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What do you think about impact of the phrase 'nothing is impossible if you work hard enough' ?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    shaumom wrote: »
    1. As the phrase 'nothing is impossible if you work hard enough' is not literally true (we wouldn't tell someone who is blind that they could see if they worked hard enough, for example), what do you assume the 'real' meaning of this phrase usually is? And I'd use this for variations of this idea, too - 'you can do anything if you put your mind to it,' 'all you need is hard work in order to succeed in life,' and so on.

    So...what does this phrase mean to you?

    2. When you hear phrases like this used, is the general tone positive or negative, or somewhere in between?

    Like, positive might be encouraging someone who is feeling like they will never meet their health goals, and reminding them that they are working hard so they are going to see results. Negative might be shaming someone who hadn't met their goals, implying that they would be doing better if they had been working harder.

    3. Based on how you hear it being used most often, do you think this phrase promotes a certain type of attitude among people who exercise, and if so, is it a good one?

    1. I would interpret those phrases to mean the person saying them believes other people are being lazy if they are struggling to achieve something. I think it is more judgement than encouragement and not realistic. Often it is said by people who had an advantage to those starting with much less. I think it is pretty obvious that you have to work to achieve goals. Not every goal is realistic for everyone even with hard work.
    2. Negative, condescending tone usually.
    I think when people want to be positive and encouraging they would acknowledge the goal is achievable, note what the person is already doing and what they can realistically do in steps. Like "Sure, you can run a marathon someday. You just started running and are already improving your speed and distance. There is a 5k in a couple of months. Why not train for that for the time being? Keep working at it!"
    3. I think it is part of an attitude promising unrealistic, unhealthy results- like you can get an airbrushed model's body if you diet and exercise hard enough. I think taking such a phrase to heart contributes to disordered thinking or injury.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    I don't mind it because "within the limits of physical reality" is a codicil my mind puts on EVERYTHING as a scientist. The phrase clearly doesn't mean you can turn into a ball of incandescent gas if you try hard enough. But it does handily summarize the truth that excellence and achievement of a great many things require a LOT of effort and perserverence. These traits are being increasingly disapproved of in common discourse now.

    This makes sense to me.

    I don't think I've noticed the phrase, though. Is it common now?

    I'd probably put in in the category of stuff people say to be encouraging that they haven't really thought through and don't mean literally and not really notice it, so it's possible I've heard it and not really noticed it.

    I do think that physical limitations have to be acknowledged and assuming that someone else is struggling or has failed to do something that you have done because they just didn't try is wrong. I'm struggling with the line between encouragement and accepting that someone just can't do more than she is with my mother now, as she's been sick for a while (chronic health condition) and is currently recovering from a broken hip and not doing as well as they want her to be, and after a point apparently the insurance will stop covering some of the extra therapies for the physical recovery from the injury as not likely to succeed. I would not use this particular phrase, obviously, but it is genuinely tough to know what to do (and my father is convinced that my mother could try harder and is not, whereas I am less certain she's not simply doing all she can).

    Wow, wasn't really intending to go off about this!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Given the anger about it, I am curious in what context people are being told "nothing is impossible if you work hard enough." Thinking more, I really can't imagine a scenario in which someone has said it to me, or would.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Given the anger about it, I am curious in what context people are being told "nothing is impossible if you work hard enough." Thinking more, I really can't imagine a scenario in which someone has said it to me, or would.

    No one's ever said it to me, but I'm not one of the angry ones.

    I'd probably just laugh at them if someone said that to me.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    I've never heard it said to anyone other than young children. In fact, I've been saying this to my 4 yr old niece. She has said to me that she wants to be an astronaut, a doctor, a teacher, and a few other professions. My response has been "honey, you can be whatever your heart desires. She's not old enough to understand what hard work really means, but when she gets older I will say that to her. I'd rather say that to her than say "you know, you might have your expectations set a little too high, and you may have some physical limitations later, so you might want you rethink you prospects down the road".
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I too have only heard it said to children.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Wow, I did not expect to be in the minority on this one. That's a perfectly positive phrase and I've found it to be mostly true. The other variant I've heard once was "If someone REALLY wants to do something, that person is going to do it REALLY well." I'm not sure if intelligence, dedication, and strong work ethic counts as 'privilege.'

    You look young and healthy.

    That might be why you think anything is possible.

    That's also a privileged position, whether you realize it or not.

    No matter how badly I want it, or how hard I work, I'll never be able to lunge to full depth or squat ATG, for example. I'm older with two forms of arthritis, and my joints will only take me so far.

    Now I have gone from walking with a cane to running, so while *that* was possible, I don't think ANYTHING is possible. In fact, I know it isn't.

    Mind you, I'm not pulling some victimized thing here. I just know that I have limits due to a medical condition. That's facing reality. I'm not bitter or anything like that.

    I just don't like trite, pat little sayings like this. There are lots of things people face. I think the important thing is to do your best, whatever your circumstances are. I may not be able to do everything, but I'm doing far more than I ever thought I could, and I think that's pretty damned awesome enough.

    Indeed. We don't have control over a great many things. Winning, losing, genetic, medical conditions etc. What we do have control over is the effort we put forth in achieving our goals, whatever they may be. As long as you give it your absolute best (and deep down we know wether or not we do) you can hold your head up high and be content with who you are at this moment...
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sounds like a good way to encourage someone to overexert themselves.
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 233 Member
    How about Yoda's "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I say it to my kids. They know what their weaknesses are and their strengths. It is nice to see my youngest(13) running the track practice for soccer where as the other children are walking cause they are "too tired"!!!! 13 and TOO LAZY and this Mama is proud her boys believe they have it in them to go far in life...as long as they try :)