Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    My hubby tells me to remember I am 66 years old. I say ...... you are only as old as you feel, and I want to feel as young as I can.

    My dad is 75 and he averages 25,000 steps/day. My grandmother swam and danced well into her 90s...she was able to do that because she stayed active consistently her whole life.

    Your age should not be a barrier to exercise as long as you take good care of yourself!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    That game was wild!!! The "heart attack Pack" is back! We were screaming out on my brother's backyard porch (nice little bar & TVs) and I'm sure the neighbors down the street heard us. It's always good when it's "your" team that pulls out the win. :smiley:

    I'm going to the game Thurs. night. :smiley: Luck of the draw, those are my lottery tickets. :smiley: Can't wait.

    As for walking the dog, my alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. and it's nice and cool (normally) that early. I'm usually up by the first snooze. Although it's getting much harder, with it being dark now. I try to have my clothes ready to grab so I don't wake hubby who went to bed around 2 or 3 a.m. Once I'm in the habit, it's not so bad, but SO hard to get in that habit. I am not a morning person, but it's better than trying to make myself work out after work. :wink:

    That will be an awesome game to go to! Packers - Bears game is so much fun! Especially there in person. Have fun! I'm jealous! :smiley:

    I've thought about getting up at 5:30 to walk. I just haven't been able to get my butt out of bed! Do you just take your shower and get ready for work after your walk then? Maybe I'll try doing that tomorrow. I will set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. and hopefully I can get up without hitting snooze 47 times! I really have to say kudos to you for being able to do it!

    After I walk dog about an hour, I feed dog and cat bc cat is very insistent on her schedule. Next is my breakfast bc I absolutely have to eat. Then I hit the shower and get ready for work. I try to have my day's outfit in mind the night before. I'm very fortunate that my workplace is about 9 min. drive from home. We have a nice routine as long as I don't keep hitting the snooze. That's why I had to build up to 5 days a week, starting out with 2or 3. It's always harder for me when I get up in the dark.
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I was away at the cabin and really had my calories under control because I only ate what I brought with me. Too bad it cannot be like that at home. I did not count steps but I feel like I did enough work to burn some calories. Tomorrow will be the kind of day that always makes me lose motivation because I eat so badly.
    I am taking photo of my goals so I can remind myself throughout the day.

    Goal for tomorrow:
    1. Do not eat out of control tomorrow night at gathering.
    2. Do not eat out of control at lunch meeting tomorrow. No dessert. No bread. I hope it is not pizza. Pretty certain this meeting will not go well. I cannot let it start an eating frenzy.
    3. Get groceries on my way home so there is good food here so I am not tempted to get fast food on my way home from busy workday Wednesday and Thursday.
    4. Make tuna dish for lunches Wednesday and Thursday.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday wasn't a great day. I had a business planning away day which was thoroughly dull, uninspiring, and just left me with a massive sense that the business is in chaos and nobody knows what they're doing.

    For some reason this really infected me. I think it's because I'd kind of got in the mind set of leaving (with the job application), but then didn't get the job - and know that if I'm going to get a similar one, I'll need to build up some experience of the relevant areas. But getting to work on those areas will be a challenge as it's not my core remit - and the more the business is in chaos, the harder it is to see opportunities that I can grasp.

    Which makes me feel a bit trapped. I don't really want to be there, but I have to stay there to get the experience I need. My colleagues are frustrating me, but I have to be nice to them as I'm reliant on them for the opportunities I need.

    Has anyone else been in a similar situation - even vaguely? If so how did you cope/motivate yourself?

    Result was: another day of going home and feeling sorry for myself with associated comfort eating.

    I'll deal with that at some point. I really need to get some better coping mechanisms. But for now I just need to pick myself up and get back on track.

