Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ok so it is 226 am here and i cant sleep, probably shouldnt have measured at this paticular time but i did. so instead of weighing myself i am going to measure. and let me tell you i didnt like what my measure tape just told me. kicking into high gear for sure!

    start inches: (8/1) waist: 37 hips: 38 booty: 40

    sept 1 goal: w 33 h 35 b 37
    Oct 1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36 (would be happy with either number for all)

    Ok, great! I'm thinking if you post the measurements separately (so you can see the progress on each separate measurement), I'll add them all up to have one number to put in the chart. It will be easier to track how many inches you've lost similar to everyone else's pounds lost.

    What do you think of doing it that way?
  • nrg607
    nrg607 Posts: 12
    Good morning! I've gained 1 pound (up to 129) but after band camp I'm very inclined to think it's all muscle. :P
    I'll measure myself this evening to see if I'm right. Last week, I burned 2719 calories. This is mostly from band camp.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I'm 255.8! That's 2 lbs down :)

    Last week was a bit weird for me, so I did awful at my exercise. I'm not even sure what I burned, but it wasn't much of anything to be honest. I plan on rocking it this week tho! Aiming for 1500 calories burned.

    OH! and to answer the question of when the challenge runs: I plan to post the challenges Sundays so it will be up and ready to go for Monday check ins. The challenges start Monday and go through Sunday, and then the new ones start again on Mondays, etc.

    Happy Monday, Gryffindors!
  • Good morning Gryffindors!!!!
    My stats this morning: Wt 143 (lost 1 pound*still on track*)
    Cal burned: 1957/2000

    I almost made it. Saturday I worked for someone then I decided to stay for a 16 hrs!!! Yicks! That wiped me out on Sunday and I had to work 8hrs. So my plans for working out went out the window. I go to jazzercize with my girlfriends 2-3 days a wk, It's pretty fun and a good workout. We also take family walks a few times a week and I made it a goal if I need something in town I am going to walk/bike. Walking everywhere has really upped my calories burned. Hope everyone has a good day I gotta move it jazzercize is in 45 mins!!
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    As Tonks would say, wotcher Gryffindors!

    My weight last week was 166.8. My weight this morning is 165.6 -- 1.2 pounds lost for the week! I'm still a half pound heavier than I was when I stopped consistently logging and exercising in May (I was finishing grad school and job hunting, which really made me not give a crap about what I was eating... Taco Bell was perfect for 1am while writing my dissertation). But I think only gaining 1.8 pounds between then and now isn't that bad! I was still trying to be conscious about what I was eating, but often made bad choices that I wouldn't have made otherwise.

    I burned 914 calories this week. On a positive note, that's 4 calories more than MFP has for my weekly burned goal. On the downside, I didn't make the 1500 goal. It was definitely a lack of motivation on my part, combined with the disgustingly hot weather. I also commute an hour both ways to work, so by the time I get home I'm feeling like having a beer and kicking back in the yard with a book. However, our play rehearsals have kicked up to three times a week, so that's three days I will be dancing for at least an hour!

    Last night I played soccer with my little brother. I've been playing since first grade, and I was on the school team in the fall, indoor travel in the winter, and outdoor travel in the spring/summer. I think there was only about a month that I wasn't on a field. I haven't played in seven years, but god did I miss it! Getting my foot on the ball was like coming home to something. I'm trying to find a non-paying league around here (they are expensive... I used to pay exorbitant amounts for my traveling teams), but my brother plays with his friends often and I think I'll try to get him to play with me as well. It's a great calorie burner and so much fun you don't even know you're exercising. ;)

    I'm going for the 1500 goal again, since I didn't make it this week, but I'm going to try and hit 2000 if I can! We'll see how it goes. Hope y'all have a great week ladies (I think we're all ladies here, anyway)!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    Ok so it is 226 am here and i cant sleep, probably shouldnt have measured at this paticular time but i did. so instead of weighing myself i am going to measure. and let me tell you i didnt like what my measure tape just told me. kicking into high gear for sure!

    start inches: (8/1) waist: 37 hips: 38 booty: 40

    sept 1 goal: w 33 h 35 b 37
    Oct 1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36 (would be happy with either number for all)

    Ok, great! I'm thinking if you post the measurements separately (so you can see the progress on each separate measurement), I'll add them all up to have one number to put in the chart. It will be easier to track how many inches you've lost similar to everyone else's pounds lost.

    What do you think of doing it that way?

    got me somewhat confused, what doyou mean separately? as in like one week do hips another week waist and so on?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ok so it is 226 am here and i cant sleep, probably shouldnt have measured at this paticular time but i did. so instead of weighing myself i am going to measure. and let me tell you i didnt like what my measure tape just told me. kicking into high gear for sure!

    start inches: (8/1) waist: 37 hips: 38 booty: 40

    sept 1 goal: w 33 h 35 b 37
    Oct 1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36 (would be happy with either number for all)

    Ok, great! I'm thinking if you post the measurements separately (so you can see the progress on each separate measurement), I'll add them all up to have one number to put in the chart. It will be easier to track how many inches you've lost similar to everyone else's pounds lost.

