Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Goals will stay the same until I can achieve them:

    Day 33 (Sept 25) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs ❌
    2. Log Everything✅
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals❌

    Day 34 (Sept 26) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs ❌
    2. Log Everything✅
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals✅

    Day 35 (Sept 27) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs
    2. Log Everything
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals

    I lost my furry little friend. My Winter White Dwarf Hamster passed away while I was on vacation. I've been really down about it and have cried lots. He was my very first hamster and I loved him way more than I probably should have (knowing that the Dwarfs only live a year or so).

    For the past 2 days I've wobbled between feeling sad and feeling sorry for myself because of this miserable cold. I've not eaten much (there's no point. Nothing tastes any good) and I've been completely overwhelmed with work.

    I hope things are going well for the rest of you!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Thanks for all the lovely messages everyone, I really appreciate the support!

    Yesterday actually worked out ok. I didnt manage to avoid indulging - my annoying feeder teammates brought biscuits to our team meeting and I didn't manage to resist. I also ended up having fish&chips for dinner to mark my dad's anniversary (we often had it for a treat when I was a child). However, I didn't go quite as overboard as I could have done and did say no to other temptations. Which isn't really good enough for weight loss.... but it'll do for now.

    Emotions wise it was good though. I was fairly busy with meetings which helped. At lunch though I made it to church and had a bit of a revelation. The vicar was saying the prayers and one of them was for refugees and I just suddenly thought: "what the h$ll have I got to complain about?"

    I've been feeling sorry for myself because lots of aspects of my job aren't fulfilling me and I want to move career into something that's more inspiring, but know I'll find it difficult to make this move. Well.... boo hoo! Lots of people don't have a HOME. Lots of people don't have a job at all. Lots of people have a job they hate but don't have better options available because they didn't get a good education, or because they are struggling with ill health, or for many other reasons. Overall, I am very lucky.

    So, I really just need to stop moaning and be grateful for what I have. (This does not mean not trying to change job - it just mean getting focused not down).

    As a result of this revelation, I've taken a leaf out of @OConnell5483's book and started doing a gratitude journal. Every day I'm going to write down 3 things I'm grateful for. I think this will help me stay motivated but also it may make me more appreciative of those around me. (@oconnell - thanks for the inspiration!)

    And my first two entries were:
    1 - grateful for having had such a lovely dad in the first place. Not everyone is that lucky
    2 - grateful that I had him until I was 27. Whilst that's younger than average to lose a parent, many people (and children) lose their parents at a younger age

    So... Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :/
    - No snacks except ryvita :/
    - Be in the green :/
    - Go to church at lunchtime :smiley:
    - Focus whilst at work :smiley:
    - Leave work by 5.30pm :smiley:
    - Meditate :/
    - Read letters from dad this evening :smile:
    - But also watch something light hearted to lift my spirits :smile:

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - No alcohol
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Leave work by 5.30pm
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    The last few weeks I have been so extra hungry and so have still made some bad choices. My weight is still managing to go down (don't ask me, I have no clue). Imagine what I could do if I made better choices. So my JFT Wednesday is to only eat the food I brought during work and then not to eat the entire kitchen when I get home. Today might be a long day, so I did bring extra food but nothing else.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Pretracked most meals. Sushi for lunch, treat not a reward.
    Walk the dog.
    Keep up with 9 cups of water.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    Having the healthy snacks on hand in afternoon has worked out. Just keep them available.
    Shop for some healthy groceries today.
    Read something inspirational.

    Control the day or the day will control you.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap T 9/26
    1) Walked dog 3.35 miles before work & remembered to wear headlamp so I could see dog's poop to pick up. :D We've been wearing reflective gear for several weeks now so drivers can see us on side of the road. Saw 1 bunny and geese on the move. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Clear up work email backlog, mostly newsletters = Instead, I prepped for next project, emailed requests for reports/docs & now I wait; Asst. Manager returned recent project w/ request to add several comments to report / done & issued for Language & Content review. Woohoo! :smiley:
    3) Use Calm app, pause & pray = Done, but still need to allow more time & focus :|
    4) Grocery shop = Done, even checked out the international food aisle more thoroughly. Didn't buy anything not already on my list, but maybe someday.... :smiley:
    5) Floss day 2 = :smiley:
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = In bed 10:00 & missed call from hubby at work! :):'(

    JFT W 9/27
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work / saw 1 bunny. Overnight, weather magically switched from summer peak to autumn, so much nicer to walk dog. Happy me & happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Clear up work email backlog
    3) Happy hour w/ former colleagues: preview menu online, make health(ier) choice & stick w/ it. Order 1 adult beverage and enjoy the company of friends.
    4) To-Do list: refill bird feeders, boil eggs, wash dishes, organize for Th (crazy day)
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15

    Really like the gratitude journal idea. A long time ago, I did something similar and it really put into perspective how truly blessed I was, when all I had thought of previously was the "I don'ts"... Now, when I think of it another way, I don't have cancer, I don't have to worry about electricity or where my next meal is coming from, I don't have to worry about persecution, etc. Life could be so much worse. I am blessed.

