Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    Have a GREAT Friday Eve everyone! <3

    I wish it was Friday... Uh. But I love the "not bring home work tonight". Sounds like a very good idea.

    LOL! I meant "Friday Eve" as in the day before Friday....like Christmas Eve kinda. :wink:
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited September 2017
    Day 15 (Sept 7) Goals:

    1. Stay under cal limit❌
    2. Drink loads of water❌
    3. Stay calm & happy (I have some major stressors at work right now that I'm dealing with)✅

    Damn "done" button!!!! I just deleted an extremely long and very nice post. I'm too mad now to rewrite it all. That's the 2nd time in 2 days that I've written a novel on here and lost it before posting!!!!!!!!!

    I'm praying for you all and your families though this crazy weather time. Stay safe everyone!!!

    Day 16 (Sept 8) Goals:

    1. Stay under cal limit
    2. Drink loads of water
    3. Stay calm & happy
    4. Be patient while travelling
    5. Get lots of sleep tonight in preparation for jet lag!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Another morning (early today)...
    So let's see what I feel up to:

    1) Go to gym
    2) Do a long, effective work day before gym
    3) Drink enough water
    4) And of course, be a loving gf again. Luckily bf has a free day today, to spend with his mum on her birthday.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I wish I had time to reply to more people but I'm having a *kitten* storm of a day already.

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Stay calm and do not let negative people bring me down
    2. Put a smile in my voice and be a positive influence in the office and classroom today
    3. <29 g added sugar, <75 g carbs, increase protein
    4. Hit my step goal today
    5. Take 30 minutes today for some "me" time after work
    6. Meditate / Read / Prayers
    7. Do not bring work home with me tonight, literally and figuratively speaking.

    Have a GREAT Friday Eve everyone! <3

    Good, solid goals. Very inspiring. :smile:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    I am early again today, because I had a long day with a headache and lots of work. So now I am crazy tired. I already ate all my calories, but I really want the last serving of ice-cream. I don't know. I might overeat today. :s
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Don't worry too much about bf. Be loving and care, but don't let it get me too scared. :) I was a little scared. He just called and he is still stressed, but sounds a little better than the last two days. And I just listened and cared.
    2) Drink enough water :DToo much probably, judging by the number of bathroom breaks I needed.
    3) Get the next conference task done :)Yep. And got praised for it by the main organizer a lot. So proud.
    4) Do the dreaded long database upload process and finish it, so we can submit the publication. :DI even got that done. And more. I was so effective at work despite the headache. No idea why.

    So doing really good other than... I am so hungry!!! I drank so much to not eat all the time. Otherwise I would have eaten my calories for the day by 11 am.

    Ice-cream or no ice-cream... that's the question. :#

    So sorry you're hungry! I can't tolerate being hungry, as I'll end up reaching for the worst choice. I've found that since I've increased my protein at every meal & snack it's really helping control my hunger. Best wishes.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Just writing quickly on my lunch break - only have a few minutes as want to meditate before I go back.

    Bad news - didn't get the job. May have dodged a bullet there - I hadn't got a great impression from the interview and also got told by my colleague subsequently that the guy who would have been my manager is a 'massive ar$ehole'.

    However, still not very happiness- inducing. And obviously, my response was to over-indulge at my friend's leaving dinner (it's probably also worth saying that this was the last ever 'Dinner Club', where me and this group of friends go out monthly and have unhealthy food. So, that's probably also behind the indulgence - a last hurrah!)

    Lack of success with goals should be interpreted in that context....

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :'(
    - No snacks except ryvita :'(
    - Plan what to eat at meal out tonight beforehand - and then order it! :'(
    - Two small drinks only :'(
    - One water for every alcoholic drink :'(
    - Be in the green :'(
    - 30 + minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Stop procrastinating and get some stuff done :neutral:
    - Print off my job spec and work out how I'd like to change it :neutral: Printed it off but didn't look at it!

    Feeling a bit hungover today due to excessive drinking so not going to be too ambitious...