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :/
    - Take sensible portions for lunch :)
    - Avoid sweet stuff and high fat stuff :'(
    - No snacks outside meals :'(
    - Go home after the away day - don't go to the pub this time :)
    - No alcohol :'(
    - Focus on training slides before away day :/ Decided to switch them to the evening but was then too demotivated
    - Complete 2x tasks after the away day :)
    - Call friend this eve :/

    Today will be a tough day. It's the anniversary of my dad's death today so I'm likely to feel pretty rubbish. I don't want to respond to it by eating though. In a way eating is about running away from emotions, isn't it? And I don't want to run away from this - I want to feel them.

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - Be in the green

    - Go to church at lunchtime
    - Focus whilst at work
    - Leave work by 5.30pm
    - Meditate
    - Read letters from dad this evening
    - But also watch something light hearted to lift my spirits
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @joan6630: Can you try at least bringing a bottle of PowerAde Zero? No sugar but lots of electrolytes. You need to stay hydrated and listen to your blood pressure. I know I get light-headed really easily and it is scary! But for you to get nauseous also worries me. You are doing great, by the way! Look at your numbers continue to drop. Excellent!

    YES. I also have very low blood pressure, and one of my doctors suggested sipping a bit of Gatorade during intense workouts. I make up water bottles that are 1/3 ice, 1/3 water and 1/3 low-cal Gatorade and that seems to do the trick.

    Thank you for the info ---- I ran to the store today and picked up some gatorade, and also some PowerAde Zero. Now, I just have to listen to my husband telling me that I am overdoing it! Just can't win ...... :s But ... I do find I am enjoying the gym, and I do think if I am "able" to go on the treadmill at higher speeds and incline, that it is OK to do this. My hubby tells me to remember I am 66 years old. I say ...... you are only as old as you feel, and I want to feel as young as I can. So tomorrow I may mix the gatorade with water and ice, and see if that helps me.

    And --- Congrats on 1000 days!!! That is real commitment!!

    Agree with him, tell him he’s right and you’re going to tone it down a little! But just do what you feel is ok in the gym. I know it’s annoying when they go on and on about something but it’s only because he cares lol!

    Tbh I’m 26 so 40 years younger, and I’m very unfit in comparison to you. I can’t do an hour on a treadmill then other stuff too! It took me a couple of months to build up on a treadmill for 30 mins (HIIT though)

    So if you can do it! Then do it!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    Today will be a tough day. It's the anniversary of my dad's death today so I'm likely to feel pretty rubbish. I don't want to respond to it by eating though. In a way eating is about running away from emotions, isn't it? And I don't want to run away from this - I want to feel them.

    This is very sad :(
    Try not to focus on his death, but celebrate his life! I’m sure you have plenty of happy memories so remember them! Not how it was in the end!

    And remember food will not help. But remembering all the positive things will!
    It will be a happy/sad emotion but it’s possible to feel them things at the same time!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Joan6630 - make sure you have something in your stomach before you work out. I would suggest reducing the intensity of your cardio for a few days and see how you feel. Listen to your body.

    I want to comment on so many posts this am but it's a busy day (week) so I'm settling on just listing my goals. I skimmed through a bunch of posts and let me just say you are such an amazing group!

    Pretracked most meals - even supper.
    Walk the dog.
    Keep up with 9 cups of water.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    To avoid unhealthy snacking in the afternoon I've got some fruits & veggies ready to go! Thank you joan6630!
    Early bedtime-try for 9:30pm. Set an alarm to force myself to do this!
    Have week planned out-start first project.
    Read something inspirational.
    Try to preplan suppers this week and get the crockpot back out. Still need to do this. Write suppers on calendar.
    Need to weigh sometime this week....a littl nervous.

