Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6ft

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 182.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 180 to 185 (goal is to MAINTAIN!

    Barb, my goal now is to maintain, not loose. So no need to include my (daily!) fluctuations - I don't want to scew the group's overall stats. But I'm happy to join you all in this challenge as it's really helpful to me and keeps me accountable.

    Good luck, All!

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20:
    2. Sept. 27:
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:

    Total overall weight lost so far: 120+ lbs since 4/4/16. Maintaining since June 2017.

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @Nikion901 - I'm so sorry about the shingles. Been there, done that - it's horrible and I feel your pain. Hoping you're feeling much better soon.
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Monday check in.

    Late night snacking is my greatest weakness. Other than going to bed earlier, any suggestions?
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Sunday share - my MRI test is in 2 weeks. I have waited almost 6 months. And i am nervous the test is going to show positive for MS. And with that i am nervous for the future.

    Wow, I don't know how you have endured a 6 month wait. I'm guessing you don't live in the U.S. I wish you all the best. It seems they are making great progress with MS research .. know two women with it... Wishing you the best!!
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member

    Name: Britt
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3.5"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 166.4lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 157lbs
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20:
    2. Sept. 27:
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:
    Total overall weight lost so far:

    I'm new to the thread and hope I can join in! I started losing Nov 17, 2016 and am currently down 62 pounds. I want to greet my anniversary of loss day with a nice even 70 pounds down. It will be hard because in the next month I am moving and starting a new job. Hopefully that won't impact my goal!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @tdunnegan i live in canada. Free healthcare comes with waitlists. If you have money to pay you can go to private clinics to get it done instantly...but i dont. So i waited ;)
  • teresaglz21
    teresaglz21 Posts: 77 Member
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 - 278.4

    Summer Heat Challenge

    Name : Teresa
    Age: 27
    Height: 5 ft 8 in

    Start Weight (July 1): 278.4
    Goal Weight (September 15): 258.4

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12: 279.2
    2. July 19: 274.8
    3. July 26: 276.4
    4. August 2: 272
    5. August 9: 275
    6. August 16:273
    7. August 23:268.8
    8. August 30:272.0
    9. September 6:275
    10. September 13: 265.00
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16: 261.4

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -17
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome back Linda !
  • teresaglz21
    teresaglz21 Posts: 77 Member

    Name: Teresa
    Age: 27
    Height: 5ft 8ins

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 261.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 240 lbs

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20:
    2. Sept. 27:
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:
    Total overall weight lost so far: 48.6

    Hi everyone. I'm one that kept dipping in and out. I'm hoping to be better at keeping track for this challenge. Its going to be difficult because there are 6 birthdays all coming during that time (and thats just family with friends its 3 more O.O) I feel confident I will have control. Holiday season here I come <3.
  • kengholson
    kengholson Posts: 4 Member
    I am a new member. I have a question. I am a 57 year old male 6'2" with every health issue you can name. On July 27 I weighed myself at 591.4 pounds. I have put myself on a diet the best way I know how without a whole lot of help. I recently was oked to have the gastric bypass surgery. My dietician said loose 30 pounds by March 15th, 2018. Here's my question, I am now at 548.4 pounds. I've list 43 pounds in seven weeks. My question is, is this to fast? Can it be dangerous to loose to much to fast like I read. Thanks in advance
  • kengholson
    kengholson Posts: 4 Member
    To clarify this. I just met with my dietician in august. so since I've met with her I've dropped about 15 pounds
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @kengholson of course 43 lbs in seven weeks is a crazy amount. And normally i would say this is too fast. At least for most of us it would be. But looking on the 600 lbs show with dr. appears this is quite common. Sometimes they do it in 1 month.....absolute craziness. its because of the amount of calories you had been consuming versus the calories you are consuming now. With such a big difference....the pounds will just simply melt away quickly! With calorie intake wasnt all too much before. So tweaking it causes me to lose very slowly unless i exercise.

    Eat lots of proteins via good lean meats or greek yogurt and healthy veggies.

