Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member

    Name: LaDana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5' 2"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):271
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 260

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 270
    2. Sept. 27: 270
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    7. Oct. 25:
    8. Nov. 1:
    9. Nov. 8:
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -1
    Total overall weight lost so far: 33
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member

    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 252
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 240
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 252
    2. Sept. 27: 251
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: 0
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: 0

    Total weight loss so far - 14 LBS
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @cedar2526 did you miscalculate and you've lost a pound or did you miss type this week's weight? I'm not sure which way to enter your numbers. :neutral:
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member

    Name: Anne
    Age: 58
    Height: 5' 8

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 27) 232.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 220

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    2. Sept. 27: 232.4
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:
    Total overall weight lost so far: 26

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    edited September 2017

    Name: Tracy
    Age: 57
    Height: 5' 2 1/2"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 176.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 167

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 174.4
    2. Sept. 27: 175.6
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -.8
    Total overall weight lost. Since 9/16: -.8

    Had a s
    care today, thought I might be having a heart attack had to call ambulance. However they checked me out & I was ok. Trying to take it easy in bed tonight.


  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member

    Name: Ana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 156.8
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 148

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 155.7
    2. Sept. 27: 153.4
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.3
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -3.4
    Total overall weight lost so far: - 75.8
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    @babcarrier so sorry, I lost one pound this week!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    Name: KarenLeona
    Age: 61
    Height: 5ft 11in

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 345
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): anything less!

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 345
    2. Sept. 27: 332.4
    4. Oct. 4:
    5. Oct. 11:
    6. Oct. 18:
    7. Oct. 25:
    8. Nov. 1:
    9. Nov. 8:
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.6
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -2.6
    Total overall weight lost so far: -2.6

    I will take it

  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Truth Thursday: my mind is so overwhelmed at the moment I can't even think of anything to write, comment on, or respond to. There, that took 5 tries but I got that typed out....tomorrow folks, tomorrow.
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5ft 2ins

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 294lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 276lbs

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 291.5
    2. Sept. 27: 291
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.5lbs
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -3lbs
    Total overall weight lost so far: 31lbs since February '17

    Only a smidgen lost this week. Quite disappointed as I'm spending 5-6 hours a day decorating, have been since Monday. I thought all the climbing step ladders and waving my painting arm around would count for something! Mind you, I am tending to treat myself I guess "to keep up my energy". Bad Birdygirl!

    Plus point is that the weight I have lost since February has made using the ladders so much easier now I don't have knee and ankle pain. I used to only do the bare minimum of work on the ladders as it was so uncomfortable and I felt unsafe. But this time I am able to do a much neater job of the high work, so I'm trying to be thorough. It might be years before I tackle it again, and I might be too old by then anyway :D

    Another week of this round of painting, and considering doing my small kitchen before Christmas too. (I must be unwell, this is very unlike me :D )

    I need to make time to catch up on all the posts, hope everyone is doing OK. I'm hardly online at the moment, MFP keeps nagging me to enter my food intake, and I usually just manage to do that each night. See you next week!
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Hey all. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow. Scale is at gym, not at home so I don't always get there
    My usual weigh ins are Saturday

    Truth Thursday-- ice cream twice. General tsaos chicken -- with broccoli(as if that helps
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited September 2017
    @cedar2526 Thanks, no problem. Congrats BTW.

    @tdunnegan if you want to start using your Saturday weigh in weight for the challenges that's fine. Usually we say you can weigh any day between Thursday and the following Wednesday for the weekly report. I've been accepting some later ones because it didn't matter to me. But, it's fine to have your weigh in day be any day as long as it's a consistant day each week. That way if you want to you can post this Saturdays weight, it will count for the weigh in on Oct. 4th. As for this week you can post tomorrow for this week but that will only leave you a day in between. I'm going to be a little late with the report this week (see below) so I can include your Friday weight this time.

    If anyone else wants to post challenge results go for it. I won't be compiling the report this week until Saturday AM. I have a busy evening planned tonight and I have to leave my house tomorrow early and I won't be home until 11 - 11:30 pm. I promise to have it done earlier next week! :neutral:

    @Birdygirl15 Congrats on being able to climb easier. I wouldn't be surprised to see more of those pounds come off over the next few days!

    @GOINSTD12 glad all is well. Take care of yourself! :)

    @happygirlxxx love the picture!

    @BarneyRubbleMD Your post made me realize I hadn't checked my BMI etc. in a long time, I was please to see I am also no longer in the morbidly obese category! YEA!!! Now to get out the obese category and down to just the overweight one! It will take a while but it will be so worth it.

