Weighing after going to the bathroom- what does this mean to you?



  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    I go regular 1's and 2's on awakening, then weigh. It would bug the HELL out of me if I stopped doing 2's before my morning shower!
    And if I skip the 2 for some reason, I feel a bit ripped off on the scales. Even though I have weighed a few times pre and post 2 and sometimes I have GAINED! Now I just weigh post.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    I never poop first thing so it's always been after peeing only.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,919 Member
    I know this may be a tad pedantic and possibly TMI, but i need to know what others do...

    For years, i have gone to the loo, both #1 and #2 while the kettle is boiling for my first cup of coffee of the day, after which i weigh myself. On the odd occasion that i didn't "go" that morning i wouldn't bother weighing that day.

    The last few months my bathroom habits have changed. Now i don't poop for hours after I've woken up, after which i have eaten and drunk, so my whole routine is messed up.

    To those of you who weigh after "going to the bathroom", do you mean just peeing, or both? Is weighing with the previous days food still sitting inside you a valid weight number? Won't you weigh a couple pounds heavier before "getting rid of it" ?

    As mentioned i have had the same routine for years, and the sudden change is bugging me! I guess i just prefer to be as empty as possible before stepping on the scale.

    I weigh after my first bathroom visit, whatever that may be.

    I have, out of curiosity weighed before a #2 visit and again after on a few occasions (like maybe half a dozen in the past 2 years) ... and although we'd love to think that it would make a couple pounds of difference, the most I've seen was about 300 grams (approx. 0.6 of a lb). Really doesn't make much difference at all.

  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    I get out of bed, go #1, weigh, EVERY MORNING. Regardless of #2 - because who knows when that might happen...LOL
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Normally I get up and dehydrate immediately.

    By the time I've processed through my various moving about tasks(clothes, breakfast, etc) I'm ready to Defecate.

    After that I hop on the scale. If it's a slow morning and unproductive, I'll weight before I eat/take my vitamins.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I find that I am somewhat regular (due to the amount fo fiber that I make sure to get every day) and weigh myself after I #2. I find - and I am a 50yo male that is is 6'0' @ 205lbs - that I am 0.6lbs less after after a #2. Pretty dang consistent with that weight, too!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I actually find this quite amusing, as many people don't go every day! It's normal for some folks. I weigh myself immediately after waking up every day, and I track the average.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I know this may be a tad pedantic and possibly TMI, but i need to know what others do...

    For years, i have gone to the loo, both #1 and #2 while the kettle is boiling for my first cup of coffee of the day, after which i weigh myself. On the odd occasion that i didn't "go" that morning i wouldn't bother weighing that day.

    The last few months my bathroom habits have changed. Now i don't poop for hours after I've woken up, after which i have eaten and drunk, so my whole routine is messed up.

    To those of you who weigh after "going to the bathroom", do you mean just peeing, or both? Is weighing with the previous days food still sitting inside you a valid weight number? Won't you weigh a couple pounds heavier before "getting rid of it" ?

    As mentioned i have had the same routine for years, and the sudden change is bugging me! I guess i just prefer to be as empty as possible before stepping on the scale.

    You are never going to be "as empty as possible" without fasting for a couple of days.
  • FitnessOCD
    FitnessOCD Posts: 31 Member
    After I lay cable, I see no difference in weight. I guess if you dropped a mega-deuce you might see a difference.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I generally weigh myself every morning, usually after #2 but not always. Sometimes I weigh myself at other times of day, either instead of or in addition to the morning weight. And sometimes I'll go several days and not weigh at all. I basically just step on the scale whenever it suits me.
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    I weigh myself within 5 minutes of getting up. Sometimes it's after a bathroom visit and other times before. I generally don't worry about waste weight unless I need an accurate weigh-in for the doc, since I'm focusing on long-term trends and tbh taking the waste weight into account has really eased my anxiety over normal fluctuations.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    I also do this! I weigh myself the first Saturday of the month after I go both 1 and 2. Saturday bc I sleep in and go to the bathroom as soon as I get up- no breakfast first!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I wish I was that regular...

    I just weigh in after a morning pee. I use Libra to trend my weight loss so the little fluctuations don't bother me too much.
  • spenceramcleod
    spenceramcleod Posts: 9 Member
    My general routine is pooping followed by weighing in.

    I usually have a pretty good idea of whether or not I've got some "extra weight" hanging around in my intestines, or if I maybe am dehydrated compared to other days and how it may affect my weigh in that morning.... so I don't get too worked up about it either way. The important part is seeing the downward trend over time. There's no use getting excited or upset over a 2 lb loss/gain from one day to the next.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I weigh after my first bathroom visit whatever that may be.