December 2017 Running Challenge



  • kevaasen
    kevaasen Posts: 173 Member
    Weekly update On December goal of 140 (~4.5/Day Avg) with a stretch of 170 (~5.5/Day Avg).

    Week 1 of 12/1 to 12/3 : 26
    Week 2 : 48
    Week 3 : 40
    Week 4 : 43.1 (total 157.1)

    No work this upcoming week so looking to finish the year with two firsts

    First 1 - run over 50 Miles in a week
    First 2 - have a 200+ mile month total
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ryokat wrote: »
    December 5 — 4.11 miles
    December 11 — 4.1 miles (although my Garmin only recorded 2)
    December 13 — 4.07 miles
    December 19 — 4.1 miles (but Garmin died after 1)
    December 21 — 9.09 miles
    December 23 — 4.12 miles

    December total 29.59 miles

    Tonight was the second time in as many runs that I got chased by a yappy little off-leash dog. Both times the owners were HILARIOUS. When I stopped and the owners finally caught up with me/their dog, they said, “Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you, he’s all bark”. And I’m thinking, you think I’m afraid of your little ankle biter?!? I stopped because I was worried I was going to kick it in the face and/or be tripped by it as it was snapping at my heels. :#
    One owner ended up having his other dog take off when he dropped that leash in order to catch the ankle biter. :D Poor guy. But obviously he shouldn’t have had the dog off-leash.

    @Ryokat I had a dog come at me yesterday during my run, he was off leash (owner sitting on front porch 2 houses up). He was pretty big, was growling and barking, teeth showing, hair up on his back. When owner came into the street, I said "Is this yours" "oh he won't hurt you" "Okay he's growling at me showing teeth" "oh he's fine" "Okay I have mace and if he attempts to come one more step towards me I'll spray him" "well why would you do that" "because your dog is off the leash growling at me and showing his teeth and you don't seem to have a problem with that". Leash your dogs people.

    This one of my biggest peeves... I don't like it when I run alone or have Hobbes the Vizsla with me. I find the small dogs are more persistent and the big dogs scare the crap out of me. We were 'attacked' (no one was hurt or bitten) by a large huskie whose owner couldn't control. He slipped out of his collar and leash and came running at us growling and barking and I was sure Hobbes would go after him and it would be a disaster. I stopped in my tracks and all the hair on Hobbes' back went up but when I told him to stop he sat and did not bark or react and the other dog also stopped but continued growling and barking. The owner got his collar on and had to drag him away but I have since seen them on the trail with the dog dragging the owner, literally, running down the trail. I always move way far away from them or stop and let them get way ahead of me. I hate people who let their dogs run around off leash or can't control them on leash. Note my trail is an urban trail next to busy streets, not up in the mountains where you could let your pups run off leash.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber it's really scary when you don't know the dog. I have a few in the neighborhood that will run out of the yard when I go by, I know they won't hurt me they want to say hello. There's a beagle that is behind an electric fence I always step in the yard to play with him. I also understand sometimes the dogs get loose. I think the most annoying thing is the attitude that I should be okay with your freaking dog coming after me. One time a guy ran passed my house and Macy was out in the street before I saw the guy. She was just running with him, she didn't bark or chase but she was like yeah I like to run. I was horrified, ran out and grabbed her and apologized about 100 times. The guy was so nice, he said it was obvious she just wanted to go for a run. But still I was horrified she went after him, she's a 70 lb dog.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Definitely watch "I am Bolt" if you get the chance. Thanks @JessicaMcB for putting it out there.

    Makes me wanna do my PT and some of the IronStrength workout (RW). I hesitate not being 100%, but I'm sure that's an excuse. #foreverfaster
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I wouldn’t focus too much on an app telling you the speed the car was going, as we all know gps systems aren’t always that accurate, especially in a car/faraday cage etc. But how did Skip feel about the driving? Most people can TELL if a car is being driven fast, or also dangerously.

    Over here a lot of new drivers have to use a black box for insurance purposes which records not just speed but also style of driving (hesitancy, hard braking etc. ). They get better insurance the better they tend to drive. I would talk to Skip and get her feedback before approaching the friends mum.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Re : dogs off lead

    I’m in a camp that believes a dog should be allowed time off lead. It allows the dog to be themself, and allows them to explore etc.

    BUT. A dog should only be allowed to roam free IF it is properly trained for recall AND is not one that is likely to jump, bounce or be aggressive to other people or dogs.

    I go slow when I see a dog in my path, because I don’t know if it is going to trip me up, even through no fault of its own. I find ignoring them the best option but I appreciate that if you don’t know the dog, you just don’t know how they’ll be.

    The bottom line is, I would never be totally AGAINST dogs being off leash, but proper training is ESSENTIAL for all dogs.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    No run for me today. I’ll be running 4 miles tomorrow after my kids open their presents. Most likely on the treadmill.

