Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    I have been slightly off my game this past week. I slipped and drank some soda :neutral: oops. I have however lost an additional 1.4lbs. I am unsure as too how. My mothers birthday is tomorrow and it will be the first time eating out since istarted logging.

    @janetay01 My oldest does not sleep, and just wants to cuddle constantly. It is exhausting, especially when my husband has to be up at 5 AM for work. We have never had specific sleep schedules for either of my girls and we are paying for it. They fall asleep any where but their beds and we move them to their room.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @cayladebra - if it's any consolation, we've always had a strong sleep scheudle for Alistair (he's 2yrs, 9 months) and it's still completely fallen apart in the last couple of months!! Well done on the loss - always a nice surprise to get.

    Jen - hang in there and you will get back on track - it's never easy after a break away from it.

    @rachelbachel32 - enjoy getting your hair done and well done on your overall loss - that's an awesome achievement.

    @Rachel0778 - isn't it amazing what a workout can do. I work up feeling really out of sorts today and would quite happily have dropped Alistair off and gone back to bed (not sure my boss would have approved!!). But I've kicked myself into doing a Jillian Michaels workout and am feeling ten times better about the day. Good news about the house. Do you have any idea of timescale for actually moving into it?

    @HGSmith0920 - frustrating, hope you are feeling better :)

    So glad it's Friday. We've got a fairly quiet one planned - swimming with Alistair on Sunday morning and then a play date with a couple of his buddies on Sunday. House chores tomorrow morning then may pop out as a family and get some tea and cake somewhere in the afternoon! Hope today treats you all well and that you enjoy the weekend.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 We're planning on closing October 20th, so very very soon! It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned, have fun with family and friends!

    @cayladebra Congrats on the loss, it sounds like you're definitely doing something right! Don't beat yourself up too much about one soda, it's all about slow changes over time :)

    @jdelaroy Sorry to hear that this week is still kicking your butt. Hopefully today will help to turn that around!

    @rachelbachel32 Good for you for treating yourself! How did the appointment go?

    Well...the stress caught up with me yesterday and I ate my feelings. I went about 600 calories over so nothing catastrophic, but still. I'm honestly surprised I didn't fall into emotional eating before this with all the uncertainty and lack of sleep. Luckily today is a new day. I'm going to get my workout in, make good choices, and enjoy the weekend. Happy Friday everyone!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @cayladebra Great job on the loss! 1 pop won't hurt. Keep up the good work.

    @janetay01 My oldest daughter started waking up in the middle of the night every night when she was 3 years old. I took her to the doctors, he recommend I wake her up after she had been sleeping for 90 minutes and then let her go back to sleep. This didn't work, she would be cranky and would take her about an hour to get back to sleep and then she would still wake up in the middle of the night. That was miserable. He also said if that didn't work to give her a dose of benadryl before bed for 2-3 weeks. I thought he was insane, and refused to give my daughter a medication for that long just because she woke up at night. So, I started just reassuring her she was ok, I was there and to go back to sleep. After about 6 months. she would wake up, see that I was there, and go back to sleep. (She would come out into the living room, or my bedroom.) She eventually got to the point where she would be able to go right back to sleep.

    @rachel0778 Only a little over a month! You got this! 600 calories isn't bad.

    Started my morning out with a visit to Star Bucks, and got all the stuff that is bad for me. Sigh. I need to figure this out. My scale is going up rather than down.

    Plan on going to a baseball game tomorrow, and then Sunday we are doing a BBQ for my daughter's 18th birthday.

    When did I get old enough to have an 18 year old? I am not ready for this at all.
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @Rachel0778 The appointment went great! My hair turned out exactly how I wanted it to!

    In fact, I felt so awesome afterwards that my FI and I had a spontaneous fancy date night. We went to a Brazilian grill and I ate waaaaay too much. Then we went to a movie, and I had movie theater ice cream. Definitely not a good day for calories. :confounded:

    We got home super late last night, and I skipped the gym this morning. Ugh. I am bound and determined to have a great eating day today, and I will be at the gym tomorrow morning. I am aiming for no cheats this weekend and hopefully a bike ride on Sunday. Then next week is wedding week, and my goal is to get to the gym Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    Sounds like we are all having our struggles and it is helpful to know Im not alone. I no matter what log everything. Part of me wants to skip adding even the smallest things, but know it will only hurt myself. I took today off of work and was hoping for a relaxing day, but my oldest is being very emotional and even asking her to use the bathroom brings her to tears. She needs a serious nap. Days like this are the hardest because not only am I upset with her, I am upset with myself for being upset! It is a vicious cycle.

