Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Monday 11/20 JFT:

    Breakfast w/ family
    Prepare homemade Chicken Pot Pie
    Also Prepare homemade Chicken enchiladas
    Walk dog ~ 15 min.
    Rest and relax
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    Cooking will consume most of my day today. My brother-in-law is coming this evening and he only eats white meat. Therefore I am preparing these two meals before hand so he has some to enjoy AND so I can take the day off from cooking tomorrow. It'll be like "the calm before the storm." Wednesday I have to begin my Thanksgiving preparation :smile:

    I hope everyone enjoys their Monday and begins the week with positivity :wink:

    YUM! I have actually been craving chicken pot pie and chicken enchiladas for a few weeks now! Haven't made either of them in years. Now that i'm between jobs, I'm feeling like cooking more! Thanks for the reminder and have a great visit!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Recap Sunday 11/19

    2) Walk dog before watching Packers game on TV = Walked dog 3.26 miles & watched four fighter jets just after take off directly overhead, en route to flyover at Lambeau Field for Packers game. Very cool. Happy me & happy dog. :smiley: Packers started game with a bang and downhill from there, right @OConnell5483 :(:'(

    I wondered if you were there! I haven't seen the stands empty out that early in a game in many, many years. What a disappointment! We have been very spoiled between Brett Favre and Aaron... :'(
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy Monday.

    I didn't get on here to check in yesterday. Both of my sons came over to watch the game and I just enjoyed the day, (which is code for "I ate whatever I wanted and didn't log one bite).

    Just for Monday:
    1. Log every bite
    2. DRINK WATER! I slacked in this area yesterday and my fingers and toes are really puffy today. My bad.
    3. Run to JoAnn Fabrics to pick up some more fabrice
    4. Cancel Cable TV (having a hard time pulling the plug on this one but it's too costly for the few channels we actually watch!)
    5. Put 5 items in the dontae, throw away or put away boxes.
    6. Grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner
    7. Get 30 minutes of activity in today. No excuses.
    8. Try really hard not to go to Animal Shelter and get a new puppy or dog. Missing Jack so much this week. :'(
    9. Bed at normal time to get back into habit of getting up early before starting new job next week!

    Have a great day everyone! :blush:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Just for Tuesday

    - Ring and rebook Marleys immunisations (she’s had a up and down fever all week and not about to make it worse!)
    - Make sure I eat breakfast
    - Drink more tomorrow (and not fizzy drinks!)
    - start Denim Rag Quilt ***

    *** @joan6630 (or anyone else who’s good at this stuff)

    For this quilt I’m gonna make, I’m just going to use denim I think. As i can’t get any other fabric at the moment (and my partner wont let me use things from round the house for the sake of a project :lol: )
    However. The whole fraying business.
    What do I do about the actual edges of the quilt.

    And if I were to put a backing in, would I have to put some sort of padding in? (Obv I’d do this later as we got to pay for Xmas first)

    Was it all on that video you posted!
    Not watched it yet!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited November 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    For this quilt I’m gonna make, I’m just going to use denim I think. As i can’t get any other fabric at the moment (and my partner wont let me use things from round the house for the sake of a project :lol: )
    However. The whole fraying business.
    What do I do about the actual edges of the quilt.

    And if I were to put a backing in, would I have to put some sort of padding in? (Obv I’d do this later as we got to pay for Xmas first)

    Was it all on that video you posted!
    Not watched it yet!

    Bex - for the rag quilt, you can use entirely denim!! You would cut 2 pieces of denin, each maybe 10". Sew a X through these 2 pieces to hold them together. You would need to make a lot of these for a quilt - say maybe about 20 of them (4 across, 5 down) to start with. You can keep adding squares until you have it the size you want it. After you make a X in each of these squares, then you sew the squares together with maybe a 3/4" seam. You do not have to put any batting or anything between them, since denim is so heavy. Once you sew all these squares together, then you take a scissors, and snip maybe 1/2 inch apart, from the edge almost down to your seam. When you wash them, that makes the edges fray nicely. (warning, you can only do a little of this at a time - as you finger will get sore!!). The back side of the quilt will just be the seams, and will lie flat, while the other side will have the frayed edges.
    The video might explain and show it better than I can explain it, but you should not have to purchase anything, but, you may need more than 5 pairs of jeans. I sometimes go to the thrift store to buy the cheapest jeans, or, if you put the word out to any friends or family, and have them give you their old, throw away jeans.

