Juice fasting



  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So, those of you who have been juicing- what do you think that this mix will be ok? Kiwi-apple-grapefruit?

  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    So, those of you who have been juicing- what do you think that this mix will be ok? Kiwi-apple-grapefruit?


    Sounds good! I don't care for grapefruit but the apple should add the sweetnes.. Let us know how it turns out!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    So, our juicer fizzled out on Thursday night so we are drinking bottled juices until the next one comes. I actually have a 12 yr warranty on my L'Equip and it's only 7 years old, so I have contacted the company to see what I should do next. It is a centrifugal juicer though and I have been wanting a masticating juicer for some time, so I went for it! I ordered the Omega 8300 on Amazon and got it for only $229 compared to the $300+ I was looking at. So hopefully will be here in the next couple of days. I'm excited, it's supposed to get more juice out of greens and the juice is supposed to be more nutritious since it processes at a lower RPM. I still want to get my other one fixed though.

    You can also make nut butters in my new juicer and it's so much easier to clean! Can't wait til it gets here!!
  • I've just read this entire thread and you all have inspired me to get out my juicer and dust it off. Maybe I'll try the fast for a jump start to a new life - I've juiced before and loved how I felt. I didn't hear anyone mention GAS - that was my main issue last time I juiced. I couldn't control it and it was very embarrasing. I'd fart and the room would smell for an hour - alot of "hang time" in that gas. I don't do well without any protien so I'd probably have lean meat and a salad for dinner BUT I must might try to just do juice for the rest of the meals/snacks.
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So, those of you who have been juicing- what do you think that this mix will be ok? Kiwi-apple-grapefruit?


    Sounds good! I don't care for grapefruit but the apple should add the sweetnes.. Let us know how it turns out!

    Wasn't bad! A LITTLE sour- could have used a second apple. I used 1 medium grapefruit, 3 kiwis and 1 golden delicious apple (next time 2)

    Grapefruit is definitely a tough fruit to drink because it is bitter but it is soooo good for you. So I will keep trying juices that contain it until I can find one that is delightful!
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    Just wanted to invite everyone to post their favourite juice recipes on here:


    Just recipes please-

    I figure that since you all have been doing such a great job with your fast/feasts that you must have come across some favourite recipes!

    Make use you tell us how much of each so that we can recreate your masterpiece!
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I've been stalking this thread for quite some time now. I watched the documentary too, like many (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead) and really got inspired by it. I don't have too much weight to lose but I have a few health ailments and being only 22 it would be nice to learn to control and clean things up now while my youth is still on my side...

    I'm moving cross county in about a week so I'm not ready to jump into anything crazy or drastic at the moment but I'm going to try and incorporate cleaner eating now so that when things are a bit more settled down I can tackle some bigger goals. I can't wait!

    I did the Master Cleanse a few years ago (twice) when I had actual weight to lose. I went from being border line overweight to middle of the line healthy. While I know a lot of people get great benefits from the MC I think it did more damage then good and wrecked my metabolism and digestive system. So I want to just throw out some advice to those who are talking about enemas and laxatives: BE CAREFUL. Your body can become dependent on laxatives of ANY kind, even natural, and weaken your digestive muscles or piping or whatever you want to call it. Also, watch your calories. Even if you are feeling good you could still be drastically under your necessary caloric intake which can harm your HEART as well as other muscles and organs!! Just make sure you do all of your research and don't just jump into something because someone said they had wonderful results. When I did the MC I was only taking in 500-700 calories and almost never felt hungry so make sure you aren't fooling yourself, especially if your going for 10, 20, 30 days or more.

    I personally don't think there is anything wrong with cleansing and detoxing especially with raw whole foods! You can easily get your necessary protein, (see one of my earlier posts), vitamins and minerals if your include enough diversity in your meal plans.

    Thank you to everyone who has been posting, congratulations and good luck! I hope this thread is still around when I jump in to my new and improved diet with juice included!!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Day 12, down another pound. Feels pretty much like a normal way of life now and its great. I decided to do this for the full 60 days so only 48 to go.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    For those of you curious about week long juice fasts for weight loss purposes, just wanted to throw it out there that I did gain everything I lost back as soon as I started eating non-veggies again.

