Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Don't you just hate it when you're out for a perfectly good reason and walk out of the non-food store only to smell bacon and fries?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Don't you just hate it when you're out for a perfectly good reason and walk out of the non-food store only to smell bacon and fries?

    I can’t leave my house without smelling something delicious!
    My house backs onto a sandwich shop in the morning mostly breakfast stuff (so bacon and such) and a Chinese takeaway and a chippy at night!!

    The only reason I don’t scoff is because I have no moneyyyyy :lol:
  • amymoore06
    amymoore06 Posts: 8 Member
    2 for 2
    -Morning reading/meditations
    -Record all food during day
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's going to be a beauteous day even though it is gray, windy and drizzly with possible snow flurries outside. I'm feeling very happy today! I got a job offer yesterday and after weighing pros and cons, I plan to accept it on Monday. I am so terribly excited, I can hardly contain myself!!! I really feel that I will be able to go back to working 40 hours a week instead of 65! I will regain my life outside of work. That is priceless to me.

    Congratulations ! So pleased for you :smiley: Hope it all goes well!

    I wouldn't worry too much about resignation letter, I tend to just do it verbally and then do a very short letter which confirms the resignation and says thank you for all the help and support, blah blah blah (I usually don't mean that - there's a reason I'm leaving after all - but has to be done!)


    Thank you! I go between excited and scared. :smile:
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    I work a desk job too. I'm 5'4" and have MFP goals set to 1# per week, Not Very Active and 4-30 minute workouts per week. MFP sets my daily calorie goal at 1200. I worked my way up to walking 5x per week, usually 5K or more, in about an hour give or take. I (almost) always eat back my exercise calories, I couldn't survive otherwise. If I lose only 1/2# per week that's ok with me. I want to be able to live normally, and that includes what I eat and do. I refuse to live my life "on a diet" so this is my life(style). I use portion control and limit processed foods, fast food, restaurant meals & sweets. I have snacks between meals to keep me going nearly every day. I'd be happy to share my food diary, if you add me as a friend. Same for anyone else, add me. :smile: Good luck!


    Sounds like we are on the same page

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap F 10/27
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, blustery west wind and saw snow flurries in my headlamp! Thankfully, temps in low 40s, nothing sticking yet...too early for snow in October. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = 15,461 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 37 floors :)
    3) Net calories green = Green :smile:
    4) Order bday gift for friend = Done, still need to mail card :smile:
    5) Floss = Done but forgot retainers :#

    Posting late in day so just quick recap of Sat.
    1) Last farmers market of season, stocked up on winter & root veggies plus last bag of apples :)
    2) Walked dog 3.28 miles, she got treats from Al & very happy dog :smiley:
    3) More yardwork done, almost ready for winter, still have to finish raking, drain rain barrels and put away fall planters :)
    4) Made family recipe spaghetti sauce, hubby very happy :smiley:<3

    JF Sun. will be sedentary day with church, 3 hour round trip by car to visit mom & dad. Goal to drink > 8c water & bedtime 10:30.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories / sometimes too much. My weaknesses: my sweet tooth, especially chocolate, and portion control. To be honest, I love food! I weigh myself daily and log weekly / posting my Saturday a.m. weigh-in here. [My digital scale only shows half pound increments.]

    Height 5'4"
    Age 60 finally remembered to update :wink:
    GW #1: 150
    GW #2: 145 normal BMI
    UG Range: 140 - 145 [anything less is probably unsustainable]
    October Goal: Reach 165

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    1/10/17 = 185.5 clearly not a regular on MFP / joined JFT, best group ever! :smiley:
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations
    6/3 = 177.5
    6/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    6/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    6/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    7/1 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    7/8 = 177.5 oops
    7/15 = 176.5
    7/22 = 175.0
    7/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    8/5 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking
    8/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins
    8/19 = 173.5 had couple of high calorie days
    8/26 = 172.0 kind of a surprise
    9/2 = 170.0 Woohoo! Officially overweight, not obese :smiley:
    9/9 = 171.5 backsliding, ack!
    9/16 = 169.5 yay, the middle number is a six!
    9/23 = 168.5 have lots challenges in upcoming week
    9/30 = 167.0 met Sept goal to stay under 170
    10/7 = 166.0
    10/14 = 166.5 dined out 2 days with adult beverages plus wine & cheesecake at spa
    10/21 = 166.5 dined out 2 days plus food day in office / no gain is good
    10/28 = 164.5 very active week & watched CICO

    Reminder: Weight loss is not linear. At least not for me.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    Just noticed that I didn't even get on here yesterday to post my saturday goals!