    Hoping all of you have a blessed day!
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    September goals are:
    Daily plank 0/7
    Daily Yoga 2/7
    Heating healthy – 1/7
    Focus on lower belly fat loss
    Advocare challenge not started yet - mid week or next week time permitting
    Uplifted spirit and personal growth :)
    Support – needed and given - SHAPE :)

    Loose 5 lbs 217 by 1/1/18- 215 - -2 :)

    @Bex953172 - How awesome to feel the kicks and movement I think this is when you really fall in love with your
    new child.

    @HGSmith0920 – best of luck with testing and insurance for DH. head trauma can be no fun I have gone through this in the past and can say it is hard sometime to focus and know that all is well. I am sorry that you are going through this.

    @dlm4mom - 3/4 is a great job

    @PrincesseAly23 – Hope that you cold passes quickly. Good vibes over you especially at work.

    @slittlemeister – yes we are lucky we have so much more than many others and if you look around you can always find someone in worse circumstances than you are. Love the journal idea.

    New day tired but ready to start off running - chin up and I can face the challanges of today. Did great staying green yesterday. :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Tuesday
    1. Journal every bite :(
    3. Be productive today. No procrastinating on the projects I don't like doing. Just get them done and move on! :DYES!!! Got a big piece of training environment built yesterday!
    4. Walk away from negativity. Earbuds and music or podcasts to tune it out. :)
    5. Deep breaths and lavender oil if stress starts sneaking up :)
    6. Use planner to list rest of week's meals, schedule activity and schedule 30 minutes of 'me' time each day. :)Started this.
    7. Unplug and read Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal one hour before bed. :D
    8. Rewrite my Beck's diet index cards with more "real" not sugar-coated reasons for losing weight. Place around house. :(

    @slittlemeister I'm so glad you had a good day! I thought about you often yesterday. I'm glad you like the gratitude journal idea. I do it every single night. It's what I do before going to bed at night. I have a little notebook next to my bed and I write 5 things I'm grateful for that day. Sometimes it's as simple as having a roof over my head, hot water, running water in general, electricity and a job that feeds us. Sometimes it's something bigger. But it always helps me put things in perspective and helps me go to sleep on a good note so I don't lay there obsessing about a crappy day! <3

    I hope everyone is having a great day! I am working many hours again and I want you all to know that I do pop on here and read every single one of your posts, but I don't always have time to comment.

    @Bex953172 Feeling babies kick is soooo awesome! I used to love that feeling! I actually missed it after they were born...didn't miss the rest of pregnancy though...just the little baby kicks. So cool! :mrgreen:

    Just for Wednesday
    1. Journal every bite
    3. Meet my step goal
    4. Focus on getting my environment build tasks done for IL go-live, as well as Eau Claire go-live.
    5. Put a smile on my face and be grateful for another day
    6. Tune out negativity. I can't stop it, but I can choose how I react to it.
    7. Try Yoga or Tai Chi tonight
    8. Unplug and read Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal before bed.

    Goal weight 145 lb
    9/25/2017: 171.4 lb
    Age: 57
    Height: 5'4"

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :) 10,170
    2. under 1400 calories :)
    3. under 75G carbs :(
    4. 8+ freggies :)
    5. 10+ cups water :)
    6. swim a mile :( did not make it to the gym

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. under 1400 calories
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. 8+ freggies
    5. 10+ cups water
    6. do SOMETHING at the gym...not sure what yet
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I blew it today. I was not able to take a lunch break, traffic got the best of me and I had to work until almost 8pm. I succumbed to Wendy's on my way home.
    Tomorrow is a new day
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a good day - managed to break the cycle of over-eating!

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks except ryvita :)
    - No alcohol :)
    - Be in the green :)

    - 30 + minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive :smile:
    - Leave work by 5.30pm :neutral: 5.50. Not too bad, but need to stop faffing!

    Today should be fine diet-wise as I'm working from home (away from temptation) but I will have to be careful not to succumb to stress/depression/procrastination. (That tends to happen when I work from home).