    My husband is still in Florida, we are trying to find him a way home because his transmission died on the way down. Currently trying to fix his sisters older car with his father and nephew. Probably will not be back until Monday. Today is 9 days since he left. I do not know how single mothers/fathers do it. I have a good support system and I am still struggling haha.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Met a friend I hadn't seen for 5 years and she said I have lost weight from my face :D Made my day!
    I'm back to healthy, apart from ear infection, really annoying me, but at least I can be active again. Been eating a lot of cheese as I'm in France, but somehow manage to stick with caloric deficit still with all the hiking. :D
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,426 Member
    It's not easy being a parent. We raised 4, 3 of them 2 yrs apart. I don't know how we did it but by God's grace.Hang in there cayladebra, you'll get thru this, safe travels for your husband. One of my grand sons was waking up in the middle of the night & doing things...he flooded the kitchen, played around with the stove etc (he just turned 5) so they started giving him meletonin, checked with Dr first. Since then he sleeps thru the night. I myself take a benedryl every night. My plans got changed today. Originally we were going to go over one of our sons for a B-day BBQ for his wife but they're tired from working all week so we're going out to lunch with them tomorrow instead.
    Not sure what I'm doing with the rest of my day today. I can go help at our rescue or go to gym & clean house.
    I was out walking my dogs for 2 hrs already & am kinda tired but want to do something useful today. have a good week end everyone
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    2 days ago it was my fitness 10 month anniversary. Felt very proud. Don't know how much I've lost in the past 2 weeks, but think it should be 1kg at least, so even if in the past few months I've not lost much and have gained muscles, have struggled a bit,etc., I'm so proud of myself for managing to lose around 24kg and keep them off. :)
    Just saw some party pictures from a recent night out and literally almost cried seeing my dimples and not seeing any double chin even at awkward angles! Feels so liberating. Went dancing too, and I could tell that I feel way more at ease in my own body! I wish I could describe the feelings better, it's like a flower blossoming after a long, long winter. :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So anyone who has read my posts for any length of time knows that I love my husband to the moon and back, more than anyone else on this earth. But my goodness is he in a *kitten* mood today! And his negativity is bringing me down and my mood is starting to slip. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around him today. I've been having such a great day but I got him sick and now he's just being treacherous! So I am going to go get my headphones, and spend some time meditating and praying and not allow him to sink me into a depression! I cant let his foul mood hurt my emotional state! I think that that is something I am learning through the process of healing my mental state!

    Sorry for the vent! I just needed to get that out of me somewhere safe that no one knows either of us. Lol.
  • jlhflex
    jlhflex Posts: 107 Member
    Every one of you seem like really strong women. I admire that about about yall. Women truly are a stronger than most. Keep training and keep your heads up!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @HGSmith0920 - hang in there and do what you need to do to stay positive. Things aren't perfect all the time - I love mine to the end and cannot imagine life without him - but that doesn't mean that there aren't days when I wonder what on earth he is on!!! Don't let it derail you - and when you are both ready, talk to each other and move on.

    @gymprincess1234 - that's a great set of victories. I like your description too of the blossoming flower. Hope you are feeling better!

    @cayladebra - certainly not alone. My boy is 3 in December and we are dealing with potty training, sleep challenges at night and an unwillingness to nap during the day (with a complete inability to survive the day without a nap!). Hope your husband gets back ok. I know what you mean about single parents - my husband is an amazing support and I'm still left wondering about my sanity some days.

    Jen - someone suggested to me that I wake him up before we go to bed. Don't know what the logic behind such a suggestion is to be honest - that would just leave me with a grumpy child that needed me to sit with him to get him back to sleep again. And as for the Benadryl - no, I'm with you 100%. As much as I want my sleep back, I'm not going to medicate him to get him to sleep. So, I'm just finding peace with the fact that this is how it is for now and that it won't last. Hope your days are getting better.

    Such a nice weekend here - but so busy! I'm truly not sure where the days go sometimes - and I think I come to work for a rest! I desperately need to get on track - just can't seem to find the discipline at the moment and I'm eating because I'm tired which isn't good. On the plus side, my step count for today is already over 8,000 and it's only lunchtime! Have a good day all :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 I know the feeling, sometimes going to work on Monday actually feels relaxing after the weekend! How'd you get so many steps this morning?

    Welcome @jlhflex!

    @HGSmith0920 Sorry to hear your husband is cranky today, vent away!

    @gymprincess1234 Happy fitness anniversary!

    @Evamutt Did you end up having a productive day? I'm always amazed by how much activity you fit in!

    @cayladebra Sorry to hear your husband is stuck so far away. I can't imagine being a parent in general, but especially having to hold down the fort by yourself!

    @rachelbachel32 I had a garbage eating weekend too. Thank goodness today is a new day!

    @jdelaroy Happy 18th to your daughter! And I'm not doing well either, I went grocery shopping so I can kick my *kitten* into gear!

