2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    nooooobie, I need to be adopted too - I just need motivation/accountability! aaaah! Im 5'9 large frame female going from 343 to 180lbs I was ran over by a truck back in 2010 and just have been fluctuating in weight ever since. I also have an IIFYM coach. Guess I just want to be adopted and encouraged lol add me cause I don't know how to add anyone.

    Please check out my mentor bio and let me know, either here or in PMs, if you’d like me to add you!
  • robinjforbes
    robinjforbes Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I would love to be adopted. I am a 60 year old woman who desperately needs to lose at least one hundred pounds. I have been on program with MFP for a little less than a month and have lost 18 pounds. I have some physical problems which made me take my life more serious and to apply myself to living healthier. I cannot walk long distances and have been told by my doctor that I have bursitis in my hip and knee. I could sure use some assistance with my journey...thanx so much!!!
  • dazhaa
    dazhaa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Dyanna, I have always had problems with my weight but 6 years ago I was finally able to see myself looking like a healthier person and it felt incredible! (Sad it only lasted for some months).

    I had some sort of depression period and now I'm at my heaviest weight ever and I feel really bad. Also I was diagnosed with POS
  • Opalprincess99
    Opalprincess99 Posts: 88 Member
    Can someone please adopt.me ?:(
  • nebuczek03
    nebuczek03 Posts: 4 Member
    Someone adopt me. I have a love for coffee and enjoy a cup every morning. I don't need someone to tell me to quit that and all my problems will be solved.
    I'm 5'4"
    SW: 277
    CW: 259
    GW: 160-180ish
    I have tried almost everything. Spoke to doctors, got a full panel, healthy for the most part. I do take mental health meds that cause weight gain. I have been counting calories (religiously from 2012-2014) on and off again since then. I have always stayed at a 1200-1800 count for goal calorie count. Yes, I go over. I'm human. I have the dedication to counting (with milestones reaching the 800-900 day streak mark multiple times) just need the push to keep me on track and someone who shares the same interests as me. I don't take criticism too lightly. I feel as though when I count I can simply maintain my weight when I don't count, I gain, and when I do count it's like going uphill to never reach the top to start losing and going downhill. I am going to Disney in a few weeks and am looking to get serious about it once I return (beginning of November).

    I have a Gear Fit 2 fitness tracker to track my HR and exercise. I do not count steps or normal everyday calorie count in my calories burned/earned. For exercise, I plan on doing stationary biking, body weight exercises like Fitness Blender from Youtube, and kettlebell routines. I have a fiance who just joined MFP and is looking to lose weight as well and while he is supportive we're going at this blindly.

    I will eat almost anything once. I'm not very picky. I have made MANY accomplishments over the years of counting:
    *no seconds of any meal
    *portion control
    *remember to log everything
    *little to no desserts each week
    *lowered carbs (but those have gotten back up there again) I usually average around 140-160g per day when full bore counting -- I haven't counted like that in some time, right now I'm just logging to get back into the habit of logging again, not to necessarily lose until after Disney
    *lowered coffee (and sugar and cream) intake from 2 pots a day to 2 large cups a day
    *little to no soda intake
    *no more binge eating
    *bought a bike, trainer, kettlebells - just gotta get them to use
    *got rid of my IUD and believe that my hormones are slowly going back to normal.

    So, with all that being said, will someone(s) adopt me, build a friendship, and help me along the way and get me serious about this starting November?
  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    Mentor available

    Mentor Bio:


    My name is Phil, 53 years old male, and I've had good success so I'm excited to share knowledge or support with someone.

    I worked out with weights off and on for years, never needed to diet.

    After reading some awakening articles and also experiencing some physical problems, I got more serious about exercise and diet this year.

    I did a first run at it earlier in the year through a Couch-to -5K program with a helpful coach, who has has run 150 mile races. Then, a break over the Summer.

    Then 8 weeks ago, the light went off, I realized I was off of my February activities.

    Remembering my priorities, and what I'd learned over the past few years, I've spent the past 8 weeks reading something every day about exercise or diet.

    I lift 4-5x/week using a proven program, running 3x/week, and more recently doing MFP religiously.

    Since starting MFP, I've dropped 1.35 lbs. per week.
    My strength (pounds lifted) is still increasing. Distance run is constant at 6-8 miles per week.

    I'd be happy to talk with you via MFP message or even email, a few times a week, and we can even talk by phone a bit if you like. Doing the basics well, and discussing pitfalls to work around them is what it's all about!

    - Phil
  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    Leahbcc wrote: »
    I would like to be adopted....even though I am nearing my five year mark....I am almost 49...have two children that live with their father {21 &14}I have lost almost fifty pounds...it is a slow process. 5"3 and under 200. About nine years ago my life changed...I broke my entire right side...arm, knee, and ankle...was told I would walk with a quad cane for the rest of my life...Citizen Sugar Cane whom I don't use at all any more. I have defied all the odds that where placed in front of me. I still see the "FAT" person. I have worked with the same trainer for years and only get to the gym when I see her....I work in an office and not easy to get up and move. I have cut out so much and changing for the better. Any help or support would be great as I want to show my children that I am not about to give up or in. Thank you

    I'm happy to adopt you if you have no one.
    Best -
  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    umass2 wrote: »
    A mentor on here would be great. 42 overweight male :/. Goal is losing 6 kg in 3 months and overall vison is get healthy and happy and get out of my rut!

    I'm up for more than one mentee
    Holler back if you would still like a mentor
  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys. I'm Alex. 19 yo male. I'm 5'11'' and 119 lbs. Doc wants me at 1
    b/w 135 and 145 lbs in six months. My first day teaching my calorie intake was today and I missed my goal by alot.

