Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    2. Finish cutting Mark's quilt :)

    What is the new quilt pattern for Mark's quilt?? Always so much fun starting a new project, isn't it!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    I was at the chiropractor this morning where one of the front desk people puts inspirational sayings up on a whiteboard. Today was
    "Your mind is a powerful thing.
    When you fill it with positive thoughts
    Your life will start to change!"

    Wow. I just love that you shared this. I just heard this watching a show called The Big Fat Truth. The mind is the biggest muscle. And where the mind goes, the body follows. I am truly trying to separate myself from things I cannot change, changing what I can.

    I love that you are doing this. This was actually one of my goals earlier this year and I wrote it every single day. I had so many stressors that I was physically feeling ill. I actually created a list of things that were stressing me out, or bothering me, and determined which ones I could change and what steps I needed to take to change them, and which ones I could not change and how I was going to accept or remove them from my life. I know that probably sounds corny (I'm such a "list" person) but I did it for months and I can honestly say that most of those things are now either changed or gone and right now I am feeling like a 5 ton brick has been lifted off my back.

    The quote above is awesome. I found it to be really true. One of the steps I took was to change my negative thoughts to positive thoughts... be grateful instead of envious or disappointed. That kind of stuff.

    Good luck in your journey! I wish you much success!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    Wow. I just love that you shared this. I just heard this watching a show called The Big Fat Truth. The mind is the biggest muscle. And where the mind goes, the body follows. I am truly trying to separate myself from things I cannot change, changing what I can.

    I have never heard of this show --- is this something on cable TV, or something you rented? Many times I watch the show, "my 600 pound weight loss". It is so sad to see how food has taken over these peoples lives. But for all of them that are successful, the doctor has them going to therapy to find out the reasons they eat. Many times, it is because of emotional stuff, the thinking of the mind. I do believe that are minds determine not only whether we lose weight, but our entire life. You know the saying, "if you think you can't you won't; if you think you can, you will". Pertains to everything in life!
    Thank you for sharing - I am going to look up where to find that show!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    throckj33 wrote: »
    Tomorrow will be my first day posting my goals. I'm going to start out simple but I'm hoping this will finally be what helps me lose weight and keep it off! I enjoy reading everyone's posts! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Yesterday was no good. I didn't accomplish anything. I was exhausted so I took a nap and just rested.

    Still struggling with depression :disappointed:

    So very sorry you are having a rough pregnancy also - hugs to you. I remember being pregnant with my second one, and it was so much harder, because I could never rest because of having to take care of a 18 month old. Both you and Bex have a lot on your plate.
    I also suffer from winter/holiday depression. Getting on here does help me some, but it is still hard. I think lack of sunshine adds to it, plus, just the holiday season. I hope you feel better soon. We all care.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Good luck with your new program of walking the dog for 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a good plan to me. Something about the outside air--It's invigorating and getting outside gets you outside of your own little world.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    What is the new quilt pattern for Mark's quilt?? Always so much fun starting a new project, isn't it!!

    I'm making an hourglass quilt for him as fast as I can. Mark was diagnosed with a quickly advancing form of ALS about a year ago. He's young (51) and my only sibling. It's a fairly sure thing he won't be around for Christmas 2018.
    So after that's done and mailed off I can finish the borders and binding on the retreat quilt.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Just for today---November 17.
    Log all food.
    Declutter papers for at least 30 ": shredding event tomorrow.
    Pay bills
    Practice: 30"
    Call for doctor's appointment (procrastinating on this one)
    Fill out papers for passport renewal

  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    (((( @Bex953172 )))))
    I wanted to let you know that I have been reading your posts and I'm right there with you. I want to comment but there really are no little icons for what you're dealing with. So just ((((hugs))))
  • kakaovanilya
    kakaovanilya Posts: 647 Member
    Hi everyone! I just signed up and i was reading the forum and i thought this thread would be a good start for me. I gained around 23-24 pounds this summer. I have a hard time starting on a diet, i feel like i am not ready yet so my goal for this week;

    1- I will eat whatever i want during the day and stop eating at 6.30 pm
    2- drink 1.5 liters of water
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Me and my partner had a big row today.

