Juice fasting



  • waylonthornton
    waylonthornton Posts: 40 Member
    Wrapping up Day 4 and I've lost almost 6lbs!! This is crazy! I've only been doing juice for breakfast and lunch, then doing salads for dinner. This is crazy! I originally intended to only do it for 5 days, but I'm keeping at it for another week.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Funny I saw the same Documentary today. I am thinking of doing 10 day fast in couple of weeks. Just to cleanse and reboot everything.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Bump. Interesting.
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    You guys must be talking about the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Almost Dead". It is really inspirational and gives you a good look at how Americans and the rest of the world eat so poorly. I do some juicing to supplement my diet because i don't think you can get the nutrients your body needs through regular eating. If you don't have time to juice sometimes a great supplement I use is Green Vibrance which gives you a super boost in nutrients.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Day 9: Lost 18 lb. so far. 51 days to go. Feeling great yesterday and today. And finally had a few questions answered that I was wondering about and now feel much better about that too. All is well in my world today! I'm doing fruit in the AM and veggie in the PM. Probably a 1/3 split although there is usually some green apple in there somewhere. ;)

    I'm thinking my 60 day mark is going to be pretty good at this point and I do feel well enough now to exercise so i'll be exercising today as well. I have my menu ideas completely thought out in basic terms and I think it will be very easy to stick to this. I enjoy the benefits from the juice.

    It's like I learned to associate more pain with the foods causing the problem and more pleasure to the ones that are the direct opposite. I see everyone else's pattern and respect it but this one is for me.
  • fitfunk
    fitfunk Posts: 119 Member
    Dipping my toe in the pool. I just dusted off my juicer and made my 1st juice!

    Huge bunch kale (yields an inch of juice!)
    3 celery stalk
    2 generic apples
    1 pear

    Not bad. Stuck it in the freezer though. I forgot lemons/ginger or other flavor boosters. I did have some organic peach-mango juice in the fridge. Just adding a splash (2 Tbls?) of that made a huge difference.

    I found the FSND documentary hugely inspirational. Toyed w/ going full hog on the juice, but decided I'd be more successful if I started it by adding juices to my existing routine first. I'm going to try to add a juice or 2 daily in the hopes of eventually going on the full juice feast.

    Though I am going to have to go to the market a LOT more or buy a lot more each trip...
  • 69Jax69
    69Jax69 Posts: 32
    I did a juice fast over a month ago, was going for 10days but on day 4 had a bad reaction to watermelon juice. I have to say though, my body really did feel different and "cleaner" and I had AMAZING energy! I did lose weight, but it came back easily (because I ate like crap) lol.
  • This is great.. I own a Vita Mix and rather Juice everything because I learned that the body needs to Chew something for the Nutrients, its isnt always about making it liquid to fill u up and be healthy, its something about the salavia and the nutrients in the foods we eat.. I tend to like to chew, there again the vita mix is not a Juicer, I can put a whole apple, whole pear skin and seeds and all if I want too.. and a hand full of spinach and add something like a Kiwi _ that ones a peeler.. and then make a smoothie add yogurt and ice.. and wow.... then I eat my Bananna because I have something to eat and drink.. and also the fact that Banannas are strong when mixed with other fruits and u will have only that taste.. so I rather eat the bannana.. Check out the vita mix web page, I have owned mine for 4 years and my Father who is 72 and only looks 60.. is a BIG vita mix user and he walks 1 miles everyday, thats it.. and he takes NO medication he eats green as much as possible but loves his smoothies.. well good luck and to each us our own journeys with the same common want.. to be healthy and live and feel better.. Hats off to ya. !!!
  • widmar
    widmar Posts: 72
    I've done some juicing in the past. I think I need to get my juicer back out and start again. Could use a re-set.
    Thanks to everyone for posting their Journey results. GOOD JOB TO EVERYONE!!!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Well today is my last day of full juicing and its been hard, but a real treat. I will slowly add fresh and steamed veggies to my diet, and probably just do a fruit with some veggies juiced in the morning and have salads and fresh greens and lean meats for lunch and dinner. I will probably do this for a week, then back to full juicing and maybe one meal a day. depends how everything goes. Glad everyone is doing so well and keep posting your results, I love to hear about them and your success.

    Happy Juicing:drinker:
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    If you dont' mind my asking how much weight you lost while juicing Carol?
  • waylonthornton
    waylonthornton Posts: 40 Member
    Beginning of Day 6 here for me and I've lost another pound, making it 7lbs lost!

    Pretty stoked.
  • end of day 3 and went to the gym this morning and still had some energy for basket at night. well everythings getting better on day 3.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    If you dont' mind my asking how much weight you lost while juicing Carol?

    12lbs in 2 wks which is at a good healthy rate
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Good job everyone...keep it up.
    Happy Monday with Happy Juicing:drinker:
  • kelly1922
    kelly1922 Posts: 53 Member
    so i have a question. my husband and i are starting this next Monday, Aug. 8. it will be easier for me to do since i stay at home with the kids. but he works, so we're wondering how on earth he's supposed to make enough juice for his meals at work? what do you all do that work outside of the home? any help or suggestions would be appreciated! thanks!
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    so i have a question. my husband and i are starting this next Monday, Aug. 8. it will be easier for me to do since i stay at home with the kids. but he works, so we're wondering how on earth he's supposed to make enough juice for his meals at work? what do you all do that work outside of the home? any help or suggestions would be appreciated! thanks!

    I drink a 16 oz before i got to work and make 2 more for work and put them in a big container. I drink half about 3 hours later and the other half 3 hours after that, then by the time i get home i can make the final one for the day.

    Day 11 for me, down a few more pounds for 22 or 23 total, ive lost track. Feel amazing with tons of energy. Noticed my skin is really super clear and soft and i cant breathe so much easier than before. I took some Ginseng yesterday since its supposed to detox you and i take that it did because i got the warm leg and skin feeling i did before on day 3 and i had to take a nap. I'll try it again to see if it does the same thing.
  • kelly1922
    kelly1922 Posts: 53 Member
    so i have a question. my husband and i are starting this next Monday, Aug. 8. it will be easier for me to do since i stay at home with the kids. but he works, so we're wondering how on earth he's supposed to make enough juice for his meals at work? what do you all do that work outside of the home? any help or suggestions would be appreciated! thanks!

    I drink a 16 oz before i got to work and make 2 more for work and put them in a big container. I drink half about 3 hours later and the other half 3 hours after that, then by the time i get home i can make the final one for the day.

    Day 11 for me, down a few more pounds for 22 or 23 total, ive lost track. Feel amazing with tons of energy. Noticed my skin is really super clear and soft and i cant breathe so much easier than before. I took some Ginseng yesterday since its supposed to detox you and i take that it did because i got the warm leg and skin feeling i did before on day 3 and i had to take a nap. I'll try it again to see if it does the same thing.

    first of all, congratulations on your weight loss! that is awesome!!

    second, thank you for the suggestion. i guess i can buy like a 32 oz. container or something and have him take that to work. how many juice smoothies do you have in one day? 4? or 5?
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So, those of you who have been juicing- what do you think that this mix will be ok? Kiwi-apple-grapefruit?

  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So, those of you who have been juicing- what do you think that this mix will be ok? Kiwi-apple-grapefruit?
