
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - you look fabulous B)
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa - Those brothers! Lol. I still don't like some of the looks my brothers give me. That's why they do it.

    Machka - My grandson, Greysyn, shares your love of classical music but he also loves classic rock. The 16 yr. old loves ECM? I think it is called. He also creates it on his computer. Music is good for the soul.

    Felicia - I'm sorry you are ill. Coming off a rocky week myself.

    Lanette - We did get a little more rain which has helped as has the lower temperature.

    Rori - The home care person sounds like a treasure. This is a difficult journey you are on.

    Well, I made it to work this a.m. with time to spare. Still trying to catch up on things from the week that I was away.

    I guess I will have to try on my dress and see if it will fit for the shower. Not hopeful as I am sure I have gained again.

    Went to the movie, Baby Driver. I wouldn't suggest it. A lot of car roaring and a very weak story line. I shouldn't have had the popcorn but it sure tasted delicious.

    Larry was missing grandkids so we went over for about an hour. Keira was really hugging and snuggling her Grandpa. I asked "What about me?" She replied " Grandpa needs it more. His heart hurts all the time. That's why he's mean sometimes." No, I didn't tell her or any of them what went on this weekend. Where or where did this sweet child come from?
    Greysyn visited with us, told some jokes, smiled and gave me a big hug when we left. This is the Greysyn I have been missing for the last year. My buddy who now looks down on top of my head.

    I have a long list of things I want to do tomorrow. We will see what happens.

    Jheri had a hectic work schedule this weekend. Today she was at the tattoo convention doing air brush tattoos, body and face painting, henna. She says she felt like a celebrity by association. Ryan, her brother, is very highly regarded in the tattoo community. He is here in reputation only as he just got back from the Montreal show.

    Taking it one day at a time

    Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi everyone, enjoying all the posts. Machka, I also have been taking glucosamine and related joint complex for years for my arms. I am lucky to have strong knees, so far. I have decided that I need to get a protection dog to guard me on my forest runs and hikes. I am often in very deserted places, and I am such a SLOW runner, I'd never be able to get away from an attacker. My jack russell Jock is a great running friend but so lovable he wouldn't even bark at a stranger. I have been considering lots of different breeds. It has to look fierce and be willing to bark on command but it has to be good around kids because my grandkiddies are over a lot. Must also be good with cats as I have two or three...or nine. Can't have too long a coat as it would overheat on long runs. I am spending HOURS looking at puppies for sale and dogs that need re-homing. My husband has piped in to say that he wants to get a farmdog collie cross pup...What are all your opinions?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,477 Member
    Sunday - A decent spring day, for a change! :) So we had a lovely, relatively flat ride in rural countryside along the Huon River.

    Distance: 44.3 km
    Elevation: 320 m
    Moving Time: 2:02:04
    Elapsed Time 2:20:09
    Speed: Avg: 21.8 km/h | Max: 38.9 km/h

    I'd post photos, but the internet is too slow to load them at the moment.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,477 Member
    Machka - My grandson, Greysyn, shares your love of classical music but he also loves classic rock. The 16 yr. old loves ECM? I think it is called. He also creates it on his computer. Music is good for the soul.


    I like quite a variety of music ... thanks to my parents who introduced me to lots of different things. It was my father, in particular, who was into classical music.

    However, neither of my parents were into jazz or music from the 1920s-1940s. They were teenagers in the 1950s/early 1960s and like that era of music ... but may have looked at music in the previous era as their parent's music (not cool :sunglasses: ). So I think they were a little taken aback when I started listening to music in the 1920s-1940s. :grin:

    M in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth hooray for DOS' new job! And for a phone call with DYS, I too remember Gloria asking after him, she was so thoughtful and genuinely caring. Your son is coping with the migraines and handling school work, a true accomplishment!

    Rori I'm going to look into that app, I can relate to the ever changing admin/management at work. Just hang on and do what needs to get done...at least that is what I tell myself at work.

    Barbie love how you call your day "low activity" with all those steps, your strength training and bike routine ;)

    Terry VT love the vacation hotel pics, is that a hotel, condo or Airbnb? I hope hurricane Jose stays off the coast, its heading up possibly northeast. How long are you In Delaware?