    @karenleona and @cellosmiles and anyone else working long shifts and/or 7 days a week. I give you a lot of credit, I don't know how you manage to do and continue on this journey we are all on. You are amazing!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth … I should be out in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess I made cooking … I tend to be a messy cook; using too many pots and pans, utensils and dishes. The “stitch in time saves nine’ habit got up and went from me. I’m writing on MFP cause that’s one habit I’ve built up that leaves me feeling incomplete if i don’t do it.

    Speaking of habits, I had an email from James Clear, a motivational writer, about habits today that applies to any habit we want to make. According to James there are strategies we can use to guide is in building a new habit. I’m just going to share the bullet points because i think we can all understand what the deeper meaning is … but if you are unclear you can find the article (and many, many more) at his website ...

    Here are the highlights:
    1 … start with an incredibly small habit
    2 … increase your habit in very small ways
    3 … as you build up, break habits into chunks
    4 … when you slip, get back on track quickly
    5 … be patient - stick to a pace you can sustain

    I especially can relate to the last sentences written … “New habits should feel easy, especially in the beginning. If you stay consistent and continue increasing your habit it will get hard enough, fast enough. It always does.”

    This article prompted me to think about the habits I've made, and those I've abandoned, in my long, long, tortuous weight loss journey (I'm still in the morbidly obese category after several years of 'working on it') ...

    Habits broken ... Eating anytime and every time I feel some hunger. Eating a lot of restaurant prepared food. Eating past the point of being full cause it's a holiday, a smorgasbord, I'm bored/upset/happy/sad/angry/lonely. Eating in the car. Overbuying groceries because it's on sale. Eating in bed. Buying candy/ice cream/cookies/snack chips-pretzels in anything but 1 single-serve at a time. Baking. Getting 'worked up' over things I have no control over (Truth here ... this one occasionally is retrograde but I am much better at it).

    Habits made ... Log every meal, every day, every thing I eat/drink that has calories. Weigh/measure my food (so I can log it accurately) Sleep in bed, not on the couch. Prepare up to 100% of my meals from scratch the majority of the time (except bread, cause I don't bake) ... Truth here ... I did have restaurant food over a month ago almost every day for a week and gained big time that week. Eat a similar volume/density of food from meal to meal. Rarely eat more than 1 snack a day. Stop eating by 8PM. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of pure, clear water a day.

    Habits I need to develop ... Perform housework activities every day. Walk more/sit less. Get outside into the fresh air every day.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Finally the weekend is arriving! Yay!!

    Well, actually I don't know what I complaint about if I don't work ... however, when I used to work full time I wondered what do all my friends that stay home do all day ... well now time passes by quickly and somehow you are always busy with something ... its weird :D . Also, I have been by myself because my husband has been at Vatican city for the last couple days and will be back this afternoon; will be nice to chat about all the amazing stuff he was able to see ... he was there for work, but he got an amazing exclusive tour ... he said he thought he was like in the Da Vinci Code :wink:

    @Nikion901 I liked what you shared about habits. I agree that to succeed we need to start with something simple, small and built up from there .. changing all at once is recipe for disaster because we don't give ourselves time to adapt and learn. And also, I think its great that you are so aware of what you have been able to change, but as well of what is still work in progress; it is healthy to recognize our wins, to empower us to continue. Thank you for the reminder!

    @bapcarrier I am glad you liked the pic. I <3 love taking photos; I used to carry my camera everywhere, but now I tend to just use my mobile. I am thinking I need to get myself a comfy camera bag and go around the city .. Milan is such a beautiful place to walk. I promise to share some more.

    BTW - I am sharing my weight on Thursday morning because that is when I weighted the 1st time, so just to continue with the same day; I think it doesn't really affect you because is almost your Wednesday due to the time difference.

    Friday Fitness!

    This week I managed to workout several days so I am quite happy :) I have been doing a mix of cardio and simple pilates exercises and that has worked quite well for me, so I guess I will continue with the same this coming week; below a summary of what I did:
    • Friday: Rowing (30min) + Cycling (30min) + Pilates (30min)
    • Saturday: Rest
    • Sunday: Rowing (30min) + Cycling (60min) + Pilates (30min)
    • Monday: Rest
    • Tuesday: Rowing (30min) + Cycling (30min) + Pilates (45min)
    • Wednesday: Brisk Walking (60min)
    • Thursday: Cycling (60min) + Pilates (30min)

    Not that bad, right? I am amazed how much more fit I am and the fact that I can cycle for an hour no problem!! The only reason why I stop is because I start getting pain on my toes if not I would continue for a bit longer ;)

    And pilates exercises are great; I do them at home ... just need a mat and basically the weight of your body will help you out. There are several videos online if anyone is interested in trying ... I just do the basics, nothing crazy, but I think it is helping out.