    The picture shows what it will look like BEFORE you snip the edges and wash it. (this has 2 Xs sewn through, but one X is enough to hold the squares together) Hope this helps!
    I hope this helps? ftdubisk14pk.jpg
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Ah thank you so much!!

    It’s 1an here. My partner just woke me saying “Bex, you fell asleep again on the sofa it’s one on the morning” :sweat_smile: !!!

    I’m sure last time I looked at the time it was half 10!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ah thank you so much!!

    It’s 1an here. My partner just woke me saying “Bex, you fell asleep again on the sofa it’s one on the morning” :sweat_smile: !!!

    I’m sure last time I looked at the time it was half 10!

    I hope you are now sleeping peacefully in your bed Bex!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    JFT, MOnday
    1. log all food :/
    2. stay away from sugar :/ My son made me this cutest little bear when he was in High school - it holds candy in its paws. So ... I bought a bag of almond M&M - red and green to look festive, and put them in the bear. Well.... ended up eating about 1/4th of the bag :/ I have been binging lately - have to stop this!
    3. get grass mowed/leaves raked (hopefully we hit 50 degrees today as forecasted) :) The good thing was that I worked in the yard from 2pm until almost 5pm - so maybe I wore off some of those candies :o
    4. concentrate on min 6 glasses of water :/ But .... drinking water now while I sew
    5. get toys down from attic :/ Need to get this done tomorrow for sure!
    6. finish cleaning house (son and grandsons coming in wed :/ Need to get this done tomorrow for sure!

    JFT, Tues
    1. log all food. Keep away from sugar and binging on junk food. Try and think before I eat
    2. concentrate on water
    3. get toys down from attic
    4. finish grocery shopping
    5. make rice krispies treats - my sons favorite. DO not cut the pieces until he gets here, so I don't eat a bunch
    6. Now I need to replace the almond candies for the bear jar. leave the bag unopened until they get here!
    7. prep sweet potato casserole for thanksgiving, since boy will keep me from doing anything wednesday evening!
    8. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable, no matter what, and take the scolding if I need it!!!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Monday
    1. Water :)
    2. Breakfast with Sue :)
    3. Purse lights :) but :( done but they won't ship to my area so :|
    4. Work on quilt :)
    5. Brush and floss :)
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Tuesday
    1. Water
    2. Shop for Office supplies
    3. Work on quilt
    4. Check on ingredients for Wednesday's soup
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a pretty day! I need more days like this.

    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - No snacks except Ryvita if hungry :smile:
    - Lunch less than 450 Cal's :)
    - No alcohol :D
    - Be in the green :)
    - exercise class after work :)
    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Be calm, whatever happens :neutral: Not quite calm - too many meetings - but at least I wasn't snappy
    - Leave work within half hour of exercise class finishing :smile:

    Today's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat (by the end of day - not in the morning!)
    - No snacks except Ryvita
    - One water for every wine
    - Take sensible portions of food
    - Be in the green

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Email about survey at lunch
    - Be calm, whatever happens
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap Monday 11/20
    1) Walked dog 3.4 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,951 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours (one hour at optometrist) & 31 floors. :smiley:
    3) Net calories green = net calories & sodium green (but not sugar) :smile:
    4) After work: optometrist appt. / Walgreens / Post Office = done 3x, finally home at 6:30...Kitty very vocal about her late supper :D
    5) Call mom & dad / travel arrangements for Thursday = nice chat for 45 minutes, even though we'll spend all Thursday together! :smiley:
    6) Meal plan / make grocery list = done, even reviewed bunch of recipes and pantry supplies :smiley:
    7) Unwind 9:30 / floss & retainers / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = not so good...finished washing dishes 9:40, watched a little TV, forced myself to floss & put in retainers :# and in bed finally ~ 10:30...so tired still Tues. morning :(

    JFT Tuesday 11/21 - non-dog walk day...windy out plus I just needed a break, but sad dog :'(
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) During noon webinar, lunch at desk then pace in office (officemate is off this week)
    3) Net calories w/i 100 green
    4) After work: grocery shop / laundry (can't wait for new washer & dryer to be delivered next week)
    5) Declutter something (use @OConnell5483 trick of just 15 minutes)
    6) Unwind 9:30 / floss & retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Well, I think I have been giving myself too many goals during this two-week hiatus between jobs, because instead of getting my goals done, I've been just doing whatever feels good at the moment. And I think maybe that is what I should be doing within reason. My oldest son came over yesterday and we went to the Wildlife Sanctuary and took an hour walk through the nature walks and 'zoo' areas and then fed the geese and ducks. It was a gorgeous autumn day and I really enjoyed it. We spent the whole afternoon bumming. Was a really nice day spent with my son, who I don't see often because of our conflicting work schedules.

