September 2017 Running Challenge



  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited September 2017
    9/1 = 5.5 miles
    9/2 = Rest Day
    9/3 = 16.5 miles (run/walk intervals)
    9/4 = 8.5 miles and a Hatha yoga class
    9/5 = Camp Gladiator class
    9/6 = 6 miles and 45 minutes strength training
    9/7 = 10.5 miles
    9/8 = 7 miles
    9/9 = rest day
    9/10 = 13.5 miles (run/walk intervals with running group)

    The weather was beautiful this morning but I had a hard time enjoying my run. I am exhausted due to lack of days off work. Today is day 7 out of 11 days working straight without a day off. It is sucking the life right out of me. I desperately need a vacation!

    (September miles) 67.5/175 (September goal miles)

    Upcoming Races:
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    12/10 = BCS Marathon
    1/6/18 = River Road Run Half Marathon

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    Sep   2     4.5        4.5 
    Sep   4     5.1        9.6
    Sep   7     3.8       13.4
    Sep   9     6.2       19.6
    Sep  10     4.3       23.9
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited September 2017
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Thanks for the advice. My next Saturday run will be my longest at 20 miles. I will attempt to make it marathon prep without the carb loading and I will not push my pace. There is no doubt on one level that I can achieve the sub 4 hours, but there is the unanswerable question of the distance at that pace. We know that things can change dramatically once you add in the excitement of a race and the challenging distance of 26.2. My thought is to play it a little on the cautious side on race day even if I may go over 4 hours. I'm hoping I will be able to use the heart rate monitor to stay in zone 2 most of the race and then let it fly the last 10 k if I have it in me.

    This is hard for most people, but here are the 3 basic options you have in a race:
    1. Keep an even pace all the way through such that you could not run even 10 feet past the finish line
      • This is the BEST plan, but the one most people can absolutely not do. Even if you have some left in the tank when you cross the line, this is still the best plan based on everything I have been able to learn.
    2. Start SLOWER than your goal, hold that slower pace till the last 10k (assuming Marathon), then pick up to faster than a goal.
      • This is the most highly recommended method. It almost always give you close to your best possible time. This is my plan for May 2017- Pittsburg.
      • This is the idea behind the "Fast Finish" work outs. I do not think he spells that out in the book.
    3. Start FASTER than your goal ("banking time") and then run the last 10k slower.
      • This is what MOST people do, and almost always yields a worse time

    The problem, of course, is the excitement drives you faster. The crowd of runners around you drives you faster. Since most people start too fast, the group you start with is going to fast and driving you faster. Typically you can run a race faster than any training run but it is very easy to over shoot by too much. That was my mistake in the last marathon. I started at a sub-9 pace when I need to really be in the upper end of the nines.

    Right now, based only on your posts, I am confident you can do a sub 4 marathon. I would not be surprised to see a 3:30 marathon from you, which would be dusting me. But since this is your first (if I recall right) your goal really should be to FINISH. What ever you do will be a PR, so you are set. :)

    YMMV and all that of course. :)
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    9/3: 6.1k -Very easy-
    9/5: 15.4k -Long run-
    9/6: 12.2k -Easy-
    9/7: 14.4k -w/u, 3x1.6k T, 6x200m R, c/d-
    9/9: 9.2k -Easy-
    9/10: 12.7k -w/u, 4x200m R, 4x400m R, 4x200m R, c/d-

    Goal: 70.1k/170k

    Stay hydrated!

    Upcoming races:
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    My trail running vacation is over - unfortunately, it was over even before the last scheduled run, because I fell and messed up my right knee :'( I had to miss most of Thursdays program, as well as the entire 22km run on Friday. Usually I'm not such a wimp, and the bloody hole in my knee alone wouldn't have kept me from running, but I couldn't bend the leg. At all. When I wanted to elevate the leg, I had to grab it with my hands and lift it up, because it just wouldn't move - running like that was not really an option.
    Thanks to doctor Google, I read some horrible scary stuff about bruises on the underside of the kneecap that can take month to heal. But now I'm cautiously optimistic that it's not that bad. In addition to some walking, I managed a short run yesterday - agonizingly slow, 2.3km in 22min, but it didn't hurt any more than walking, sitting, standing or even lying on my bed. Today the knee hurt less (not at all when sitting or lying down), I did some walking again and ran the same 2.3km, this time with less pain and in 19min. And I can bend my knee a spectacular 90 degrees again without assisting the movement with my hands!
    Still, I have the nagging feeling I'll have to cancel the half marathon next week - which is just as frustrating as missing the last two runs of my vacation, because that half was supposed to be my second big race of the year, and I wanted to try to break sub-2 hours...

