

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    FELICIA lots of hugs

    JANET reading your memories of your Mum brought tears to my eyes, its great to have those good memories as not everyone is so lucky

    LANETTE leave for Spain on 17th, can't wait, we have Christmas meal next Saturday with DS, his step children and grandchildren. We have 2 step great granddaughters. It's funny because DS never wanted his own kids but his first wife had 1 when they married, she is very dear to us even though son and her mum divorced. His present wife has 2 kids who now each have a daughter.

    My eating has got out of control, need to lose a couple of pounds before I go away.

    Welcome to newbies

    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    edited December 2017
    Sunday -- An exceptionally rainy, cold, and windy day. :( Not at all good for the orchard ... and on the recreational side, it's not at all good for getting out and cycling. What a way to begin summer. :(

    However, meanwhile ...

    Gym time!

    Rowing: 40 minutes - 6.25 km

    Trainer: 30 min - 9.5 km commercial intervals

    Plus some ab work.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Good afternoon.

    I'm so sorry for the unexpected loss of your friend, Rori. :cry:

    Meg -- I hope you can have some peace and space for clear thinking during this hard time.

    The meeting with the pastor went fine. He's going to say a very little bit, and then we'll share. I know the girls each want to say something, and my mom may say something. I'm still thinking about it. Right now I'm in the anger stage, about the way our country treats the mentally ill. I know that treatment contributed to my sister's death. I don't want to get all political, so I am giving myself some time to decide whether I will say anything or not.

    I paid for the cremation, shipping, and death certificate yesterday. That's actually what set me off. The cremation guy called me back to say that there is a delay in issuing the death certificate because the coroner's office couldn't reconcile what the hospital records say relating to how they claim my sister died. They can't cremate her until they settle how she died. I'm better now. I can type that without hyperventilating, but I had a complete break down yesterday morning. I haven't told anyone but you all and my friend at work whom I managed to get an email to for help. She sat with me in my office for an hour while I cried and tried to breath.

    I still don't have a final word, but at best, her death is due to extreme neglect. At worst, they may have just killed her. Seriously. It is heartbreaking, and I'm beginning to get upset again, so I will stop now.

    Much love.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    Really sorry ... and it will take time to get through it. I'm glad you had a friend at work with you.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Felicia - I'm so sorry... I remember that feeling, of being mired in grief so deep it felt as I were drowning. Just do what you can. There are days in this life when simply taking one single step is a triumph.

    I am finally feeling better from my cold, and now both other adults are beginning to make that "ahem" noise that means their throats are hurting. The hazard to living in close quarters. All I have left is the cough, and it's not a tenth as bad as it was. Hoping the kids don't get sick.

    Writing in the blog every day has gotten my writing muscles stretching again, and my thought processes--in ways that they haven't in a long time. It's been really, really good for my head, though no guarantees for how good it is to read. :D I've also been picking up a couple bucks writing for a content corporation. It's stretching those muscles in some very different ways. Feels as if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Pretty cool.

    We're on our own with the kids for most of this week while our soldier-daughter goes to a school in Georgia. The other reason I'm hoping the kids don't get sick! But, we'll deal as we must.

    Time for the third and final cup of coffee.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,759 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I am up and having my tea... was awake for a few hours in the middle of the night and woke up at 6:30 am , will go down and feed DFIL as today I am feeling better, I dont want to give him a cold... the high school acapella group is coming to sing for us this afternoon ,so will watch that... and then do some cleaning..
    really have to get this place, at least kitchen and my bedroom in order, having the girls a week from friday for Christmas Party Slash/ retirement party for Patty she is the RDH that has been there the longest 25 yrs,, and her husband is a dean at Weslyan University so not hurting for money..there house is paid off and kids are out of the house.. and our boss and the corp are trying to cut corners everywhere, hence my hours being reduced ,we get no benefits really especially part timers ,get no benefits, at my age I cant live like that anymore.... sent an email to the rescue org. so that I could at least go see the dog which is here in the state.. its a horse and pony show to adopt a dog now.. but I understand they want them going to the right home
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Last night, I had two very disturbing dreams and am pondering what they mean, for sure, I will call the people in the dream and check on them.

    Yesterday was another warm day in my neck of the woods, so I polished off some yard work, it is now truly ready for winter and boy does that feel good.

    My exercise clothes are packed in the car to work off steam after my first youth orchestra rehearsal (I'm nervous and excited, kind of like "hope they like me" kind of feeling) and I also have my coupons in tow so I can grocery shop after the gym, a busy Sunday for sure. DH has asked for a date night?!! so there's that to look forward to as well.

    One little microstep at a time folks!


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,076 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,511 Member
    edited December 2017
    "Welcome back bk, it's been 611 days since you've been on the Wii fit balance board" :s

    When asked, I've been saying I weigh 160, wii says only 152.8 that sure gave me a boost.

    Thanks NYKaren for micro actions. I've been daunted about hooking up the wii, but decided to take it one teensy bit at a time. First the physical connections. Then the remotes and balance board. Next will be troubleshooting the internet connection, the wii doesn't see my wifi access point. Don't need the internet connection to play on the balance board, took the body test (body age 55vs67 calendar ;) ) and played the silly penguin slide game which never fails to get me giggling. Now that it works, won't have the "it's dark, scary, rainy outside-can't walk" excuse not to play! And soon as it's hooked up to the internet, can line dance too!

    Machka, how does your DH blow dry a whole cherry orchard?
    Who was it that makes jalapeno brittle? Now that's a recipe I need!
    Rori, Felicia ((hugs)).
    Janetr huzzah for single mom heroines.
    Meg ditto what Barbie said so well.
    Joyce we all want you to move with care, please no more falling.
    Lenore, please come back, we miss you.

    Time to prep the stirfry and dress for church.

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    Rx aim: log, cod liver oil and bp daily, yog/prob twice daily, 80% rule, line dance, Nov 4 reduce 2-300 cals daily from average.
    Dec intentions:
    Be grateful for who, what and where I am right now.
    Hook up the wii
    Learn how to scan this forum from my phone
    Try BP again with larger cuff
    2 days/week: Tai chi
    6 days/week: Dance or walk 30 mins
    Daily: Log, CLO and 1 probiotic or yog, max 1500 cals

    :( no walking no dancing no BP
    :) log, CLO, yog, <1500 cals, read forum from phone
    :) plugged in wii controller+sensor bar, :s couldn't sync remotes, dead batteries
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    @auntiebk, Barbara, How do you line dance with a Wii? I would love to try it.

    Cathy, Arlington, TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,759 Member
    ok so the lil pup I wanted was adopted but there is another im interested in, so we shall see.. would love to lie down for a nap, but have a concert to go to in an hour, maybe after that I will come home and take a snooze,
    but if I do it to late then I dont sleep well at night...
    I did go over to see BIL he has been in CCU for the past 5 weeks,they got him off the ventilator and onto a trach , I think I told you his appendix ruptured and they found a mass on his colon.... all the was repaired ,but once they opened him up he contracted Sepsis and has been in CCU since.. they have been keeping him sedated ,but went over for 45 min and spent time with him and talking... no answer back but I think he knew I was there... came back with directions and stopped and gave them to Tom he is over there now...Adam, my nephew gave us the code to get in to the CCU.. .. boy he has a long way to come to ever get back to normal at 53 yrs old.