

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,663 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. You know I used to think I had such a nice quiet, simple life. OMG not anymore. First DH had a lot of complications over the weekend that landed him in the emergency department Saturday night and now he has to have a catheter for a week. They drained nearly 2 liters Saturday.

    Now DD#1, who has a 3-year old and is due with #2 any day now, texted me this morning that she has terrible abdominal pain. I asked if she was in labor. She said "I don't know. I never had that before." OMG

    Someone please come rescue me! :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Meg!! ... I laughed out loud at DD#1's comment ... I'm sorry that's not really funny. Hang in there with your family's troubles.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Meg and Family)))
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Meg, what was that commercial..."Calgon take me away." ((HUGS))
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of Tonya Larsens's Step Pump DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Leslie Sansone's Walk your Belly Flat DVD. I need to meet this gal at 8 tomorrow morning to drive to Asheville to go to the Newcomer general meeting. Vince isn't interested so we're just saying that he needs to go up to PA to help with the reception place and I'll go.

    Called the place about getting my hair done for the wedding. I can't get over how much more expensive it is up there than it is down here. Almost $20 more. They told me that the contract was for one bridesmaid and I'm assuming that that's going to be Jess. We'll pay for her hair and makeup. I know that Amanda is having it done somewhere else, not sure about Angela but I suspect she doesn't want to pay the add'l money.

    Katla - Jess likes the shrimp gumbo and I think it has good flavor. Of course, Vince won't eat it (it has flavor). Hope you enjoy it as much as we do

    Cathy - I really love water aerobics. The absolute worst part is walking by the mirror in a bathing suit... but if you get past that part, you're home free. What I like is that there is little to no impact but you sure do get a good workout! Trust me, there are lots of women in the water aerobics class whose figure -- to put it nicely -- leaves a lot to be desired. We have one lady in our class that I swear when she first started she needed to have someone help her put her belt on. Now she's had to get a new bathing suit because her old one was sagging on her. And she's looking much, much better. Trust me, once you are in the water, no one even notices your figure.

    Alison - get better fast.

    Made fudge for Vince, went to Sams to get the steak for Steve and some cookies to take tomorrow. I just want to be sure we have enough snacks. Then went to WalMart to get some more snacks and pork chops for me for tomorrow. Still need to marinate them. Cut up the fudge (I really should have left it in the refrigerator a bit longer), put a load of laundry in, emptied the dishwasher, put the clothes in the dryer (exciting, huh?)

    Rye - I sometimes have this "throat Coat" tea when my throat feels a little scratchy and it's a licorice flavor. You are so right, it's sweet but no sugar. I'm not too crazy about Sleeptime brand only because there isn't a string, you have to put the whole bag in the water.

    Remember the guy I told you about who had the knee replacemtent (his wife was the severly overweight person who recently passed away). I understand that he isn't doing well at all. It's been over a week and he still isn't walking. He's in rehab right now but I understand he's in a lot of pain, so much that he asked a friend to bring him a gun when she asked if there was anything she could bring him and when the doc asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 what was his pain level he answered "a 16". His anniversary would have been this Sat. so I'd like to go see him, see if he remembers. He will probably be feeling pretty down.

    Terry - love your quote

    Meg - I can only say to hang in there. You are so very tough, you can do it. Come in here and tell us all about it, it helps to get it off your chest and we're good at listening. So sorry to hear about you dh

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Oh, tere - congrats on the loss

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,873 Member
    Hello all: Things are getting back into a routine again. I went during open swim yesterday and exercised on my own. I think I will start going to classes again next week. I was doing open swim last month while my mother was here so she could go with me. At 93 she was not up to an hour long class but she loved sitting in the hot tub after walking in the pool for a while. Food also is going better this week.

    Meg - Love your DD's comment. Wow!

    Terry in VT - I think a commitment day sounds good.

    Karen in VA - I do have LTC insurance. I got it through my employer at a very good rate years ago. I was however unable to cover DH due to his health issues. That worries me because he is the one most likely to use it but one never knows. I kept it after I retired.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    caminogirl wrote: »
    Good morning! I am slowly getting up the nerve to join our local Y. I am not a fan of going to a gym in general but I am also not a fan of aimlessly walking around the neighbourhood, although I do with my audio book playing. As I have fallen hard on my knees a couple of times this summer, I thought water aerobics might be a good start...although the thought of a swimsuit...
    Macha9 and Lagopus I am also a fan of the barcode reader, it makes logging food and creating recipes so much easier and kind of fun!
    Have a great day everyone.
    Cathy in ON

    :)Cathy, Glad to see you back with us. Keep on looking for the exercise plan that works for you. I found out that I like walking very early in the morning when no one else is around. I listen to audio books and pod casts on my phone so I have entertainment and a phone in case of emergency (there have been none in the years I've been walking). I meet my friends for a walk instead of a meal or beverage so my social life is done combined with exercise. I go to line dance classes that are friendly and supportive. I don't go to the gym because of finances and because I don't want to be away from home that much. So I read "Strong Women Stay Young" where I found a strength training plan and bought a few hand weights and ankle weights and do strength training at home. My husband wanted an exercise bike so we bought a recumbent one. He decided that he didn't like it but it's in the middle of the living room where I can ride it while watching TV. There are so many ways to be active and if you pay attention to your own inclinations and read what others are doing, you'll find what works for you.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    I did quite well at the restaurant with my friend for lunch. Salad for a starter then ordered the fish and chips, minus the chips, plus vegetables and took all the batter off the fish. Didn't eat the tatare sauce.
    I came home and did 200 calories on the recumbent bike. o:) I had already been to yoga in the morning. All in all I came in under maintenance calories for the day.

