can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry but that site is a scam. There is no way these foods with zero calories.
    Anyways.... had a few bad days with over eating( dang chocolate cravings) but other than that still losing weight!
    1.5lbs tilim in the 170s and past my 40lbs half way mark!
    The only thing that is not going away is my stomach! I hate looking like I'm pregnant, sit ups crunches ect just don't work! I even tried hoola hoops and hawain dance.
    I am thinking about joining a pole dancing class, I've heard wonderful things about this. It'll tone muscles and such. As I'm not one for zumba.
    I go see my doc in sept for more blood tests, going to see if my sugar has gotten better. Apprently in nov my blood sugar was extremely low.
    I have noticed I am however losing more hair than normal :( I've also noticed a reciding hair line! Damn pcos, I hate that out of my immidiate family I am the only person with this issue. I pray my daughter doesn't have to suffer this when she gets older.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry but that site is a scam. There is no way these foods with zero calories.
    Anyways.... had a few bad days with over eating( dang chocolate cravings) but other than that still losing weight!
    1.5lbs tilim in the 170s and past my 40lbs half way mark!
    The only thing that is not going away is my stomach! I hate looking like I'm pregnant, sit ups crunches ect just don't work! I even tried hoola hoops and hawain dance.
    I am thinking about joining a pole dancing class, I've heard wonderful things about this. It'll tone muscles and such. As I'm not one for zumba.
    I go see my doc in sept for more blood tests, going to see if my sugar has gotten better. Apprently in nov my blood sugar was extremely low.
    I have noticed I am however losing more hair than normal :( I've also noticed a reciding hair line! Damn pcos, I hate that out of my immidiate family I am the only person with this issue. I pray my daughter doesn't have to suffer this when she gets older.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    PCOS. You suck big hairy man balls.

    I'm not too sure when exactly you barged into my life, I was on the pill for a year when I was 17 so you could have been lurking around then ... diagnosed at nearly 19 when I hadn't had a period in 5 months. Was I pregnant? Laugh. No. It was just you, and your f**king cysts. Gradually ballooning me up to 124kgs, giving me crazy emotions, confusing me on what you were about ...
    But now, I want you to know, you're not in control.
    Cycles are regular. You aren't so painful. I'm still a bit crazy, but who isn't? Acne wasn't a problem. I have tweezers for the little facial hair you do give me.
    I plan on seriously getting rid of the rest of the fat you gave me.

    And I'm sure that my partner won't be disheartened when you attempt to stop us having a child. "Challenge accepted" he will say.

    PCOS, you've overstayed your non-existant welcome.

    F**k off.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    She said no carbs not no calories, and if they're like the ****aki ? Sp? noodles made of tofu at the grocery store....then yeah it is possible they're in my fridge righ tnow.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry I read calories.
    I know there's a site out there claiming there foods have zero calories.
    That is what I thought she was referring to.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    aaaahhhh I hate PCOS!!!

    My facial hair is rediculas!! Im worried that now bacuse Ive started getting rid of it (if u know what I mean) that my hair will constantly grow back even if the PCOS symtoms reduce! Does n e body know if this is the case?

    Also Im very frustrated at the fact when I was like damb PCOS to one of my collauges regarding it being hard to loose weight she thnks its acceptable to say well Victoria Beckham has PCOS and she isnt fat!! How dare she!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

    rant over sorry xxx
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    PCOS is the bane of my existance, and I am glad there's a place to vent on here. I was diagnosed back in May (I think I have had it since my teen years, and it causes more problems when I'm heavier...) and started on Metformin. Prior to starting on the Metformin, I was having cycles ranging from 35-48 days. Since I started, I haven't had a period in 75 days. This is maddening because I am also TTC for # 2... Has anyone else had this reaction to Metformin?

    My next OBGYN appointment is 8/15. She wants to start me on Clomid if I have not conceived by then. She also wants me to start going to a medical weight loss center if she does not feel I have lost a significant enough amount of weight. I did gain some after seeing her in June because I had my gallbladder removed...

