can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • Hi Ladies..
    I am glad I found this thread .
    I see lot of women diagnosed with PCOS suffering from irregular periods, facial hair, over weight due to PCOS ..
    Do you know of anyone who had these problems and went back to normal life eventually?
    If so what did you do ..?
    Did anyone get rid off PCOS and the symptoms after loosing weight ?

    Myself and my younger sister were diagnosed with PCOS and are suffering from past couple of years ...
    Doctors are not of much help ..
    I was on provera for almost an year and I am missing periods even after that ..
    I am really frustated ..

    Thanks for your help ..
  • bhsz
    bhsz Posts: 2
    Dear PCOS,

    You SUCK!

    Does anyone have information or know of a good website that talks about the pros vs. cons of weight training. I know I have read that it is good for women to train with weights as women do not get bulky muscles, BUT as we all know, us PCOS'rs are a bit different. Will I be buff if I continue weight training during my weight loss??


  • Thanks for the info Melroxsox! :D
  • jjcarpenter
    jjcarpenter Posts: 25 Member
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Thanx for the bump:) we need to keep the word out!
  • jjcarpenter
    jjcarpenter Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks PCOS for many of the problems in my marriage... From my diagnosis day about 10 years ago when the hubby's first reaction was "you've let yourself go and this is what happens" (which he later retracted with more education about PCOS, but the hurt from that statement has obviously not been forgotten) to all the fights about my weight and all the fights about our family and friends having babies when we can't (yet), to even the little disagreements about the condition of my skin. It's like you, PCOS, put a huge magnifying glass on all my insecurities for him to scrutinize and critique at will.

    Thanks also for the low self esteem you've helped foster and grow to the point that my career has crumbled. (it's hard to be a sports journalist as a woman, and particularly so when fans shout at you on the sideline "Hey fat girl, where do you think you're going?" Just trying to do my job and take some pictures, buddy.

    The depression, the missed periods, the weight, the acne, the hair, hair everywhere... You've really outdone yourself.

    Thank God for the day about a year ago when I returned to Curves, got on the machines, and remembered that I'm an athlete who refuses to give up and likes competition, challenges, and sore muscles. Thank God for the therapist who introduced me to Madea and Diary of a Mad Black Woman and helped turn my thinking around from self loathing to finding self worth again.

    I have loosened your grip, PCOS, and while I know there's no cure for you, I have read enough from my cysters in this message thread alone to help strengthen my faith that I can lose weight, I can have children, I can regain my confidence and my career, and I can beat you.

    So, up for a little one-on-one, PCOS?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    You just about made me cry. This is the attitude I am struggling to find right now. Its so hard. I want self worth so bad. Thankyou for being so brave and an inspiration to keep fighting for ourselves! Thank you so much for this post
    Thanks PCOS for many of the problems in my marriage... From my diagnosis day about 10 years ago when the hubby's first reaction was "you've let yourself go and this is what happens" (which he later retracted with more education about PCOS, but the hurt from that statement has obviously not been forgotten) to all the fights about my weight and all the fights about our family and friends having babies when we can't (yet), to even the little disagreements about the condition of my skin. It's like you, PCOS, put a huge magnifying glass on all my insecurities for him to scrutinize and critique at will.

    Thanks also for the low self esteem you've helped foster and grow to the point that my career has crumbled. (it's hard to be a sports journalist as a woman, and particularly so when fans shout at you on the sideline "Hey fat girl, where do you think you're going?" Just trying to do my job and take some pictures, buddy.

    The depression, the missed periods, the weight, the acne, the hair, hair everywhere... You've really outdone yourself.

    Thank God for the day about a year ago when I returned to Curves, got on the machines, and remembered that I'm an athlete who refuses to give up and likes competition, challenges, and sore muscles. Thank God for the therapist who introduced me to Madea and Diary of a Mad Black Woman and helped turn my thinking around from self loathing to finding self worth again.

    I have loosened your grip, PCOS, and while I know there's no cure for you, I have read enough from my cysters in this message thread alone to help strengthen my faith that I can lose weight, I can have children, I can regain my confidence and my career, and I can beat you.

