Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I actually got to listen to it yesterday - my immediate thought was "*kitten*, I effed up dieting, can I go back and do it again?!?"

    I expect I have had hormonal issues for years that I did nothing about, but struggled through diets and comp preps, and had huge amounts of frustration when things weren't as successful as I/coaches expected....
    I spent long periods in a deficit, on set diets with a "cheat meal". I spent long periods doing IIFYM, carb cycling with one "high day".
    My one reverse diet experience was ok from Lyle's brief mention - I went straight back to my "maintenance" calories (determined by a rmr test) and increased further from there quite quickly.

    ....I have spent time at heavier weights in between, but the hormonal issues didnt appear to improve. Dr's were terrible and not helpful at all, but I've finally started seeing some one who is reputed to be awesome at dealing with hormonal issues, in "athletes", so fingers crossed. (my hope is that her suggestion isn't just "gain weight". Im happy to eat more, but I don't think my current level of body fat is unhealthy or unsustainable)

    Has anyone got any thoughts on leptin deficiency or resistance? I haven't had any time to look in to it as yet, but it's a thought that came to my head as a listened.

    I'm two weeks into what I'm assuming is my own "diet break" - I've bumped cals up to what I calculated as maintainance, and increased carbs a bit. I have two lower carb non-training days, with one day a week where I add those calories back, as well as lowering fats to increase carbs more. I'm wondering if I should try and make this two days, or whether it's irrelevant as I'm at maintenance anyway...

    Id recommend watching this video..it has some similarities to your situation. Its possible that you will have to do a very low diet break or reverse diet.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    I actually got to listen to it yesterday - my immediate thought was "*kitten*, I effed up dieting, can I go back and do it again?!?"

    I expect I have had hormonal issues for years that I did nothing about, but struggled through diets and comp preps, and had huge amounts of frustration when things weren't as successful as I/coaches expected....
    I spent long periods in a deficit, on set diets with a "cheat meal". I spent long periods doing IIFYM, carb cycling with one "high day".
    My one reverse diet experience was ok from Lyle's brief mention - I went straight back to my "maintenance" calories (determined by a rmr test) and increased further from there quite quickly.

    ....I have spent time at heavier weights in between, but the hormonal issues didnt appear to improve. Dr's were terrible and not helpful at all, but I've finally started seeing some one who is reputed to be awesome at dealing with hormonal issues, in "athletes", so fingers crossed. (my hope is that her suggestion isn't just "gain weight". Im happy to eat more, but I don't think my current level of body fat is unhealthy or unsustainable)

    Has anyone got any thoughts on leptin deficiency or resistance? I haven't had any time to look in to it as yet, but it's a thought that came to my head as a listened.

    I'm two weeks into what I'm assuming is my own "diet break" - I've bumped cals up to what I calculated as maintainance, and increased carbs a bit. I have two lower carb non-training days, with one day a week where I add those calories back, as well as lowering fats to increase carbs more. I'm wondering if I should try and make this two days, or whether it's irrelevant as I'm at maintenance anyway...

    Given that leptin is carb-sensitive, I'd maybe focus on those. Worth a try anyway. But @anubis609 may have more insightful insights than me.

    I have had times spent eating at/above maintenance with higher carbs without issues resolving (I've done low carb for losing, to prioritise protein and fat, but love carbs and they are the first thing to get added back in....).
    Thank you for the suggestion though!

    @livingleanlivingclean - I'm not even gonna pretend to attempt guessing the origin cause of what might be happening, but it's not uncommon for chronic deficits to affect thyroid, on top of leptin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, etc. Low carbing also affects thyroid a bit harder, specifically from the consensus of keto/low carb groups, and while it's a normal occurrence, it *might* be a corresponding issue.

    Also, considering that you've sought medical advice, I'm going to assume you have panels of labs. Since I can't interpret jack, are you in Lyle's fb group? If you are, it wouldn't hurt to bring it up considering there are a few people who either are or have dealt closely with endocrinologists as it applies to physique athletes. If switching up your diet hasn't worked as well as you'd hoped, it may be more than dietary at this point.

    thanks for your reply @anubis609 . i'm fairly certain I have issues across the board, and everything is working against me at this point! I realise the effects of long term deficit, but I would have hoped at some point of my periods in maintenance/surplus that something would have happened to reverse those effects. i'm also thinking its more than just dietary issues, I just hope I can find out what is going on! part of me thinks I have an issue with absorption of nutrients, or some sort of problem using them properly.

