
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    I too am sorry about the passing if Sue Grafton. I have read every single one of her books from A to Y and was impatiently waiting for Z. :'(
    I read that she really wanted to finish it, but couldn't manage it. The books have been part of my life for a very long time. <3

    The lasagne was delicious, though a bit liquid. I prefer that to solid though.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Barbie, I too was saddened to read about Sue Grafton's passing. I've read most of her books, I think I've got up to
    X, possibly only W.... We moved in June and I'm not even sure where a lot of my books are right now. I've been concentrating on other parts of the house and just getting books from the library.
    Looking forward to 2018, have already started doing a few things that will be at the forefront of my plans for the year. First and foremost, I want to take care of me. That means better eating, better exercising and just treating my whole being better. I have a bunch of facial masks and stuff that I bought when I was selling Avon (I was pretty much my best customer!) and I've decided that I need to either use them or get rid of them. I started using one the other night, kind of liked the results! I also need to clean up my space, de-clutter, organize etc. This includes papers from various things that need to be filed or shredded, my craft stuff and the Christmas decorations. I actually pulled some out this year that I haven't used in years past, so that was fun. But there is still a LOT of decorations that I need to do something with. I bought a bunch of Disney character ornaments, one of those club things, but I've never used them. I did offer them to the kids, one took a few, but he's got more ornaments than he needs too, and now him and his fiancee have combined households.... Yikes! they have enough ornaments for two or three trees! And they have two trees too, but they only put one up, not enough room for both or she would do both! lol She loves the whole decorating thing. She'd have it all up by mid November, but our son talked her into waiting til Dec 1. Off work early today (2 p.m.), must clean my house when I get home. I did a few dishes this a.m., but need to vacuum and do the bathrooms. I want to start the new year with a clean house!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Beth, thanks for the info about the coins. I'm going to give it a try. I'm guessing I leave it there all year, so will do that unless I hear otherwise!
    Sharon, I loved the comment from your grandson! What a sweetie to recognize that you are concerned about your ornaments and that he needs to be concerned about them as well.
    Karen in UK, congrats on a new home and wishing you all the best in your new life!
    Heather, happy that you heard from Ros and that she has given you a contact person.
    Kelly, sounds like you are having a fun time with Joaquin and his family, he's such a little cutie!
    Somebody started this and it gave me an idea, I was having trouble keeping up with comments so I have decided to just read one page at a time and then comment. Hopefully it will work better, definitely easier to be able to scroll up and reply to stuff!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited December 2017
    Kelly I do think some of their hovering is new parent syndrome. I also think it is due to what a hard start he had at the beginning. If they want to encourage him to crawl on his hands and knees have him try to reach a rolling ball. I am for anything that gets a child to do cross body work. Patty Cake is an oldie but a goody. Cross body actions are wonderful for brain development. If they ask where you got these ideas tell them it was a friend who has been in education for over 25 years. I would rather see a parent who is too protective than one who is indifferent. The ideal is one who is there when the child needs guidance and let's go enough to let a child learn to stand alone. Still trying to learn that one.

    Lenora love the Think acrostic.

    I like your Grace and Bible acrostic too.

    Another acrostic for me using GRACE in light of my reflections on emotions is:


    :heart: Margaret
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    DrKatieBug I have been looking on Pinterest too but most of them start with a plain notebook that you draw your own pages into. I'm SOOOOoooooo not creative so I'm struggling and will probably have to start over a dozen times before I figure out what works for me. But I'm actually really excited to try it. I did order one on Amazon that is an actual Bullet Journal with stuff in it already so I'm waiting for it to arrive.

    I have a book by Gretchen Rubin called "Better Than Before" that I haven't finished yet. I do really like her so far though, so I will add "The Happiness Project" book to my list!

    Margaretturk Thanks for the update on Mary. I'm happy to hear she found a full time job! I'll bet she is wonderful with her students!

    Lanette: "because the house is chilly and if he'd passed on, it would be super warm, lol." That is hilarious! Sounds like something my husband would say! HAHAHA!

    Karen UK:
    Peaky Blinders!!!! My son got me watching that show! Love it!