    Anyone in the same boat, feel free to add me. We can commiserate together and support each other!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I know! Not everyone with pcos is overweight. There is a small percentage that are absolutely at a normal weight but they may have some of the other symptoms...
    aaaahhhh I hate PCOS!!!

    My facial hair is rediculas!! Im worried that now bacuse Ive started getting rid of it (if u know what I mean) that my hair will constantly grow back even if the PCOS symtoms reduce! Does n e body know if this is the case?

    Also Im very frustrated at the fact when I was like damb PCOS to one of my collauges regarding it being hard to loose weight she thnks its acceptable to say well Victoria Beckham has PCOS and she isnt fat!! How dare she!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

    rant over sorry xxx
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    This is happening to me right now! I just got back on metformin and before that I was off for about three months. During that time I was having long...but typical periods. Now that I've been back on the met for over a month there seems to be no sign off my period anytime irritating. As long as I stay on the met and take it regularly it should regulate itself again. That's what it did the first time. It took about 6 months that time(which was the first time taking met). Hopefully this time it wont take quite that long! Patience is not that its easy. Especially if you're trying to conceive!

    PCOS is the bane of my existance, and I am glad there's a place to vent on here. I was diagnosed back in May (I think I have had it since my teen years, and it causes more problems when I'm heavier...) and started on Metformin. Prior to starting on the Metformin, I was having cycles ranging from 35-48 days. Since I started, I haven't had a period in 75 days. This is maddening because I am also TTC for # 2... Has anyone else had this reaction to Metformin?

    My next OBGYN appointment is 8/15. She wants to start me on Clomid if I have not conceived by then. She also wants me to start going to a medical weight loss center if she does not feel I have lost a significant enough amount of weight. I did gain some after seeing her in June because I had my gallbladder removed...

    Anyone in the same boat, feel free to add me. We can commiserate together and support each other!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I kicked pcos butt today! Burned 1029 cals from pure exercise! Winnnn!
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    You know, I'm sick of people acting like pcos isn't. That bad. My dang sister always compares herself to me(she had to have an ovary removed due to issues) but other than that she's normal.
    She had the nerve to tell me that she can't lose weight bc of that issue! And mine has nothing to do with hormones. I was heated. She ovulates still without the help of being dependant of meds. I cannot ovulate and cannot have a cycle without the use of meds.I will have to take something the rest of my life to be normal. She doesn't realize that those of us with pcos are at a higher risk for heart disease,uterine cancer, diabeties, male patern baldness, ect. She has no idea how it affects my life. Seems like no one in my family is actually willing to sit down and have me explain to them what this nasty disease is.
    My sisters reason she can't lose weight, she eats too much and drinks about a case of coke a day.
    I'm sorry I'm highly annoyed, I hate people that tell me I'm fat bc I eat. Uh really bc most of the stuff I eat isn't high in cals!

    And the whole some people being skinnier with pcos just depends on the person, kate from kate plus 8 has pcos,my friend jen has endo and pcos and she's super skinny. While I going through periods of being fat then being skinny. Smallest I've ever been was at 16-17 I weighed 105lbs. Highest is 220 in feb 2011 :o

