the weather was nice, cool and dry so I mowed the whole front and one side of lawn. That gave me another 3.0 Steps miles..
    Walking with dogs is good but they do stop here and there! lol With a push mower you just keep going as fast as you

    TOTAL as of Sept 8th..............32.50 Walking Miles
  • power0304
    power0304 Posts: 293 Member
    September 1 - 12 km
    September 2 - 21 km
    September 3 - 17 km
    September 4 - 17 km
    September 5 - 23 km
    September 6 - 20 km
    September 7 - 15 km
    September 8 - 15 km
    September 9 - rest day

    Total 140 km

  • brittanydashnay
    brittanydashnay Posts: 203 Member
    Lin20281 wrote: »
    My goal was set as follows:

    120 walking miles and (to get me to the gym) 90 stationary bike
    Fri Sept 1: 4 miles
    Sat Sept 2: 4 miles
    Sun Sept 3: 4.5 miles
    Mon Sept 4: 7.5 miles
    Tues Sept 5: 4.6 miles
    Wed Sept 6: 5.4 miles
    Thurs Sept 7: 4.2 miles

    So far that is a total of 34.2 so I'm on track for my goal. Just hope I keep it up!!

    I'm taking the mileage from my Fitbit reports and I am counting all the steps/miles. I hope that is okay?

    So far, have not gotten myself to the gym, but I know me. If we get to Sept 30 and I haven't got my miles on the bike, I'll be there at 11 p.m. trying to do 90 miles before midnight. I will get there over the weekend, I hope!

    Everyone is doing so great. WTG, guys!!

    You sound very determined! You got this!
  • brittanydashnay
    brittanydashnay Posts: 203 Member

    Sept 1st - none
    Sept 2nd - 1km walk
    Sept 3rd - none

    Week 1 total: 1km

    Sept 4th - none
    Sept 5th - 4.5km walk, 5.68km bike, 1.92 km elliptical = 12.1km = 12.1km
    Sept 6th - 1.3km row, 1.9km elliptical = 3.2km
    Sept 7th - 5.42km bike, 1.9km elliptical - 7.32
    Sept 8th - 5.00 walk

    Week 2 total so far: 27.52km

    Total so far: 28.52km
    Goal: 140km
    Remaining: 111.48km
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 583 Member
    edited September 2017
    September 1st - 1.97M
    September 2nd - 2.42M
    September 3rd - Skipped
    September 4th - Skipped
    September 5th - 14.93M!! 29,944 Steps
    September 6th - 1.15M 3,650 Steps
    September 7th - Skipped
    September 8th - 1.16M - 5,861 Steps

    Haven't walked lately so haven't had much to enter guys.

    Total so far - 21.63M
    Goal - 50M
    More to go - 28.37M

    I might have missed a few days or forgot to enter on some days. I've just really haven't been in the right state of mind lately & a lot going on too.
