for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    We can still keep the " walking " as the challange for the ones that choose to do so- but maybe to re-think the time- do it in the night or before the suhur time. Do it more intense - faster - so you don't have to stay on it for ever.. the faster you walk/jog/run.. the quicker you are done.. let that be your motivation.. think " i don't have time.. i have to finish this ASAP .. so run for your life.. run as fast as you can.. like me .. the whole 4.5mph :) for the whole 10 minutes hehehe :) i'm serious.. i'm not really great at running.. but do what ever you can .. do it for 20-30 min and be done with it.. ok ?
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Ramadan Mubarak everyone !!!!!

    My challenge for the month will be to do 1140 minutes of exercise. I loved the concept of 114, but added a 0 at the end.

    The exercises i will be doing is the 30 day shred, which is only 20 minutes, and light walking. Hopefully i will be able to complete my challenge.
  • moon83
    moon83 Posts: 5
    Hi all,I am in :smile: I am so excited that this thread is on here. I go to a nutritionist & she gave me a special diet for Ramadan, if anyone is intrested, I will be hapy to post it. I wish you all a blessed Ramadan & mubarak Aleekom alshahar :flowerforyou:
  • I'm so glad to see this! I love the benefits of Ramadan, but consistently, I either gain weight or stay the same during Ramadan. This year, I'd like to at the very least, maintain my loss, or even lose more, but my primary focus is to tend to the spiritual workout of Ramadan.

    My plan is the following:

    Wake up before suhoor and do a mini-workout

    Have a protein packed suhoor, with lots of fruits and veggies

    I also figure since I'll be up, instead of going to back to sleep for just a few hours, I'll use the early morning time to do some Quran studying.

    Break fast at sundown, and have a healthy nutritious dinner

    Go for a walk before bed.

    Make sure to take my vitamins, and drink lots of water during suhoor and iftar.

    I'd like to do the 114 mile challenge, so my ticker will be below.

    Ramadan Kareem everyone! And may this month bring you lots of blessings, patience and peace.
  • Hey all Ramadan Mubarak !! I am extremely excited for this month spiritually and physically.

    Since it is technically the first night, I will be doing the 30DS after maghrib just so I can make sure I do the 30 days complete. Yaay excited!!!
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi all,I am in :smile: I am so excited that this thread is on here. I go to a nutritionist & she gave me a special diet for Ramadan, if anyone is intrested, I will be hapy to post it. I wish you all a blessed Ramadan & mubarak Aleekom alshahar :flowerforyou:

    Ramadan Mubarak everyone! Moon, I would love for you to post what your nutrionist came up with for you. Thanks!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    yes go ahead and post the plan -it can't hurt to get more opinions and ideas. I really like the link we had shared above.. it had really a lot of good advices.

    I'm planning to go to bed - extra early tonight- to that i can start with the program..

    i should do 30 day shred.. even though i'm not a fan of it- every time i started it i hurt myself some how ... i overdo the moves.. i don't like to settle for " lighter options " so i get hurt. I guess i should do it .. give it another chance .
  • moon83
    moon83 Posts: 5
    Hi all,
    Ok, this is the plan that I will be following for the first week of ramadan...

    2 dates (tamer) + 1/2 cup soup (any kind) + water
    6 -7 spoons of anything that is on the table
    2 fried foods (samboosa, kubba.......)
    salad (no oil, no salt)

    DESSERT: (after taraweeh prayers)
    3 logaymat or
    1 sab algafsha or
    3 balah ilsham or
    small bowl of muhallabiya, um ali or jello or
    1 small chocolate
    + arabic coffee, tea w/o sugar

    2 slices brown toast with low fat cheese or
    1 bowl of cereal with low fat milk or
    4 spoons of rice with low fat yogurt


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning
    day 1 and im excited im planning a rice dish for iftar basmati rice boiled with a little salt then in a seperate pan fry onion, pepper sweet potato cubed , peas spinach and various other vegatable items i pick up when i food shop fry lightly then add a vegatable stock simmer down finally mix with the plain rice served with salad maybe a lowfat raita i am planning on making some mini cupcakes with less sugar than required so lower calories and we at least feel like we had a sweet treat

    hope everyones day goes well may allah make it easy for us
  • Ameen.

    Asalaamu alaikum...good morning everyone...insh'Allah, everyone has a wonderful, successful first day of Ramadan. :)

    I woke up this morning, stretched and did some sprints (15 minutes; I'd sprint for 10-15 seconds, then jog in place for a little, then sprint again).