    Phew Meg! <3

    My DDIL has emailed all her instructions and information for when we go to babysit during her TEDX talk. Luckily the other grandparents are going to do half the time and Alice, the nanny, is going to do extra. It's in November. The TEDX talk will be on Utube. It's in Nicosia, Cyprus, this year. My son is going with her. She is understandably petrified. :o But it is a huge honour.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxxxx

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited October 2017
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,779 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well I left work at 3 and came straight home and went to bed... slept for a couple of hours and feel much better. had a note on my door to meet one of the ladies here upstairs and will go to Bingo tonight... so will see how that goes.. I am working for Zina tomorrow so real long day 7:45- 6 but it will make up for me leaving today..
    got an email from my attorney .they had court today for motion to compel as Tom hasnt produced all his finaincials.. well his yutzy lawyer didnt show but he was there.. and from what the judge said that he has to produce it by friday.. end of story and my attorny will get another hour and a half of legal fee's included because she had to write up the motion .. and that was granted..
    I am having some peppermint tea right now before I go upstairs. nothing to eat.. will go early to walk the dogs in the am
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2017
    Meg: I can't rescue you, but I am sending good thoughts your way. I think it is very lucky that you're a nurse with high levels of skill. Your DH seems to have a lot going on, and most of it is stressful for both of you. (((HUGS)))

    Cathy in ON & Barbie: I love Barbie's advice to you, Cathy. There are lots of ways to get exercise that are "user friendly." My supplemental health insurance pays for a gym membership and I take yoga there. There are also machines and weights, and other classes. Walking is wonderful and all it takes is a pair of comfortable shoes and clothes suitable for your weather. I know weather can be a deterrent; either too hot, too cold, or too wet. There are a lot of malls where people go in the early morning to walk. They are pretty much weather proof. Being weather proof is one of the main reasons why I love the gym. It makes the opportunity to exercise a realistic choice despite heat, cold and wet. My best advice is to try different things until you find the ones that you like the most & that fit into your schedule and lifestyle. It helps to have a buddy. Barbie walks her dogs and I walk mine in good weather. She is hardier than me, or more determined because she doesn't let weather get in her way. I found a link that might interest you. www.activeagingcanada.ca/participants/get-active/mall-walking.htm

    I gave myself a big treat today--a pedicure at the beauty shop! I haven't had one in a year and this feels great. DH had one just before me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Didn't log today because two meals consisted of homemade beef and vegetable soup which I can't figure out for the life of me. Last night binged on cheese crackers (the little square ones) and ice cream. Up 4 lbs today. Will try again tomorrow.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Kelly....when you mention the death of Sting I immediately got online to check it out....IT'S A HOAX! He is alive and well! Play his music and enjoy your fantasies!

    Chris in MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,779 Member
    Evening again ladies~
    won at Bingo 3 times lol beginners luck ,but had fun...back down in jammies and into bed... long day tomorrow..
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Up a lb this morning. Must have been that chocolate cake I had the other day. Within my calories today and also tried walking at lunch today to see how my foot did. Took it slow but didn't feel too bad after. Maybe I can start walking again at lunch.

    Allie, hope you won a good amount tonight. Sounds like things went well at court for you.

    Peach, don't beat yourself up over the cheese and crackers. I have a weakness for them too.

    I have a hard time drinking water as I don't like the taste so usually have some flavor. I like Ice brand as it feels like I'm drinking something closer to soda rather than water. Zero calories. Usually they are 10 for $10 at the store.

    Karen, don't you just love it when you get a bargain? I found 2 pairs of pants at Kmart while on vacation. They really fit nice. I have a sway back so finding anything that I doesn't need to have darts put in the back makes me feel like I won the lottery. Good job walking away from the snacks today. Work can be a mine field. I dread the holidays. I'm practicing "No thanks I am too full from lunch. Maybe I'll come get something later." I don't say I'm dieting or trying to lose weight. Only a couple of people at work know. Those that won't try to give me advice. My co-worker still hasn't noticed I've lost weight. Yeah! I dread the day she notices. She coordinates our wellness program and goes to every excercise class we offer. I know I'll hear her suggestions and I'm not up for that. I just want to do it my way.

    Heather, good job having lunch with your friend today. I struggle when I go out so if I know ahead of time I really have a small breakfast and plan for a small supper in case I don't make good choices.

    DH is going with a friend with a truck to pick up 2 old doors on Saturday. I need a head and foot board for my bed and they were too expensive so I found this great idea for using old doors for them. I googled DIY door headboards and found some great examples. If we can get them to come out ok I'll let you know.

    Well off to bed.

    Terry in VT where the sun is supposed to shine for the next three days!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Sue, glad you think the commitment day sounds good. Did you have a specific day in mind?