    I wish I could simplify my thoughts and just say "eat right, move more & get enough sleep" and boom, goal is attained! If it were just that easy :smile:
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Goals for Tuesday. Always watch calories and don't let the little buzzards sneak in. Take 45 minutes and exercise. Get the boy through his day.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Monday:
    1. Sugar only from fruits and vegetables. <29 g added sugar. <75 g carbs :/
    3. Hit my step goal ;) short by 84 steps
    4. Weigh my food and journal it before it reaches my mouth :( I logged everything but not prior to eating it.
    5. Meditate and journal before bed :)
    6. Bed 10:00 pm :(

    @slittlemeister I'm so sorry about your dad. Hugs from Wisconsin! I struggle with the same kind of work issues as you, so I don't really have any insight at this point because I'm still struggling with it. I am also struggling with the fact that I have applied for 5 jobs now outside my company and have not even gotten an interview. I used to be very marketable. It seems like now that I'm older, nobody wants me. So that was a slap of reality too. I know you will get where you want to go. You just keep your head down and you will reach your goals. I can tell you are determined and passionate about it, and that goes a long way.

    I know I have a lot of goals listed today but I'm working from home today so I should be able to have uninterrupted time to focus on them.

    Just for Tuesday
    1. Journal every bite
    3. Be productive today. No procrastinating on the projects I don't like doing. Just get them done and move on!
    4. Walk away from negativity. Earbuds and music or podcasts to tune it out.
    5. Deep breaths and lavendar oil if stress starts sneaking up
    6. Use planner to list rest of week's meals, schedule activity and schedule 30 minutes of 'me' time each day.
    7. Unplug and read Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal one hour before bed.
    8. Rewrite my Beck's diet index cards with more "real" not sugar-coated reasons for losing weight. Place around house.

    Goal weight 145 lb
    9/25/2017: 171.4 lb
    Age: 57
    Height: 5'4"
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Today will be a tough day. It's the anniversary of my dad's death today so I'm likely to feel pretty rubbish. I don't want to respond to it by eating though. In a way eating is about running away from emotions, isn't it? And I don't want to run away from this - I want to feel them.

    Whenever we have a birthday or anniversary of someone who's passed away, hubby and I talk about the good things we remember of that person. We also have a "toast" in their honor, and since hubby doesn't drink, it's always N.A. We always feel a little better thinking of the good memories.

    As for your job situation, I wish I could help, but don't have any answers for you. My worklife has evolved differently.

    Hugs to you!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap M 9/25
    1) Walked dog 3.35 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Project due date / finalize workpapers & turn in for review = Turned in project early afternoon. :smiley: On to the next assignment!
    3) Meal plan & make grocery list = Done, and found recipes I forgot. Looking forward to cooking more when the weather finally cools and becomes more seasonal. :smiley: And even though I didn't list yesterday, I knocked a bunch off my to-do list, including washing the patio doors and kitchen sink window @joan6630. :smiley:
    4) For those of you falling out of habits, I am adding this again since I'm not consistent anymore: Floss! = Day 1 :smiley: Why am I better at this when it's on the list?!?
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Cut it close, but in bed & TV off 10:15 :smiley:

    JFT T 9/26
    1) Walked dog 3.35 miles before work & remembered to wear headlamp so I could see dog's poop to pick up. :D We've been wearing reflective gear for several weeks now so drivers can see us on side of the road. Saw 1 bunny and geese on the move. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Clear up work email backlog, mostly newsletters
    3) Use Calm app, pause & pray
    4) Grocery shop
    5) Floss day 2
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017

    Has anyone else been in a similar situation - even vaguely? If so how did you cope/motivate yourself?

    Today will be a tough day. It's the anniversary of my dad's death today so I'm likely to feel pretty rubbish. I don't want to respond to it by eating though. In a way eating is about running away from emotions, isn't it? And I don't want to run away from this - I want to feel them.

    I wish could help with suggestions on the job -- I have been there, and remember all so well what that feeling is like. When you feel the company you work for is also in chaos, it just makes it even harder. Fortunately, I am now 66, and able to work from my home, so my situation is much different. But, by reading your posts, I can tell you are a very smart, motivated, dedicated person. I know that in time, the right answer, or the perfect job situation will happen. But just know we care, and hope things will get better for you.