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Wendy Find a pup you love on looking. My favorite are mini dachshunds but every dog is an individual. We have 2 dogs and they are of an age that if they don't come when I call, I think about having to find and bury them. I can not think they have much fun with me but they are both good dogs in their own ways. They shed a LOT. I think big dogs are good with kids. My son's dog is mostly Rottweiler-she has a earth-moving bark and can look out the window or door glass to let people know she is home. She has never snapped nor offered to bite us but I get the impression she might meet a burglar if they should come in. My mini-dach is not that thrilled with the boy, she barks and will bite much to my husband's consternation (he who said no dog had ever bitten him, you just have to know...yada). Why do people ask if the dog bites and then say something like she is so little, I am sure she does not?

    Shopped the donation stores but no red or other dress. I found glorious blues and a few odd but would look good greens. There were many lovely suits, sleeveless things, and I bought pants for my son and a set of scissors that cut different edges. I did buy a dressy set that will look right for fall-will wear it today. The best thing was I tried stuff of different sizes and was strong enough to put back many "I could make this work if I (change buttons, find matching shirt, hem it)". I want to redo the buttons on the item I bought.
    Well, shot time and back to bed.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited September 2017
    Rye when I had problems with my knee last year I did end up going to a PT. The cause of my knee problems was stress, minor injury, weight gain, and shoes that did not give me enough support. I did and do the exercises he recommended and am careful to wear shoes that have good arch support. Overall knee is doing well. At its worst I did use ginger for inflammation and Arnica oil as a rub for pain. Regular pain killers did not help me. I did my exercises in a pool. My tests came when we recently went to a wedding and I was able to dance the night away. This past week we went on a tour of mansions in our area. Eight houses were included and I walked over two miles. Slight twinge after these events but then I just took it easy the next day,and I was fine.

    My favorite house was the one where the owner who was a woman bought rooms from Europe and had them installed in her home. She got a dining room from Germany and a room of mirrors from France. It was absolutely stunning.

    :heart: Margaret
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all , just lying in bed relaxing. Feels good. The place we are staying is an inn. I think about 10 rooms. It has a small pool and jacuzzi which I haven't tried yet. I think we will go to the beach today as it looks like rain off and on for the rest of our stay. We leave Thursday to head home. We can make it in a day but are taking 2 so we don't have to drive 9 hrs straight. Husband hates riding in the car. I do the driving otherwise I get too nervous. Works for us.

    Was a little depressed last night . By the time we got home my foot was really hurting and I was sweating so much I looked like I had taken a shower and forgot to dry off. Walked down to the boardwalk and was on my feet for a couple of hrs. Wish I could be physically in a better place. Feeling old and sorry for myself. A little weeping this morning. I'm on vacation and I need to get into the mood!

    Going to get up now and change my attitude!!