    I just wanted to check in and wish you all a very Merry Merry Christmas! Hope you get everything you wish for!

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Re: dogs off leash. I live in a part of town with a lot of gang activity, and we have roving packs of feral pit bulls and pit bull crosses. My husband and I once had to run to the nearest house and beg to be let in while animal control came so we could get home. He used to walk to work, and once had to wrap his jacket around his arm so an attacking dog would bite his jacket, and then break its leg while it was chewing on his arm. Seriously, not making that up - that's been a few years back.

    For this reason among others we drive every day about thirty minutes to the suburbs to run in their park.
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    Dec goal 100 miles
    Dec 1.........0 miles.......MTD 0
    Dec 2.......13 miles.......MTD 13
    Dec 3.......10.7 miles....MTD 23.7
    Dec 4.......5.3 miles......MTD 29
    Dec 5.......5 miles.........MTD 34
    Dec 6.......2.2 miles......MTD 36.2
    Dec 7.......0 miles.........MTD 36.2
    Dec 8.......3.2 miles......MTD 39.4
    Dec 9.......10.2 miles....MTD 49.6
    Dec 10.....11.1 miles....MTD 60.7
    Dec 11.....0 miles.........MTD 60.7
    Dec 12.....2.4 miles......MTD 63.1
    Dec 13.....4 miles.........MTD 67.1
    Dec 14.....0 miles.........MTD 67.1
    Dec 15.....0 miles.........MTD 67.1
    Dec 16....,3.2 miles......MTD 70.3
    Dec 17.....14 miles.......MTD 84.3
    Dec 18.....3.1 miles......MTD 87.
    Dec 19.....2 miles.........MTD 89
    Dec 89
    Dec 89
    Dec 89
    Dec 23.....10.1 miles....MTD 99.1
    Dec 24.....10.25 miles..MTD 109.35

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom I wouldn’t focus too much on an app telling you the speed the car was going, as we all know gps systems aren’t always that accurate, especially in a car/faraday cage etc. But how did Skip feel about the driving? Most people can TELL if a car is being driven fast, or also dangerously.

    Over here a lot of new drivers have to use a black box for insurance purposes which records not just speed but also style of driving (hesitancy, hard braking etc. ). They get better insurance the better they tend to drive. I would talk to Skip and get her feedback before approaching the friends mum.

    @girlinahat Thanks for your thoughts. Skip said she was swerving a bit and it was obvious she was driving too fast and was distracted by phone and boyfriend. Since she's away at college I've decided not to say anything for now. The girl at 18 is on her 3rd car and had 4 accidents so it's no secret to anyone her driving needs help.

    I agree 100% on dogs needing time off leash too. We have a large backyard so she has lots of room to run and play. I also worry about these dogs getting hit when the owner isn't paying attention to them.
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Several days of a body weight exercise program to whip me into shape is kicking my "kitten". Ran 11 mi on grass and trails after stairs and a hilly 7 miler yesterday. Legs were somewhat jello like but still I persisted. :smile: Also tried out my headlamp in the snow briefly this morning --it was definitely the warp speed effect--a little unnerving. Hopefully it won't be snowing during the race! Weird little nerve twinge in my plantar fasciitis foot that I hadn't felt before about 2 hours after I was done running. I am going to ignore it for now and hope it goes away. Otherwise tired but OK. Managed to get in my PT stretches and the strength exercises again in the afternoon. Need to foam roll again tonight while playing games and watching movies. I've got my brother plotting out long runs for me near his house for next weekend! Really hilly there though....

    Happy Holidays to everyone and safe travels if you are on the road!

    Goals this month: 90 miles, maintain weight, PT and yoga, add one day of weights per week, register for spring marathon or ultra


    Dec 1 Walk outside for about 30 min (rest before race)
    Dec 2 Jackson 50/50 10 mile “Fun Run” 4th female finisher in this crazy steep trail race (10.2 mi total)
    Dec 3 3.4 mi slow recovery run, PT
    Dec 4 Water walking + PT
    Dec 5 3.3 mi
    Dec 6 Rest day (unintentional!)
    Dec 7 3.1 mi + PT
    Dec 8 Water walking
    Dec 9 5.5 mi + yoga + some PT
    Dec 10 12 mi + Gymnastic Bodies stretching routine + PT
    Dec 11 Water walking + PT
    Dec 12 5.1 mi + PT
    Dec 13 3.1 mi + PT
    Dec 14 4.8 mi + PT
    Dec 15 Walked outside
    Dec 16 4.5 mi (5K race + warm up)
    Dec 17 Ran 14 mi
    Dec 18 Water walking + PT
    Dec 19 3.2 mi + PT + body weight
    Dec 20 3.2 mi + PT + body weight
    Dec 21 6.0 mi
    Dec 22 Water walking, little bit of swimming, PT stretch and strength, and Day 1 2 week strength program
    Dec 23 Ran 7 mi + yoga + foam rolling + strength program
    Dec 24 Ran 11 mi + strength + PT + foam rolling