    I'm not dumping on raw / juice diets at all. I still think it was a fantastic thing to do for a week, and if nothing else, it really helped me reset my portion size ideas. I've been able to put away half of something I made because I was full TWICE now, even if I was allowed the calories that day. I've never been able to do things like that. So yah... anyway, happy fasting to those of you that are still going.
  • april41981
    april41981 Posts: 20 Member
    bump for save! thx! :)
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    Day 2! Just had a Grapefruit-orange-lemon-ginger juice. MUCH better then I thought it would be. Got the recipe from DAN MCDONALD- Check out his You Tube videos Life Regenerator- super good!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    What kind of rash? I only ask because I also have an ongoing rash which gets better and worse but never goes away completely and I've had it for a couple years now. The rash is teeny tiny dots and occasionally itches. I had a pb&j sandwich the other day and I started itching like crazy 30 minutes later, then took a benedryl and it eased up a lot. Its mostly all over my back, but also appears on my stomach/chest and occasionally my back. Very annoying. I also have been "playing around" with juicing once a day: spinach/coffee/milk/protein-powder breakfast smoothie and a green smoothie for or with a reduced lunch. Perhaps I will juice-only for a few days... One day at a time. Ok, I'll start with my very next meal: dinner. I'd hate to give up my breakfast coffe smoothie though.

    I went to my doctor because I have strange rashes and acid reflex and you know what his remedy was...JUICE FASTING. And I only weight 120 pounds :/ So to help maintain my weight and detox I'll be adding some bananas and avacados in the beginning. Nuts later on -that was my choice because I'm positive I'm not allergic to nuts and I don't want to loose weight too quickly. I'm sure If I drink enough I wont. Anyways-

    So that was two weeks ago that I went to the doctor and I still haven't done any fasting completely :/ little self control I guess --BUT I have been having only juice for like half a day and maybe a whole day once a week-I know I won't get well until I do it completely but I've been on and off vacation and family events.

    I need to plan better for my juice fast. Any ways- Haven't read every ones post but am definitley curious to see why and how everyone's juicing is going.

    One thing I did notice while juicing is that the longer I stay clear of bread the less acid reflex I get. :( so sad news- gluten may be my issue.:( But I guess I'll see when I really get serious and go for ten days.....still have the rash.

    Also-I'd love help and support from anyone who's done a detox fast or is going through one.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Agree :)
    Starting Day 4: Woke with a headache again. Downed my Green Drink...15 min later still had the headache. So I had 4 oz. of coffee. Tomorrow I'm switching to Green Tea.
    Breakfast : Chard, spinach, blueberries, flax seed oil & whey powder.
    Lunch: cucumber, tomato, kale, chard, spinach, tomato, carrot, & Brewer's yeast. ( this got really foamy & I could only drink 3/4 of it)

    I've lost about 3 lbs. I was able to do my 30 Day Shred on Wednesday & today. I did 45 min. on the elliptical on Tuesday.

    I'm going to keep adding flax oil & whey or hemp to my blends because of my weight training. I need the protein to repair damaged muscle tissue.

    Keep on juicin' & blendin'!

    I just wanted to say, on this post, this woman has only a few pounds to go to get to her weight goal. I would HIGHLY recommend doing this fast only with a doctor's guidance, especially if you are in a healthy weight range already - as this poster is. I think it is a fantastic short range program for people who have a lot of weight to lose, but it could be dangerous as a quick fix to people with 10-20 lbs to lose.

    The movie had the participants under medical supervision, and I know the original poster on this thread, dakota, is also under a doctor's supervision. I've been cheering on those of you who are doing this the healthy way. I do worry about everyone with 10-20 pounds to lose trying this.

    oKay, off my Onsoapbox.gif

    Good luck, everyone!!
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So here's the thing- I love V8 Juice but I HATE HATE HATE tomatoes!!! I find V8 Juice filling and satisfying but I know it is terrible for you. Since I started juicing I thought there may be a recipe that comes close but does not taste like tomatoes- maybe I am asking too much! Anyway, found this recipe online but I am too chicken to try it in case it does taste like tomatoes and I have to throw out all those lovely veggies! So I was wondering if someone who likes tomatoes would try it and report back? Pretty please?