    Join us in our journey here. Oh please do. Our challenge is just starting! It would be awesome to see your progress!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @kengholson - I'm not a doctor and therefore not qualified to answer you with medical advice. I recommend you ask your doctor or dietician whether or not 43 lbs in 7 weeks is too fast a loss for you. It is important that you lose weight in the RIGHT way, ensuring that you get the nutrients you need! I'm glad to see you here on this thread and happy to support you on your journey. (And CONGRATS on your loss - just make sure you get your nutrients)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited September 2017
    kengholson wrote: »
    I am a new member. I have a question. I am a 57 year old male 6'2" with every health issue you can name. On July 27 I weighed myself at 591.4 pounds. I have put myself on a diet the best way I know how without a whole lot of help. I recently was oked to have the gastric bypass surgery. My dietician said loose 30 pounds by March 15th, 2018. Here's my question, I am now at 548.4 pounds. I've list 43 pounds in seven weeks. My question is, is this to fast? Can it be dangerous to loose to much to fast like I read. Thanks in advance
    To clarify this. I just met with my dietician in august. so since I've met with her I've dropped about 15 pounds

    Hi @kengholson .. i'll take a stab at answering your question .... but here's the rub ... none of us on here are medical professionals ... we're just overweight people trying to follow guidelines from MFP to lose weight. So truth be told, the best people to ask are your own health care team members rather than people on an internet social forum, even one such as ours here. OK ... nuff said about that ...

    If your dietician said to lose 30 pounds by March, that means about 5 pounds a month. So, if you have already lost 43 pounds, I'd venture that it is too fast. The problem that this could reveal is that you are under-eating and/or over-exercising at a pace that you will not be able to maintain over the long haul. There really isn't any health issues that I can think off from losing weight that fast, but then again, I'm just a fat old lady, so what do I really know? :) Oh yes, I can think of one ... your body could turn to burning up more muscle to use it for fuel if you don't eat enough. As you lose weight, you will lose both muscle and fat, but you don't want to maximize muscle burn when it's fat you're trying to get rid of.

    I did a fast calc on a spreadsheet I got from a MFP moderator/member " @Heybales " ... You do the same thing when you set up your goals with MFP ... by the way, what did MFP recommend? A 57 year old male who is 6'2" tall and weights 590 pounds has a resting metabolic rate of about 3570 calories, and a possible TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure sans exercise, but with daily normal activity) of about 4460 calories a day .... You can probably eat as much as 3350 calories a day and lose weight. Remember, even though you have a lot of flab on your big body, you also have a lot more muscle, heavier bones, bigger organs ... and they need to be fed. And that 3350 is a very aggressive deficit. A more realistic one, as for being able to maintain it, is 200 to 400 calories more. At 550 pounds, the difference is about 200 calories less than what I already described, so those numbers still work.

    So, more "grandma" ... no, for you it would be 'ma talk' ... "Eat son, but eat healthy." ... That means cut out the extra's and goodies as much as possible and eat real food until you are no longer hungry. Don't stuff yourself until you are bloated, but don't go around feeling hungry, tired, and grumpy either. Eat your veggies, and also some fruit. Drink your milk, and don't go bonkers on sandwiches, pizza, candy and soda pop, and so forth; but if you can have a little and stop, then do it once in a while.

    Good luck to you ... and, like already suggested by cellosmiles, join us in our 9-week weight-loss reporting challenge. We have had several people join us while they lost weight in prep for their bariatric surgeries ... and i do believe they had a support group both with their health care team and on MFP ... And, glad to report they are doing well post surgery.

    (still just a grandma, but my mom was a great grandma at my age)
    edited for spelling.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    How awesome so many new people in the group!! Welcome all!!
    Hope you all join the challenge ... it's a great tool to help us keep accountable!!
    Best of luck with your weight loss journeys! :)
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member

    Name: Jackie
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 252
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 240
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20:
    2. Sept. 27:
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Started here a few months ago. I have lost 13 pounds and feel great about that. I finally went to a doctor and I have lost at least one inch off my height, maybe 2! The shorter I get, the more weight I have to lose.
  • mmompoint8708
    mmompoint8708 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a mother of five children and I am 30years old. After seeing photos of myself at a family function I have decided that I need to lose some weight. Currently I weight 232.8 lbs and my goal weight by December 30th (which also marks my 31st birthday) is to get to 200 - 210lbs and then ultimately reach a satisfying 170lbs.

    I am looking for people in my area to keep motivated, provide suggestion and advice. This is about to be a hard uphill battle but I believe it will be completely worth it!

    Also I am in the Peel region. Let me know something about your journey and where you are in it. Let's get healthy together!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi @mmom
    Why don't you post and join our Fall Challenge? I find them very helpful!