    Ah well, if this really means I can only slowly go back to running, at least that gives me time to focus on my running form. According to the trail running instructor, I should work on the arm movement, and on the way I push off from the ground. And I guess I will have a lot more time for strength training, so no more excuses to skip it :wink:

    Okay, enough whining, no I'll have to sit down and read the last 10 pages to figure out what all of you guys were up to!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    Posting my progress then going back to read and get caught up here!

    09/02......0.00........5.27 - + Agility trial
    09/03......3.77........9.04 - Treadmill + Agility trial
    09/05......0.00......19.32 - + Strength Training
    09/07......3.78......23.10 - Intervals + Strength Training


    My completed and upcoming races. Let me know if you will be running them too.
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon

    10/14/17 - AIM for the Cure Melanoma 5K Walk/Run
    12/16/17 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/04/18 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/22/18 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Ah @_nikkiwolf_ sorry you're injured. Not a great way to end your running vacation but sounds like you got some good stuff out of it.

    @amymoreorless - there are a lot of costume wearers on the races I do. I approach it by thinking of the materials and whether I'll be hot. I can't do hats as my head sweats, but a band would be ok. You can get some printed capri pants from companies like lululemon and tikiboo - so for a race I did I had skull print capris. I wore a tutu for my half, and probably the main issue (which I'd already approached by sewing it shorter) was the level of bounce.

    There are people that do races dressed in a rhinoceros costume. I will never be that person.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @wishiwasarunner hope your 100% soon!
    @angmarie28 training the next marathon  With all the hurricane news we forget about the fires. Awful.
    @7lenny7 ha ha on the guy running in the jeans, maybe he like you didn’t want to waste any time going home so thought I guess I’ll run
    @ddmom0811 Skip and I were talking about us eating all the ice cream first when we had the tornadoes a few years back. Stay safe.
    @fitoverfortymom super job on your 10K!
    @_TMac_ how beautiful
    @MNLittleFinn 20 1 mile loops I would die of boredom ha ha great job
    @Elise4270 I hope the kittie is okay
    @katharmonic super 14.2
    @katharmonic you have to go to the finish line. It would be like a Catholic going to Rome and not visiting the Vatican” I totally agree with @cburke8909
    @_nikkiwolf_ oh no on the fall I hope it’s nothing serious and feels better soon
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Thanks for the advice. My next Saturday run will be my longest at 20 miles. I will attempt to make it marathon prep without the carb loading and I will not push my pace. There is no doubt on one level that I can achieve the sub 4 hours, but there is the unanswerable question of the distance at that pace. We know that things can change dramatically once you add in the excitement of a race and the challenging distance of 26.2. My thought is to play it a little on the cautious side on race day even if I may go over 4 hours. I'm hoping I will be able to use the heart rate monitor to stay in zone 2 most of the race and then let it fly the last 10 k if I have it in me.

    This is hard for most people, but here are the 3 basic options you have in a race:
    1. Keep an even pace all the way through such that you could not run even 10 feet past the finish line
      • This is the BEST plan, but the one most people can absolutely not do. Even if you have some left in the tank when you cross the line, this is still the best plan based on everything I have been able to learn.
    2. Start SLOWER than your goal, hold that slower pace till the last 10k (assuming Marathon), then pick up to faster than a goal.
      • This is the most highly recommended method. It almost always give you close to your best possible time. This is my plan for May 2017- Pittsburg.
      • This is the idea behind the "Fast Finish" work outs. I do not think he spells that out in the book.
    3. Start FASTER than your goal ("banking time") and then run the last 10k slower.
      • This is what MOST people do, and almost always yields a worse time

    The problem, of course, is the excitement drives you faster. The crowd of runners around you drives you faster. Since most people start too fast, the group you start with is going to fast and driving you faster. Typically you can run a race faster than any training run but it is very easy to over shoot by too much. That was my mistake in the last marathon. I started at a sub-9 pace when I need to really be in the upper end of the nines.