    This weekend was rough with my MIL staying with me. We ate out every meal and I ate my emotions. The housing stuff is making me completely overwhelmed and I hate having houseguests in our current place since I have to give up my room and sleep on a freaking air mattress. Plus I'm an introvert and need my own space. Today I'm bloated, crabby, stressed, and upset that I can't seem to get my *kitten* together lately. I definitely feel like garbage when I eat like garbage, go figure.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,426 Member
    Rachel0778, sorry about how you're feeling. I'm an introvert too & when our dtr visits she usually stays with us with her 2 kids, now 3 with the new baby. A few weeks ago she stayed at her brothers, I was so relieved. I love her so much & we're like best friends but our house is so small & there's no privacy & it becomes such a mess with so many ppl in here. Yesterday, instead of going out for lunch, my son said he BBQ'd a lot the day before so we went over there. I have hamburger & fries (ore Ida) & he made his chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. I had about 3 pieces. I was so tired when we got home I fell asleep.
    The new thing is my heart beat has been skipping beats now & then. I had this problem about 10yrs ago & it was due to too much caffeine. I get very aware of my heart beating & it feels so uncomfortable.I love coffee so I put about 1/4 of the scoop of regular & 3/4 decaf but I have been sipping it all day, so I stopped. I'm getting labs done to start finding out what it is. I don't know if I should go to my gym classes. will updade
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 Try incorporating little relaxing rituals in your daily routine. 5min stretching, 10min meditation, 2 min writing a journal or just sitting and breathing for a minute can do a lot!
    It really helps me to recompose myself and therefore make wiser decisions food wise if I take little snippets of time just to stop and reflect of just stop and not think at all! Hang in there!
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    Benadryl has the backward effects on children anyhow. You give a child benadryl, it tends to make them more rambunctious not sleepy.

    The hubby is back home as of yesterday. He flew back in the afternoon. It was a much needed reunion and my daughters were so happy to see him. As for me, I have consistently been around 200 over my calorie goal this past weekend and today. I have not been grocery shopping and have been eating a lot of carbs. My water intake is up, but feeling kind of bloated otherwise.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Rachel0778 - steps up by walking to the office, taking training materials to a venue a mile away then walking back to the office from there! Hit 14,500 steps by the end of the day! Buying a house is stressful and I totally sympathise about having the MIL to stay - I'm very fond of my FIL but by the time he's been with us for the weekend I'm ready to tear my hair out and get my house back to just the three of us.

    Not much to report here - Alistair was up at 5am today although we did manage to get him back to sleep for a bit. So I fully expect to run out of steam later in the day. Still, last day in the office though for this week so not all bad - I get such an improvement in my life balance and mood on the days that I work from home. Thinking of starting something called a Bullet Journal - a kind of one stop shop for all planning, thoughts, goals etc and an opportunity to try out some of my new found desire to be creative. Anyone doing one of these - they sound like they are all the rage which is no doubt why I'm so late coming to them!!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @janetay01 I haven't done a bullet journal but I've heard good things, let me know if it works for you! 14500 steps is fantastic!!!

    @cayladebra I'm glad your husband is finally home! Going grocery shopping for healthy choices will likely make a world of difference

    @gymprincess1234 Thank you for the suggestions! I'm truly terrible at meditating, but after the gym last night I curled up with a good book and I'm feeling a lot better today after some solo time.

    @Evamutt That cake seriously sounds to die for! So sorry to hear about your heart, please keep us posted and take it easy until you have more information from your doctor!

    I'm feeling better today after making healthy choices yesterday and finally getting back to the gym. I can see why the Standard American Diet is nicknamed SAD, the high sodium, low vegetable, no exercise lifestyle really messes with my well being. I'm still a little frustrated that I likely undid all my hard work these past few weeks, but I'm glad I'm getting ahold of it now before it gets too out of control.

    I think the stressful parts of house hunting are mostly behind me. We decided on the mortgage program and bank we want, the inspector is coming today, and we have our move in date all planned after closing. Since the house was inspected a year ago I'm not expecting any unwanted surprises, but who knows? This really feels like the last hurdle which is good.
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    @Rachel0778 When the inspector comes make sure they check the electrical and plumbing. Our first year in our home we found whomever built it had bottlenecked our sewage line. They had to dig up our basement. I hope all goes well because it sounds like you have it all figured out.

    Today I had to work a later shift, and I am exhausted, but wired. I stayed within my calories with adding the exercise calories and drank lots of water. Will not get to go shopping until Friday but hoping to make it work with what we have.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @cayladebra Thank you for the tip! They checked both and it looks like they are all in working order, thank goodness! Great job staying in your calories! What line of work are you in?

    Our house rocked the inspection! I am seriously so excited since that really felt like the last hurdle before home ownership. We do have to get a radon mitigation system (I seriously can't believe the prior owners didn't test since they have two small children), but other than that no major issues were found.

    I've been sleeping way better now that things are feeling more settled. I was overly hungry yesterday though and this morning woke up with major cramps, so I think something may be on the horizon, ugh.