    So, I think for today, I will just give myself a couple of goals that I really want to accomplish and focus on meeting them.

    I have a Thanksgiving lunch with my 4-year-old grandson today at his 4-k school, so that will be fun! I will eat whatever they serve and just work it into my calories for the day. This is the first school thing I've been able to do with him, so I am excited!

    Just for Tuesday:
    1. Eat only healthy foods today and log every bite
    2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    3. 5 items in the donate bag
    4. Meet my step goal

    Have a great day!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Monday 11/20 JFT:

    ✔Breakfast w/ family
    ✔Prepare homemade Chicken Pot Pie
    ❌Also Prepare homemade Chicken enchiladas
    ❌Walk dog ~ 15 min.
    ✔Rest and relax
    ❌Dinner by 7 pm
    ✔Bedtime by midnight

    Well, I took my time cooking all day so I only got the chicken pot pie done and the chicken for the enchiladas cooked. So today I will finish the enchiladas today :smile:

    11/21 Tuesday JFT:

    Breakfast w/ family
    Work on research from home today
    Run to WM & get few new board games :smiley:
    Walk dog 15 min.
    Coconut water fruit smoothie
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm

    Hopefully today I can accomplish everything on my list :blush:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    100 Days to go! :#
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just had to pop on and say I went fabric shopping today because I needed a few more colors for the quilt I'm working on, and holy crow! I went crazy because I couldn't figure out which fabrics i liked the most! Bought enough to make about 4 baby quilts. LOL! Bex, you might end up with a very colorful quilt for Casey! :mrgreen:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Just had to pop on and say I went fabric shopping today because I needed a few more colors for the quilt I'm working on, and holy crow! I went crazy because I couldn't figure out which fabrics i liked the most! Bought enough to make about 4 baby quilts. LOL! Bex, you might end up with a very colorful quilt for Casey! :mrgreen:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracie - you are like me in the fabric store -- I think I have an addiction to fabric! Can't wait to see the quilt you make for Bex - what a nice thing you are doing!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I went fabric shopping today because I needed a few more colors. I went crazy because I couldn't figure out which fabrics i liked the most!

    Yay fabric! So what could be wrong with more fabric? And color! Have you noticed my profile pic? My husband's only comment was "well that's ..... psychedelic". Pfft, he doesn't need to see it for more than about 5 minutes per day :p
    I'm excited to see a picture when it's done! :D
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    , Tues
    1. log all food. Keep away from sugar and binging on junk food. Try and think before I eat :/
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. get toys down from attic :)
    4. finish grocery shopping :)
    5. make rice krispies treats - my sons favorite. DO not cut the pieces until he gets here, so I don't eat a bunch :) Finished making them - put them in ziplock bags. I did have 1 though
    6. Now I need to replace the almond candies for the bear jar. leave the bag unopened until they get here! :/:/
    7. prep sweet potato casserole for thanksgiving, since boy will keep me from doing anything wednesday evening! :) Got the sweet potato casserole made, the pumpkin pie, the bread is cut up, and rice krispies made. All I need to do tomorrow is cut up the celery and onions, and go and pick up our son and grandsons at the airport :) Happy mom!
    8. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable, no matter what, and take the scolding if I need it!!! :)
    JFT, Wed
    1. stay away from candies - they are in the little bear to look nice only!
    2. vacuum entire house
    3. cut up celery and onions for dressing
    4. drink water
    5. make spaghetti sauce and put in crockpot for evening meal (bought whole wheat pasta, so trying to eat as healthy as we can!).
    6. go and pick up our son and grandsons ..... and enjoy the day with them! Count my many blessings
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    2. Water :)
    3. Shop for Office supplies :)
    4. Work on quilt :)
    5. Check on ingredients for Wednesday's soup :)
    6. Brush and floss :)
    7. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Water
    2. Satellite group
    3. Work on quilt
    4. Costco
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    @joan6630 Beautiful pinwheel!