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - G&T only
    - Don't exceed calories by more than 350 (which I can burn off in the gym tomorrow)
    - Get at least one chunky task on my to-do list ticked off

    Happy Friday!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Junodog1 & OConnell, I hope your families are safe from the effects of the hurricane.

    My focus paid off and I got a lot done yesterday.
    Stayed on track with food too which I'm so happy about.

    Review daily "To Do" list.
    Walk dog.
    Finish listening to Half Size Me webinar while walking. Very inspiring.
    Pretracked most meals for the day. Pizza tonight with friends, so I'll make sure to enjoy a slice & also salad.
    Drink 9 cups if water.
    Keep up with monitoring sugar intake. I think it's been about 2 months since my last "iced sugar loaded coffee" at DD.
    Do crunches on living room floor.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    Next week, back to the gym. 3x a week for weightlifting. (I over did it before, 5-6x a week was too much for me).
    Last of the sweets will be out the door today.
    Tonight I'll read something for inspiration.
    Remind myself not to take my health for granted & my reasons why I want good health.

    Have an awesome Friday everyone! You are a great group :)

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    9/8 Friday JFT:

    Keep it simple!

    Reg. Morning routine
    Attend class
    Son Dr. Appt
    Run on elliptical
    Attend research class
    Pick up kiddos
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime 10pm

    I'm struggling this week, I know I've gained and I haven't been on my elliptical consistently in weeks. I'm going to try and get some quality sleep tonight. Then try and start a new chapter of productivity with school and exercise. I KNOW I have it in me to control my weight and attend school :D
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hey Bex Too early to know yet about Irma but if she comes north up the coast then I will be in the attic blocking those windows. She should not have a lot of power if she gets here and we are 40 miles inland. Our bishop says prepare-we will buy milk today. Got most everything like water in the shed. Was just out in the yard and hoping the heavy dew dries. I need to mow before more rain.
    I bombed yesterday-ate at Burger King and had a whopper with some fries. The computer said I was within limit but I still feel overdone this morning. Exercise was not as good as I hoped but I did the pool and took son to his running event. I walked only a bit and ran none with him. He said he liked it so we will go back and if he still likes it, I will pay for him to join. I saw him running and recalled that my husband told me he ran in high school--Killeen, Texas.
    We did lessons grumpily and of course did not do all I hoped. No housework or yardwork got done but we kept every appointment and there is laundry today. I do not know if I will ever get the floors clean but if it is going to majorly pour, then I need dirty towels to keep on floor as dogs go out and in.
    Today is a bright shiny new possible day. (I feel yucky.) Watch calories, calories and eat good stuff. EXERCISE at least 30 minutes and remember MORE is BETTER. LESSONS to do--might have to work this evening, too. Groceries to shop and could use some clear plastic as I have just solid black. Check shed for plywood and nails. I will have to fork over and buy gas for car and machines. Since Harvey, our gas is up 40 cents per gallon but if Irma visits, it is no time to be without gasoline. Meeting at church, work tomorrow, and dishes/trash round out the list. Oh, move trash/recycle cans up against house just in case the storm comes. and MOW. I think I want to just go back to bed or maybe to the bathroom.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    My husband is bringing our dog in today to end his pain and send him across that rainbow bridge. I had to say goodbye this morning before I left for work. It broke my heart telling him how much I love him. I think I gave him about 4 million treats before I left. He had a horrible night last night and we are not doing him any favors by being selfish and not letting him go. Doesn't make for a very happy morning of teaching these new doctors though. I'm fighting back tears right now during this break.

    So sorry to hear this, that's so hard. It's the right decision though, and it will be a relief to you to know he's not in pain anymore. It's going to be upsetting but before too long it will get better, and you will always have your happy memories. Thinking of you x
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    JFT 09-07-2017

    :) Today I will eat up to maintenance as it is my daughters 23rd birthday ... I stayed in the green for the day! Yay online menus and preplanning
    :neutral: Drink Water - on track
    :) 10,000K Steps yep
    :) Bowling match - Won! My girls are 5-0. Great start to the season.