    I thought I was going to miss suhoor...when I went outside to sprint, I grabbed the wrong keys and locked myself out the house!!!! O_o Alhamdulilah, I was able to call and wake my step-dad up and he unlocked the door for me; I got in the house with 10 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal and drink 3 cups of water. Wow! That was close! But, I feel good, masha'Allah.

    I gotta stop and pick up some dates on my way home from school today. Since I live with my parents, and they are not Muslim, I have no idea what will be for dinner. They are pretty much opposed to eating healthy. Insh'Allah, I can figure out something.
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
    How's everyone doing? it's currently 11.15am in the UK and i'm feeling OK.. kinda lol really missing tea at the moment.. I normally have 3 cups a day.

    On a positive note I did manage to drink 1 litre of water this morning.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Im thinking of taking homemade hummus with brown khubz at sahoor. so will it be a good idea? considering tht im vegetarian and my options for protein intake are very limited. My options are:

    Black-eyed Peas or White Lobia

    Any other ideas to increase my protein intake except soy products and protein powders!
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    Ramadan Mubarak!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I have to say - beside this topic i have received so many wonderful private messages from -non -muslim members and like i said i'm very postively surprised that you are all following this thread, supporting us , ' cheering-on " :) etc. I was scared to start a " relgious-based " topic.. at first and i was warned that it will get closed very soon.. but i wanted to try it out anyways. Because no matter what religion you are - you have to educate yourself about healthy lifestyle. So - other members have christmas-challanges, thanks giving challanges.. and who knows what else and we all participate together- so i thought- why not have a " ramadan " challange.. :) i'm glad we have so many members participate - and others cheering us on. It is really nice to know you guys are out there supporting us. Thank you :)

    Now back to the topic.
    I have read some of your menu-samples and glancing quickly through them- i have noticed a lot of carbs and fiber.. but not that much protein ?? Rice/veggies---.. where are the proteins ? fish/ chicken et c?
    The menu i have seen from one sis- can't remember the name now- i have to say i didn't like it 100% .. same reason- carbs.. no protein .. cereals are not really a good option for suhur- not very many cereals are good at all - they make you hungry in a matter of 3-4 hours. if not less than that.. esp the sugary ones with not enough fiber in it. Cereals/ toast - that's pure carbs.. you need to have protein ..
    Please read the article that was listed here on the previos page.. It really explained it great.. There are some great tips in that text. i have printed it out - that's how impressed i was with all the information .

    I'm doing ok- only thing i allready missed since i woke up was water. I don' have a clue how many glasses i have had .. till i had stomach ache.. but still ..

    Woke up this morning at 2:30 and jumped on my treadmill - only thing i forgot - my garage is like 120 F .. !!!! i have no air conditioning in it.. so i have tried to run but i felt my heart is going to pop out of the chest it was really hard in that heat.. Tonight i will leav the garage door open and try to cool it together with the house- hope that helps.
    Didn't get enoug milege in - but at least something for the start.

    Planning to make lentil soup .. for kids probably will grill some beef burgers and veggies- for myself - maybe some fish and veggies.

    btw. did you know that one date has 70 kcls !!!!
  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    Ramadan Mubarak!
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Wow today went really well, i actually woke up at 2.30 and did the Shred. So pleased i thought i wouldnt get time to do it. But luckily was able to do it and eat properly too.

    I went out, and went for a walk too. Did 70 minutes very happy.

    But i did slip up alittle at iftar, i made some brownies, as requested so went slightly over my calories.

    Hope everyone else is well
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Ramadan Kareem everyone! This post has made me so happy because I was doubting whether I could stick with MFP during Ramadan. I'm in! I don't have a treadmill so I'll try to walk around the track by my house if it's not too hot. Other than that, I'm also starting Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 today after iftar InshaAllah!
    Have a great iftar everyone :D
  • Salaams,

    Is it too late for me to join?!?!?!!?!??
  • Walaikum asalaam Nikki....I don't see why it would be.... :) The more the merrier!

    SIster Bosanka....I know I need to try to get more protein in, especially for suhoor, insh'Allah. I am planning on buying some tuna when I get paid, so I can make some tuna salad for in the mornings. Do you think that is a good idea?
    And I know you pointed out that toast, etc is just carbs....but, what if I made a skinny bagel (ha, that's what I call them...Thomas has these new Bagel Thins...they look like skinny, and put some peanut butter on it? The peanut butter at least would have some protein, right?
    Until I get paid, I'm just trying to make do with what I have here at the house. Insh'Allah, I'll get my money on Thursday.
  • salyh
    salyh Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread! I'd love to join the discussion...I'm trying to stay in shape while fasting during Ramadan, and could really use ideas, support, and motivation!
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