For those confused or questioning "Eating your exercise calo



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ok so I want to try this as I'm at a standstill with weightloss and inches. Im 33, 5ft 4, bmr 1309 (according to mfp calculator), bmi 23.4 and 137 lbs. I have set my goal at 1100 but tend to eat 1200 ish. I can't remember how I came to the conclusion of 1100 but I think I made it up myself(?). I run/exercise dvd 2-3 times a week burning around 300-500 each time. So am I right in thinking that eating 1200 (without exercise) is 100 deficit and with exercise 400-600 deficit leaving a total of 600-800 intake? which puts me in starvation mode? therefore I should eat my exercise cals back? so for example if I ate 1500 (300 over goal) and exercise 500 (leaving me 200 deficit) I should eat 200 more?

    I need help finding out how much my goal should be.

    can anyone help me?

    (oh and how do I add my ticker? Ive made it but don't know how to add it)


    No, BMR is below your maintenance, depending on your activity level it's anywhere from about 55% to about 75% of the calories you need every day just to maintain, so having a healthy BMI and eating below that (we'd be better off knowing your Body Fat % than BMI as BMI isn't a great tool for this kind of thing, it's flawed) is not usually a good plan. What you want to find is your AMR or maintenance calories, then take about 250 to 450 calories off that, and then you would add back exercise calories (this site does it all for you, all you need to do is choose 1/2 lb per week weight loss and the correct activity level for you in the goals wizard).

    oh so bmr and maintenance cals are different things then? I just used the calculator you had a link to on another thread to the mayoclinic and my maintenance calories should be 1700. shall I just ignore the 1309 bmr then? My body fat is 31.8%

    so just so I'm clear. I should eat 1250-1450 a day (because maintenance is 1700) and if I exercise...make sure I eat them to get back to the 1250-1450 per day.
    If thats right then it seems simple enough.

    Thanks Banks. These threads have helped me understand alot more. :happy:

    yes, if you're BF% is truly 31% then you can do the 1250 for now I think, but that's just a rough guess, try it for a month or so and if you aren't losing I would up it by about 100 calories (Eat 1350 instead, of course this is all NET calories, I.E. eat your exercise calories).
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    Cheers. I'm going to give it a go. When it's explained it actually makes sense....

    Wish me luck!
  • walkingshoes
    walkingshoes Posts: 33 Member
    short answer is yes, it get's easier. Longer answer is: it takes the body a little while to adjust to any new routine, whether that be a change in eating habits or exercise, so don't expect changes to be overnight, there may be a delay before you see improvement. Also remember, when adding a new exercise routine, there's a strong possibility that you could actually gain a little weight before you lose. This is normal, it's mostly from the activation of previously dormant muscle fibers, which force your body to store more glycogen, which is heavy stuff, it can add 2 or 3 or even 4 lbs onto your frame and counteract what would normally be a loss.

    hope this helps.


    Maybe this is my problem. Now to find out what glycogen is and how to avoid that if possible.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    short answer is yes, it get's easier. Longer answer is: it takes the body a little while to adjust to any new routine, whether that be a change in eating habits or exercise, so don't expect changes to be overnight, there may be a delay before you see improvement. Also remember, when adding a new exercise routine, there's a strong possibility that you could actually gain a little weight before you lose. This is normal, it's mostly from the activation of previously dormant muscle fibers, which force your body to store more glycogen, which is heavy stuff, it can add 2 or 3 or even 4 lbs onto your frame and counteract what would normally be a loss.

    hope this helps.

    Bump...great information
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Maybe this is my problem. Now to find out what glycogen is and how to avoid that if possible.

    lol, you really can't "avoid" glycogen. Glycogen is simply long chain glucose stored in the liver and at muscle sites, it's the main energy our bodies use. In any event, you definitely don't want to be avoiding it, it's kind of like gas for your car.
  • bgmunoz
    bgmunoz Posts: 24 Member
    Hey what if I only have a small net cals once or twice a week? I have a hard time meeting my net cals on Tuesday and Thursday but I'm almost always over during the weekend. Am I averaging out (I like to think this lol makes me feel better) during the week? Or am I just screwing my self up? I'm not losing at the rate I want to b and I'm starting to think I should up my cals but I already feel as if I eat a lot although it's fruits, nuts, veggies and meats. I can add more veggies? Ummm help lol I know I need to fix my weekends... It's on of my goals this month
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Hey what if I only have a small net cals once or twice a week? I have a hard time meeting my net cals on Tuesday and Thursday but I'm almost always over during the weekend. Am I averaging out (I like to think this lol makes me feel better) during the week? Or am I just screwing my self up? I'm not losing at the rate I want to b and I'm starting to think I should up my cals but I already feel as if I eat a lot although it's fruits, nuts, veggies and meats. I can add more veggies? Ummm help lol I know I need to fix my weekends... It's on of my goals this month