    It will be a busy busy day for us today. Our schools were going to be open today, but last night the Governor closed all the schools starting Friday so we can be ready as shelters as soon as possible. In the central office we have to come in and prep everything for the worst case scenario, then we are to leave and take care of our personal lives. My husband had our place prepped at tropical storm readiness, but now that this sucker Irma is tracking back up the center of Florida, we will have to set up for Hurricane force winds. Lots more outdoor work to do. I have no fears for me but I worry about so many living on the coast and in 'trailer' homes. If this storm goes more east or west it good for me, but someone is going to be hit hard. Tough days ahead.

    But Just for today
    • Stay in calories
    • 10,000 steps
    • 64+ water
    • Don't sweat the small stuff
    • Help my new neighbors who have not been through this before (they are from new England)
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    @OConnell5483 Oh, I am so sorry about your dog! Also the colleague, but the dog is so heartbreaking. I hope you can recover from all the drama and loss during the weekend.

    I am so tired, but a friend said she is going to have spontaneous drinks for her birthday tonight, so I guess I am going out. It derailed my plans a little, but what can I do.

    1) Go to gym :(Not going, because of drinks. There just is no time.
    2) Do a long, effective work day before gym :/Long, yes. Effective? I am not sure. Lot's of time spent searching for information and reading. I hope it helps next week with the work.
    3) Drink enough water :D
    4) And of course, be a loving gf again. Luckily bf has a free day today, to spend with his mum on her birthday. :)I planned my holidays, so I can visit him. Unfortunately, the time I originally planned will be stressful for him at work. So I will take off at that time, but stay home. (My leave will otherwise go to waste.) And I will still have more leave days left to be able to take another week off and visit him. It's just at the end of October. That will be 4 months after we met last. The longest time ever apart. :'(

    I need to hop in the shower before leaving for drinks, but I would kind of rather slack on the couch tonight. Oh well.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    edited September 2017

    My husband is bringing our dog in today to end his pain and send him across that rainbow bridge. I had to say goodbye this morning before I left for work. It broke my heart telling him how much I love him. I think I gave him about 4 million treats before I left. He had a horrible night last night and we are not doing him any favors by being selfish and not letting him go. Doesn't make for a very happy morning of teaching these new doctors though. I'm fighting back tears right now during this break.

    Im so sorry about your dog :(
    I understand how hard it must be.

    Our first dog. Bruno was the dog I had wished for since I was like 5! And finally got when I was 7! Every penny on a wishing well, every shooting star was for us to have a dog.
    And we got an awesome one! He was so friendly but crazy as well, very playful and funny!
    He made it to 10 years old and he had to go to the vet for a funny bark (do you remember me saying it was cancer?)
    They gave my dad 30 mins whilst he was still under to either wake him or keep him under aenasthetic and eauthanise him.

    I was in college that day. But this day at college was very weird, when walking to college I came across a dog, no collar, just roaming and I figured owner would be nearby as I had to walk past warehouses and a park to get to college (across an extremely busy road) had a quick look around but it walked off so left it and went to college. 2 hours later it was our first break, and I was outside (but on college ground) and the dog just runs past and is jumping up at people. Now there was about 50 people outside there but I was the only one who went over to grab it and took it main reception. I told them I had a dog and they told me to wait at the front of college and they will ring the dog warden. So makeshift lead out of string but he slipped my grip and ran into the canteen and I ran after him and fortunately got him back. Had an altercation with a teacher who told me to let it go to which I replied “what on the road that you constantly warn us of the dangers of every day, no chance”
    Anyway, dog warden came, no microchip, took him to kennels.
    It made me laugh, because he was SO like Bruno, especially the canteen bit!