    So, up for a little one-on-one, PCOS?
  • jjcarpenter
    jjcarpenter Posts: 25 Member
    Aww... You're certainly welcome! Leave it to me to "overshare"! Lol --- honestly, I think getting angry finally helped me. I'm so accommodating to everyone, trying to make everyone like me, that giving myself permission to get royally p***ed off just flipped a switch somehow. (That was where Madea came in... cue the chainsaw: "Which half do you want?") I finally decided to stand up for myself and to keep fighting for myself whether it be against random hateful strangers, my husband, or my own negative self talk. Each small victory is another reason to be proud (and thankful), and I'm trying to build on that. I've got a long way to go, and I'm so glad to meet other people like you on similar journeys.

    You just about made me cry. This is the attitude I am struggling to find right now. Its so hard. I want self worth so bad. Thankyou for being so brave and an inspiration to keep fighting for ourselves! Thank you so much for this post
    Thanks PCOS for many of the problems in my marriage... From my diagnosis day about 10 years ago when the hubby's first reaction was "you've let yourself go and this is what happens" (which he later retracted with more education about PCOS, but the hurt from that statement has obviously not been forgotten) to all the fights about my weight and all the fights about our family and friends having babies when we can't (yet), to even the little disagreements about the condition of my skin. It's like you, PCOS, put a huge magnifying glass on all my insecurities for him to scrutinize and critique at will.

    Thanks also for the low self esteem you've helped foster and grow to the point that my career has crumbled. (it's hard to be a sports journalist as a woman, and particularly so when fans shout at you on the sideline "Hey fat girl, where do you think you're going?" Just trying to do my job and take some pictures, buddy.

    The depression, the missed periods, the weight, the acne, the hair, hair everywhere... You've really outdone yourself.

    Thank God for the day about a year ago when I returned to Curves, got on the machines, and remembered that I'm an athlete who refuses to give up and likes competition, challenges, and sore muscles. Thank God for the therapist who introduced me to Madea and Diary of a Mad Black Woman and helped turn my thinking around from self loathing to finding self worth again.

    I have loosened your grip, PCOS, and while I know there's no cure for you, I have read enough from my cysters in this message thread alone to help strengthen my faith that I can lose weight, I can have children, I can regain my confidence and my career, and I can beat you.

    So, up for a little one-on-one, PCOS?
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
  • Hi all, I am new to the boards and struggling with PCOS. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago and it's kind of taken over my life. More than anything, I want to get my weight and my PCOS under control so that I can live as normal and healthy a life as possible. This is my first time seriously trying to do anything about it...I used to tell myself that it wasn't worth even trying because it would just be too hard to lose the weight, but my perspective has changed, and here I am!
  • Thank you for sharing your story. Your story really touched me because I also used to be married to someone who always critized my weight and ultimatley left me, partly do to the infertility (he ended up impregnating another woman). It sounds like your hubby was willing to be educated and try to learn about your condition. You are so inspiring and I wish you all the very best.

    As to those "fans," I cannot begin to understand the cruelty of some people. Whether it's to impress their buddies or they really ARE just that negligent of others feelings...what a pathetic waste of their breath. I also have a job that keeps me in front of the public. Thankfully, no one has said anything like that to me, but I would like to feel better when in front of a group.

    Good luck on everything and I sincerely wish you all the best!!
    Thanks PCOS for many of the problems in my marriage... From my diagnosis day about 10 years ago when the hubby's first reaction was "you've let yourself go and this is what happens" (which he later retracted with more education about PCOS, but the hurt from that statement has obviously not been forgotten) to all the fights about my weight and all the fights about our family and friends having babies when we can't (yet), to even the little disagreements about the condition of my skin. It's like you, PCOS, put a huge magnifying glass on all my insecurities for him to scrutinize and critique at will.

    Thanks also for the low self esteem you've helped foster and grow to the point that my career has crumbled. (it's hard to be a sports journalist as a woman, and particularly so when fans shout at you on the sideline "Hey fat girl, where do you think you're going?" Just trying to do my job and take some pictures, buddy.

    The depression, the missed periods, the weight, the acne, the hair, hair everywhere... You've really outdone yourself.

    Thank God for the day about a year ago when I returned to Curves, got on the machines, and remembered that I'm an athlete who refuses to give up and likes competition, challenges, and sore muscles. Thank God for the therapist who introduced me to Madea and Diary of a Mad Black Woman and helped turn my thinking around from self loathing to finding self worth again.

    I have loosened your grip, PCOS, and while I know there's no cure for you, I have read enough from my cysters in this message thread alone to help strengthen my faith that I can lose weight, I can have children, I can regain my confidence and my career, and I can beat you.