    The reviews were pretty good

    it came from http://naturalhealthcircus.blogspot.com/2006/02/v8-juice-recipe.htm and it likens it to V8.

    6 medium-sized carrots
    1 small beet (wash well)
    3 large tomatoes
    1 bag baby spinach
    1/4 head fresh cabbage
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green bell pepper
    3 stalks celery
    1/4 sweet onion
    1/2 clove garlic or less if you don't care for garlic
    Kale leaves (a little goes a long way so be careful)
    Chili pepper to taste
    Salt to taste

  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    For those of you curious about week long juice fasts for weight loss purposes, just wanted to throw it out there that I did gain everything I lost back as soon as I started eating non-veggies again.

    I'm not dumping on raw / juice diets at all. I still think it was a fantastic thing to do for a week, and if nothing else, it really helped me reset my portion size ideas. I've been able to put away half of something I made because I was full TWICE now, even if I was allowed the calories that day. I've never been able to do things like that. So yah... anyway, happy fasting to those of you that are still going.

    I am not surprised you gained it all back. From my experience, I usually gain back 5-7 pounds once other foods are incorporated. It's normal so if you only have a little bit to lose, this is probably more for healing benefits than weight loss!
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    Bumpity Bump Bump
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    How is everyone? I had my juice this morning, cherrys, strawberrys and apples, yum. Decided I needed an extra long workout. Went walking at 5:30 cause i found a walking buddy, but only could do a mile cause it was extra Hot today, can't wait for fall and winter weather, the heat is so unbareable. It feels like the sun is getting closer and closer each day. Anyways gonna keep walking when she goes walking. and going to make sure i am extra hydrated. any tips on walking in the heat?
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    So here's the thing- I love V8 Juice but I HATE HATE HATE tomatoes!!! I find V8 Juice filling and satisfying but I know it is terrible for you. Since I started juicing I thought there may be a recipe that comes close but does not taste like tomatoes- maybe I am asking too much! Anyway, found this recipe online but I am too chicken to try it in case it does taste like tomatoes and I have to throw out all those lovely veggies! So I was wondering if someone who likes tomatoes would try it and report back? Pretty please?

    The reviews were pretty good

    it came from http://naturalhealthcircus.blogspot.com/2006/02/v8-juice-recipe.htm and it likens it to V8.

    6 medium-sized carrots
    1 small beet (wash well)
    3 large tomatoes
    1 bag baby spinach
    1/4 head fresh cabbage
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green bell pepper
    3 stalks celery
    1/4 sweet onion
    1/2 clove garlic or less if you don't care for garlic
    Kale leaves (a little goes a long way so be careful)
    Chili pepper to taste
    Salt to taste


    I looooove V8 and have been craving it since i started the fast. Fortunatly i like tomatos. I actually have a few recipes that are supposed to taste like it but we will never get the same taste bc of all the salt they jam in there. I will let you know if any come close.
  • rhomor
    rhomor Posts: 39
    So here's the thing- I love V8 Juice but I HATE HATE HATE tomatoes!!! I find V8 Juice filling and satisfying but I know it is terrible for you. Since I started juicing I thought there may be a recipe that comes close but does not taste like tomatoes- maybe I am asking too much! Anyway, found this recipe online but I am too chicken to try it in case it does taste like tomatoes and I have to throw out all those lovely veggies! So I was wondering if someone who likes tomatoes would try it and report back? Pretty please?

    The reviews were pretty good

    it came from http://naturalhealthcircus.blogspot.com/2006/02/v8-juice-recipe.htm and it likens it to V8.

    6 medium-sized carrots
    1 small beet (wash well)
    3 large tomatoes
    1 bag baby spinach
    1/4 head fresh cabbage
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green bell pepper
    3 stalks celery
    1/4 sweet onion
    1/2 clove garlic or less if you don't care for garlic
    Kale leaves (a little goes a long way so be careful)
    Chili pepper to taste
    Salt to taste


    I looooove V8 and have been craving it since i started the fast. Fortunatly i like tomatos. I actually have a few recipes that are supposed to taste like it but we will never get the same taste bc of all the salt they jam in there. I will let you know if any come close.

    Fantastic!!!! Thank you soooooo much!