October 2017 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @navygrrl I’m sorry this is all taking so long. It’s insane. We were so lucky with Skip, she broke it on a Sunday night, Monday we were able to get in an see an ortho and Wednesday she was operated on.
    @whatmerunning my company is blocking your pictures – boo hoo but I’m laughing at your description of dead fish
    @sarahthes I’m sure lots of our Canadian friends can tell you how to dress for freezing cold runs 
    @zdyb23456 your swim meets sound like indoor track and field meets. Get there at 8:00 Skip will run for 6 minutes at 11:00 then for under 3 minutes at 7 or 8 that night. Okay bye drive 90 minutes home, thanks for stopping by ha ha
    @allyphoe omg I hope she is okay.
    @JessicaMcB pretty picture, the trail well the turkey too.
    @Kristinegift glad you are on the mend. Yeah for your friend finishing her race, boo for crappy weather and puke, poor thing. Love your sign.
    @ddmom0811 thanks. You know I tell you all the time, Skip is a little mother, she asked me 1,000 times this weekend if I was okay.
    @kgirlhart @mobycarp is sure right – My coworkers will ask “did you run today?” when I’m here before 8:30…”yeah but only 5 miles” they just laugh
    @fitoverfortymom the stairs really sound insane. Great job!
    @girlinahat I really need to find a place to run where I can “stop and get ice cream”
    There you are @karllundy, I forgot you went out of the country. Hope you had a great time.
    @elise4270 poor kitty I hope she’s okay

  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    Azercord wrote: »
    I'm behind but I've been out for work. 130 miles this month with a Spartan Race at the end. Got rid of any sort of taper since this run is now part of training for a longer run in January.

    Which distance Spartan are you running? I'm doing my first Spartan sprint in February. I'm excited as a bit nervous at the same time!

    I'm doing the Spartan Beast. I usually do the Spartan here in AZ in February but this year we will be buying a minivan so I'll have to wait and see what the budget looks like. Don't be nervous, they are a ton of fun and everyone is out there to help if you need it. Even the running part isn't bad because you run for a bit, wait in line, do obstacle, run a bit, wait in line, do obstacle, repeat. Just go out and have a blast.
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @kgirlhart - this is the half plan I got pointed towards last year, but I do run/walk as a general plan, if you don't, it maybe obnoxious, but it was a 4day a week plan http://womensrunning.competitor.com/2014/08/training-tips/couch-to-half-marathon-training-plan-2_28774/2

    It happens all the time, but I still struggle wrapping my brain around the fact that within the same country, we have some of you in 90 degrees, and i had 6+inches of snow today.

    This is not necessarily running related, but it is exercise related, and you guys are very intelligent on many things, so I am asking this here. In the past several weeks, I have had two fairly similar issues on weight days. The first time, a few weeks ago, in the middle of workout with trainer, I started seeing spots and getting light headed.... it got so bad at one point I got scary pale apparently, and he called the workout early. Now this was NOT during a heavy lift, or even major effort lift. Was during light rounds of accessory work. Today, end of workout just kinda sucked but without good explanation, like trainer at one point even used the phrase "use your words" to try and figure out what was going on. However, as I'm wandering the grocery store like 30 minutes later, here we go again, lots of stars, way light headed... pretty convinced someone was going to be picking me up for the floor of the grocery store sort of light headed... so this time not even during the workout. I know people talk about these types of reactions during max effort lifts...but this isn't the case either time.... but it kind of has me freaked out... so goal would be to figure out what is causing it, and fix it.... so any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    9/1 rest
    9/2 5.5miles 50m:22s
    9/3 5miles 45m:30s
    9/4 9miles 1h:24m:02s
    9/5 6miles 55:m:30s
    9/6 11miles 1h:45m:40s
    9/7 4miles 38m:39s
    9/8 rest
    9/9 6.56miles 61m:30s

