
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,048 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,187 Member
    Just saw full moon is tomorrow. No wonder DH is grumpy! Right on schedule!

    Did laundry today (no hot tub or pool
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,187 Member
    Rats! It cut my post off!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,201 Member
    Happy Birthday Mary! :flowerforyou:
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,573 Member
    Mary - Hope you are having a wonderful birthday! Celebrating with your DH and Shep!! <3

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    mary many happy returns for your birthday!!

    Tuckered our from an intense work day—made poor food decisions today. Tomorrow will be a better day.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,471 Member
    Did Jari Love's Ripped and Chiseled DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT

    Terry in VT - isn't it amazing how when you don't eat properly, you feel so horrible? I'm constantly amazed by that. Yea you got power back.

    Sharon - you have every right to be mad! The person probably didn't mean any harm, but it still hurts (((HUG)))

    M - try microwaving the squash for a bit. I didn't think it would help, either, the first time I tried it. But it really does help. Of course, you probably will need to let it cool before you cut it. But that's worth it

    Lisa - I remember one time we had a truck packed to go to storage here in NC. Vince fell and had a tibial plateau fracture. Jess drove the truck to NC, Bryan followed in my car, and then after unloading it they drove back to PA. Jess thought it was pretty cool the way she would gesture to the other truckers! and they thought it cool that a woman was driving!

    Katla - I agree with you on your travel plans (see dd after Thanksgiving then go with dh)

    Terry - (((BIG HUG)))

    Exercised then volunteered at the Green Room. The gal who was supposed to come after me must have forgotten because suddenly the receptionist called me to say "are you staying longer"? I didn't even notice the time. If I didn't have the appt to get my nails done, I would have stayed. Got my nails done at the local college's cosmetology school. Really, the thing is that you really should wait longer so they are completely dry. Otherwise, it was a pretty good job. Especially for the $$$. Only $6. A French manicure is $8. Then went to WalMart to get some meats because I didn't know if Aldi carried them. Also returned some of the candy. Came home for dinner, then Newcomer bowling.

    Rye - that's just crazy that you can't donate the candy. I like Becca's suggestion of donating it to a daycare. Actually, all of the suggestions are good, the police, ambulance, etc. etc.

    I remember the first time I rode a horse in a LOOOONNNNGGG time. I figured "I'm in pretty good shape, I exercise 5 days/week so I won't be very sore" Was I wrong! My inner thighs got some workout. Yes, eventually I got used to it, but what an eye opener for me!

    bkomo - welcome! Come by often

    leanerstrong - welcome! So glad Mary was able to help you, she's fantastic, huh? Come back often

    Mary - happy birthday

    Rori - congrats on getting to the 140's

    Michele in NC
    who is off to take a shower
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :)Katla, Jake goes on about one trip a year without me because I don't want to go see all the people he wants to see. When we travel we always stay in a hotel rather than at someone's house because we need our privacy. That's what we tell our friends and family. It's not about them, it's about our need for privacy.

    :) Jake went to the movies tonight so I had a few hours to have the house to myself.

    <3 Barbie
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    Mary Happy Birthday hope you enjoyed your day. Did you eat you "baby's first birthday cake" with your hands
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,439 Member
    edited November 2017
    Mary ... Happy Birthday!

    Regarding dishwashers ... I didn't have one until 2013. In 2013, my husband and I housesat for one of my bosses, and she had one. I loved it!! So when we moved into a house about 6 weeks later, we made sure it had a dishwasher, and we've had one in every house we've lived in since.

    Up till 2013, I figured that there were only 2 of us ... what would we need a dishwasher for? And wouldn't it be a waste if there were only half a load each day?

    But then I discovered that after dinner, I can quickly rinse some of the dishes (not all need it) and pop them into the dishwasher, and if it isn't full, I can wait to start it till the next day or one after, so I can do full loads. Plus a quick rinse takes a fraction of the time it took me to wash the dishes. Plus when I put them into the dishwasher, even if I'm not going to run the dishwasher that day, they are off the counter and out of the sink. My kitchen looks neat and tidy. My after dinner clean up is no time at all now.

    And when it comes to unloading it, I often do that while waiting for the kettle to boil for my evening tea. I might only unload half of it in that time, but that's OK, I'll be back to boil the kettle for another cup of tea in an hour or so, and will finish unloading then.

    Regarding lollies ... we get bags of them, year round, for cycling. We've discovered that they are a better choice than gels on our rides ... more convenient, less messy.

    When we run events, we buy several large bags of lollies, divide them up, and hand out small baggies to each of the participants. Of course there are always some left over which we use on our rides.

    And ... they're recommended for my university exams. :) The first few exams I had, I didn't bring any lollies because I didn't see the point. Then my last exam was a big 3-hour thing, and I figured I'd try jelly beans ... what a difference! Instead of fading halfway through the exam, and going blank on questions I should have known, etc. etc., I was full speed ahead the whole way through.

    So today, I brought a small baggie of lollies from the collection we got for the event we ran last weekend, and munched on them all the way through the exam. :)

    BTW - these are the gummy lollies. Some are like gummy bears and other animal shapes. Some are similar to that but filled with a jam-like filling. One of my favourite is a very sweet banana lolly that melts in the mouth.

    Regarding my exam ... I wrote it today. Thank goodness that's done! I've got a break of just over 2 months now. It seemed to go well ... so hard to tell ... but I answered all the questions with what I hope are the right answers. And hopefully I got all the points my instructor was looking for.

    Very, very, very tired now. All week this week I've had less than 6 hours of sleep each night, and last night I had 5 hours. I need at least 6.5 hours a night to feel functional and usually I get about 7/night.

    Terry ... when I start feeling like that, I like going for long brisk walks, bicycle rides that push me, and things like that. Also sometimes just doing something different helps ... like going canoeing, or hiking up the local mountain.

    I also found that going off Nexium helped me a lot! Plus also making sure to take magnesium, B12, Vit D, Evening Primrose Oil, and several others.

    I was a bit concerned I was taking too much in the way of vitamins and minerals, but had bloodwork done to test that about a month ago, and my vitamin and mineral levels are right in the middle of the normal range, right where they should be.

    Oh and also salt. I tried cutting way, way back on salt thinking salt was bad ... and that was not good for me at all! Now I salt everything in sight ... and again, my electrolyte levels are right in the middle of the normal range.

    Why was your power out for so long? Sorry, I think I missed that bit ... been sort of preoccupied.

    Safe travels to everyone travelling, moving, etc.

    Machka in Oz