    What do you think of doing it that way?

    got me somewhat confused, what doyou mean separately? as in like one week do hips another week waist and so on?

    no, sorry for being confusing! i just mean you should post all three numbers each week, so if you look back at the thread we can see what each individual measurement is. then i'll just add the three numbers together each week so it makes more sense in the chart (and you can see how many total inches you've lost, where the rest of us will see how many pounds lost). does that help? i really didn't mean to be confusing :)
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    Ok so it is 226 am here and i cant sleep, probably shouldnt have measured at this paticular time but i did. so instead of weighing myself i am going to measure. and let me tell you i didnt like what my measure tape just told me. kicking into high gear for sure!

    start inches: (8/1) waist: 37 hips: 38 booty: 40

    sept 1 goal: w 33 h 35 b 37
    Oct 1 goal: w 28/30 h 30/32 b 34/36 (would be happy with either number for all)

    Ok, great! I'm thinking if you post the measurements separately (so you can see the progress on each separate measurement), I'll add them all up to have one number to put in the chart. It will be easier to track how many inches you've lost similar to everyone else's pounds lost.

    What do you think of doing it that way?

    got me somewhat confused, what doyou mean separately? as in like one week do hips another week waist and so on?

    no, sorry for being confusing! i just mean you should post all three numbers each week, so if you look back at the thread we can see what each individual measurement is. then i'll just add the three numbers together each week so it makes more sense in the chart (and you can see how many total inches you've lost, where the rest of us will see how many pounds lost). does that help? i really didn't mean to be confusing :)

    ok not confused anymore, that is what i was going to do.
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Hey Gryffindors!
    Weighed in this morning at 206.2. Woohoo! It would've been a bigger loss, except my pals and I celebrated HP's birthday on Saturday night haha. My calorie burn last week was 2,319! I'm gonna push for 2,500 this week.
  • elliej3
    elliej3 Posts: 29
    So I am a huge Potterhead and i only recently started posting and making friends on this site, so i would love to join you guys! My current weight is 200lb and my goal by September 1st is 189lb. I would love to just generally be geeky and have some lovely post-potter depression discussion on here, and somehow use that that as a motivation for our weight loss. I look forward to getting to know all of you Gryffindors in our common room while losing weight, i just need to stay away from those chocolate frogs :P <3
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    So I am a huge Potterhead and i only recently started posting and making friends on this site, so i would love to join you guys! My current weight is 200lb and my goal by September 1st is 189lb. I would love to just generally be geeky and have some lovely post-potter depression discussion on here, and somehow use that that as a motivation for our weight loss. I look forward to getting to know all of you Gryffindors in our common room while losing weight, i just need to stay away from those chocolate frogs :P <3

    Welcome!!!! You're gonna love it here, I hope :) Make sure to read this week's challenge (on this thread also) so you can participate if you like!
  • nrg607
    nrg607 Posts: 12
    Welcome, Ellie. :)
    And yes, I've lost inches! I lost 1/4" from my thigh, 7/8" from my waist, and 1 5/8" from my hips. The previous measurements are from 11 days ago, not just this past week. In light of this, I excuse myself for gaining a pound. :P
  • maddielu
    maddielu Posts: 12
    hi all!
    i actually had a great week. i lost 5 pounds bringing be down to 208 and 8 pounds away from my goal for sept. 1, which i think is attainable. and i burned 3486 calories! i' really pushed myself last week to set a good example and get into a good rhythm of going to the gym and eating well. i think i'm going to aim to burn 3500-4000 calories this week!
    hope everyone had a good week and is off to a good start with this week!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    going to make my calorie burned goal for this week 3000! got 809 down already and its only monday. however i am headed to OCMD for 17 days to visit my sister and hoping to keep it up but last time i went down i was wicked busy forgot workout dvds and was just just plain lazy. I VOW TO DO MY BEST TO GET OFF MY *kitten* while there!

    good luck to you all
  • SW - 137.5
    CW - 137.1
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Good evening and good morning for some :) checking in for the week. I lost an astonishing 4lbs so I'm at 165.5, but I've been sick with a cold or the flu, that would explain the big loss
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, sorry I'm late. No change in my weight this week. /:

    But on the bright side, I did gain early access to Pottermore this morning! :D
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, sorry I'm late. No change in my weight this week. /:

    But on the bright side, I did gain early access to Pottermore this morning! :D

    YAY! My bestie and I got in yesterday. She checked on a whim and we both rushed to finish just in the nick of time! Just curious, what was the question today? Yesterday was what chapter does McGonagall cancel the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, then that number x42.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Thanks for the invite bronwenhilary. Good to be back with the Gryffindors.

    Well, after a fabulous weight loss for the Harry Potter Challenge, quite a bit went back on during my hols :sad:

    Still, onwards and downwards.

    My weight, as of yesterday morning, is 183lbs.

    Goal for start of school term (1st September) - I'd love to be a size down (i'm UK size 16 at the mo, so size 14 here I come) and with that, be around 7-10lbs lighter.

    For 1st October, I'd like to see more definition in my body, a few muscles and less wobbling flab.

    I'm going to take a progress piccie (well, actually I'll have to bribe one of my children to do it!) this week, one in September (which will be my one year anniversary of properly losing weight) and one in October. Let's hope there's a differnence ; )

  • YAY! I found the link!

    I gave you my weight yesterday so I will start posting here on Monday mornings!

    Are we doing the 1500 calories burn in a week this week also?