

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2017
    Rita- I love the RV living as well! It's so cold up here in Minnesota I can hardly wait to get back down to Arizona! Carlsbad is a fantastic place to visit have a great time.

    Kelly- Love the pictures of Joaquin! He is so adorable!

    Chris- praying that you find a better job soon! Sorry that you are going through such hardship now.


    Mary from Arizona now in Minnesota
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Yep I tried this no shampooing deal awhile ago. And so I am giving it a go again!

    I need to do the napkin thing, plus pushing the plate away from me works good too. When I order something I know has twice, maybe three times the portion I should eat, the moment I receive it I ask for a takeout container. Then I take away the amount I shouldn't eat. Bringing a container seems strange, and I like to conform as much as possible. Walking out with a Tupperware container just screams, this Lady ain't Normal. Where as a takeout container like all the other slim people use, doesn't.

    My scalp is really itchy, but I am dealing!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    OK you can see my thinning hair....ah well...
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Beth so glad your niece has things sorted out with the twins, must have been so difficult for her. Poor baby too!
    Chris, sure hope you can find a different job soon! I can't believe that a government organization that is supposed to be looking after your rights has told you to not complain about your situation!
    Joaquin is absolutely adorable!! Thanks for posting pics!
    Today has been a better day, I've definitely had an uphill challenge the last few months it's mostly self caused, so not looking for sympathy! lol Good session at the gym today and eating is on track, just need to keep it up! Now I need to get some stuff done here, I've been putting a bunch of things off, so really must get them done! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finished all my weeding this morning. Now all I have to do is fertilize. Unfortunately, I'm having very bad. Stomach ache. Feels just like it did the last two times I've had small bowel obstruction. Kind of waiting to see what develops.
    Kelly - Joaquin is adorable. We love the fair but haven't been yet this year. Hope it was 't too hot
    Chris- your job reminds me of one I had. When I moved up to another position. They hired two people to do that job. Good advice to document everything.
    Beth- so happy the girl twin is gaining also. My DS and wife had premie twins (31weeks) and baby boy was in the hospital three months with multiple issues. We celebrated every once gained. He is now a Freshman in high school on the cross country team.
    Rita-good to here from you and glad you are enjoying the RV life
    Better try to get organized in case we have to go to hospital. .
    SueBDew in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sue Don't wait overly long to see if problem worsens and please keep us updated. Sending up a quick prayer for you. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr OKC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Your hair doesn't look that thin! All the hair cutters say that I have very thick hair but when I look in the mirror around my part I don't see it.

    Alison ~ So glad you are enjoying your new life. Maybe you and Tom can just be friends now and you won't have to be at his beck and call. My younger brother and his wife divorced twice and then got remarried. So they got married three times in all. LOL But, it looks like they are going to make it this time. Especially since she got all of my elderly cousins money when she died of alzheimers. She didn't even know her but they decided to take her in for the last 18 months of her life where she had 24 hr nursing care in their home. Do I sound mean...Yes, I know I do. This cousin and my mom had been best pals for many years and in the end they would not let my mom have any contact with her.

    Chris ~ I have put you on my prayer list. I hope that you will find a better situation!

    I have for a long time wondered how do I pray for all the people who are going through trying times and came up this week with the idea to make a prayer list so I can pray for them as they need it.

    Carol in GA who is having red beans and rice for dinner...Toot Toot :)

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    JOAQUIN is the cutest baby ever! :)

    I agree. His little face is so expressive. <3

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    Joaquin ohhhh he is just a cherub isnt he?
    Carol ~ I am telling you never ever will I get married again.. and alot of people say dont ever say never... well I am saying it lol
    I am at a stage in my life where I have wonderful family and friends and that is what I will enjoy , no need for a man at least not now.. I want to enjoy not being tethered..
    Chris~ I will keep you in my prayers, there are jobs down here in Ct. but it the taxes will kill ya.. here is hoping you find what you need soon, will keep you in my prayers too <3
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    It's going to be a rough two hours. When I got this promotion, one of the first things that happened was HR pulled me aside to tell me that there was a problem with my administrative assistant. I had kind of suspected it, but . . . Anyway, I share her with another administrator. I thought maybe the problem was him, but it isn't.

    We are terminating her today. :disappointed: I've never done this before. I know it's the right thing to do, but I don't like hurting people.

    It's been a busy day even without this gem at the end of the day. When I think back to this morning, I can't believe that was today -- it seems like days ago. :tired_face:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    RE: Washing hair

    I wash my hair every other day during the week, and I try not to wash it on the weekend, so I guess I wash it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, more or less. Sometimes I can't stand it and wash it Sunday evening before I go to bed. I don't think I could go longer than three days.

    I see the benefit of not washing every day, but I'm not sure I understand the benefit of going weeks without washing. My hair gets really flat and dull after two days. But everyone's hair is different. Mine is mostly crazy right now -- mostly straight with curly ringlets thrown in for I have no idea why. :lol: When I work out, the flat parts get flatter and the ringlets get tighter.

    RE: Chris

    Your situation sounds intolerable. I am so sorry you are being put in this financial position. I hope you find a new job soon.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    My general principle when I go to a restaurant is not to think about the cost of the food. It's minimal compared to the overheads of staff, location, furnishing etc. I know it's a tiny part of the cost of a meal out. That way I can leave any food I don't want without guilt. I have never seen anyone get a takeout box for left overs in Britain or Europe. :noway: Usually I order starters or starter portions and specify no carbs and extra veg or salad, dressing on the side. This last holiday was the first time in years I have eaten pasta. :o It was homemade and delicious. <3 Good job I did my exercises every morning and LOTS of walking! I was definitely worried!
    I think of my way of eating as the French way - small portions of delicious things. Huge enjoyment. No "fillers", hardly any sugar.
    I know I am lucky to have the choice of real, individual, independent restaurants, not chains. The only chain I regularly go to is a fish one where I have oysters and mussels. I am grateful to have found a way of eating out for fun which doesn't derail my healthy eating. I can enjoy the occasion and the company. I think of the food part as a bonus, not the main event and choose very carefully what I actually eat. The social occasion is the real deal and what i am paying for. I don't have to eat a lot. I can eat at home.
    Occasionally I go to a gourmet restaurant where the food is fantastic, but then the portions are teeny, tiny. :laugh: Even then I sometimes leave half if it is a long taster menu. I have tasted it and admired it and that is enough. The actual cost of the food is cents. The entertainment value is priceless! :laugh:

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    By the way, talking of France, where is Leigh?

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    allie. Fantastic pics—lovely, cozy, just perfect. You have a great eye for decorating!! Thanks for sharing ((()<3 ))))
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,926 Member
    For a picture log of my travels since April 2017, check out https://www.facebook.com/twoboundinginthecuckoosnest/ Like and follow me if you'd like! There you can see the video of my Shi-Tzu playing with a Road Runner, just like the Road Runner cartoons! All are welcome to view, follow and like as you wish. The more the merrier!