    So, up for a little one-on-one, PCOS?
  • Hey Ladies,
    I'm so glad there's this thread, although reading through it made me want to cry. I live in the UK and I went to my Dr's a couple of months ago about the stupid weight gain, lack of periods (I'm lucky to have one maybe every 4 months!!), the dark patches, the excessive hair EVERYWHERE and my acne. And the fact I cannot conceive (been trying for the last 4 years). She asked me if I'd ever heard of PCOS. I replied with no, she then explained to me what it was. I later looked it up online... and there it was, pretty much every single symptom, I have!!

    My Dr arranged for a blood test to be done to fully confirm I had it, even though she said it was highly likely and she was even convinced I have it, Any way, I waited a few days for my bloods to come back and they came back as normal! She told me that because they came back normal, it didn't mean that I didn't have it (as hormones change so often), it just meant they couldn't treat me until they had real proof that I have it (Bloods only). It really deflated me and upset me. I keep getting put on antibiotics for my acne but to no avail. It's started getting worse recently too, (I know this may be a little too much info) but I'm starting to get big painful spots on my inner thighs (which is originally when she asked me about PCOS) too

    I struggle to lose weight, I'm tired of spending hours plucking at my face, I'm tired of being on the edge all the time because I'm not sure when I'm going to come on. And as for the acne... I hate it! I just want to cry because I am so fed up and so annoyed that the Dr wont even help me. I just don't know what to do!! I don't mean to add a negative tone to this thread, so I apologise if it's come across that way

    Kirsty x
  • K251
    K251 Posts: 15 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    I hate you.
    Yours truly,
  • Anyone else have Tinea Versicolor with PCOS??

    This is kind of off the topic of weight loss, but in regards to PCOS...does anyone else have Tinea Versicolor? This is a skin discoloration. For me it starts on the back of my neck and spreads down my shoulders and chest. Anyway, I got rid of it and then it JUST came back...maybe this week? I don't really know for sure since I can't see the back of my neck and I've been wearing my hair down a lot so my boyfriend wouldn't have noticed it either.

    I guess I'm just wondering if this is a PCOS thing or something separate. Like maybe PCOS makes me more susceptible to it?? My doc said that it's a fungus (I hate that word!) and only certain people are susceptible to it. The only way to "kill" it is with Selsum Blue shampoo...yes seriously. She told me the first time to leave the shampoo to dry overnight then wash it off in the morning...but this ended up giving me a very bad chemical burn. Ugh. And right before vacation to Cozumel too! Anyway, I've now read online that you only leave the Selsum on for 15 - 20 minutes then wash off...but I haven't found anything linking it to PCOS.

    Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue and how do you keep it from happening. When it spreads, I seriously look like I have leopard spots. It's SOOO embarrassing.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm worried???

    I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 (after 8 months without a period and my mom, being diagnosed with pcos at a young age, suspecting I might have it) and was put on the pill right away. After four years on it I don't really want to be taking hormones every day anymore. .... But now I'm not sure how my body will react. I was on the pill before I found out about having PCOS so I don't know how it will affect me. Weight wise it's only been a little. I didn't put on a lot but I do find it SUPER difficult to lose any. I have one or two stray hairs on my chin otherwise good in that area. Acne has always been there and a pain in my butt but not so bad in the last so many years. Period was non existent before so not sure what to expect with that.....

    ETA: My doctor also said I only had a slight hormone imbalance so does that mean I may be lucky and not have severe symptoms?? My doctor said there's nothing she could do until I wanted to try to get pregnant...
  • Dear PCOS,

    Twenty years ago I had the wonderful news given to me that I would have a very difficult time getting pregnant because of this fabulous condition called PCOS.

    I wish the doctor would have told me the truth. She neglected to inform me of the weight gain, mood swings, facial hair, skin tags and skin discoloration. She also failed to mention the heartbreak, low self esteem, and poor and distorted body image I now have.

    However PCOS, I did NOT have a difficult time getting pregnant, but rather had a difficult time carrying and lost both early in the pregnancies.

    So, while you may have actually won the conception battle, I will win the life war. The damage that you have inflicted onto my body and into my mind, shall come to an end. There may be times where you will still get the best of me, but now I realize just how many others are like me and together we shall overcome. After two endometrial ablations, I can not have children and I still suffer from your quirky side effects, but I am on the right path now. I am changing my ways. I am getting healthy and me getting healthy means I AM GETTING RID OF YOU!!!

