
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Back – reading here and there

    Wendy – I live in the Greater SF Bay area…

    Sharon - Larry’s being yucky and you deserve better.

    Felicia – consider the beaches of Puerto Rico or US virgin islands – both part of USA, both warm and both hit by hurricanes and could dearly use the tourist dollars.

    Oh my I just read about Gloria, so darn sad, life is so precious….

    Rye – I am on a very limited budget as well, and have learned the art of barter, I would talk to one of the trainers or PT folks about getting some time in trade, you may not think you have anything to trade, but you might be surprised. I trade with my chiropractor, I make the cookies for his turn to bring stuff for his sons team and I get free care…

    Allie – I am so happy for you that you have a place of your own…

    Barbie – hope you and Jake get quick good news..


    Kim from N. California
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Exhausted tonight ... temporarily working two jobs and not happy about that ... older son is without a full compliment of staff. Did not eat right today ... and did not eat enough ... but i'm too tired to do anything about it.

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi y'all!
    I miss a day or two and I miss a lot!
    I haven't heard back from Gloria's daughter. I'm sure she's busy with her funeral arrangements. I still don't believe it.

    I'm back to watching my calories. I weighed myself and after a month of just messing around I gained .8 lbs. Not bad but I didn't lose either. No more muffins, and I'm watching the alcohol too!

    I have a nerve test in the morning. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 am, so I need to get up by 5:30 to get ready and I can't take my gabapentin either! I depend on that for the nerve pain from back surgery.

    Wish me luck!
    Good night!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited September 2017
    Michele, only thing I would suggest about the dress for rehearsal dinner would be to ask your daughter, yes it is about her. But no need to let her know that you asked her future MIL and she made no response. In hat you are letting your daughter know that MIL is in control and rearing everyone like puppets.

    Welcome Maria from Turkey. I love the international flare that MFP gives us. We get to learn so many cultures.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka I don't think I told you how I envy your seeing Trans-Siberian Orchestra live, did I? My parents were into music. All music, really. Opera, classical, jazz, folk, musicals - most anything and everything. They passed their love (and lack of any talent) for all types of music on to all us kids!

    That happened almost by chance.

    We were visiting my brother and his family over American Thanksgiving in 2012 and got onto the topic of music, and onto the topic of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra when all of a sudden my brother said, "You know they're doing a tour right now?"

    So we looked it up, and sure enough they were going across the southern States. We did a quick calculation about where we'd be over the next couple weeks and realised we would be in Phoenix when they were there. That settled it! We bought tickets, and did something even more rare for us when we travel ... we booked accommodation!

    I wish they'd come to Australia!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited September 2017
    Regarding cross-country skiing ... I miss it. I used to do quite a bit of it when I lived in Canada, but Australia just doesn't get enough snow for long enough to be able to get out there. And if we plan to make a trip to the snow one weekend, it'll be just our luck that it will rain.

    Regarding make-up ... my mother was really into make-up and got me into make-up from the rather young age of 12. For years, I spent heaps of time doing my face and hair and everything. And then all of a sudden one day, I just couldn't be bothered anymore.

    Now (and for many years now), I just put on a thin layer of foundation, well blended, and some chapstick. I will occasionally wear eye makeup if we're going out, but everything I've tried in the last few years seems to bother my eyes so I can't wear it for more than a couple hours. And I will occasionally use a lipstick or something as well.

    But I will do my nails a few times a year ... usually when I'm studying and am going to be just sitting for several hours. :grin:

    Regarding weight ... a couple weeks ago, just after we came back from another weekend up north, my weight hit a point I wasn't happy with. It is still within my normal BMI range, thank goodness, but nearing the top end. :astonished: I lowered my calorie limit and tightened up most of my logging and as of yesterday, I've dropped 1 kg. Much better, but I'd still like to drop more.

    M in OZ
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    I very rarely take arrangement set pictures or still life photos, I just don't thin I'm very good at it. Today however when cleaning I came across an origami book and paper I purchased years ago to work in with the nieces. We never did, so I thought I would try to make a few figures. Well the figures looked sloppy and were not pleasing to me so I thought I'd try to make them look more impressive in a photo. Thought the result was fun and I'd share it with you.


    Love it! :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited September 2017
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Hi everyone, enjoying all the posts. Machka, I also have been taking glucosamine and related joint complex for years for my arms. I am lucky to have strong knees, so far. I have decided that I need to get a protection dog to guard me on my forest runs and hikes. I am often in very deserted places, and I am such a SLOW runner, I'd never be able to get away from an attacker. My jack russell Jock is a great running friend but so lovable he wouldn't even bark at a stranger. I have been considering lots of different breeds. It has to look fierce and be willing to bark on command but it has to be good around kids because my grandkiddies are over a lot. Must also be good with cats as I have two or three...or nine. Can't have too long a coat as it would overheat on long runs. I am spending HOURS looking at puppies for sale and dogs that need re-homing. My husband has piped in to say that he wants to get a farmdog collie cross pup...What are all your opinions?

