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Does your doctor comment on your weight?



  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    It probably depends where you live. My experience in Asia and Europe shows that doctors would talk about weight. I know that from my family members that are a bit overweight n the doc recommends to loose. One of my family members that is obese had this topic discussed with several doctors n I think its the doctors responsibility to do so.
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    Has your doc ever suggested you lose weight? If so, were you offended?

    I asked my doc if she ever suggested people lose weight, eat better, exercise more, etc. She said that her answer would be mostly "No." When I asked her why she explained that being a doctor is a business and if she would critique each patients weight, she is sure she would lose patients, especially the easily offended ones. She also said if the patient asks her opinion about their weight, should would gladly help them with a diet/exercise plan.

    I understand what your doctor was saying, but she also isn't doing her job.

    My doctor didn't suggest I lose weight, but he said I was at high risk of a heart attack or stroke and wanted to put me on meds for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. That woke me up fast. I lost the weight. Then he piled on the praise. He's overweight himself and so are half the nurses.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    He never mentioned it at all when I was fat, and that was for almost twenty years. He mentioned it a lot as I lost weight.

    Mine, too! The first mention she ever made of my weight was "You're at a very healthy BMI." Not a peep when I was 115+ pounds (an entire me) heavier.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Has your doc ever suggested you lose weight? If so, were you offended?

    I asked my doc if she ever suggested people lose weight, eat better, exercise more, etc. She said that her answer would be mostly "No." When I asked her why she explained that being a doctor is a business and if she would critique each patients weight, she is sure she would lose patients, especially the easily offended ones. She also said if the patient asks her opinion about their weight, should would gladly help them with a diet/exercise plan.

    Her reply does make sense. Weigh is not typically mentioned by my doctor but it was on my annual last month but only because it was the same down to the ounce as last year.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Yes, and no I was not offended, I was aware of the issue already, though, and was already working on weight loss. We had a nice chat about it. She always does comment -- she considers it part of her responsibility as a doctor.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    Nope and it's irritating as well as sad. We have arrived in an era where it's better to let people kill themselves than chance losing customers because of the easily offended mouth breathers.

    Odd, from talking to my doctor and talking to friends who have heard their doctor talk about weight and such, seems like it's really common around here for doctors to raise the issue (my doctor says that she thinks it's a medical obligation), so I think your generalization that doctors don't is off-base, or at least a major over-generalization.

    ..and yet, just as uncommon where I live.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    My doctor does, but I started seeing her at the same time I started losing so my progress has always been part of each visit. When I had a setback last year, she commented but it was encouraging, not hectoring. She is my biggest cheerleader.

    My previous doctor would mention it but sort of in passing. I went to a gyn one time who started lecturing me. I stopped him with "Excuse me, have you even looked at my medical history? If you had, you would see I have lost over 50 lb in the last few months". Never went back to him, not because of the lecturing but because he never paid attention to things he should have.