    I will say a prayer, and sending hugs to you on the anniversary of your fathers death. 3 weeks ago my BIL passed away, and for me, it also brought back painful memories of my family that I have lost. Losing our loved ones is so very hard, and grieving is a large part of that pain. Time does heal, but for me, its been 5 years since my 4th sibling died, (and over 20 since I lost my parents) and those memories are still painful. But you know that your father would want you to remember all the good memories the two of you had, and always cherish those. We all know food is not the answer, yet, that is the first thing we want to turn to - the comfort we've always felt. But like you said -- don't run away from the feelings you have. Sometimes a good cry is the best medicine, and then, find some good laughs to remember the memories, that will be with you always.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited September 2017
    JFT, MOnday
    1. log all food :/ Was doing so good, until I got into some crazy pumpkin candies I bought. WHY did I even buy them ---- Thinking they would look so nice in a candy bowl!!!! :s I should know that I can't keep those around the house
    2. drink water :)
    3. go to the gym. :/ Big flop - came home after almost passing out. But .... Thanks for all the suggestions --- I went and bought some PowerAde and Gatorade.
    4. Lay out clothes for tues morning :/ Have to make hubby happy, and skip a few days.
    5. keep calories under 1400 :) Even with the pumpkin candies - still stayed under 1500. More than I wanted, but could have been worse
    6. sip on water in the evening :)

    I still feel slightly lightheaded and nauseas today, so I am hoping yesterdays episode had nothing to do with my workout, and possibly a slight touch of the flu. But .... my high school friends are coming into town friday, so no, I can't get sick!!!!

    SO , JFT, Tuesday
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. drink some gatorade (mixed with water)
    4. clean up my sewing room -- it is a mess! But I've been trying to get more chemo hats finished
    5. water my poor flowers outside. With almost 100 degree temps (the average is suppose to be in the 70s!), and no rain in over 3 weeks, everything looks terrible
    6. dust the guest room
    7. get boxes ready for shipping today
    8. skipping the gym for a couple days - so eat healthy!

    Remember, losing weight is 90% what I eat, and only 10% exercise

    stay focused. End of year I will be very close to first goal

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited September 2017

    1. plan and pre-track exercise for the week :)
    2. 12,000 steps :smiley: 16,106
    3. under 1400 calories :)
    4. under 75G carbs :neutral:
    5. 8+ freggies :)
    6. 10+ cups water :)
    7. 60 minutes Zumba :)
    8. lift weights :)

    Two more job interviews this week, including one today! Not sure that I want either job, but the interview practice is good. Both are in the city though, so they are eating up lots of time.

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. under 1400 calories
    3. under 75G carbs
    4. 8+ freggies
    5. 10+ cups water
    6. swim a mile
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    September goals are:
    Daily plank
    Daily Yoga
    Heating healthy –
    Focus on lower belly fat loss
    Advocare challenge not started yet - mid week or next week time permitting
    Uplifted spirit and personal growth :)
    Support – needed and given - SHAPE :)

    Loose 5 lbs by 1/1/18 - 1 :)

    @joan6630 – Nice continued progress keep it up you are doing great. You are doing great and you will keep under
    200 I just know you can we can do this together. I think that is why I am so deflated I was under 200 for almost 4
    years and now my scale is just going up up up and I am defeated. I am trying to take it a step at a time but really
    want to get back down any suggestions for me? Try protein before exercising and take lots of water as well.

    @cschmitz110515 - One day at a time I love it thanks. sometimes the company is better than the calorie count as
    long as you get back on track. GO PACK GO!!! I seem to use my snooze but at least I am not setting an alarm
    after like I use to. The dark is not my favorite to get up in . Love the evenings but busy with teaching this next
    month so exercise may need to take the back burner for now.

    @OConnell5483 - Organization is key I just wish I would listen to my own advise. Love the pack I was stuck in my
    chair and could not even move during commercials.

    @Bex953172 - looking forward to the pic of the bib.

    @apennock - the pack is back :)

    @azulvioleta6 – WOW happy 1000 you are such an inspiration. Nice family inspiration I am hoping that I can be like
    that into my 70's or 80's.