    Girls keep your heads up we will fight this war and win :)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    My family is the same way....they have no clue what PCOS really is and every time I tell them it's like it goes in one ear and out the other...they tell me the same ol thing...oh you're probably eating too much and not exercising enough...well obviously if they even bothered to check on this site they could see how hard we ALL work....I have made progress but because I see them so often and my progress is at a snails pace (unfortunatley due to the damn pcos! grrrr) They probably don't even believe me. HOw work and work and work your *kitten* off and see little results and don't even have support from your family. UGH.......It seriously makes me so crazy sometimes! I actually opted to make an appointment with a life counselor for anxiety and depression mainly because I have zero support and understanding of this disease outside of MFP. MFP has been a godsend for me! Thank you so much to all my PCOS cysters! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :wink:
    You know, I'm sick of people acting like pcos isn't. That bad. My dang sister always compares herself to me(she had to have an ovary removed due to issues) but other than that she's normal.
    She had the nerve to tell me that she can't lose weight bc of that issue! And mine has nothing to do with hormones. I was heated. She ovulates still without the help of being dependant of meds. I cannot ovulate and cannot have a cycle without the use of meds.I will have to take something the rest of my life to be normal. She doesn't realize that those of us with pcos are at a higher risk for heart disease,uterine cancer, diabeties, male patern baldness, ect. She has no idea how it affects my life. Seems like no one in my family is actually willing to sit down and have me explain to them what this nasty disease is.
    My sisters reason she can't lose weight, she eats too much and drinks about a case of coke a day.
    I'm sorry I'm highly annoyed, I hate people that tell me I'm fat bc I eat. Uh really bc most of the stuff I eat isn't high in cals!

    And the whole some people being skinnier with pcos just depends on the person, kate from kate plus 8 has pcos,my friend jen has endo and pcos and she's super skinny. While I going through periods of being fat then being skinny. Smallest I've ever been was at 16-17 I weighed 105lbs. Highest is 220 in feb 2011 :o

    Girls keep your heads up we will fight this war and win :)
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    I hate you and I dont understand why you wont leave me the hell alone. I would love to say its me and not you, but it is you. I wish a restraining order would help!
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! And I love the term Cysters. My name is Jamie and I'm 28. I was reading through some of the earlier posts and I have to say, that even though my friends and family may not totally undertand PCOS, I am lucky to have their support. For those of you that don't have support, or maybe like me, just don't have others around that understand what you're going through, it's nice to have a group like this.

    At age 15 I developed an eating disorder and was very skinny, OK, too skinny. In 2001, my senior year of high school, I was diagnosed with an eye disorder called Uveitis and had to be put on steriods which caused me to gain about 80 pounds in a year or so. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2004 when I was almost 21. I have never been able to get below 180 since that time no matter how hard I work. During my first marriage, between his deployments, I went to fertility specialists and went through a couple of rounds of Chlomid and keeping track of my basal temp. I couldn't get pregnant and in 2007 my husband (now ex) knocked up his girlfriend and they named their daughter the name we had picked out for years. I was "rip my heart out, stomp it in the ground" depressed and sadder than I ever thought I could be. Today it is 4 years later and I have been with my wonderful boyfriend for 2 years. I don't think he totally understands PCOS, but he is supportive of me in every way possible. As sad as I was when my marriage ended, I see now that there was a plan in place for me to meet someone totally amazing and I'm glad that I don't have to share a child with my ex. I do hope to remarry and try for kids again in the next couple of years.

    As far as my symptoms go, I never had major hair loss, just some exsessive hair shedding during stressful times, which I think tends to be normal. I have dark patches on my arms that just showed up a couple of months ago. Those are new for me. I do have hair growth on my face and stomach (and toes, anyone else get that?) which I have to wax, pluck, and shave to feel like a normal girl! And of course, I have a difficult time losing weight. I also go through extreme pain when cysts rupture and I HATE my abnormal, almost month long periods (that is, when they DO decide to come).

    Anyway, that is a little of my story. Hopefully some of you will add me as a friend and we can go on a weight loss journey together. I have gone to a couple of doctors here and a specialist, but no one seems to know how to help me lose weight. I just get the same-o eat better and exercise routine. Duh, I'm not stupid! No matter what I do, I can't break 180. but I've got about 30 pounds to go to get to that point I suppose right now I'll worry about that when I get there.

    In 2008, just after my divorce, I was very very healthy. Eating nothing with HFCS or preservitives and running almost every night. I was healthier than I had ever been in my life, but I couldn't break 180. I was trying to go into the military but could never meet their weight and tape requirements. (Taping is when you don't meet their weight requirements, so they measure your thighs, hips, and neck...I guess for body fat). Anyway, I could not meet their standards and so when I lost sight of that goal, I kind of just got back into my old routines.