    And I got home and my mum was in tears and I panicked and she told me my dad and her chose to euthanise him.
    It was so weird. Just that day, a dog with Bruno’s whole personality. I feel like he came to see me one last time :)

    Do you have any nice/funny stories you’d like to share of your dog x
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    September goals are:
    10 day plus plank challenge :) 6
    21 day plus yoga challenge :) 6
    Heating healthy – cutting out as much sugar as possible :) 6
    Focus on lower belly fat loss
    Advocare 10 day challenge
    Uplifted spirit and personal growth :) 6
    Support – needed and given - SHAPE :) 6

    @OConnell5483 - ye Yeah Friday and time to relax and do things on the home front. Sorry to hear about your dog.
    Prayers going up. (((((Hugs)))))
    @skymningn - Interesting i just Vitamin B Wow deep thesis. Happy b day to bf mum.
    @slittlemeister – Yeah for meditation how did I survive without it! Sorry about the job. and the binge as well. Burt
    hey it was a party for a friend night and not back on the wagon. Good luck with goals today.
    @azulvioleta6 – How did you do on your goals from yesterday?
    @PrincesseAly23 – Hope things work out at work I know how that can be detrimental on ones health. Prayers
    accepted and ten fold back to you. Yeah I slept 5 hr 47 min last night which was great because I had only had
    13.5 hrs of sleep in the past 5 days not counting last night.
    Saragirl2 - I like to drink water first and if still hungry then try to make a healthy choice. Protein does also help -
    this will also increase your metabolism so you burn more calories. Staying on track for healthy eating is
    easier when there are good snacks ready available. Loving this group as well :)
    @MLHC1 - Love the keep it simple that does seem to work best. You can DO THIS!!!
    @josephinebowman – Yesterday is just one day - just do better today. Hope you are able to stay safe. Good luck
    with your goals.

    Yeah lost two pounds today. Looking forward to as wonderful weekend. ope everyone is safe and has a great time of relaxation and some time for self reflection.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    Finally, have a moment to catch up here. Oh my! :# I am so proud of and inspired by everyone for sticking with this thread, even through all the struggles! I keep you all in my prayers. Hugs to all! :smile: <3

    Recap Thurs. 9/7 - Very sedentary day with all day seminar. Choir rehearsal resumes season at 18:30 (more sitting). = Fitbit had 11,143 steps, surprise! :smiley:
    1) Walk dog short route since I have to arrive early, set up and handle check in table = Actually got out door 6:02 a.m. (earlier than I have been) and walked 3.09 miles, happy me & happy dog :smiley:
    2) Eat full breakfast at home, not seminar refreshments = Done, and I am impressed w/ myself. :smiley: Didn't even look at refreshments, partly b/c when I arrived at 7:50 to handle check ins, 4-5 people were already waiting! People, check in starts at 8 a.m.! :s The speaker doesn't start until 8:30. :p
    3) No idea what lunch will be provided / practice portion control and healthy choices if available = For a change, hot buffet style meal was provided, I practiced portion control, and did my best to guestimate / log everything. In evening, I didn't feel hungry right away, and decided to prelog something light to have for supper after choir rehearsal. Did that & net calories stayed green, but my guestimates may be off, so who really knows? :D
    4) Bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Done, so needed that! :smiley:

    JFT F 9/8 - rest day from dog walk
    1) Complete post-event tasks = Already done! :smiley:
    2) Catch up work emails, then move on sample testing
    3) Food planned is usual breakfast & lunch, leftovers for dinner. Unexpected: new guy / office-mate brought venison nachos for dept today, and I had a little (it was so good). Logged and will do my best to stay green.
    4) Remember race packet pick-up after work
    5) Evening, to-do list and/or declutter
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / 8 a.m. race & want to leave house by 7:15 (parking was limited last year)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. swim for 60 minutes :)
    2. finish canning tasks :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)
    4. under 1200 calories :)
    5. 8+ freggies :)
    6. 10+C water :neutral:

    1. cardio/weight workout
    2. under 100G carbs
    3. under 1200 calories
    4. 8+ freggies
    5. 10+C water
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Today I will be trying to not spend the whole day lying on the couch, even though I am so happy it is weekend and I would need it.

    1) Do the grocery shopping
    2) Call parents
    3) Do a home workout
    4) Write something for thesis
    5) Clean bathroom and fridge
    6) Vacuum flat
    7) Do some of the laundry
  • jamesmburns90
    jamesmburns90 Posts: 10 Member
    You only need one commitment all year round and that's commitment itself.
    Commit to commitment and you'll reach your goals