    Wendy - So maybe your husband is heading in the right direction. :) Have you considered carrying pepper spray or some type of personal self defense - if it's legal in Australia?

    SW WA State

    Wendy's across the way in NZ. :) ... I think ... :)

    Machka in OZ

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    sspell60 wrote: »
    Great group! I just joined My Fitness Pal. I am 59 and hope to learn from you all!

    Hi and welcome. Jump right in and tell us about yourself and where your from. We have lots of women that know "lots of stuff" lol I'm sure if you have a question there will be some one to answer it. This a great group of supportive, encouraging ladies.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Barbie: I love yoga and hope you will enjoy it, too. I started when I was still more than sixty pounds overweight and yoga classes took a little pain away. I found MFP a bit later, and began to lose weight by counting calories. The yoga helped my strength, flexibility and feelings of self-worth before I lost so much as a pound. My strength and balance are still improving. I hope you will be glad you try it. At first I simply felt better for a while after class. Now I feel better and stronger in my everyday life. :flowerforyou: Keeping my fingers crossed that adjusting meds will help Jake feel better. :heart:

    Marcelyn: I hope you have a wonderful experience with your marathon. :smiley:

    Heather: You are a good friend. I hope your friend with cancer really does feel well enough to take her trip. She is lucky to have you standing by to help if needed. :heart:

    SueBDew in TX: I am so sorry to hear that your son-in-law's brother died unexpectedly. :cry:

    Alison: It is wonderful seeing you move toward your new life. I am happy for you! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I love your advice to Michele to ask her daughter what to wear for the rehearsal. You have good ideas. :smiley:

    Janetr: Your DH's latest project is wonderful! He is a talented guy. :star:

    Yoga tomorrow! Yay!!! A friend asked me to go riding with her later in the week, but I'm not optimistic. I haven't been feeling the greatest the past couple of days & haven't even gone to see Arrow. The day she wants to go riding is forecast to be raining. It is already raining and it looks like the season has changed. This is good news for putting out wild fires, but might also cause new challenges with soil stability. We shall see. I'll probably call and talk to her about the situation in the next day or two.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Regarding yoga ... when I first started with yoga I had a great instructor. She was meticulous about ensuring that we were doing the poses correctly and weren't over-extending anything or straining anything ... and the class was more or less an hour of stretching, which was exactly what I needed. She also tailored it to our various activities ... so knowing that I was into cycling, she got me to do certain things more than what some of the others did, and got them to do more of whatever they needed. She also recognised that I've got all the flexibility of a support beam and would ensure that I was trying my best without hurting myself.

    I attended two winters of classes with her ... from about November to April each winter ... and by the end of the second class, I had gained the most flexibility I think I've ever had.

    Then I moved. I tried a yoga class in my new place ... attended the full set of classes ... but it just wasn't the same. I felt like the instructor was just going through the motions.

    Unfortunately, I haven't taken a yoga class since ... just haven't been able to fit it in. But one day I'd like to do it again, and hopefully end up with an instructor like my first one. :)
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa- I'm sorry the Contrave is affecting you so badly. As my Granny used to say "It it's not one thing, it's another" then she would say "Might as well dance".

    Rye - One of my favourite concerts that I ever attended was Stompin' Tom Connors. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the man and his music. I also love Garth Brooks.

    Lenora - My heart hurts for all of you. So sad to lose the hope of that little life.

    Heather - I still pray for your cancer friend. It seems she keeps a good attitude.

    Terry - French toast looks delicious. Enjoy your vacation.

    Barbie - Praying for a good result for Jake.

    I went to a funeral today. My friend (her son) that I hoped to see was not there. He is in Minnesota with his daughter and first grand child. There was a great memory that my brother brought forward. We would hear Andy start up the old blue tractor down the road. Pretty soon we would see him driving with Rose beside him and 5 or 6 of his siblings hanging on. They were going to town to church. She raised 10 children. Someone asked how she did it. The reply stuck with me "Lots of prayers, tears, laughter and love"
    I visited with another old friend of my Mom's who is 93 years younger. She told me that she celebrated her 92nd birthday by having an art exhibition. Wish I'd been there.

    Talked and cried with DS yesterday. Talked and cried with DDIL today. I wish I could wave that wand and make everything better but that is not real life. Tomorrow I talk with Creedin, our oldest grandson. Better buy a new box of tissue.

    Feeling Sad
    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 cheers everybody

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Woke up at 4:30 .and made dinner and lunches...I'm being a ding dong .found my router just don't know where I packed the modem lol I don't need it til the 28th and hope.to have most everything in by the move weekend and just will need a.pickup.
    Gonna hop in the shower and get ready to get Tal on the bus the rest of the week.and watch Faith overnight Saturday and Sean and Jean will be home Sunday.stayed with her Tuesday night through Thursday last week.