    Now I want to look good and feel good for me. I also have a job that keeps me in front of lots of people and we may even start a You Tube channel for my work, which I HATE the way I look in pictures and way am I ready for that! I am also hoping to be engaged in the next year or so... *smile* I have lots of wonderful life goals to look forward to, but would like to be a thinner, happier me while achieving those :)

  • PCOS is the reason why I'm on birth control pills because I didn't have a period for 6 years straight. Only when I finally started going to ob/gyn was I forced onto birth control pills. And actually, maybe it was a good thing too because going on birth control pills is the reason why I started exercising at minimum once a week (usually 5 times a week). Gaining 30 lbs in 9 months didn't get me to exercise, but the fear of getting a bloodclot from birth control pills definitely got my tushy to the gym.
    ...BAHHH. Mostly I hate PCOS because of the difficulty of getting the weight off. It's truly been a struggle. But I think the most important part is to never give up and never give in. :]
  • Wow, I had no idea that this thread was out there! I am so glad I'm not the only one any more!

    I've been on birth control for 10+ years, and have been officially diagnosed with PCOS for 2 years (though it's in my family and has been suspected much longer than that...). I recently came off birth control, as my hubby and I are planning on having kids some time in the next few years (ha!), but since then I CANNOT lose weight! I am working my butt off and nothing is happening! I can't be definite that the two are linked, but it does seem weird that the two coincide... I've never had problems losing weight in the (birth-controlled) past when I've put my mind to it...

    Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any advice?

  • When you lost the weight did the dark patches fade? I also have them on my elbows, and occasionally I get responses like "Hey you have dirt on your elbow." or "Hey, your elbow is bruised!" and I have to explain it and it's like o-m-g... embarassing!

    Hi sorry to intrude, quite a newbie on MFP, but went mooching to see if any pcos threads.
    I just read this....ive had the patches on my elbows for years and years, i had no idea that it was because of pcos! Ive scrubbed my elbows red raw in the past thinking it was dirt, and have always been so self concious!!

    Stupid pcos, diagnosed at 19, been ttc for 5 years, cant get ivf referral until my bmi is below 30. having ovarian drilling this month which im hoping will be successful as the dr said weight loss should get easier after the op!
    working hard before the op though...more weight i lose, the more likely it is to be a success.

    My rant though is for excess hair!! face, arms, tummy, back, bum! i hate hate hate it!! laser removal should be given on nhs, because in my opinion besides infertility, its one of the most distressing aspects of pcos! grrrrrr!!

  • Dear PCOS,

    *kitten* off.



    ROFLMFAO...I couldn't agree more!!!!!!

    Thanks for the thread....yeah HATE the extra facial hair!
  • dear pcos, will you kindly bugger off and leave my sister in law alone so that she can have another child, she has been trying for ages now and it just isn't fair
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    This is a common problem for many PCOS women. With or without ever being on BC. This usually means that you are insulin resistant. Your DR. should be able to explain this in full detail to you especially because you've been diagnosed. Don't be afraid to ask the docs questions! Thats what they are there for! My Gyno had much more info to offer on the subject. She recomended a Low Glycemic Index type of diet. It is very low sugar, low carb, and lots of veggies and protein. I replace sugar with splenda and replace any white flours breads or rice with whole grain brown rices flours
    Wow, I had no idea that this thread was out there! I am so glad I'm not the only one any more!

    I've been on birth control for 10+ years, and have been officially diagnosed with PCOS for 2 years (though it's in my family and has been suspected much longer than that...). I recently came off birth control, as my hubby and I are planning on having kids some time in the next few years (ha!), but since then I CANNOT lose weight! I am working my butt off and nothing is happening! I can't be definite that the two are linked, but it does seem weird that the two coincide... I've never had problems losing weight in the (birth-controlled) past when I've put my mind to it...

    Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any advice?
