
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    @OConnell5483 Thank you for the well wishes! Yes it's funny how we're both going through a the same big change at the same time! I'm
    Very happy with my choice and that my mistakes can serve as reminders/help to you! Training is intense and you feel like you're not quick or smart enough, (especially if you were top-dog or really good at your last place) but not taking lunch won't help those feelings. Lol. I took mine on Friday and felt more refreshed and ready for the afternoon. So remember to eat and take care of yourself too!! The rest will come.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member

    1. Do not cry (I'm going to be on the phones with unhappy customers today and I don't always handle that well)✅
    2. Remember to take a lunch✅
    3. Eat small portions. ❌
    4. Drink loads of water. ❎

    Goals for this weekend:

    1. Eat small portions
    2. Eat only healthy things
    3. Drink lots of water
    4. Try to hit close to a cal or carb goal

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Friday
    1. Journal every bite and stay green - :s Failed miserably at this yesterday. I could make up all kinds of excuses, because trust me, I have them, but what it boils down to is I was just too lazy to journal and didn't pay attention to what I ate. period. My Bad.
    2. Increase water from yesterday - at least 64 oz :)
    3. Hit step goal :s
    4. Work on quilt :s
    5. Listen to today's podcasts :s
    6. Make a list of top priority things I want to accomplish before starting new job on 11/28. :s
    7. Research bullet journals and perhaps start one :)
    8. Read chapter for Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal :)
    9. Bed early so I can get up early tomorrow. Need to turn my internal clock around! :s

    Well, yesterday was a complete waste of a day, so much of the list I had for yesterday is going to be carried over to today.

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Journal every bite and stay GREEN
    2. Half my body weight in water
    3. Hit my step goal
    4. Meal plan for week and go shopping. Only health foods and snacks!
    6. Make 3 more blocks for quilt
    7. Listen to today's podcasts
    8. Make a list of top priority things I need to get done so I don't feel stressed when I go back to work 11/28.
    9. Start a new donate box and bring the full one to Goodwill.
    10. Read chapter for Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    I was FINALLY able to get under my cal and carb goal for the first time in weeks!!! I'm so proud of myself! Let's take this day and turn it into a week! I also drank loads of water. :smiley:

    I'll try to keep it up tomorrow...

    1. Water
    2. Keep under carbs
    3. Keep under cals
    4. Healthy food

    Work is keeping me pretty busy, but I'm doing my best to keep my priorities in line. Health first! Easier said than done.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited November 2017
    Ugh. During the Holiday season it is soooo difficult to be good! I'm visiting friends all weekend and there's soooo much unhealthy food that it's nearly impossible to meet my goals. I'm still trying to make healthy choices and not over-eat but losing weight during this time is going to be very tough.

    I'm also working hard to not to be too hard on myself and to not get back into bad self-depreciating thought cycles, but it's hard. I keep running into friends I've not seen in a long time and they look so good and I feel fatter than ever.

    I'm determined to not gain anything more before Christmas, but I'm beginning to doubt that I'll lose anything either. I'm proud of myself for continuing to log EVERYTHING even if it is embarrassing. Lol. I've never EVER had such a loyal streak to MFP. I've not missed a day since I started back in June!

    I've been soooo busy that I've not logged into these forums in a long time. I've not read other people posts and I've not been logging my goals the way I used to. Today I'm going to try ONCE AGAIN to at least get back on track with being publicly accountable.

    Goal for today:
    1. Don't over-eat at the party tonight (Small portions... CHEW my food)
    2. Keep sugar to a minimum
    3. Drink my water goal (2L)

    I hope things are going well for the rest of you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Ugh. During the Holiday season it is soooo difficult to be good! I'm visiting friends all weekend and there's soooo much unhealthy food that it's nearly impossible to meet my goals. I'm still trying to make healthy choices and not over-eat but losing weight during this time is going to be very tough.

    I'm also working hard to not to be too hard on myself and to not get back into bad self-depreciating thought cycles, but it's hard. I keep running into friends I've not seen in a long time and they look so good and I feel fatter than ever.

    I'm determined to not gain anything more before Christmas, but I'm beginning to doubt that I'll lose anything either. I'm proud of myself for continuing to log EVERYTHING even if it is embarrassing. Lol. I've never EVER had such a loyal streak to MFP. I've not missed a day since I started back in June!

    I've been soooo busy that I've not logged into these forums in a long time. I've not read other people posts and I've not been logging my goals the way I used to. Today I'm going to try ONCE AGAIN to at least get back on track with being publicly accountable.

    Goal for today:
    1. Don't over-eat at the party tonight (Small portions... CHEW my food)
    2. Keep sugar to a minimum
    3. Drink my water goal (2L)

    I hope things are going well for the rest of you!