    But today didn't go as planned anyhow, but I am proud of myself. I went to the gym in the morning, and then my daughter and I went out for breakfast, and a little shopping. I had a egg before we left, since we usually just do drive through at the Panera Bread. Their bagels are 450 calories, so I was happy that I had my egg, so didn't have to get a bagel. After shopping, my plan was to clean the house, and do some sewing, and my daughter was going out for a run.

    She loves to go to this beautiful park, but it really is more of a "hiking" type of park - lots of hills, rocks and tree stumps in the path, etc. She has fallen twice while running, and we keep telling her this is not a good park to run in, but she loves the quietness and scenery. She suffers from panic attacks, paranoia, and anxiety, so this is her favorite place to go.

    Well, she calls me at 2 pm - she had fallen on a rock, and slit her knee open all the way to the bone. So, we spent from 2pm until almost 5:30 in the emergency room. We went to Urgent Care first, and they told us we needed to go to the hospital, as it required more deep stitching.

    So at the hospital were all these vending machine -- I didn't touch them at all- even though the old me would have eaten potato chips or a candy bar while waiting. We got home at 6:30, and while I was starving, luckily I had some leftover spaghetti meat sauce here. So hubby and I had that, with our popcorn in the evening. I did get into the halloween candy, but I stopped at just 2 Reeses Peanut butter cups, brushed and flossed my teeth, and made it through the day. SO ... maybe I am changing some of these old habits!

    SO JFT, Tomorrow, sunday
    1. go to the gym
    2. concentrate on water. 2 glasses with each meal, 2 in between, and sip on water while sewing
    3. start the quilt for my daughters friend. My daughters friend is only 24 years old, has MS, and now has to live her life in a nursing home, as she has no one to care for her. So I pulled out the most beautiful, colorful, cheerful fabric, and am planning on making her a pinwheel quilt for her bed. When we see others, it makes us realize how very fortunate and blessed we are
    4. go and pick up daughter, and bring her out here, as she cannot drive for a few days (not suppose to bend her knee for fear of breaking the stitches)
    5. get back on here - be accountable

    @cschmitz110515 --- great loss this week!!!!

    @Saragirl2 - you are so smart having something to eat before trick or treating--- it is so hard to stop eating candy once we get started! Great job with planning ahead!

    @Bex953172 - so sorry your day turned crappy. That happens to me when I am over tired. I hope you have a much better day tomorrow. HUGS

    @OConnell5483 ---- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! SO proud of you for making this move! I know it takes courage to leave a job and start another, but life is so short, and you are taking charge of your life! So happy for you!!!

    @groundhog07 -- OMG --- you really have 1000 trick or treaters?????? WOW!!! We will be lucky if we get 10. We used to have more, but not in the past several years. We leave at the end of the culdasac, so the ones that are out just don't walk to the end of the street. But I've never heard of anyone having that many!! You must be up all nite handing out candy and treats!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Don't you just hate it when you're out for a perfectly good reason and walk out of the non-food store only to smell bacon and fries?

    Or go to the mall, with great willpower, only to be smelling cinnamon rolls the entire time!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's going to be a beauteous day even though it is gray, windy and drizzly with possible snow flurries outside. I'm feeling very happy today! I got a job offer yesterday and after weighing pros and cons, I plan to accept it on Monday. I am so terribly excited, I can hardly contain myself!!! I really feel that I will be able to go back to working 40 hours a week instead of 65! I will regain my life outside of work. That is priceless to me.

