Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - No snacks except ryvita :/ Ended up having some crisps and wine with boyfriend
    - Be in the green :'( Due to the above
    - No alcohol :'( As above
    - 30+ minute lunch break :| swapped this for not working on the train in the morning in order to...
    - Meditate :)
    - Focus! :)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - Be in the green
    - No alcohol

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Don't worry about scary presentation. I will be fine!
    - Focus!
    - Leave work at 5.30 to give blood
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I need to post a little reminder for myself here.

    I am going to the gym today. I am going to the gym today. Yes, repeat after me... You are going to the gym today. No headache, stressful workday, tiredness will stop me.

    (I don't know why it is so hard. Before I stopped going because I did not have time/was sick I actually loved it.)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    I need to post a little reminder for myself here.

    I am going to the gym today. I am going to the gym today. Yes, repeat after me... You are going to the gym today. No headache, stressful workday, tiredness will stop me.

    (I don't know why it is so hard. Before I stopped going because I did not have time/was sick I actually loved it.)

    You are going! I believe in you :smiley:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    @skymningen You are going to the gym! I've gotten out of the habit but I know full well that if I go 4 days in a row, I'll feel better & be back on track.

    @Bex953172 LOL-My DD asks for KFC frequently! We have it once a year. :smile:

    I enjoyed everyone's responses about rewards! I'm adding Namath Spa to my bucket list, thank you @MLHC1 and @princessaly23 I think I'll take a page from your book regarding lacy things...LOL.

    @junodog1 hope the kitten is doing better. Very compassionate of you to try to help it.

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Our washer may have died this am so I'm trying not to stress about this. Calling the appliance store to see what to do. If we need a new washer, I may have to forego my massage (is that Karma?). A broken washer is not an excuse to graze every time I walk through the kitchen.

    Drink water 9 cups.
    Track meals today. Check protein qty-I know I cut back a bit but I need to make sure I have protein at each meal/snack.
    Walk dog in neighborhood.
    Checking Pilates & yoga schedules at gym today, after doing weights.
    Kids have a half day.
    Listen to something inspirational.
    Start journaling again.
    Meditate Calm App today.
    Read Simple Abundance.
    Fundraiser tonight.
    Write suppers on calendar.
    Early bed.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap M 10/16
    1) Walk dog before work = walked 3.43 miles & dog so happy :smiley:
    2) Use Calm app, pause & pray = done, but need to focus better :smile:
    3) Meal plan and make grocery list = after work, errand, supper and chores, finally started grocery list but need meal plan :#
    4) Unwind 9:30 (NO Internet) / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = lately, cutting it close with Internet, need to shut down earlier & truly unwind....in bed & TV off on time :smile:

    JFT T 10/17
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, beautiful pre-dawn sky, saw Venus under the moon and Orion = happy me & happy dog :smiley:@OConnell5483 So cool that you saw owls! I only hear them, and rarely.
    2) Net calories green
    3) Move hourly
    4) Complete meal plan & grocery list (remember brother #1 is coming this weekend - going to the Packers game!)
    5) No Internet 9:00 / unwind & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    New Habit: Take a walk 5/7 days per week
    3 R's:

    Reminder: After dinner at 6:15
    Routine: Take a walk :wink: I taught new providers all day so was on my feet for 7 hours. I surpassed my step goal. So, although I didn't take a walk tonight because my feet were swollen and sore, I did surpass my step goal. My goal is 5 out of 7 days, so this will be one of my "skip" days.
    Reward: Time alone with my thoughts, fresh air, better health, lose weight/inches, sleep better at night

    Just for Monday:
    1. Do not hit snooze :sOMG. I got out of bed a whole hour late today! I find that happens when I bring my work laptop home and put in extra hours at night.
    2. Drink less coffee, more water :)
    3. Cut down on sugar :(Had pie and ice cream last night, and even ate a couple mini donuts. Total failure.
    4. Keep a smile in my voice while teaching Monday :D Had a GREAT class yesterday.
    5. Negativity-free zone in my cubicle. No drama! :)
    6. Bills/budget :( I really need to get on this!!!
    7. Prepare for Tuesday :D
    8. Shower and Calm app before bed ;) Did meditate
    9. Gratitude journal and Simple Abundance :)