    Goal: 90 mi
    Stretch goal: 110 mi
    Done: 99.4 mi
    To go: 10.6 mi

    Upcoming races:
    Winter Night Trail Half Marathon Jan 20

    Spring Plan:
    Spring Fling 10K Feb 3
    Bound the Mound Half Marathon Feb 24
    OP 50/50 50K Mar 24
    DINO Eagle Creek 15K Apr 7
    April 28 Glacial Esker 20 mi Apr 28
    DINO Muscatuck 15K May 5
    DWD Gnawbone Marathon May 19
    DINO Brown County 15K Jun 2
    8 h @ Brown County Jun 16-17
    DINO Griffin Park 15K Jun 23
    DINO Potato Creek 7K July 14
    Longmont Half Marathon July 21
    Beas Knees Citizen Run 5-6 mi July 28
    Eagle Creek Trail Marathon Aug 4
    Half Moon Half Aug 18
    Tour de LaPorte Aug 24
    ITR 50/100 50 mi Oct 13
    Tecumseh Trail Half Marathon Oct 27
    Angry Turkey XC 5K Nov 17
    HRH YMCA Gobble Gallop 5K Nov 22
    Jackson 50/50 50 K Dec 1
    Dirty Santa XC 5K Dec TBA
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    On the dog conversation: Two stories-- My husband was bitten while running in the rural Indiana neighborhood we used to live in by an off leash German Shepard (who was out with his owner and granddaughter who were riding a 4 wheeler-another story, don't get me started). The bite got infected and took a long time to heal properly and he missed an international meeting because of it. We were cornered a couple of times by mean doges and got pepper spray to carry with us while we still lived and ran there.

    I was running in a park by myself a couple of years ago and this guy is out running with his German Shepard (on a leash) but he made no attempt to restrain the dog when I went by him and the dog jumped up and ripped my best running tights. Scared the "kitten" out of me. :frowning: Needless to say, I am not a fan. Luckily not many unrestrained dogs in our current neighborhood.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    11/01/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 3.0
    11/02/17 :::: 9.1 :::: 12.1
    11/03/17 :::: 4.3 :::: 16.3
    11/04/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 19.4
    11/05/17 :::: 4.0 :::: 23.4
    11/06/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 23.4
    11/07/17 :::: 4.5 :::: 27.9
    11/08/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 27.9
    11/09/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 30.9
    11/10/17 :::: 8.8 :::: 39.7
    11/11/17 :::: 5.1 :::: 44.8
    11/12/17 :::: 3.4 :::: 48.2
    11/13/17 :::: 2.0 :::: 50.2
    11/14/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 50.2
    11/15/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 50.2
    11/16/17 :::: 7.2 :::: 57.4
    11/17/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 60.5
    11/18/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 62.9
    11/19/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 66.0
    11/20/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 66.0
    11/21/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 66.0
    11/22/17 :::: 4.0 :::: 70.0
    11/23/17 :::: 10.0 :::: 79.9
    11/24/17 :::: 2.4 :::: 82.4

    In the spirit of something is better than nothing, just a little run around the neighborhood today. Had to stay on the streets of my immediate area because sidewalks along the larger roads are not at all clear. I almost fell several times while walking the dog on the sidewalks after that, so it was good choice. The run didn't feel too bad but my hands are still thawing out from being out there for the run and then the walk.

    And now it's time to make some enchiladas and eat back those earned calories! (Referring back to the conversation over the last couple of days, I log my calories every day too, currently on day 933 of doing so. I'm not as exact as I used to be now that I'm at maintenance but I still want to have a general idea every day that I'm staying on track).

    Happy holidays everyone!

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    So I finally made it to my folks having bailed from travelling yesterday due to feeling pretty rubbish. A good nights sleep helped.

    Already we’ve had tension due to my dad not hearing/listening properly, and issues with alcohol so I’ve made sure I can escape the house on my own even for a little while. Today it was taking the dog out,tomorrow I’m planning a morning run on the beach, before anyone is awake, and then should have time to get out later with the dog, while it’s still low tide so he gets some beach time (is it for him or is it that I want to touch the sea? I so love the sea in winter, cold, callous, takes no prisoners and just sounds ACE as it thrashes against the shingle).

    Then I can spen the afternoon in an alcoholic fuzz (my mum queried why I’d want to go out in the morning and miss ‘drinks and nibbles’. I ask you.....)

    Happy Christmas one and all, good health to ya.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @JessicaMcB WHT are you ok? Crazy dog.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    No run today, spent all day in a car instead. Not looking good for tomorrow either. Gonna be a fat week I think. Probably spend all of January working it off.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Re dogs: There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.