    Congratulations ! So pleased for you :smiley: Hope it all goes well!

    I wouldn't worry too much about resignation letter, I tend to just do it verbally and then do a very short letter which confirms the resignation and says thank you for all the help and support, blah blah blah (I usually don't mean that - there's a reason I'm leaving after all - but has to be done!)


    @OConnell5483 CONGRATS!!! That's a big step! But I'm sure you'll feel amazing!

    This situation is kinda crazy because I also got a great job offer out of the blue on Friday and after talking about it with my husband this weekend I've also decided to accept! (Even though I'm very happy and loyal to the company I'm currently at, there's no real future there for me). Thanks for your comments about the resignation letter @slittlemeister ! I was planning on doing the same thing. Just sooo nervous about telling my boss...

    Does anyone have any advice on what to say to nosey coworkers who ask questions like "What company are you going to? Why are you leaving? How much will you be making? Is it better than here? Will you have benefits?" Etc. There's some people I work with who are really pushy and I'm just not going to want to tell them about my new opportunity but I don't know how to politely say "none of your business". Especially since most people don't hesitate to ask questions like that cuz they don't think it should be private information. I'd really appreciate and advice you can give! I've never had to resign from a company before (I always just waited for my contracts to end) and I'm nervous about how to handle it.
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's going to be a beauteous day even though it is gray, windy and drizzly with possible snow flurries outside. I'm feeling very happy today! I got a job offer yesterday and after weighing pros and cons, I plan to accept it on Monday. I am so terribly excited, I can hardly contain myself!!! I really feel that I will be able to go back to working 40 hours a week instead of 65! I will regain my life outside of work. That is priceless to me.

    Congratulations ! So pleased for you :smiley: Hope it all goes well!

    I wouldn't worry too much about resignation letter, I tend to just do it verbally and then do a very short letter which confirms the resignation and says thank you for all the help and support, blah blah blah (I usually don't mean that - there's a reason I'm leaving after all - but has to be done!)


    @OConnell5483 CONGRATS!!! That's a big step! But I'm sure you'll feel amazing!

    This situation is kinda crazy because I also got a great job offer out of the blue on Friday and after talking about it with my husband this weekend I've also decided to accept! (Even though I'm very happy and loyal to the company I'm currently at, there's no real future there for me). Thanks for your comments about the resignation letter @slittlemeister ! I was planning on doing the same thing. Just sooo nervous about telling my boss...

    Does anyone have any advice on what to say to nosey coworkers who ask questions like "What company are you going to? Why are you leaving? How much will you be making? Is it better than here? Will you have benefits?" Etc. There's some people I work with who are really pushy and I'm just not going to want to tell them about my new opportunity but I don't know how to politely say "none of your business". Especially since most people don't hesitate to ask questions like that cuz they don't think it should be private information. I'd really appreciate and advice you can give! I've never had to resign from a company before (I always just waited for my contracts to end) and I'm nervous about how to handle it.

    " I'm doing what is best for myself and my family. " Keep it simple. Just because someone asks a question doesn't mean you have to answer. Or tell them the information is classified and if you tell them, you have to kill them.
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Grocery shopping :)
    2. Enjoy family time :)
    3. Dance my booty off at a wedding :)

