Over 100 lbs to lose?



  • Since we all have 100+ lbs to lose, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I've been sedentary for a year due to cancer and treatment. 2 days ago I started walking very slowly, about 1/2 mile per day. I feel horrible after. Everything aches and I feel like I'll drop. It's cool here and I'm completely hydrated. Is anyone else starting mild exercise and feeling lousy? How does this work? (Pre-cancer i was semi fit and walked miles every night without incident).
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    WI day today....stayed the same. :( Oh well, better than a gain. :)
    @stelafaro, I don't know how to add friends. How do you do that?
  • Hi all I just downloaded this app yesterday and I am unsure how to add people. I would love to have the support of anyone who wants to add me on my 113 pound weightloss journey. I feel like losing weight will help with my anxiety and don't have any really support system in my life currently. Thank you for your time and good luck to everyone!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @chandrabibeault6328 I'm pretty new here too. I see people say "add me" but I'm not sure what that means, add me to what???. I just log onto this board and read/reply. Everyone is on the same journey. You will find lots of support here. Good luck on your journey!
  • xMrsDeyo
    xMrsDeyo Posts: 5 Member
    looking to take 100lbs off.
    i lost 60 and gained it back
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    I've got 90# to lose and am down 9lbs. I need y'all so add me!!!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Since we all have 100+ lbs to lose, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I've been sedentary for a year due to cancer and treatment. 2 days ago I started walking very slowly, about 1/2 mile per day. I feel horrible after. Everything aches and I feel like I'll drop. It's cool here and I'm completely hydrated. Is anyone else starting mild exercise and feeling lousy? How does this work? (Pre-cancer i was semi fit and walked miles every night without incident).

    I have the same problems when I have lupus flares. There's really nothing to do but try to do as much as your body will let you on any given day. If you stop doing even that little, soon you will be able to do less. I liked using my stationary bike to get back in shape because it was easy to adjust the difficulty level and go up a little at a time - walking, you can easily end up feeling knackered halfway through and still have to face the walk back.

    I'm pulling for you.
  • Since we all have 100+ lbs to lose, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I've been sedentary for a year due to cancer and treatment. 2 days ago I started walking very slowly, about 1/2 mile per day. I feel horrible after. Everything aches and I feel like I'll drop. It's cool here and I'm completely hydrated. Is anyone else starting mild exercise and feeling lousy? How does this work? (Pre-cancer i was semi fit and walked miles every night without incident).

    I have the same problems when I have lupus flares. There's really nothing to do but try to do as much as your body will let you on any given day. If you stop doing even that little, soon you will be able to do less. I liked using my stationary bike to get back in shape because it was easy to adjust the difficulty level and go up a little at a time - walking, you can easily end up feeling knackered halfway through and still have to face the walk back.

    I'm pulling for you.

    So I am on the right path then. This is just a normal bump in the road. I suppose I'll try 5 nights a week to do the same 1/2 mile walk. I actually drive to our local commercial fish pier with my roommate and walk there. If need be, he could walk back to the car and drive over to get me. But since I've done this walk twice, I feel that I can keep doing it and very gradually add a bit of distance.
  • AidaF430
    AidaF430 Posts: 173 Member
    Since we all have 100+ lbs to lose, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I've been sedentary for a year due to cancer and treatment. 2 days ago I started walking very slowly, about 1/2 mile per day. I feel horrible after. Everything aches and I feel like I'll drop. It's cool here and I'm completely hydrated. Is anyone else starting mild exercise and feeling lousy? How does this work? (Pre-cancer i was semi fit and walked miles every night without incident).

    Your body is probably weak and you've lost your stamina due to the cancer treatment (I'd speak to your doctor, just to be sure). Little by little you'll get better and go longer. When I first started, my lower back was killing me, but I just continued to walk, slowly but I did it. Now I have no more back pain and I'm a little faster. Your body will gradually get stronger. Take your time, there's no rush, a little bit of something, is better than a whole lot of nothing. :)

  • jennrox78
    jennrox78 Posts: 50 Member
    good luck to you..
    my short term goal is 50lbs - but my total goal 150lbs
    9 lbs down so far :)
  • AidaF430
    AidaF430 Posts: 173 Member
    If you want to add someone to your friends list, click on their name link, you'll get a pop up and click again to go to their profile. Some have it private, or show certain information. To the right of their picture you'll see "add friend" button. Click on the button and it'll give you an option to send a message with your request. I always include a message, just to introduce myself. Some people won't accept the friend request without a message. Anyway, click send request button under the message box and they will receive a friend request and they can accept or decline. HTH.

    BTW, that's what people mean by "add me" they want you to send them a friend request, if you'd like.
  • AidaF430 wrote: »
    Since we all have 100+ lbs to lose, I thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I've been sedentary for a year due to cancer and treatment. 2 days ago I started walking very slowly, about 1/2 mile per day. I feel horrible after. Everything aches and I feel like I'll drop. It's cool here and I'm completely hydrated. Is anyone else starting mild exercise and feeling lousy? How does this work? (Pre-cancer i was semi fit and walked miles every night without incident).

    Your body is probably weak and you've lost your stamina due to the cancer treatment (I'd speak to your doctor, just to be sure). Little by little you'll get better and go longer. When I first started, my lower back was killing me, but I just continued to walk, slowly but I did it. Now I have no more back pain and I'm a little faster. Your body will gradually get stronger. Take your time, there's no rush, a little bit of something, is better than a whole lot of nothing. :)

    Oh, low back pain! Yes. But last night I went a little faster and a little farther. Mentally it's wonderful. The dr said to walk and especially to get the weight off.

    Thanks for the inspiration! Can't wait to be pain-free!
  • kerr0920
    kerr0920 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I'm looking to lose 100 pounds, and I've already lost 10 of it! I need people to help me stay motivated. I have 2 babies & 2 jobs, so my biggest struggle is finding the time to eat correctly & to workout. Feel free to add :smile:
  • pbjunkie30
    pbjunkie30 Posts: 1 Member
    10lbs 10 times is a great way to look at it. I have exactly 100 lbs to lose, of course that may change with progress but for now its my starting goal. Ive tried this way to many times to count but this time, im starting tomorrow and doing it realistically! feel free to add me! I could use to motivation from people who understand my journey
  • buellkyleej
    buellkyleej Posts: 26 Member
    I have 50lbs to get rid of but would love to have more friends for motivation ♡
  • iilove
    iilove Posts: 8 Member
    Add me! I have 150 to lose. Already lost 4 in 1 month. I'm a vegetarian transitioning to a vegan style of eating.
  • AidaF430
    AidaF430 Posts: 173 Member
    kerr0920 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm looking to lose 100 pounds, and I've already lost 10 of it! I need people to help me stay motivated. I have 2 babies & 2 jobs, so my biggest struggle is finding the time to eat correctly & to workout. Feel free to add :smile:

    My advice would be to meal prep. This has been the saving grace for me. Even if you only have time to prep your lunch for the week, start with that and work your way up to more meals. I'm a planner so this works for me. As for the workouts. I'd say go for a walk during your lunch hour, if you only get 1/2 hour lunch, eat at your desk/office and then walk for the 30 minutes. Start slow and easy, Don't stress over doing to much, to fast. Baby steps. HTH
  • audreyann418
    audreyann418 Posts: 1 Member
    I have close to that! Right now looking at probably 85. It may be more later. But if I could lose 85 I would be over the moon.

    I decided today was the day and I am finally making a change for the better.

    Feel free to add me; I would be eternally grateful for support and motivation!