    You are not alone --- I am the same way!!! I overeat way too much over the holidays, and every year, I end up gaining between 5-10 pounds. To me, a successful year would be just to maintain, and that is what I am hoping to do. You can do this - I know you can. It is OK to have a day or even 2 to enjoy the holidays, and eat that yummy food, and not feel guilty. The key is to now get back to healthy eating - even if its only 1 day, (or 1 hour sometimes!).
    We are in this together!! Make long-term goals, not short term! My goal is to be at 185 next Feb, or even March. That I KNOW I can do. But to try and get there by xmas, even though that is only 4 pounds, I know I'll set myself up for failure.

    So enjoy the time with friends, and the good food. Just whenever you can, try and grab that healthy stuff -- and keep coming back on here!! Keeps us accountable! And. .... your friends that you have not seen, they are just so happy to see YOU. No one notices your weight, except yourself!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    So tell me your thoughts on rest days. I'm following a training plan, and today is a rest day. Which runs counter to my mindset that you must always burn some calories in cardio every morning to offset what you're going to eat during the day.

    Do you give yourself rest days?
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    So tell me your thoughts on rest days. I'm following a training plan, and today is a rest day. Which runs counter to my mindset that you must always burn some calories in cardio every morning to offset what you're going to eat during the day.

    Do you give yourself rest days?

    Yes, I take rest days. My daily goals are posted on Just For Today, and I have worked up to walking dog 5X per week, usually >3 miles in 17:30 min/mile. When snow / ice arrive (I live in Green Bay, WI) I will switch to the treadmill in the basement which the dog hates & I don't love. I work a desk job and try to move hourly & take stairs breaks throughout the day. Eventually, I will re-incorporate some cross-training, such as weights & yoga.

    But I will always give myself a rest day. I just feel better if I'm not forcing myself to walk / work out every single day of the week.
  • niciploppi
    niciploppi Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I'm gonna jump on board ....been struggling this past 2 weeks ....bad habits are creeping back X so tomorrow's goals

    1. Log everything
    2. No binging
    3. Drink more water
    4. Be happy
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    After 5 days of awful eating, trying to get back on track! We had a wonderful time with our son and grandsons, but too much pie, dressing, sweet potatoes, smores, etc etc. And why do I do this, when I feel awful from not eating healthy.
    But .... lots of exercise with the grandsons, and even though the scale this morning showed me at 192 -- up almost 5 pounds ..... its time to get back on track! I went to the gym yesterday, but not today, as so much to do around here.

    but, JFT, MONDAY, Nov 27
    1. concentrate on drinking water
    2. no more pie, etc. get rid of it all!!
    3. log ALL food
    4. get out and rake leaves today, and go for a walk, since no gym this morning. But. .... it is suppose to be 70.
    5. aim to maintain weight during the holidays. Do not set myself up for failure. Enjoy the holidays, which does involve more eating, and don't stress
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    niciploppi wrote: »
    Hi I'm gonna jump on board ....been struggling this past 2 weeks ....bad habits are creeping back X so tomorrow's goals

    1. Log everything
    2. No binging
    3. Drink more water
    4. Be happy

    Welcome !! I also have been struggling - I do every year this time of year. Too many carbs, sweets, etc., and then I just throw in the towel until my January New Years resolution!! Trying not to do that this year. Even if I can only maintain. So glad you are joining us - community support helps so much!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    JFT Tuesday
    1. brush/floss before bed
    2. only eat the food I brought for lunch/snack
    3. dinner - no munching while cooking, except plain veggies
    4. longer walk with puppy tonight (got to remember to bring extra treats /bribes). Got to burn off her extra bout of crazy
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    1. brush/floss before bed :)
    2. only eat the food I brought for lunch/snack :neutral: I ate 6 whoppers and 2 mini reeses
    3. dinner - no munching while cooking, except plain veggies :)
    4. longer walk with puppy tonight (got to remember to bring extra treats /bribes). Got to burn off her extra bout of crazy :0

    Not too bad. I'm going to repeat yesterday goals today.

  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    edited November 2017
    I have munched three little chocolates today. No more.
    Just for today. :)
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hi everyone! I thought I'd stop in and give a little update...

    I've been having a really hard time keeping to my goals. I'd changed my cal & carb goals to make them more realistic for the holidays, but i'm still going over every day.

    I'm NOT binging, which is great, but i just keep slipping in extra things that screw up my numbers... ex: I pack a nutritious & low carb lunch, but then a coworker brings in homemade baking and so I take one. (Since I'm new, I also don't want to be rude to people being kind to me, so it's not as easy saying "no" here as it was at my last job). Then in the afternoon I grab a cappuccino or a hot chocolate from the awesome (and FREE) drink machine at work instead of my healthy peppermint tea. Then I get home and I'm munchy so I have a little snack before dinner - whereas before I'd have just waited till dinner was ready.

