The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Hello hot stuff!!!!!! How’s my favorite person in the opposite time standard??
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hey everyone...

    Trying to change some things up. Hitting the elliptical 3-4 times this week and weights 2 days this week. Hoping the elliptical will be better on my joints and yet give me a better cardio workout than I have been getting lately.
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    It’s all about doing something!!!!!! Go at it!! You are way better off than not....
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    dgthom72 wrote: »
    Hello hot stuff!!!!!! How’s my favorite person in the opposite time standard??

    Bet Im the only person in the opposite timezone :D
    Doing good, walked off the weekend birthday cake from my mums..I may have to walk another 100kms yet though was a big bit of cake
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Ehhhhhh details details..,.. my absolute favorite!!!!!! That counts!!!

    Yeah but the cake was goooooooood?? Gotta do it now and then. Can always walk which is good and makes it worth it!!!!!!

    I appreciate a good cake!!! Frosting.....!!!!!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    seepersaud wrote: »
    No snow in my part of NY - not complaining

    No snow for me either. At 13 degrees N, that's just not part of my reality.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Good morning all! Happy day that is not Monday. Gotta get my backside in gear and eat right, whether I can exercise or not.
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Happy Tuesday world!!!!!
  • miketcambridge
    miketcambridge Posts: 1 Member
    New member! Idiot questions very likely to follow... 40s, cambridge UK.
  • withypoll
    withypoll Posts: 47 Member
    Hey all! 39 here and from New England. I've been active on MFP for about 3 years now. My news feed has been quiet as of late, I'm looking for some active friends to inspire and motivate me and I hope I can do the same. Feel free to add me.
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Sorry bout your Pats there with. (Ummmmm actually not really sorry, but I thought it was a polite thing to say..... hey, I have he Browns, so your one game can pale in comparison to our season.... and last season.... and the season before that.....)
  • wildthingsmom
    wildthingsmom Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. I'm 47 and looking for some support. I'm not overweight.. but my weight has crept up the 5-7 lbs that I don't want. I'm currently trying Keto OS and I'm not really sure this is working. Would love feedback on what has worked for other mid-lifers whose metabolism has changed. Not diets per-se.. but lifestyle changes. ie. is it lower carbs? no sugar? Keto? Paleo? whipped air? I do work out.. but as I've gotten older my knees don't want to do tuck jumps, or sprints anymore. recovery is harder. So I know I don't work out as hard as I used to, AND mymetabolism has changed. Please feel free to add me if you are dealing with similar struggles OR if you have the magic answers!
  • SuzieC2003
    SuzieC2003 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Hellooooooo youngsters!!!! Here is to getting all our backsides in gear (as I type here mindlessly instead of moving). Ha!!
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    Butt in gear at 5;30 am for cardio and will go back for round 2 at 3:30 pm with a 40 min weights session. Ok kiddies don't let this "old" lady show you up !!! hehe
  • ejcowie70
    ejcowie70 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't feel old.. but I guess I'm technically middle age. OMG.. how does this happen.. Working on getting the weight off for good. Want to live a long active life... not a long couch potato life.
  • paulasweigh
    paulasweigh Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi! I've lost 23 pounds and would like to lose about 13 more pounds, which are the hardest to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    Good Morning Peeps ...... Shhhhhhhh I ditched 5:30 am cardio for a date with my blankie. Come on 3:30 to get'er done and play in the big boy sandbox lifting weights.
  • dgthom72
    dgthom72 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Good morning lips!! Eh. Good morning to do that. You can now and again. Just kill it later with the big boys!! We all get changed plans. It’s those that adapt, bob and weave that get through strong.

    Have an awesome Wednesday everyone!!!
  • cheyeneinthesprings
    Add Me! I'm 38 female