    My labs so far haven't been detailed enough (getting dr's to refer for blood tests is like pulling teeth, and I've been told i'm normal, been quizzed as to why I need them, just told to eat more and gain weight). I got frustrated and gave up worrying about it for a long time, but realise I need to care about my health. the new Dr took 6 months to get an appointment with, reduced from my original 9 month wait, and she has had me have a whole lot of bloods done - I will get those results when I see her next in a couple of weeks). i'm not currently on FB, but thank you for the suggestion - it's definitely an avenue i'll consider when I get something to work with.
    But just to take a wile stab at it from a dietary standpoint, I don't doubt you're already eating enough protein, and probably inversely cycling the carb/fat ratio depending on training/rest days... it borders "woo" in speculation, but if the bulk of your diet is kind of in the limbo between ketogenic and glycolytic, you *may* be experiencing the craptacular dilemma that should be considered metabolic flexibility, and just switching back and forth between fuel sources is generally making you feel like butt.

    the lowest protein I've eaten in a long time is 130g/day. fat doesn't change much, it just tends to be carbs that I shift around. bumping fat down to allow for more carbs on the one day a week is only something I've done recently - most of my high days have kept fat constant and just added extra carbs. for all the issues I have, fatigue/tiredness isn't something I have an issue with (unless i'm just used to how I feel and it could be a whole lot better). i do tend to follow a somewhat IF like schedule, and have wondered if this isn't helping me. since bumping up my cals to more maintenance level, i have noticed that i wake up hungry to the point of feeling sick/queasy (no, not pregnant...)
    Maintaining lower levels of leanness all year round isn't impossible, and it's certainly doable, but "optimal" and "doable" are also different. What was the longest run of an actual flexible diet break you've done? I'm just gonna use Sohee Lee as an example, but maybe her suggestion of taking a long 2-3 year break just to maintain sanity and mood might be beneficial, as well as restorative. Assume current activity levels stay the same, but without the rigid structure of following a dedicated strength/hypertrophy program.

    I've probably spent periods of about a year (at a time) not dieting - (2013 into 2014, end of 2014 into 2015, end of 2015 into 2016). I have regained a lot of fat in these periods, and definitely didn't stay lean - i got to the point of being uncomfortable within myself quite a few times. I've had periods of not tracking, I've had periods of training without a dedicated program, but I've also had periods of following different programs. for the past few months we've been training without structure, but started Ph3 a couple of weeks ago (and enjoying the structure)

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I coincidentally started my first 14 day diet break the day before Nony_Mouse started this thread. In fact, thank you Nony for helping me (through another thread) to get started on the diet break properly. And a big thanks to everyone for keeping this thread educational and on point!

    I have a question. I don't remember Lyle covering this, and if he did, I'm sorry. I have two days to go before returning to a 12 week/ 450 per day calorie deficit, and I want to do my best to support my metabolism.

    Question: If eating at least 100 - 150 grams carbs per day is an important factor in restoring hormone levels during the 14 day diet break, wouldn't it also help to maintain 100 - 150 carbs a day during calorie deficit?

    I've been a low-carber (80ish grams per day) for 11 months because I felt that limiting carbs helped me comply with a calorie deficit. When I return to calorie deficit, I'm open to increasing to 100 grams of carbs (or more) if it helps support hormone levels. Or maybe it's primarily the calorie deficit that negatively impacts hormones? Any thoughts?
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Thanks for your answer, Nony_Mouse. I'm hoping I don't need to do the carb refeed! A year ago I would have jumped at the chance, but my habits and preferences have really changed.

    I've gained 1.4 pounds during the last two weeks. It's been holding steady for the last week or more, so hopefully I calculated my TDEE right and the weight gain is carb related and will come off right away. I'm trying not to let it concern me too much!
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    Good thread. Im in my last 10lbs of weight loss, this is useful.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!