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - No alcohol
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Get out for a walk at lunch
    - Meditate
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive (no procrastination)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap W 9/27
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work / saw 1 bunny. Overnight, weather magically switched from summer peak to autumn, so much nicer to walk dog. Happy me & happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Clear up work email backlog = Lots more to go, but progress made :smile:
    3) Happy hour w/ former colleagues: preview menu online, make health(ier) choice & stick w/ it. Order 1 adult beverage and enjoy the company of friends. = This went well...I decided on grilled chicken pesto panini & veggie medley & actually ordered it. Had 1 pint beer and enjoyed conversation with former colleagues. Net calories red 110 which I will count as a win. :wink:
    4) To-Do list: refill bird feeders, boil eggs, wash dishes, organize for Th (crazy day) = done / done / done / done :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = In bed by 10:15 & TV off by 10:30...that was ok, no dog walk planned for Th a.m. And I flossed. :smile:

    JFT Th 9/28 Leaving work early and going to the Bears / Packers game tonight! GO PACK GO! :smiley:

    Food day in office, probably not much that's healthy & I'm working through lunchtime...choose wisely. For supper before the game, I'm making wild rice and quick, healthy skillet chicken with spinach & mushrooms; that way, avoid stadium food.
    1) No net calorie goal except don't eat everything I see / log everything as best I can
    2) Move during the day / stairways at work
    3) Enjoy the game with friends and 80,000 fans / 2 adult beverages

    Short list today, too excited for tonight. :p
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Goals will stay the same until I can achieve them:

    Day 35 (Sept 27) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs ❌
    2. Log Everything✅
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals❌

    Day 36 (Sept 28) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs ❌
    2. Log Everything✅
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals❌

    This is getting out of hand. I've got to stop eating ridiculously. I did an excellent job while on vacation and now I've let myself go. I hate work stress. I will try again tomorrow.

    Day 37 (Sept 29) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs
    2. Log Everything
    3. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I have eaten calories to the limit these past few days-technically in but really up there. And the exercise today got shafted a bit. BUT I can not complain about most of it. Shelled out $1,000 for air conditioning repair. Won't think about it so there it is. Tomorrow, I will attempt to be back down on calories. Same old goals but new day! Keep calories down to my knees. Faithfully exercise with good attitude for 45 minutes. Get kid along on his lessons. Clean kitchen island. Don't forget meeting at church (like I did last week). Make time to go by cemetery -- since run-in with man at pool, I have been looking at my son and seeing my husband's face. He was so good-looking and I see it again in the boy. I want our son to be like his dad minus the faults that made me nuts! He must be on a growing jag-he is drinking almost 2 gallons of milk weekly and his legs stick out of his pants to his ankles. Today, he was working on the -all words and he said Tall like Daddy!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I feel myself losing motivation. I don't know why this happens every time. I have been losing a bit more than a pound a week which I am thrilled about. I am not forcing myself to eat anything I don't want to eat or do anything ( gym) that I don't want to do and I do not really feel that restricted with food. I am not miserable or mad about dieting.
    I thought about buying an outfit that almost fits to motivate me but i am not crazy about clothes so that is no help. I have to go to a conference for 3 days next week and almost always this is where my diet ends. I have to eat the food that is served.
    Enough about that.
    My goals for tomorrow will be:
    1.Make a healthy delicious dinner
    2.Make snacks to bring to the meeting and get some waters.
    3.Get fruit and instant oatmeal or boil some eggs so I don't have to eat the "light breakfast "
    4. Find someone to walk with at the meeting. Call and ask them to bring shoes.
    5. Really work on drinking enough water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Only time for a v quick post this morning....

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - No snacks except ryvita :smile:
    - No alcohol :/ Had a couple of G&T with boyfriend to get into 'evening mode' (I always struggle with switching off when working from home)
    - Be in the green :smile:
    - 30 + minute lunch break :smile:
    - Get out for a walk at lunch :smile:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive (no procrastination) :smile:

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks! (Do not buy anything whilst travelling)
    - Keep milky coffees to a minimum
    - Make sure work on train rather than chatting to colleague
    - Stay calm... (about workload and meeting)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    I feel guilty not commenting b/c so many of your posts have touched me. I feel like we're in sync with each other. Looking out for each other in life's journey. My prayers and thoughts are with you all who are going through a tough time. Keep adding positive things in your day.

    Pretracked most meals. A neighbor brought me soup, so grateful.
    Walk the dog at favorite park.
    It's been about 3 months since I've bought a flavored iced coffee Dunkin Donuts-amazing!
    Keep up with 9 cups of water.
    Tackling yard work in the cooler temps.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    Having the healthy snacks on hand in afternoon has worked out.
    Read something inspirational.
    Early bedtime...couldn't come soon enough!
    Start sketching logo for non profit.
    Preplanning weekend meals.

    My eldest child awoke at 3:20 this am. He's unaware of how noisy he is so both my husband & I were wide awake for at least an hour. I'm tired so I'll have to be careful as that triggers mindless snacking for me.