    OK, long enough post :o oopsss!! Have a great Friday everyone!!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @Nikion901 Love the article on habits. Thanks for sharing. Only down 1 this week. I was a bit disappointed since I gained 2 last week and I have totally stuck to my calories. I guess I expected to lose the 2 I had gained. I understood about last week with all that I had going on socially. Oh well, better than a gain. I've been faithful with my journal and will continue to do that. Love reading everyone's posts and the motivation. I am envious of all the exercise I see. I need to find some kind that I can do sitting down. My knees are so painful from arthritis, I'm lucky I get around the house to do what I need to do. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    I am going to post thursday truth here now.

    I worked from 8am to 1130pm yesterday so didnt get the chance...

    I basically ate whatever i felt like the last 3 days. Its been real bad, cant get the thoughts of getting talked to at work off my head and been stress eating to cope. And then yesterday a few good mystery shops popped up all of a sudden so i was out all evening completing them for some easy money....

    I need to get my slump turned around quick! I just had a 3lb loss. I dont want a 3 lb gain by next week!

    I will need to develop better plans for when 'life' gets in the way. I will learn to cope better!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thanks @happygirlxxx and @b_lisieux for commenting on my habits post. You, Ana, are an inspiration to me with your exercise routines! You've given me an idea with the camera ... maybe if I bring my camera with me outside onto the city sidewalks I'll find some inspiration to keep walking by finding interesting buildings or landmarks to photograph. I could start a photo album of them.

    Friday Fitness ... An awareness Friday morning at my house as I poured over updating my stats worksheet. And now I really must push myself off this chair and get the active day rolling! Today's fitness goal is to work on my habits minutely. There is much, much to do so it's hard to keep it in the frame that to build on my habits I need to start with step 1.
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Friday fitness - it's been brutally hot w high humidity here and I avoided exercising. Heat as excuse....

    I did spend several days in Maine and did some walking but more for utility than exercise.

    Finally got out this morning and am recommitted!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    @Nikion901 you should! I love architecture photos ... that is basically what I tend to do most of the time . It would be fun + a good workout!
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    Niki, Bapcarrier, Lydiapass and anyone else who lost weight this week -- in addition to my awesome check, congratulations!!

    Friday Fitness:
    Went to gym to weigh myself. Not good. And not surprised. I have to work a 10 hour shift today. I recently found a new chiropractor and he's got me going 3x a week. This keeps me away from the gym because I go after work ... So I'm really struggling. I am very suspicious of chiros who do the 3x a week thing. But 5 years ago I had 1 herniated disc in my lower back and now I have three. I had seen another guy and apparently what was done didn't work. I feel like I'm really stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I've also got some pretty stressful issues I have to manage on the home front which is not helping with emotional eating. It's all about self discipline, I realize. So, next up, my Wednesday weigh in post... two days late.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    tdunnegan wrote: »
    .... I recently found a new chiropractor and he's got me going 3x a week. ... I am very suspicious of chiros who do the 3x a week thing. But 5 years ago I had 1 herniated disc in my lower back and now I have three. I had seen another guy and apparently what was done didn't work. I feel like I'm really stuck between a rock and a hard spot. ....

    Terry, I sympathize and understand exactly how you are feeling about this. Every chiropractor I've ever gone to does the 3 times a week thing as a start; it's the standard and drops down in number of occurrences as time goes on. I've only had success with one chiropractor whose therapy helped me with my disc problems but I went to him for regular treatments for 2 years ... starting with the 3 time a week thing. That one has retired and thus this summer I tried a new chiropractor for me disc problems and went for 26 sessions but never got past needing it twice a week so I knew the therapy wasn't working. Now I'm searching for a physical therapist to take me on.

    Please take care of those discs! I've been able to forestall spinal surgery for the past 40 years by using the services of both Chiro's and PT's ... but may not be able to do so much longer. However I know if I hadn't gone for the therapies, and hadn't done the 'at home' exercises they told me to do that I would not still be walking today.
  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member
    nikion901 - Thank you for responding. I've actually had a few doctors over the years (since 1990) who did not start with the 3x a week thing. And others who did. Have done soooo much PT. It is helpful, but that calls for 3x a week too.

    I just need to figure out how to get workouts in. They are such a huge part of weight loss for me. When I work out I eat better and feel better. When I'm in the zone, I do yoga, spinning and weight lifting. I also enjoy swimming.

    Patience is a virtue (that I missed when they were handing it out!!!) Hee Hee

    All's good. It's the weekend so I have time to get workouts in on Saturday and Sunday and maybe Tuesday. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are out. I work a 12 hour on Fridays.