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! It is a happy one for me. My FIL told me yesterday, when I arrived at the rehab center to sit with MIL, that he/they didn't think she needed some one with her all of the time anymore; so I didn't need to drive in today (Sunday) to sit with her. His plan for this morning was to sleep in, eat some breakfast and then head up to the facility a little before lunch. He is going to hang out with her until about 2 or 3 then head home for the rest of the day. Another of her sons will be popping in around 5 or 6. MIL mentioned to me yesterday, that some days she just wants to rest and be quiet. Hard to do when you have visitors all of the time! (I was waiting for her to get sick of us!) On another note: She is a stinker! I don't get up to see her except on weekends, so due to less communication from family, I was unsure of where she was as far as doing things independently. Anyway, she needed to use the bathroom, so I said "push the button for the nurse" and she said "No, I do this myself now." LIAR! The nurse came in to bring her some water and asked where she was. When I pointed to the bathroom, nurse said "By herself?", I nodded. Then I got "She CAN'T use the bathroom alone!" lol Then we went for a walk in the courtyard a while later. On our way back to her room after about 45 minutes of walking and sitting in the sun, one of the nurses asked us where we had been and when we told her said "She isn't supposed to walk that far!" I just said, "Really?! She did just fine with her walker and I was right behind her ready to catch her if needed." She and I had a laugh after we got back to her room about her being a trouble maker and getting me in trouble. It was a good visit, but I was glad to hear that she feels comfortable enough to be alone at times. She knows quite a few of the other residents, so I am sure she will find company when she wants some. They have assigned seating at mealtimes, and her table mates are a wonderful couple, a dentist and his wife, and also a retired doctor. All with fine senses of humor and very talkative.
    Chris - Very inspiring words for the newbies and the rest of us! You are a beautiful person inside and out (but we already knew that!)
    Janet- Oh that Mia! What a gaze! Congrats on the coming grandbaby!
    Lisa- Maybe that is why I haven't read the book/series yet? I seem to remember picking up the first book a few years ago, but for some reason never read the others. This could be why. I did pick up a couple of books. I feel like I need something a bit lighter on my brain, so I got I Need A Lifeguard Everywhere But In The Pool by Lisa Scottoline and Francesca Serritella (a mother daughter team) it is stories about their lives/adventures to Alzheimer's.
    Kate- Love the vacation pics! Greece has always been on my list of places to go. You look lovely!
    Allie- Thanks for the link to help Gloria!
    Felicia- hope you are feeling better soon! I am one of those eagerly waiting for the cooler temps. We had a couple weeks of temps in the 60's and my body finds that HEAVEN! It also puts me in the mind of soups and pot roasts; but here we go back into the 80's again! Bah. Michigan weather!
    Lanette- AFter I commented to Lisa about having a hard time getting into The Dark Tower series, The Stand immediately came into my mind. I loved that book! I think the movie for Shawshank was better than the short story it was based on. And the Green Mile was published as five novellas, at least that's how it was when I read it. Now that the movie came out, they may have gone back and pulled it into one novel form. I was surprised to find out that Stephen King's most popular movie is The Shining and that is the one he is most disappointed in how it was adapted to the screen. Have you read Dr. Sleep? It is the sequel to The Shining. I enjoyed it.
    Re- It is so good to see you post! You never cease to amaze me; you are such an inspiring person and I can only hope you are able to glean a bit of inspiration from us, as well.
    DJ - I have only seen a handful of hummers this year. With the old neighbors gone and the new neighbors not hanging feeders, and me not having my fuscia plants this year, they are going elsewhere for their meals. :( They do visit the bright pink dipladenia that I have planted. I am going to move those to my basement this winter and see if they will come back next spring. Plants and I don't have a great relationship in my house; but it has been done by others...

    Well ladies, I have lingered over coffee and mfp posts long enough. Time to get done what needs to be done, so I can put my feet up and relax this afternoon and evening! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,009 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    was up at 6, and did a few things around here and headed to the condo to measure the slider for curtains, then went to Walmart and Lowes,got a patio Umbrella for 44.00 and a stand. there is no toilet paper holder in the bathroom which is odd, so I bought a standing one at Lowes, and at Walmart bought the curtains and the rod.. hoping my landlord will be a peach and put it up for me..
    It does feel odd walking in there all by myself ,and knowing that it is mine, and like someone said yes it will be lonely the first couple of nights..
    I will get used to it thought, and there always having something going on..
    Tom out sweeping and washing floors,,, and I am letting him.. dont care anymore... before he would yell at me for something like that.. but no more..
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KELLY Mia and new baby coming are my great-grands. My oldest daughter's grandchildren. :)

    Janetr okc
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Allie I loved the suggestion of putting your bed together first, and now I'll pass along a tip that helps me. (I hope you find it useful). Plug in that radio and turn it on. It doesn't matter if music or talk radio, but something that has news in the hour, I found was very helpful in my own apartment. Music I would find myself singing and moving to, talk radio I would get interested in people's stories, and it felt like the hourly news kept me connected to the world. Even now, if my DH is out of town, I turn on that radio for company and to keep me cheerful. Enjoy your new place! You deserve it.

  • Terry – Great looking room, you don’t normally find one that nice. I’m with Michele about going parasailing. My DDnL#2 and DMYGD went this past summer; and, loved it. After their honeymoon and zip line experience, they came home and put one up for her at the lake house. She loves it! Built a platform, then it goes out towards a tree; but, is stopped by 3 or 4 bungie cords, so she won't actually hit it. They do things with her like that. They try things they’ve never tried before. While I sent Will his dive license, I don’t think he got to go diving; but, maybe they snorkeled … I don’t remember – but; they would not have had to have a license for that while in Hawaii. My DBnL (DH’s brother) and his now ‘ex’ were stationed in Guam for about 4 years. They loved it. He went snorkeling almost daily and they had a big saltwater aquarium. When he first moved into his own apartment here, he also had a saltwater aquarium; but, that takes a lot of maitainence. Right now he has 2 big fish in it; but, it is sort of murky looking and not at all as interesting as the saltwater one he had for several years.