    I'm grateful for you all.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    dlm4mom wrote: »
    I feel myself losing motivation. I don't know why this happens every time. I have been losing a bit more than a pound a week which I am thrilled about. I am not forcing myself to eat anything I don't want to eat or do anything ( gym) that I don't want to do and I do not really feel that restricted with food. I am not miserable or mad about dieting.
    I thought about buying an outfit that almost fits to motivate me but i am not crazy about clothes so that is no help. I have to go to a conference for 3 days next week and almost always this is where my diet ends. I have to eat the food that is served.
    Enough about that.
    My goals for tomorrow will be:
    1.Make a healthy delicious dinner
    2.Make snacks to bring to the meeting and get some waters.
    3.Get fruit and instant oatmeal or boil some eggs so I don't have to eat the "light breakfast "
    4. Find someone to walk with at the meeting. Call and ask them to bring shoes.
    5. Really work on drinking enough water

    I find that my motivation fluctuates!
    I think it’s okay we do this, gives us a slight break and it’s hard to be strictly consistent!
    When I say slight break I don’t mean go devour the fridge, maybe lessen the amount of goals and just pace yourself until you find the motivation again :)
    If you have to eat the food that is served. Then take a 3day break. Still log, be accountable.
    But after that 3 day break, get right back on it.

    Maybe you feel unmotivated because you’re aware this conference will put a spanner in the works but see it as a treat instead, and acknowledge that the treat ends after 3 days and back to “normality” of your logging and keeping on track :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap Th 9/28 Leaving work early and going to the Bears / Packers game tonight! GO PACK GO! Food day in office, probably not much that's healthy & I'm working through lunchtime...choose wisely. For supper before the game, I'm making wild rice and quick, healthy skillet chicken with spinach & mushrooms; that way, avoid stadium food.
    1) No net calorie goal except don't eat everything I see / log everything as best I can = Net cals definitely red due to office food day, but did ok otherwise :#
    2) Move during the day / stairways at work = Did great at this...I had 250+ steps from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and 33 flights of stairs on Fitbit. :smiley:
    3) Enjoy the game with friends and 80,000 fans / 2 adult beverages = Had an absolute blast! Even with 47 min. weather delay due to lightning and clearing the stadium bowl for safety reasons. Icing on the cake, so to speak: Packers win! Only 1 beer (cheaper night that way too ;)) :smiley:<3

    Late end to game, then dealt with traffic and finally home at 12:20 a.m. Good thing I took Fri. off. I arrived home only 20 minutes before hubby home from work (he had delays due to both drawbridge raise & train crossing). We got to talk and unwind together (rare for weeknight), so that was nice. Finally went to bed 3 a.m. I was awake at 9 a.m. with no alarm, wonderful luxury, but was a complete slug all morning. Once he woke up later, had nice morning with hubby, again, rare on weekdays. <3<3<3

    Now hubby's gone to work & I need to update JFT F 9/29: keeping list very simple at this point in the day.
    1) Walked dog 3.58 miles & she was patiently not so patiently waiting for me to get going :smiley:
    2) Net calories green / drink > 8c water
    3) Go to bank: safe deposit boxes being relocated / take new passport for storage
    4) Maybe a few easy chores: make hummingbird syrup & refill feeders & baths, read Sun. sales ads, declutter something

    One day at a time, everyone. Lifestyle, not a diet. Wishing you all the best!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Not feeling great and having a hard time finding motivation!

    1. Track all food
    2. Get some exercise
    3. 10+ C water
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    So I've decided to change tactics a bit.

    I've completely lost my motivation and have to force myself to keep logging my crappy meal choices. For some context... after our stressful, crazy, vacation that ended in a cancelled flight and lots of jet lag and exhaustion and work stress... I got sick with a vicious cold for a full week and then TOM hit me today. I'm about to leave my husband for the first time since our marriage two years ago (we've never spent a night apart) to spend 14 days on a business trip in the USA.

    I'm lying in bed, curled up in 3 thick blankets and coughing up a lung while I type this. I'm doubled over with cramps and have a headache and am anxious about leaving my man on Sunday.

    When I started MFP back in June I weighed 201. Today I weigh 191.4. I NEED to see 188 before Oct 19th. It is sooo important to me. I don't have words to describe. I dieted in France so Inow I've proven to myself that I can diet ANYWHERE!!!! Therefore... in preparation for my next adventure....

    My goals are to not gain and to:

    1., Be active,
    2., No snacking,
    3., Drink lots of water,
    4., Eat small portions,
    5., Avoid sugar

    I'm working towards a very special day. I need to see 188 on or before Oct. 19th. That gives me 20 days to lose 2 lbs. I KNOW I can do this. Even if it has taken me 4 months to lose 10 lbs.

    Wish me luck!!

    I'm so sorry for all of the whiny self-centrées posts. I'm hoping to be back to my outgoing, optimistic self very soon!!!