    I’ve tensed up big time and now I think I’ve actually slipped a disc :(

    The pain is shooting into my shoulder and my right arm and my hand is tingling.

    I was told to ring the out of hours gp if this happens but I don’t even want to mention it to my OH.
    We’ve both said awful things and it’s just the last thing we need :(

    6m now! 25 weeks as of yesterday

    @bcTRAI thanks for your comment lol I know there’s not much you can say lol! But nice to know your reading and thanks for the hug! X
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    @MLHC1 Good luck with your new program of walking the dog for 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a good plan to me. Something about the outside air--It's invigorating and getting outside gets you outside of your own little world.

    I agree that getting outside for even a short walk with the dog is a great plan. You'll feel so much better! Even if I come home cold, rained on, sweaty, etc. I still feel so good mentally, emotionally, and relaxed. Our dog has a large fenced yard to run in, but she loves her walks. Since I had gotten out of the walking routine, I started slow, just a day here and there, then 3x/week and so on. Now I'm up to 5x/week. I'm going to hate when the snow and ice arrive, and I'm forced to use the treadmill in our basement.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    What is the new quilt pattern for Mark's quilt?? Always so much fun starting a new project, isn't it!!

    I'm making an hourglass quilt for him as fast as I can. Mark was diagnosed with a quickly advancing form of ALS about a year ago. He's young (51) and my only sibling. It's a fairly sure thing he won't be around for Christmas 2018.
    So after that's done and mailed off I can finish the borders and binding on the retreat quilt.

    I am so very sorry. I lost 4 of my 5 siblings at very early ages (a brother at 51 from leukemia, another at age 53 pancreas cancer, a sister age 56 from cancer, and a brother at age 61 suicide. It is the hardest thing, and I am so very sorry for you. I made 3 of my brothers quilts - the 2 with cancer, I was able to give them a quilt. On so many visits, there they were, under the quilt. And it is now a keepsake to my SIL's. My brother that committed suicide, I have given him a quilt years earlier. I was so happy I did that. Your brother will treasure the quilt, and I will pray that he will be with you for a long time. We have a very good friend with ALS - he is now confined to a wheelchair, but he has lived 5 years so far with this illness. I pray the same for your dear brother. God bless you for the gift you will be giving him. And I love the hourglass pattern - be sure and post a picture of it when you are finished!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    @MLHC1 Good luck with your new program of walking the dog for 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a good plan to me. Something about the outside air--It's invigorating and getting outside gets you outside of your own little world.

    I agree that getting outside for even a short walk with the dog is a great plan. You'll feel so much better! Even if I come home cold, rained on, sweaty, etc. I still feel so good mentally, emotionally, and relaxed. Our dog has a large fenced yard to run in, but she loves her walks. Since I had gotten out of the walking routine, I started slow, just a day here and there, then 3x/week and so on. Now I'm up to 5x/week. I'm going to hate when the snow and ice arrive, and I'm forced to use the treadmill in our basement.

    It DID make me feel better!!!! We live on this county road out in the county and it takes me 15 min. from my house to the end of the road and back! It's perfect! I'm sooo happy about incorporating this into my routine. I'm really surprised at how much it improved my mood. :D I did this right after I ate lunch which should be a good time every day :D
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Friday 11/17 JFT:

    ✔-Woke up late, fortunately the kids were already up and ready to go. Today is their Thxg luncheon so NO need to pack lunches today. :)
    ✔-Dr. Appt
    ✔-Thxg Luncheon
    ✔-Elliptical :D
    ✔-Walked dog ~15min. B)
    ✔-Grocery shop --> pick up dinner items
    ✔-Pick up kiddos and teen from school
    ✔-Relax, maybe write out the grocery list for Thxg items, I'll be shopping tomorrow A.M.
    ✔-Dinner by 7 pm
    -Bedtime by 10 pm➡️should happen :smile:

    Yes, success!! Now hopefully i can continue this trend!!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited November 2017
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Friday
    1. Water :)
    2. Call Mom :)
    3. Laundry :)
    4. Do some studio decluttering :)
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Saturday
    1. Water
    2. Work on quilt blocks
    3. Test drive new machine
    4. Check into purse lights
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    @joan6630 thanks for the interest and support :) I will put a picture up when the quilt is done.
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    Very overwhelmed at home. My mother is suffering in pain- her knee. She can’t walk. We are waiting for her surgery. We scheduled it for January 10. Please keep us in your prayers. She is my best friend. My everything.