    3 R's:[/b]
    Reminder: After dinner at 6:15
    Routine: Take a walk
    Reward: Time alone with my thoughts, fresh air, better health, lose weight/inches, sleep better at night

    Just for Tuesday, I will try to:
    1. Stay away from added sugar
    2. Drink less coffee and more water
    3. Finish my Ambulatory OBGYN Stork lesson plans
    4. Listen to Half Size Me podcast
    5. Remove myself from negativity or gossip. Drama Free ZONE!
    6. Prepare tonight for tomorrow
    7. Cut up veggies and meat to prep for making chow mein in the crockpot tomorrow
    8. Shower and meditate before bed to relax
    9. Simple Abundance and gratitude journal
    10. Bed by 9, sleeping by 10:15
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @OConnell5483 So cool that you saw owls! I only hear them, and rarely.

    4) Complete meal plan & grocery list (remember brother #1 is coming this weekend - going to the Packers game!)

    It was really cool! When we lived in the woods, I would hear them but never saw them then either. Makes me want to go again!

    Good for you going to the game this weekend! Do you have season tickets? I heard that a lot of people are selling their tickets now that Aaron is hurt. I'm seriously thinking of buying some and going. I am a Packers fan, not just a Rogers fan (although his injury definitely is not a good thing...)! Have fun!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I am trying to get back to here. Still feeling effects of infection/stone and guess it is just with me this next month or so. Way down on exercising and eating to support 3 people I guess!
    BEX a girl! I was going to say boy. My son wants a baby girl here and I have told him when he grows up, then he can have it (after he marries). He also wants a cat and a snake with rats to feed it. I think the first poop diaper would change his mind. He says I can have a baby because I eat so much and I have a big stomach. I was thinking my stomach was getting smaller and so forth but he assures me it is big enough I can have a girl baby.
    So let me get the goals out and dust them off.
    Today 10-17-17 Stay UNDER the Kcal goal. Exercise a bit at the Y pool regardless of pain or peeing. Get kid through lessons. Take kid to pool, Martial Arts, and not eat out. Even these little things will exhaust me. But they will be a start
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    Todays tuesday - guess I forgot to post yesterday!
    I've been busy, but will go back later and respond - so many great posts!

    Goals today will be simple
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. follow meal and snack plan - if I go off, eat something equivalent
    4. stay out of the halloween candy that is in the closet! I bought some so I could send some to the grandsons - but now the bag is open. Don't even look in the closet where I put it!
    5. shipping today, so help hubby
    6. get quarterly taxes done today!
    7. get back on here tomorrow
    8. sip water in the evenings so I don't snack- drink a glass of v8 juice instead

    I think it is hitting me hard about my son divorcing - I am so torn. While I saw many things with my DIL that I knew would be hard for my son (she is very high maintenance), it is still so hard. For years I could tell my son was not happy, and very distant from us. Talking on the phone to him, it was like a load was lifted from him, and we had our son back. After our son called us, my Daughter in law called, and we said we wanted to remain friends, but when I sent her a nice email, saying that I also hoped to remain friends, and that I wanted to best for her as well --no response. Yet, I want to remain loyal to my son - because he is my main concern, and our 2 grandsons. They said they are wanting joint custody, but I am not sure how my son will do that, as the kids get picked up from school at 2:30, and my son has a very demanding job (he is president of the company he works for). I am just so worried about those little grandsons, only ages 12 & 8, and we live so far away to be of any help.
    But .... I am feeling these emotions, and not going for food. Maybe that is what makes this harder for me ..... I am feeling the sadness, not grabbing a large bowl of ice cream.
    Have any of you had to deal with this in your family? @OConnell5483 - I know you said your daughter is divorced - was it hard for you? I just feel so helpless.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Hit the gym after work :)Did it. Thank you all for your great support! I can feel how much muscle I have already lost, though.
    2) Participate actively in the teaching meeting :)
    3) Work on some smaller tasks that accumulated :/
    4) Stay hydrated :)

    So I came out of the gym a little sad, because I felt how much weaker I have gotten through being sick. Then I saw an email on my phone. The preview looked promising... so I read it to cheer myself up. I should not have done that, as I was wrong.