    Right now, based only on your posts, I am confident you can do a sub 4 marathon. I would not be surprised to see a 3:30 marathon from you, which would be dusting me. But since this is your first (if I recall right) your goal really should be to FINISH. What ever you do will be a PR, so you are set. :)

    YMMV and all that of course. :)

    #2 is always my plan. I almost always get passed at the start because I hang back & repeat "start slow" to myself. It's also fun to start passing people at the end. Way more enjoyable than speeding past at the start. :D
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @PastorVincent i like a stragey that says go a little bit faster say 5 to 10 seconds a mile for the first half and expect to drop pace a little towards the end. It presumes you have an accurate estimate of what your PR would be. The problem is if your too ambitious you burn out and finish horribly and if your too cautious you finish knowing that you had a better run in you. There is a basic philosophy that states that marathons are very difficult to figure out and anything less than a three race strategy(running at least 3 marathons ) is likely to fail.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent i like a stragey that says go a little bit faster say 5 to 10 seconds a mile for the first half and expect to drop pace a little towards the end. It presumes you have an accurate estimate of what your PR would be. The problem is if your too ambitious you burn out and finish horribly and if your too cautious you finish knowing that you had a better run in you. There is a basic philosophy that states that marathons are very difficult to figure out and anything less than a three race strategy(running at least 3 marathons ) is likely to fail.

    @cburke8909 that is option three in my list and most people will fail to do their best when they try that - but everyone is different. If it works for you, then it is for you. :) There are no silver bullets.

    But again, this is your first race. It would be best, IMO, for you to focus on "strong finish" not "record breaking." :smiley:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @katharmonic awesome pictures
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    09/01/17 - 10 miles - mostly Z2
    09/02/17 - Rain
    09/03/17 - 9 miles - Z2/Z3
    09/04/17 - 9 miles - Z2
    09/06/17 - Rest
    09/07/17 - Strength + 5 miles - Z3/4
    09/08/17 - Strength + 5 miles - Z3/4
    09/09/17 - 7 miles Z2
    09/10/17 - 16 miles
    09/11/17 - 12 miles Z2

    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    10/14/2017 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km
    10/14/2017 - HAWAIIANS LOVE S.P.A.M. (Skin Protection Against Melanoma)
    -- SPONSOR ME:

    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    So RunKeeper tells me with this run I hit a weekly distance PR of 54 miles. I think that means I am slowly working my way into the entry level of insanity. Today being the 5th run in a row, with two speed PRs and a long run already under my belt, I decided to keep it to only 12 miles and I guess around 1100 feet of elevation.

    Saw some cows chewing their cud as cows tend to do. They were completely unimpressed with me. Other than that, pretty uneventful run.

    What is funny, is as some one trapped to street running... I am keeping up with the elevation gains of our trail runners. :) Of course Nika did it with only 16 miles LOL. Making us all look bad:

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @PastorVincent @_Nikkiwolf_ is a mountain goal :smiley:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent @_Nikkiwolf_ is a mountain goal :smiley:

    I believe it!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: Rest day
    9/2: 16 miles
    9/3: Rest day (11.5 hours of sleep!)
    9/4: 6 miles
    9/5: Rest day
    9/6: Rest day again
    9/7: 11 miles of Tempo Thursday
    9/7: 6.4 miles
    9/8: Rest day
    9/9: 16 miles
    9/10: 6 miles

    61.4 of 250 220 goal miles

    I woke up at 7:05 today and so missed my group run by 5 minutes, so I went back to bed and slept until 11 am for a grand total of nearly 11 hours of sleep. My running buddy (who got her miles in at 7 am like a normal person) and I went for a flat-land hike at 3 and then I got my miles in around 6:30 in perfect weather; it was not too warm and not too cold and the humidity was low enough that the breeze felt a little chilly. It was one of those runs where I felt like I could have kept going and going. Now to go to bed and do it all over again at 6 am tomorrow!

    Upcoming Races:
    Sept 16: Baker's Revenge 10 mile trail race
    Oct 8: Steamtown Marathon
    Oct 22: Perfect 10 miler
    Nov 5: Princeton Half Marathon (pacer)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @PastorVincent if I wouldn't have skipped my run today, I'd be ahead of you...LOL... With a scheduled rest day tomorrow, I'll have to start working it on Tuesday.