    I almost binged tonight because of it. I came home from work, drained. I am a psychiatric nurse. My emotions were sad, anxious, exhausted, afraid, and a lot of resent. But I stopped myself from eating my emotions.

    A few things triggered me to lose weight. My aunt called me fat over the summer. A few coworkers passed comments about me gaining weight, looking “thick” and I just got so sick of it. I got sick and tired of hearing those comments and staring into my closet because I cannot fit into my clothes.

    The taste of food when my emotions are running high isn’t even worth it any more. Just for today. I keep on saying, tonight I’ll pass, I can do it tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes, and the cycle continues. Thank God. I plan a “treat” in every day within my calories. I haven’t given in to eating my emotions in 8 days. That’s a record I haven’t seen in a month!

    Friday’s goals I conquered! Just for today:

    1. Track and eat within my calories
    2. Do not binge no matter what
    3. Say you’re sorry to your father for screaming at him
    4. Pray for mom and healing, strength, mercy, help
    5. Do schedule for work

    I hope you enjoy your day! If you’d like to add me as a friend- please do!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Very overwhelmed at home. My mother is suffering in pain- her knee. She can’t walk. We are waiting for her surgery. We scheduled it for January 10. Please keep us in your prayers. She is my best friend. My everything.

    I almost binged tonight because of it. I came home from work, drained. I am a psychiatric nurse. My emotions were sad, anxious, exhausted, afraid, and a lot of resent. But I stopped myself from eating my emotions.

    A few things triggered me to lose weight. My aunt called me fat over the summer. A few coworkers passed comments about me gaining weight, looking “thick” and I just got so sick of it. I got sick and tired of hearing those comments and staring into my closet because I cannot fit into my clothes.

    The taste of food when my emotions are running high isn’t even worth it any more. Just for today. I keep on saying, tonight I’ll pass, I can do it tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes, and the cycle continues. Thank God. I plan a “treat” in every day within my calories. I haven’t given in to eating my emotions in 8 days. That’s a record I haven’t seen in a month!

    Friday’s goals I conquered! Just for today:

    1. Track and eat within my calories
    2. Do not binge no matter what
    3. Say you’re sorry to your father for screaming at him
    4. Pray for mom and healing, strength, mercy, help
    5. Do schedule for work

    I hope you enjoy your day! If you’d like to add me as a friend- please do!

    I think the hardest part of this weight loss journey is not losing the weight.
    It’s dealing with the stress of life and how it can affect our eating habits.

    Well done to you for taking control and not giving in to your emotions!

    I find it strange that we feed into them and yet the emotion we feel after is sadness and regret! Yet emotional eating Is so hard to overcome

    It’s a very good idea to incorporate a treat in the day!
    Just that little thing you can enjoy and you appreciate it so much more!

    I hope your mum gets through okay! Stay strong!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I was at the hospital last night again for my back.
    I had an ambulance at the house and they said the pain I’m in I wouldn’t make it through the night.

    No one can give me a proper answer of what’s actually wrong though and it’s really starting to annoy me. I feel like they’re just guessing!

    The Dr said I can’t have an X-ray (for obvious reasons) and because she heard a “slight” crackle, she things I’ve got a chest infection.

    I had had all my pain medication in 12 hours rather than 24.
    So I was screwed I couldn’t take anymore
    But luckily she could prescribe me some more.m to see me through the night and today I’ve got to “try my best” to space them out more.

    Got my dad to pick up the kids today.

    I’ve not had a shower or bath for 3 days now :(
    I haven’t got enough movement to manage that!
    And I’m scared if I get in the bath then I won’t get out again, and I know t will hurt a lot to get out.
    But going to try today when the girls aren’t here so they don’t bug me and I have the time to just relax.

    And because the drugs are opiate based I don’t know if it’s making the baby sleepy too. So I’m over aware about movements and stuff!

    Sorry for everyone reading. I know this is all I’m going on about at the moment but it’s just interfering with my whole life!