    Michele - Do you rent the condo out, when y’all are not in it; or just for close family and friends? Is it located on the ocean? Jenn and Trey’s BFs live in Panama City and he just inherited his Mother’s condo; they just sold their house and moved into it. They also bought some land inland (I think in AL) and he wants to build a house on it. I’m just not sure his wife likes the idea of living in an area that doesn’t have a large city where she could work. I also think they took in (maybe adopted) the daughter of one of their siblings and she had 2 children by a previous marriage. She dropped out of nursing school really close to being ‘pinned’ to take care of her MnL when she was dying of cancer. There was one brother involved and she had named her DnL to be the executrix of her Will; because the BnL was a twit; and, he would not have been fair to them. Sure enough, he was not ‘happy’ with what he got. A paid for house and condo, among other things.

    My Mother always said it was better to be ‘over-dressed’ than 'under-dressed'. I’m sure that something in between jeans and something fairly formal will fit the bill. Something you would be comfortable in … just not jeans. Maybe something you'd wear to church - a nice dress or a nice pair of dress slacks and top. Maria is just being ‘catty’ when she makes the comments she makes … so what? She’s the Mother of the Groom; YOU’RE the Mother of the Bride! But, I don’t think comments like that will serve you well. Just ask Denise and leave it at that.

    I know this is getting under your and Vince’s skin … but, in less that 6-weeks it will be ‘over with’ and y’all will be able to move on, leaving Maria in your dust. DBnL will go ‘visit’ his son, DnL, and 2 grandchildren in Tallahassee; but, never stays with them, comes home because he ‘can’t stand the in-laws’. They are ‘well-to-do’ and have funded ‘college funds’ for their only child’s children (the grandchildren). He is retired military, has a 4-year degree and majored in History; but, he has the personality of a 'toad who has never been kissed' to turn him into a prince. I don’t understand why he doesn’t stay with them, any more than why he doesn’t move to Gainesville, FL to help his ‘only’ granddaughter by his youngest son (now deceased) while her husband is going to medical school and she is supporting him and their daughter. He could buy a duplex and rent the other side out to them; and she would be able to check in on him. Then he could help by giving them a 'date night'. It isn't like he'd have to babysit the kid. There is nothing keeping him here. Maybe he won’t do it because he knows he’d have to occasionally be around his ‘ex’ and her present husband if he did.

    Sorry – but I ‘think’ that Maria has shown her true colors by totally ignoring you at every turn. Plan to wear a dress or dress slacks; and, take a pair of jeans. Then ask Denise if she is wearing any of them and dress accordingly. Surely Denise can answer that question without ‘stressing’. If not, she is going to be ‘miserable’ in her relationship with Pete and his Mama. Sounds like she is ‘marrying’ both of them. Marriage should be between 2 people, and certainly not between a man and a woman and one of their parents. It IS one of the hardest things to do – to ‘let go’ and stand back and watch. Stressing Denise when she is trying SO HARD to please her ‘soon-to-be-mother-in-law’ just isn’t worth the pain it causes you. You just need to be there for her – like calling her every other week and ask her ‘how SHE is’ or how things are. Don't need to ask how 'married life' is - they'll go through about 2 years before they can answer that. She will open up at some point. My parents and Louis’ did not socialize with one another; but, they did not ‘socialize’ with the parents of either of my two brothers-in-law and they realized that ‘holidays’ meant they would be at their in-laws for a portion of the time. Suzanne and her husband’s family ALWAYS had their Christmas on Christmas Eve. When middle sister married on December 22nd; they were up for the wedding, went back home to Christmas Eve, then back up to celebrate Christmas with the entire family. Other sister and husband had a short honeymoon. That is the ‘only’ time I think any of us were ever at our parents’ home on Christmas Day (unless when we were in Macon) … we might have been with them (but probably more like they were with us).

    WildHorse – [Wendy???] I don’t know if you have ever signed a post with your ‘real’ name; maybe I missed it. I did skip over at least 4 pages while Irma was coming through and we had no power. But, it would be nice if you did on every post so that others can associate your face to name.

    I’m not sure that “Cracker” would be much protection, but she will bark at total strangers then immediately go up to them to be petted. She also see it as a time to ‘favor’ her left paw to ‘get the attention’. Our son's lab is a good watch dog - she is all bark; but, I think if she felt really threatened - she'd bite. She'll even come down and bark at us in our own yard. I am not so sure she sees that well.