    I would say this, calorie cycling is an advanced technique, and it doesn't sound like that's what you're shooting for, it's more difficult than just having a normal deficit, and harder to maintain with larger swings of weight loss vs no weight loss. That's if you do it with strict controls and have specific nutrient balances. If you're just fluctuating with no plan, that's not usually what I would consider a solid plan. The object, besides weight loss, is to consistently give your body enough energy to let it feel that it's ok to burn fat, but not enough energy that it doesn't need to lose fat. So changing up your deficit a lot is probably not a great way to go about it. I'm not saying you have to hit your net calories dead on every day, but trying to get to within 50 or 100, 6 days a week is a really good idea. Planning your workouts and meals ahead of time (say a week in advance) is the best way I know to do this. I know that sounds rigid, but nobody said this would be easy. That's what I did. I sat down, planned out my week ahead of time, shopped on Sunday, bagged up ALL of my snacks for the week, wrote down my meals ahead of time, wrote down my workouts, and stuck to it. I consistently lost weight, at the beginning is was slightly over 2 lbs a week, like clockwork.
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
  • bgmunoz
    bgmunoz Posts: 24 Member
    Sorry I'm not sure how to quote on my phone :( ur right, changing my calorie goal is not my goal at all! I am getting in tha habit of planning my meals and work outs during the week but weekends are just horrible for me. I'm going to b tougher on myself on weekends. PlAn them out as u say. So what can I eat on Tuesday's and Thursday's to up my cals without upping my other numbers. ( and without eating like I do on weekends) I'm not big on meats :s and I'm just not sure what I should eat. I usually eat half of bf prior to morning work out then other part after workout ( it's the only way I can work out and jump around without wanting to puke) then lunch with snack then dinner then evening walk then snack before bed. I'm not reaching half of my net cals! Especially on dAys like today. Should I add protein to some of my food or what?
    Sorry, I'm a lil frustrated and I appreciate educated opinions.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Sorry I'm not sure how to quote on my phone :( ur right, changing my calorie goal is not my goal at all! I am getting in tha habit of planning my meals and work outs during the week but weekends are just horrible for me. I'm going to b tougher on myself on weekends. PlAn them out as u say. So what can I eat on Tuesday's and Thursday's to up my cals without upping my other numbers. ( and without eating like I do on weekends) I'm not big on meats :s and I'm just not sure what I should eat. I usually eat half of bf prior to morning work out then other part after workout ( it's the only way I can work out and jump around without wanting to puke) then lunch with snack then dinner then evening walk then snack before bed. I'm not reaching half of my net cals! Especially on dAys like today. Should I add protein to some of my food or what?
    Sorry, I'm a lil frustrated and I appreciate educated opinions.

    what we'd need is to be able to see your food diary. Without that, it's really hard to make much in the way of suggestions.
  • bgmunoz
    bgmunoz Posts: 24 Member
    U cant see it? Ok ... Let me fix that. Give a min...
  • bgmunoz
    bgmunoz Posts: 24 Member
    There. Or add me as a friend
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There. Or add me as a friend

    got it, looked back a few weeks. I don't think protein is an issue. But of course, the eating out probably isn't helping matters. I'm not saying don't eat out, but I usually recommend limiting the eating out to once every 2 to 3 weeks for a while. If that's not possible, then you just gotta make the healthiest choices possible, and if you know you'll be eating out, try to do a bit of research ahead of time on the place you're going. I don't think protein is your problem, especially since you're already pretty high in your percentage.

    what rate are you losing at, and what are you expecting?
  • bump
  • VeggieMamaChristi
    VeggieMamaChristi Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you!!! I am printing this to read over and over.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Definitely needs a bump :tongue:
  • bump bump BUMP
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
  • fear is gone. I will try to eat back my exercise calories. Thanks for this wonderful post :)