    So it's the slow rise on the scale (yes, I'm back in the 90's again and I'm soooooo mad at myself). The worst part is that it's all because of very small and "insignificant" amounts of food. I've had great self control when it comes to eating out or eating veggies vs pasta, but the little treats are KILLING me. So it needs to stop!!! No MORE sugar cookies!!! (At least not unless they fit into my daily allowances).

    As extra motivation I printed off my food diary for the past 30 days and highlighted all of the days where I went over my goals. Contrary to July-Sept I've gone over my goals EVERY DAY in Nov except for 2. That was a real wake up call. No wonder I've gained 5 lbs back! This weekend is family Christmas and the weekend after is another party.

    I want to quickly get rid of those pesky 5 Lbs that have crept back on before Christmas. So that's my daily goal for the whole month of December. Just keep to my new goals every day and not gain another ounce.
  • Back_2_Fit
    Back_2_Fit Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So i'm on my 5th day of my "back to me" diet and using mfp. I've been up and down for a few years now and this year has just been a lot of it's time to get back to where i feel best and most comfortable! Part of that is taking control of my bad habits and realizing the patterns that sink me into the hole that I can't climb out of.

    Thursdays are pool league night for me, i go right after work and get home too late to make dinner and won't eat the bar food since it's not healthy so I will always have a calorie deficit on those days while dieting. Typically i'd drink beer and play my game. I did not drink any beer but instead had two vodka diet soda drinks. At work yesterday, we had an award event and there was a buffet of little sweets...cookies, danishes, brownies, you name it - it was there! Normally, i cannot turn down brownies, that's my weakness! I was in line waiting to grab one, i knew i'd have a calorie deficit for the day, i could have one and it wouldn't hurt. Then i kept thinking about my goals and how angry i would be at myself after, so i grabbed a bottle of water and walked away from the table. In the end, after you eat something that isn't healthy, is it every really worth it? For me it's not. But it's never stopped me in the past from grabbing it because it looked or sounded good.

    I would be the only one that suffered from eating that brownie, no one else cares if i do or don't, no one else cares if i meet my goal weight. Not my coworkers, my friends, my family, or even my husband. This is for me, I have to hold myself accountable for my habits and my actions. I've stopped having those few glasses of wine with dinner. I am watching how much alcohol i drink and what type i drink, and making sure i never have too much, i make horrible food decisions when i drink too much! I do go out with my husband and enjoy a few drinks, that will never stop and i'm not going to stop because of my dieting. I just choose to cut the drinks back and instead of the typical beer, i go for a vodka/water or vodka/diet drink. I do however, get irritable because I can't just grab a beer or anything that's around when i want something to eat, but it will be worth it in the end.

    One day at a time and yesterday was a really good decision day for me :smiley:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. clean house
    2. get car winterization check
    3. continue playing phone tag with neuroendocrinologist
    4. walk at least 60 minutes
    5. swim a mile
    6. 10,000 steps
    7. drink at least 8C water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Shelly3466 wrote: »

    Thursdays are pool league night for me, i go right after work and get home too late to make dinner and won't eat the bar food since it's not healthy so I will always have a calorie deficit on those days while dieting. Typically i'd drink beer and play my game. I did not drink any beer but instead had two vodka diet soda drinks.

    I have a similar challenge. I do a lot of Latin social dancing, which mostly takes place in bars and clubs. There is enormous social pressure to drink and eat bar food. For medical reasons, I really need to eat a low carb diet and should not have alcohol at all as it interacts with my medications. I'm also allergic to aspartame, so I cannot even have diet soda. People KNOW this about me, but the social pressure is still pretty awful sometimes.

    You are right--the good decisions are up to you!

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. clean house :)
    2. get car winterization check :(
    3. continue playing phone tag with neuroendocrinologist :) finally got appt.!
    4. walk at least 60 minutes :)
    5. swim a mile :)
    6. 10,000 steps :)
    7. drink at least 8C water :)

    1. start tracking food again
    2. 60 minutes high-intensity Zumba
    3. salsa and bachata--at least 120 minutes
    4. 12,000 steps
    5. 10+ C water
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. start tracking food again :)
    2. 60 minutes high-intensity Zumba :)
    3. salsa and bachata--at least 120 minutes :)
    4. 12,000 steps :smiley: 17,033
    5. 10+ C water :) 13C

    1. track food
    2. go for a walk
    3. swim a mile
    4. 12,000 steps
    5. 10+ C water