    M in Oz – I like a variety of music; I don’t like ‘hard rock’ or ‘rap’; and, I turn on different kinds of music for different reasons. Country music genre is usually going on in the car (unless our oldest son uses my car); then he never changes the channel back. I clean up with 'classical piano or violin music'; for some reason it keeps me focused on the job at hand. They also have our vacuum cleaner. He told me they got it while we were in Louisiana and wanted to know if we had any more paper bags to go in it, so they could empty the one that is in it and then we could put a new one in it and they’d could empty theirs and we could have one we’d empty. They were to borrow an ice chest for the wedding of the sister of one of their friends. I told him to put our name and number on it so we’d get it back. I don’t mind them borrowing it; but, if they are as lax about getting things back to us, they are probably the same about something of ours they have ended up loaning out. At first I thought they were talking about my big pot that I use for cooking stuff that I plan to can.

    My Mother had mini dachshunds – they are like some other breeds that are a ‘one person’ animal. Other include German Shepherds, Dalmatians, and some of what I call ‘lap dogs’.

    Lisa – I agree about boys coming into ‘rational’ decision making. Trey had it shoved on his, becoming a Daddy at the age of 19; Will, on the other hand ‘had his fun’ and then settled down AFTER college … but, he was still ‘into partying’. That is why I tell my DDnL#2 – that while she might have wished she met him earlier; she probably would NOT have liked the younger version of Will. But, her answer is ‘Will came into our lives at the very hour, second, Nano-second, moment, and several other things and she knew he was the answer to her prayers. I just wish that she could understand that ‘if’ she isn’t able to ‘procreate’ (as she puts it as being in the Bible) he will still ‘love her like he has always done. I think girls stop being a P.I.T.A. about the time they reach late 17; or early 18. Boys; anywhere after 21; unless thrust into a relationship that includes a baby. Even then, girls still ask ‘stupid’ questions; and, boys just ‘do whatever’ and deal with the consequences later. Yeah, I know that feeling of wishing that someone in my life would ‘grow up’ and another to ‘grow a set’. Sad that they are married to one another – which means it will just delay that process – or continue allowing themselves to be ‘slung’ around by their tails.

    Other than on weekends; I have stayed well below my caloric intake; but, because I have not exercised due to my foot mostly – I just feel like a blob. I will be so upset if I have put on ‘any’ amount of weight on Tuesday. I’m beginning to feel that my ‘choices’ of ‘regular’ food isn’t the best choice for me. I need to add more protein and water to my diet – mostly the protein. Normally I do get well over 8 8-ounce glasses of water a day. We had pizza last night; but, I stopped at two pieces. I think cutting it up in bite-sized pieces made it easier to do, because my stomach was saying ‘you can stop … I’ve had enough now’.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Enjoying your company with my morning coffee.

    Yesterday was jam packed, went to the Memorial gathering, connected with people I had hoped to be there. Came home and thoroughly cleaned my bathroom and then headed off to the birthday celebration and didn't get home until 1am! Ate and drank without thought or regret and enjoyed every moment. Gained over 3 lbs., but back on plan today. It never gets old for me when people tell me how good I look ( I got a lot of compliments last night) and it gives me the motivation to get back on plan the next day. This is huge for me because I never felt pretty and had low self esteem, even when I was younger.

    The luncheon date was been postponed, he had an unexpected business trip come up. This date has been rescheduled twice, the pitfalls of 2 busy people I guess. At this rate we may never meet.

    Don't quite know what I will do today since my plans have changed. The excitement may consist of the grocery store and a trip to the library.

    Regarding knees, I had some trouble with mine a few years back, suddenly and for no apparent reason. I used ice, elevation and elliptical. The elliptical put no stress on my knees and strengthened the surrounding muscles. I thankfully don't have any problems now and can even wear heels. I love shoes!!

    Re...I never realized how alike we are, 5'4" and elliptical lovers! We could be twins! I agree about not denying oneself, this has to be a plan that you can live with, and I emphasize live. We have all heard about people who are on an extremely restrictive diet, lose a lot of weight and then gain it all back because they don't know how to eat in the real world.

    I really should get going.

    Love and hugs to everyone.

    Chris in MA

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3