    I really don't understand what my problem is. I eat as much want but it's not a lot and today I was eating stuff in didn't want.

    I'm just really discouraged.


    I would love to help you out.
    If you're still on these boards, just contact me.
    Best -

  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys. I'm Alex. 19 yo male. I'm 5'11'' and 119 lbs. Doc wants me at 1
    b/w 135 and 145 lbs in six months. My first day teaching my calorie intake was today and I missed my goal by alot.

    I really don't understand what my problem is. I eat as much want but it's not a lot and today I was eating stuff in didn't want.

    I'm just really discouraged.


    I really feel for you.
    If you still need help, just contact me via MFP messenger.


  • tomaattikastike
    tomaattikastike Posts: 62 Member
    I would like someone to discuss my fitness goals with, give me advice and, perhaps most of all, keep me accountable.

    I am 34, male and live in Finland. I am already "fit", I run regularly, but I know I am not as fit as I could be, and I am around 5-6 kg (10-12 lbs) above my ideal weight. I would like to keep running (although I am happy to change my training), but also (re)start doing some core / strength training. I cannot plan or log all my meals (lunches are at a buffet-style cafeteria at work), but I can certainly control how much I eat (and, if you consider it important, I could try to log as closely as possible). I am vegetarian for ethical reasons. Beyond that, I would be happy to make changes. Please let me know if you'd like to mentor me.
  • maggiesimmons3515
    maggiesimmons3515 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in search of some help in reaching my fitness goals. I'm new to this, and I'm fairly clueless about how I should begin. I am 26 years old and I am 5'5" and 142 lbs. I've never consistently exercised (with the exception of sports in high school) and I do not know whether I should try a low carb diet or whether I should just eat healthier foods. I enjoy logging my meals. It makes it easier to eat better foods and better portions. I am a wife, mother, and full time law student, so I tend to make unhealthy choices when I'm short on time. I want to learn what exercises would be best for me and learn to make time to get them done. I am motivated to make positive change. My goal is to get back to my pre-baby weight and to be able to fit in my old clothes. My goal weight is 125-130. I would greatly appreciate any help and/or advice. Thank you!
  • CrazyCoffeeQueen64
    CrazyCoffeeQueen64 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to be adopted - am new on My Fitness Pal. Am 52 (I think) just started introducing more excercise into my lifestyle and food logging. Lost about three stone on my own then got stuck - diet clubs as such never work for me but the weight is going again now and any support welcome
  • jcstevens86
    jcstevens86 Posts: 3,338 Member
    Looking for guidance into gaining weight and bulking up through the fall and winter months and start cutting in the early spring
  • outbound2017
    outbound2017 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello MFP mentors! I am a "noob," and would like to find someone to act as an accountability buddy/ mentor during my journey to lose weight, gain muscle, and become a healthier version of me.

    - 29 y/o male, married
    - History of injuries that puts some limitations on workouts, and precludes team sports
    - Have fluctuated between 101 to 165 in the last 5 years
    - Gained 30 lbs in the last year due to severe work stress
    - Used to lift, and would like to get back to it - workout suggestions are welcome!
    - Used to swim, and would like to get back to it
    - Goals are to reach 135 lbs/ 29"-30" waist, be able to perform 2 sets of 10 pull ups, hike rocky terrain at a moderate pace for 10+ miles, exercise bike continuously at a moderate pace for 45 minutes (or thereabouts - basically, I want to get strong enough to not be a liability in the outdoors, but I don't need to look like the Hulk)
    - Hobbies include: hiking, cooking & baking (I have several years experience cooking and baking for diverse dietary needs, diabetes, and allergies), woodburning, camping, painting, writing, museums, and spending time with my wife and our pets

    What I'm looking for in a mentor:
    - Weekly contact: I don't have the time to do daily check-ins, but also would like some accountability so, I think that a weekly check-in would be best.
    - Someone who is interested in learning new recipes (so that I feel like I'm contributing as well) is a plus, but not required
    - Experience with lifting strongly preferred
    - Male preferred, but open to any married mentors 45+ (not looking to get creeped on - it is the internet...)
    - Share at least two of the above hobbies
    - Must be respectful of others regardless of ethnicity, veteran status, gender, sexual orientation, religion, country of origin, etc.

    Please PM me or respond to this post if you would like to act as my accountability buddy/ mentor, and maybe learn some tasty and healthy recipes along the way!

    Please note that I am not open to phone calls/ Skype/ external chats. Only communication through MFP. The internet is a scary place these days. Also, please do not send any sensitive personal information (e.g., last names, places of work, etc.).

  • ash407
    ash407 Posts: 28 Member
    Happy to help
  • MFPLiftWeightsRun
    MFPLiftWeightsRun Posts: 15 Member
    outbound2017, et al, I'm still available to adopt one persons.

  • dylancayleb
    dylancayleb Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a noob!
    I am 25 years old, 5'9" and 223 lbs. My goal weight is 170lbs. I just started this journey eight days ago. So far, I'm feeling better. I have changed my diet and eating habits. But I would like to have a mentor and fitness buddies. Please feel free to adopt me and add me here. Thank you!
  • superluvjo
    superluvjo Posts: 6 Member

    Hello, my name is Tatiana and I have really struggled with changing my lifestyle. I do great for one week, eating well and working out then the following week everything falls apart. I really need help with consistency. I would love for someone to adopt me and periodically check on me or give me tips to do better. Right now I’ve been working on trying to track all my food, but I’m not sure that it matters if I keep going over board with my food. My goal is to lose 2 to 3 inches off my waist and get more toned.
  • SamBeckmann
    SamBeckmann Posts: 11 Member
    Is this still a thing? I would love a mentor.
This discussion has been closed.