    @Livingleanlivingclean What is your fat intake like? Have you been getting around 0.4 grams per pound of weight?

    Any idea what your current body fat % is? What body fat % would you say is where you get uncomfortable with yourself?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!

    @Livingleanlivingclean What is your fat intake like? Have you been getting around 0.4 grams per pound of weight?

    Any idea what your current body fat % is? What body fat % would you say is where you get uncomfortable with yourself?

    I haven't eaten less than 50g fat for a long time, 60g being normal most recently. (so about 0.45g/lb currently)

    I'm 136lbs and 5ft5 - id guesstimate my body fat to be high teens at the moment. Before I started to lose weight properly, my highest weight was 176lbs. I got down to about 121lbs at my lowest. I've been up and down, with a lot of time spent around 150/155. I couldn't say what my bf% was then, but in terms of clothes sizes, I wear Australian 8/10 now, and when I'm uncomfortable I'm wearing 12/14s.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Um, wow. Another 1.5 pounds off this morning. I know it's water weight, because there's no way I'm eating at that deficit -- but that was the issue all along! I just had no idea I could have *that* much water weight. I'm in shock and disbelief.

    That is simply awesome @collectingblues :)
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I actually got to listen to it yesterday - my immediate thought was "*kitten*, I effed up dieting, can I go back and do it again?!?"

    I expect I have had hormonal issues for years that I did nothing about, but struggled through diets and comp preps, and had huge amounts of frustration when things weren't as successful as I/coaches expected....
    I spent long periods in a deficit, on set diets with a "cheat meal". I spent long periods doing IIFYM, carb cycling with one "high day".
    My one reverse diet experience was ok from Lyle's brief mention - I went straight back to my "maintenance" calories (determined by a rmr test) and increased further from there quite quickly.

    ....I have spent time at heavier weights in between, but the hormonal issues didnt appear to improve. Dr's were terrible and not helpful at all, but I've finally started seeing some one who is reputed to be awesome at dealing with hormonal issues, in "athletes", so fingers crossed. (my hope is that her suggestion isn't just "gain weight". Im happy to eat more, but I don't think my current level of body fat is unhealthy or unsustainable)

    Has anyone got any thoughts on leptin deficiency or resistance? I haven't had any time to look in to it as yet, but it's a thought that came to my head as a listened.

    I'm two weeks into what I'm assuming is my own "diet break" - I've bumped cals up to what I calculated as maintainance, and increased carbs a bit. I have two lower carb non-training days, with one day a week where I add those calories back, as well as lowering fats to increase carbs more. I'm wondering if I should try and make this two days, or whether it's irrelevant as I'm at maintenance anyway...

    Id recommend watching this video..it has some similarities to your situation. Its possible that you will have to do a very low diet break or reverse diet.

    Thanks for posting this.

    Her story is similar to mine except for the different sport. When I started, I also went too far (like her, got down to 110 (BMI 17.8 for me) and ended up with the whole b/p/r cycle nightmare.

    The reverse diet concept is something I might look into. I like the idea of staying only 5 pounds above my "racing weight" (115) but never managed to in the past. Reverse dieting strategy may help.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!

    @Livingleanlivingclean What is your fat intake like? Have you been getting around 0.4 grams per pound of weight?

    Any idea what your current body fat % is? What body fat % would you say is where you get uncomfortable with yourself?

    I haven't eaten less than 50g fat for a long time, 60g being normal most recently. (so about 0.45g/lb currently)

    I'm 136lbs and 5ft5 - id guesstimate my body fat to be high teens at the moment. Before I started to lose weight properly, my highest weight was 176lbs. I got down to about 121lbs at my lowest. I've been up and down, with a lot of time spent around 150/155. I couldn't say what my bf% was then, but in terms of clothes sizes, I wear Australian 8/10 now, and when I'm uncomfortable I'm wearing 12/14s.

    The level of fat you are eating shouldn't be low enough to be causing issues. Hopefully the lab work results will be helpful.

    Your body fat % might be something to think about and discuss with your doctor. I can not find the article but I remember reading that the body fat % that causes issues with women is variable - and pretty individual. I personally find that dipping below 20% is when I start to have some issues.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    bioklutz wrote: »
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!