    A good interval run this morning even though it was really muggy. I miss the cool weather we had last week. Hopefully fall returns again. It felt like a hot August day out there today!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    This is not necessarily running related, but it is exercise related, and you guys are very intelligent on many things, so I am asking this here. In the past several weeks, I have had two fairly similar issues on weight days. The first time, a few weeks ago, in the middle of workout with trainer, I started seeing spots and getting light headed.... it got so bad at one point I got scary pale apparently, and he called the workout early. Now this was NOT during a heavy lift, or even major effort lift. Was during light rounds of accessory work. Today, end of workout just kinda sucked but without good explanation, like trainer at one point even used the phrase "use your words" to try and figure out what was going on. However, as I'm wandering the grocery store like 30 minutes later, here we go again, lots of stars, way light headed... pretty convinced someone was going to be picking me up for the floor of the grocery store sort of light headed... so this time not even during the workout. I know people talk about these types of reactions during max effort lifts...but this isn't the case either time.... but it kind of has me freaked out... so goal would be to figure out what is causing it, and fix it.... so any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I am NOT a doctor, but I think you should see one soon. That sounds like blood pressure issues. Seriously, I would get that checked out.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    This is not necessarily running related, but it is exercise related, and you guys are very intelligent on many things, so I am asking this here. In the past several weeks, I have had two fairly similar issues on weight days. The first time, a few weeks ago, in the middle of workout with trainer, I started seeing spots and getting light headed.... it got so bad at one point I got scary pale apparently, and he called the workout early. Now this was NOT during a heavy lift, or even major effort lift. Was during light rounds of accessory work. Today, end of workout just kinda sucked but without good explanation, like trainer at one point even used the phrase "use your words" to try and figure out what was going on. However, as I'm wandering the grocery store like 30 minutes later, here we go again, lots of stars, way light headed... pretty convinced someone was going to be picking me up for the floor of the grocery store sort of light headed... so this time not even during the workout. I know people talk about these types of reactions during max effort lifts...but this isn't the case either time.... but it kind of has me freaked out... so goal would be to figure out what is causing it, and fix it.... so any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I am NOT a doctor, but I think you should see one soon. That sounds like blood pressure issues. Seriously, I would get that checked out.

    I agree, sounds like blood pressure. I need to get in & see mine as I am pretty sure my running issues are bp related. I dont get the same issue with weights or other cardio.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited October 2017
    10/1 through 10/8: Nothing, injured, 0 miles
    10/9: 45 mins stationary bike, 15 mins rowing machine

    Extending some of my XT activities from last week. 15 mins on the rower at just under 2:30/500m, then 30 mins on the bike doing HIIT and 15 mins of easy biking to cool down.

    The weather here continues to be hot and muggy and miserable, so I can't say I'm all that sorry to be missing it with this bum calf.

    October Goal: Heal my calf tear and run any miles at all!

    Upcoming Races:
    10/08/17: Steamtown Marathon - DNS, injured
    10/22/17: Perfect 10 Miler
    11/05/17: Princeton HM (Pacer)
    12/03/17: Schuykill River Loop 8.3 miler (if healed)
    2018: A marathon, somewhere, sometime!

  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Got an unplanned 3 mi in tonight taking my youth XC team "exploring" on new trails--I think they were having so much fun exploring they didn't notice we had gone that far! We'll see if my normal Tuesday morning run goes as planned though (it would be 4 days in a row running). Today was the first day for 3 in a row since before I was injured last spring. Maybe I should just walk? Just don't want to hurt myself...


    10/1 5 mi (+ 1 mile walk) + serious stretch program (Gymnastic Bodies Front Split)
    10/2 Water walking
    10/3 3 mi + light yoga
    10/4 Walking + yoga
    10/5 3 mi + PT (scraping + treadmill + stretch + strength)
    10/6 Walking + PT (stretching + scraping + ultrasound + H-wave)
    10/7 4 mi (+ 1 mile walk) + yoga and PT moves
    10/8 6 mi (+ 1 mile walk) + Gymnastic Bodies Front Split stretch routine + PT
    10/9 3 mi slowish run with youth XC team + 40 min water walking + PT

    Goal: 75 mi
    Total: 24 mi
    To go: 51 mi

  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    @WhatMeRunning That is so cool. If I can ever get over my plantar fasciitis I might have to try that! I've got lots of Injinji socks to choose from. :smiley:
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    @hanlonsk - Certainly sounds like you should see a doctor. It sounds like you are having vasovagal symptoms. This can be worse when you are dehydrated especially if you are very fatigued. But a doctor can make sure there is not some other underlying issue (like heart valve problems) that are causing it.

    @RespectTheKitty - Awesome score on the treadmill!

    @skippygirlsmom - glad you all are on the mend and exciting news about the college coach!

    @kristinegift - sorry you missed the Marathon but so happy you are healing quickly

    @girlinahat - I run by an ice cream place all summer long -but am just too much of a sweaty mess to go in - then in the fall when it might be possible, they close down. Ugh

    @fitoverfortymom - awesome race and love the plan for the Half this winter. You'll be racing up Pike's Peak before you know it.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @hanlonsk - I was going to say that sounds line low blood pressure, but I see others are all over that thought. I can have similar symptoms for a few seconds from getting up suddenly after resting in bed, with my distance runner's resting heart rate. THBS, I'm sure there's other stuff that can also cause it; you really want to understand what is causing your particular experience, if only to know whether it's something you need to worry about.