    "F" off PCOS and sincerely yours,

  • Hey Ladies,
    I'm so glad there's this thread, although reading through it made me want to cry. I live in the UK and I went to my Dr's a couple of months ago about the stupid weight gain, lack of periods (I'm lucky to have one maybe every 4 months!!), the dark patches, the excessive hair EVERYWHERE and my acne. And the fact I cannot conceive (been trying for the last 4 years). She asked me if I'd ever heard of PCOS. I replied with no, she then explained to me what it was. I later looked it up online... and there it was, pretty much every single symptom, I have!!

    My Dr arranged for a blood test to be done to fully confirm I had it, even though she said it was highly likely and she was even convinced I have it, Any way, I waited a few days for my bloods to come back and they came back as normal! She told me that because they came back normal, it didn't mean that I didn't have it (as hormones change so often), it just meant they couldn't treat me until they had real proof that I have it (Bloods only). It really deflated me and upset me. I keep getting put on antibiotics for my acne but to no avail. It's started getting worse recently too, (I know this may be a little too much info) but I'm starting to get big painful spots on my inner thighs (which is originally when she asked me about PCOS) too

    I struggle to lose weight, I'm tired of spending hours plucking at my face, I'm tired of being on the edge all the time because I'm not sure when I'm going to come on. And as for the acne... I hate it! I just want to cry because I am so fed up and so annoyed that the Dr wont even help me. I just don't know what to do!! I don't mean to add a negative tone to this thread, so I apologise if it's come across that way

    Kirsty x

    Kirsty - I have PCOS and I hae these spots too! I had no idea they had n e thing to do with it! Thanks for bringing that up :)

    My Dr is usless regarding it too! Wont even do n e tests or ne thign just said I have to deal with it and loose weight!

    Its so frustrating! But we will get there! :) xxx
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I would suggest you switch doctors immediately because that is just deplorable! That doctor should be MUCH more supportive and INFORMATIVE. I mean what the heck do we pay them for? I don't think we trust and pay them to just chit chat after waiting an hour in a waiting room to see their pretty sorry just a lil Ranty and Ravey tonight................ But seriously...check into other DRs.
    Hey Ladies,
    I'm so glad there's this thread, although reading through it made me want to cry. I live in the UK and I went to my Dr's a couple of months ago about the stupid weight gain, lack of periods (I'm lucky to have one maybe every 4 months!!), the dark patches, the excessive hair EVERYWHERE and my acne. And the fact I cannot conceive (been trying for the last 4 years). She asked me if I'd ever heard of PCOS. I replied with no, she then explained to me what it was. I later looked it up online... and there it was, pretty much every single symptom, I have!!

    My Dr arranged for a blood test to be done to fully confirm I had it, even though she said it was highly likely and she was even convinced I have it, Any way, I waited a few days for my bloods to come back and they came back as normal! She told me that because they came back normal, it didn't mean that I didn't have it (as hormones change so often), it just meant they couldn't treat me until they had real proof that I have it (Bloods only). It really deflated me and upset me. I keep getting put on antibiotics for my acne but to no avail. It's started getting worse recently too, (I know this may be a little too much info) but I'm starting to get big painful spots on my inner thighs (which is originally when she asked me about PCOS) too

    I struggle to lose weight, I'm tired of spending hours plucking at my face, I'm tired of being on the edge all the time because I'm not sure when I'm going to come on. And as for the acne... I hate it! I just want to cry because I am so fed up and so annoyed that the Dr wont even help me. I just don't know what to do!! I don't mean to add a negative tone to this thread, so I apologise if it's come across that way

    Kirsty x

    Kirsty - I have PCOS and I hae these spots too! I had no idea they had n e thing to do with it! Thanks for bringing that up :)

    My Dr is usless regarding it too! Wont even do n e tests or ne thign just said I have to deal with it and loose weight!

    Its so frustrating! But we will get there! :) xxx
  • Dear PCOS,

    *kitten* off.



    I don't really have any of the problems associated with PCOS except the weight gain, the difficultly losing the weight, the craving the sugar, basically anything to do with weight problems associated with PCOS I have. >_>
    Been on the pill since I was 16 for it to regulate things :(
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Don't worry! There's boound to be somebody here on this thread that can help! We are all here to guide eachother!
    Dear PCOS,

    *kitten* off.



    I don't really have any of the problems associated with PCOS except the weight gain, the difficultly losing the weight, the craving the sugar, basically anything to do with weight problems associated with PCOS I have. >_>
    Been on the pill since I was 16 for it to regulate things :(