    @Livingleanlivingclean What is your fat intake like? Have you been getting around 0.4 grams per pound of weight?

    Any idea what your current body fat % is? What body fat % would you say is where you get uncomfortable with yourself?

    I haven't eaten less than 50g fat for a long time, 60g being normal most recently. (so about 0.45g/lb currently)

    I'm 136lbs and 5ft5 - id guesstimate my body fat to be high teens at the moment. Before I started to lose weight properly, my highest weight was 176lbs. I got down to about 121lbs at my lowest. I've been up and down, with a lot of time spent around 150/155. I couldn't say what my bf% was then, but in terms of clothes sizes, I wear Australian 8/10 now, and when I'm uncomfortable I'm wearing 12/14s.

    The level of fat you are eating shouldn't be low enough to be causing issues. Hopefully the lab work results will be helpful.

    Your body fat % might be something to think about and discuss with your doctor. I can not find the article but I remember reading that the body fat % that causes issues with women is variable - and pretty individual. I personally find that dipping below 20% is when I start to have some issues.

    I would accept being bigger/fatter if issues resolved at that point - I persisted in being bigger for months at a time in the hope that something would change, but it didn't!

    I'm hoping something comes of the most recent tests too... Fingers crossed!

    Going to put a few more carbs in to my diet this week and see how I go.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    bioklutz wrote: »
    thanks @psuLemon - i'll have a listen. I did respond very well to reverse dieting when I did it post comp a couple of years ago. I also have nothing against long "diet breaks" - what I do have issues with is gaining weight/fat past a certain point. I tried that, and maintained a higher weight, in a hope that it would help my health issues, but it didn't seem to make a bit of difference. I would love to be able to maintain close to my current physique (nowhere near comp condition) but increase my calories slowly and be able to eat more food!

    @Livingleanlivingclean What is your fat intake like? Have you been getting around 0.4 grams per pound of weight?

    Any idea what your current body fat % is? What body fat % would you say is where you get uncomfortable with yourself?

    I haven't eaten less than 50g fat for a long time, 60g being normal most recently. (so about 0.45g/lb currently)

    I'm 136lbs and 5ft5 - id guesstimate my body fat to be high teens at the moment. Before I started to lose weight properly, my highest weight was 176lbs. I got down to about 121lbs at my lowest. I've been up and down, with a lot of time spent around 150/155. I couldn't say what my bf% was then, but in terms of clothes sizes, I wear Australian 8/10 now, and when I'm uncomfortable I'm wearing 12/14s.

    The level of fat you are eating shouldn't be low enough to be causing issues. Hopefully the lab work results will be helpful.

    Your body fat % might be something to think about and discuss with your doctor. I can not find the article but I remember reading that the body fat % that causes issues with women is variable - and pretty individual. I personally find that dipping below 20% is when I start to have some issues.

    I would accept being bigger/fatter if issues resolved at that point - I persisted in being bigger for months at a time in the hope that something would change, but it didn't!

    I'm hoping something comes of the most recent tests too... Fingers crossed!

    Going to put a few more carbs in to my diet this week and see how I go.

    I'm gonna put this out here even though it may be a completely dumb idea...

    Firstly, if that's you in your profile, wow, you look i n c r e d i b l e... I don't know your history but it seems that your issues are to do with hunger and too low cals and having difficulty maintaining the weight you need/want?

    From what I've read, you've done all you can on the diet front trying to correct the issues and I do hope that something clicks and works for you.

    That aside, have you thought of changing up your training routine? I am aware that exercise can either curb or intensify hunger, depending on intensity and duration. Supposedly, more intense, less hungry?? However, I think I read somewhere (in one of Lyle's books??) that doing moderate cardio (going for a brisk walk, doing a hike, blah...) can be a hunger suppressor.

    I wonder if you can try doing something like this? (or if you've ever tried it??)

    It certainly works for me - I can eat breakfast, go for a nice hike (not too intense) and don't feel hungry through the day till the night. You can get the additional benefit of more calories to play with for the rest of the week then.

    Just a suggestion...