    @kgirlhart - It is certainly possible to prepare for a half marathon on a schedule of running 4 days a week. You'll want to build to a peak of 25 to 35 miles per week, and a long run of at least 10 miles. I'll go out on a limb and say that if you develop yourself to point where you're running 30 miles a week consistently, including one long run of at least 10 miles, you can complete a half marathon any time you see one that you like. 30 miles in 4 days isn't very hard; if the long run is 10 miles, you only need 6, 7, and 7 miles for the other three days.

    Don't know about specific plans, but if you want a schedule to follow I'm sure there must be something out there. I developed my understanding in 2015, when I signed up for a 4 race series of half marathons and pretty much needed to stay in shape to run a half marathon all year long.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @hanlonsk I agree with @wishiwasarunner . Have it checked out and let us know. It could be something simple like a migraine or something that needs prompt attention.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @hanlonsk - I had similar issues when running, even just warming up and also during strength training. I saw my cardiologist first and ruled out those type issues. It ended up being food (not enough) and hormone related. I would definitely get it checked out as soon as possible!
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Indulged in a few too many drinks last night (darn Thanksgiving) so I didn't move much from the couch today. I have a couple days off now so I'll make up for it tomorrow hopefully.
  • LaurenFOB2301
    LaurenFOB2301 Posts: 84 Member
    edited October 2017
    @allyphoe Yuck. Sorry about your teen's head. :(
    @garygse - Awesome! You crushed your first marathon!
    @lporter229 - Happy Anniversary!!!!
    I guess I would say my goal would be to run 60 miles by the end of this month. (God, I hope that's not crazy for someone like me starting out?!)

    Hard to say without knowing your condition - Can you run say 15-20 miles in a week? To get to 60 that is what you are looking at now. Say 5-7 miles on 3 days a week? Or 4-5 miles on 4 days a week? You will want at least 2 rest days if you are just starting out, maybe more.

    Thanks for the reply! Where I'm at now, yes, I think I can run 15-20 per week! I'm super motivated to reach 60. If I don't, it won't be the end of the world though. :)

    To be honest, I'm comfortable now with 1-2 rest days per week. I know that's probably too few but so far, so good! If I need a rest day, I take it. All last month, I rested 1-2 day per week, but I was running fewer miles. We'll see how it goes. :)

    I'm also to the point where I am comfortable at 4 miles per day (with short 30-1 minute breaks every couple of miles if needed. Yesterday, I ran 3.2 miles in the morning and then went for a 1-mile night run with my husband at the high school track. Today, I ran 4.2 today with my husband and walked 3. I'm not counting the 3 miles walking towards my goal.

    That puts me at 18.5 miles over 9 days (some of those days were only 1-mile speed interval days), but I really hope I can continue running 4 miles per day as a base level now and possibly 5 miles next week. Trying to take it one day at a time.
  • LaurenFOB2301
    LaurenFOB2301 Posts: 84 Member
    W8D1 complete! 28 minutes of running. I dropped my pace back down to a 15-minute mile (I had been trying to push to 14) and it was still tough but felt better than my last few runs. I loosened up the laces (haven't relaced them yet) and I think that helped because the numbness didn't set in until much later.

    Did anyone else start out like me - super slow, can barely hang on - and improve? Jumping into this challenge (trying not to compare) but it just seems like everyone is much further in their running careers than me. My sister is a runner, but she's always naturally been faster than me. So I guess I'm just hoping to hear from some other slow pokes.

    8.4/40 miles

    YES! I started running again on Sept. 4 — after basically more-than-a-year-long hiatus due to insecurities, physical limits and life.

    So I ran. Jogged. Whatever you want to call it. I’ll do a mile, I said. As long as I do a mile, I can go home happy. After the first 1/3-mile, I was out of breath so I rested for about a minute. I ran another 1/3 mile and rested, out of breath again. Ran another 1/3 mile and rested. I ran the last tenth of a mile and then ambled over to my car.

    It took me 14:41 to complete that first mile, including breaks. My active running time was 11:44.

    These days, I’m running anywhere 3-4 miles per day at a 10:15-12 mph pace depending on how I am feeling. I take short breaks when I have to!

    Hope that's encouraging. I was not only slower but I could hardly breathe. A month later, I'm faring much better at longer distances and faster paces. :)

    Happy running!