    1. Log everything for the week
    2. Plan out the week
    3. Spend time with family

    Another simple day. I went way off my food plan Friday and Saturday so I want to refocus for the week ahead. It's not looking promising for meeting my first DietBet goal, but I can start working towards the next one. Plus, the Ilvermorny challenge starts this week and has some good challenges I'd like to try out.
  • groundhog07
    groundhog07 Posts: 8 Member
    JFT 10/28/17
    1. Try MCT Oil - :) I'm slowly wading in. I've read it can cause GI issues and that's quite nearly the last thing I need. I put a teaspoon in each cup of coffee so about 1 tablespoon overall. So far so good.
    2. Pack and tie treat bags without one single sample - 90% there! :smiley: No samples for me. Luckily, having a 19 yo kid around helped dispose of spillage and accidents :smiley:
    3. Make sure to have enough lchf snacks ready today - :) Powered through without snacks. Drank fuzzy water which helped ward off hunger.
    4. Try to get some stretching in today at least! - still no. :(
    5. Not worried about vulnerability today - handing out treats to 1000 kids and their parents today so I'm more concerned with maintaining kindness and patience. Should be fun but it's the first year we've participated in this event so I'm wary. We just opened a little garden shop and we're part of our merchants' trick or treating event. -
    :) We made it through! Gave out a little over 800 bags in the first two hours! By the third hour it had slowed down and we had more fun with the kids and parents. Some kids were super-sweet and polite. Some weren't but none were obnoxious. A couple of obnoxious parents but nothing awful - I'm sure it was overwhelming for many of them too. It was fun to see whole families dressed in themed costumes. Anyway, some lessons learned for next year and definitely some new interest in our little shop.

    JFT 10/29/17
    1. Sunday is food prep day! Cook up some stuff for the week
    2. Log food intake
    3. Yard work for exercise today before the rain returns
    4. Bathe the dogs - 3 of them - the first one is easy, then the other two catch on and it's more of a challenge :lol:
    5. Practice calm today, meditate

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    It’s a really clear night here in the UK tonight!
    And cause the streetlight is broken and flickers on and off when it went off I could see even more stars and constellations, ones I haven’t seen in ages!

    And then topped it off with a cheeky shooting star :)
    I was only taking dog out for a wee lol!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. go to the gym :/
    2. concentrate on water. 2 glasses with each meal, 2 in between, and sip on water while sewing :/
    3. start the quilt for my daughters friend. My daughters friend is only 24 years old, has MS, and now has to live her life in a nursing home, as she has no one to care for her. So I pulled out the most beautiful, colorful, cheerful fabric, and am planning on making her a pinwheel quilt for her bed. When we see others, it makes us realize how very fortunate and blessed we are :)
    4. go and pick up daughter, and bring her out here, as she cannot drive for a few days (not suppose to bend her knee for fear of breaking the stitches) :)
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)

    Only good thing about today was my sewing project started. If you looked at my dairy --- a bad day! 2200+ calories. But .... I am going to tell myself that that is only 1/2 pound that maybe I will gain, IF I get right back on track tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day .....

    1. GO TO THE GYM. Start the day off right
    2. log all food
    3. watch and eat only healthy foods to make up for today, and get back on track. Veggies and protein only
    4. drink water = 8+ cups
    5. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Weekly weigh-in

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight Sept 1st: 192.8
    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8

    October 9: 194
    October 15 - 189.8 :):) I am finally out of the 90s!!! And only 15 pounds from my first goal of 175 - which would take me out of the "overweight" category! I would still be at the upper end of the ideal weight (weight range for my height is 142-179). Ultimate goal is to get to 170. I know I can do this!!!
    Oct 23 - 188.8. Down a little, but afraid it will go back up after this weekend.
    October 29 - 187.5. This was my weight this morning -- after the awful eating day I had today, recording this weight rather than tomorrows weight. So ... I have to be good all week, so I can end the month with a loss for the month!
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    @joan6630 That's so sweet of you to make a quilt for your daughter's friend. I'm sure she'll love that you're thinking of her and will treasure it.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -
    - Choose light lunch (going for lunch with boss)
    - Choose moderate dinner (going for dinner with friend)
    - No snacks outside that
    - Stick to diet G&T except for one glass of wine at dinner
    - One water for every alcoholic drink

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Read data protection report
    - Focus and be productive
    - Stay positive. Holiday in 5 days! :D
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Log everything for the week :( Couldn't get the toddler off me long enough to get this done
    2. Plan out the week :/ Worked on it quite a bit but didn't get it all in the planner
    3. Spend time with family :) Definitely did this. Most of my day was spent with a small human attached to me.

    1. Green calories
    2. 9 cups water
    3. 5000 steps
    4. Get out the door with everything we need on time
    5. Finish reading one accounting chapter