    I applied for another fellowship. I had waited for a month again. This time, they did not just not invite me for interviews (because there were so many excellent candidates). This time they told me, there were so many excellent candidates that I was put on a waiting list (as I now at least am a candidate, I guess, though not excellent). Interviews are end of November. You need to be well prepared to stand a chance. Now I still don't know. The probability that they will still invite me is low, though. Why should they. They invite more people for interviews than they have jobs. Who would say no to an interview after going to the time consuming application process they have? No-one. It is a prestigious institute and a well paying, relatively long-term funded position. No one is just giving up on that chance if invited for an interview. And I might not even be the first on the waiting list anyway. There is literally no chance I will get invited. The chances that I will find a job which is nice and gives me a chance to at least partially live with my bf are now down to an all time low.
    I know I should be glad that I am at least on the waiting list. But I am not glad for more waiting. I am empty. Will go and have a shower and eat ice cream and maybe talk to bf, if I feel able to talk about it. And then just try to sleep.

    Plan for tomorrow:

    1) Go to work
    2) Stay the whole day and actually do work
    3) Try not to think about my future as a unemployed academic, as I need some time to calm down first before being able to make reasonable new plans
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    @OConnell5483 So cool that you saw owls! I only hear them, and rarely.

    4) Complete meal plan & grocery list (remember brother #1 is coming this weekend - going to the Packers game!)

    It was really cool! When we lived in the woods, I would hear them but never saw them then either. Makes me want to go again!

    Good for you going to the game this weekend! Do you have season tickets? I heard that a lot of people are selling their tickets now that Aaron is hurt. I'm seriously thinking of buying some and going. I am a Packers fan, not just a Rogers fan (although his injury definitely is not a good thing...)! Have fun!

    I'm not a season ticket holder, but do get the lottery tickets. This year, friends who are also lottery ticket holders, swapped two of their tickets with mine, so we could both go to two different games. Hubby isn't really a sports fan, his whole family is like that, so I usually find someone else to go with me. I'm more of a Packers fan than a player fan, but yes, I will definitely miss Aaron playing. Should be interesting to watch!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    skymningen wrote: »

    I know I should be glad that I am at least on the waiting list. But I am not glad for more waiting. I am empty. Will go and have a shower and eat ice cream and maybe talk to bf, if I feel able to talk about it. And then just try to sleep.

    Do not give up hope. Just because you are on a waiting list - you never know what might happen. I will be praying that it all goes well for you. Hugs.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    brittk2013 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I hope you don't mind me jumping in. I love the idea of Just for Today and would like to give it a try. I'm starting small and will work my way up to more.

    1. Stick with my pre-logged food.
    2. Get through my water cup (24 oz) 3 times.
    3. Go for a walk around the neighborhood with the kiddo when we get home.

    Love to have you join us. Great goals for today!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    My son wants a baby girl here and I have told him when he grows up, then he can have it (after he marries). He also wants a cat and a snake with rats to feed it. I think the first poop diaper would change his mind. He says I can have a baby because I eat so much and I have a big stomach. I was thinking my stomach was getting smaller and so forth but he assures me it is big enough I can have a girl baby.

    Thanks for the laugh. Quite a character.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member


  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »




    So ADORABLE! :love: :love:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I am trying to get back to here. Still feeling effects of infection/stone and guess it is just with me this next month or so. Way down on exercising and eating to support 3 people I guess!
    BEX a girl! I was going to say boy. My son wants a baby girl here and I have told him when he grows up, then he can have it (after he marries). He also wants a cat and a snake with rats to feed it. I think the first poop diaper would change his mind. He says I can have a baby because I eat so much and I have a big stomach. I was thinking my stomach was getting smaller and so forth but he assures me it is big enough I can have a girl baby.
    So let me get the goals out and dust them off.
    Today 10-17-17 Stay UNDER the Kcal goal. Exercise a bit at the Y pool regardless of pain or peeing. Get kid through lessons. Take kid to pool, Martial Arts, and not eat out. Even these little things will exhaust me. But they will be a start

    Your son is a hoot! The things that kids say! HAHA! My granddaughter was studying the first Thanksgiving at school a few years ago and asked me "Grandma, were you a pilgrim?" HAHAHA! I said "No Kendra...I did not come over on the Mayflower..."