    @PrincesseAly23 – Nice no weight gain on vacation congrats. Hope you and DH are feeling better soon.

    @dlm4mom - yes no food at home helps but then it causes me to stock up on snack that are healthy but then I eat
    even to many of those.

    @slittlemeister – better day coming your way. Just focus on your job and being the best you can be. DO not allow if
    possible anyone to bother you and give them as much positive feedback as possible it is infectious. Heart goes
    out to you and your loss remember the good things and memories that is what he would want you to do instead
    of focusing on your loss.

    @Saragirl2 -. "eat right, move more & get enough sleep" and boom, goal is attained!" I'm in where do I sign up.

    @josephinebowman - never heard of the buzzards are those crunchy snacks??? (that is what they would be for me)

    Thank you all for the support of my many issues ^^

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 YAY!!! Baby kicks!!! That's so awesome! I'm super excited and I'm not even the one pregnant! Lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!!

    This vacation has been total rubbish goal and health wise. Lol. I have barely stuck to anything and haven't gotten anything done! I've been enjoying the time off and the time with the DH but I told myself that I would go for walks and spend time outside and I haven't and now I only have two days left! The DH goes back to work tomorrow. He's pretty nervous. I can tell. He's been having some cognitive issues due to past head trauma. We just went and saw his old neuropsychologist who wants to run a whole bunch of tests. We're just waiting on the authorization from the insurance to see if we can. Hopefully, I'll hear back from the doctor's office in the next week so that we can go through with it. I know that it is really worrying him, and kind of me as well. But declines like this can happen when you have as much brain damage as my DH does. He's been in AT LEAST two comas(He thinks there may have been a third in there somewhere but he can't remember). He says that he's missing a total of 31 days due to unconsciousness. So some emotional and mental decline is to be expected, we just weren't expecting it so soon. So we're hoping that the doctor can do something to help him, whether it be new cognitive therapy or medication of some kind. Just something I hope.

    But the day is pretty much over. It's almost 7 pm here on the East Coast. So I'm just gonna add a few goals for the rest of the night and then some for tomorrow.

    So, JFT, 9/26/17

    1. Clean up dinner
    2. Do dishes
    3. Finish character sketches for story
    4. Take a shower
    5. Brush teeth(I seem to have fallen out of this habit. Lol)
    6. Bible/pray/meditate
    7. Bed whenever

    JFT, 9/27/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Stay in green
    3. Take a walk
    4. Work on story
    5. Attend the first night of E.A.T. Conference at church
    6. Make DH lunch to take to work
    7. Make something healthy for dinner
    8. Read/meditate/pray
    9. Yoga
    10. Teeth
    11. Bed whenever
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    I was away at the cabin and really had my calories under control because I only ate what I brought with me. Too bad it cannot be like that at home. I did not count steps but I feel like I did enough work to burn some calories. Tomorrow will be the kind of day that always makes me lose motivation because I eat so badly.
    I am taking photo of my goals so I can remind myself throughout the day.

    Goal for tomorrow:
    1. Do not eat out of control tomorrow night at gathering.
    2. Do not eat out of control at lunch meeting tomorrow. No dessert. No bread. I hope it is not pizza. Pretty certain this meeting will not go well. I cannot let it start an eating frenzy.
    3. Get groceries on my way home so there is good food here so I am not tempted to get fast food on my way home from busy workday Wednesday and Thursday.
    4. Make tuna dish for lunches Wednesday and Thursday.

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Met three of four goals today- kind of. I did not d a great job of not eating foods that I shouldn't at lunch and dinner meetings but I controlled portions and ended up ok. I am too tired to prep food for tomorrow and Thursday so didn't meet that one.
    For tomorrow:
    1) make soup before going to work
    2) pack a good lunch
    3) drink 3 glasses of water at work and 1 in the car.
    4) take a lunch break
    5) do not ride the shuttle to my car. Walk instead