    Book Nook
    it is for the spare room! Maybe I'll have to make a sign to hang on the door or place above the door... :) I'm thinking I will place a couple of rockers in it for now with a few of the other antiques that are now stored in our basement (we downsized and moved into a smaller home). I will maybe put a diffuser in there for some of the essential oils that I love to have going. My bookshelf currently in the basement can come up and a nice reading lamp. I think I could make it nice and cozy and that will be my retreat when the house gets too chaotic and I need some "me" time.

    I still have no word for 2018. 2017's was Serenity. It was the year to take back my life. Which I did manage to do a pretty darn good job at considering all the stressful things happening in our life. I feel very at peace now and for the most part am feeling stress-free. But I did not lose any weight...as a matter of fact I gained. So I think 2018 will be 'The year to take back my life, Part 2' but I need a new word. I will have it by tomorrow! :)

    Happy New Year to all! I'll try to hop on later. This is such a chatty group and I'm determined not to miss out! xoxox

    Tracie in sunny but far from balmy Wisconsin
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Rye, I like your idea of heaven! Hubby and i don't sit in the same room reading very often, but sometimes I'll be reading and he's watching tv and I'm fine with that. My cup of tea by my side. Haven't had a cat who likes to sit on laps for a LONG time! Do kind of miss that. The last three we've had (concurrently) seem to think we are torturing them if we try to pick them up. Two are gone now, but all three were the same, they like the petting, but not the picking up. I would still pick them up and cuddle them, they would tolerate it for a few seconds, then they want down. I hope little sweetheart shows up, maybe someone caught him/her and is keeping him/her inside? We can hope!
    Going to go home and put my dime on my front windowsill! Gotta keep that money coming in! Hopefully in larger quantities than it has at some points..... sigh. Can't complain, life is good
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michelle - No hospital or even a MD's office is supposed to tell you 'if they have someone as a patient' unless you have signed paperwork telling them it is 'ok' to do so. My BF called my GYN's office the other day and was told 'they did not have anyone there by my name'. But, my cellphone was dead.

    I like taking words and trying to find acronyms/acrostics for them. STOP ... "Spin Tires On Pavement" if you work hard enough some come easy.

    Oh, "Chain Gang" ... your bracelets are made out of 'chains' and you are selling them to a 'gang' of women.

    Cracker has still be right up under me; but, she is also doing the same with Louis. Since it is raining today, she has been sleeping for the most part.

    Take care - Have a Happy and Safe New Year (and going out for New Year's Eve). We are staying right at home, Louis thinks the people going to Time Square for about watching the ball drop is a 'crazy' idea. Waiting for 12 hours needing to relieve themselves and eating ... that would also be a problem for both of us.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Floor exer- 41.06min, 147mhr, 119ahr, 3sets of 10ea, 23 diff exer, = 320c
    Apple Watch- 265c
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Barbie those are some great commandments, you obviously gave them lots of thought. I'd love to steal them all but believe that to really incorporate into my life I need to go through some kind of process to develop for myself. What steps did you take first? I do better starting small, contrary to my inclinations ;)
    Lanette starting veggies on heat mats, I'll try that!
    Penny "...then we dance Christmas out" Love it!
    pip Running toe socks? Wow! "Don't expect..." hahahahahahahaHAH!
    Allie good for your son and glad Alfie brings joy to your Dad. Sounds like he's decided to go for the surgery?

    Pg 72 bottom, time to find those dumbbells.

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    I have been running in them for years.
    Running over pebbles, no doesn't hurt, I do mainly road running, so no rocks to speak of, like riunning barefoot. No support, natural running.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Wendy - thank you for telling us about your bee/honey business. So interesting you are selling honey to China - seems like everything we buy here (clothing, utensils, some food) is from China, it doesn't occur to me they are also customers, lol. Hope it all works out and you can directly export.

    Allie - your dad is so lucky you are close by to help look after him.

    The lentil soup turned out great. Do any of you like Progresso lentil soup? It's long been one of my favorites and this recipe turned out real close! I see that using the teensy French lentils is the key.

    If anyone wants the recipe, let me know and I'll post it here. I didn't work out the nutrition but I'm betting it's close to the Progresso label and that's what I'm using to log it into the MFP food diary.

    I'm rushing around getting dogs fed and out to do their business soon before the firecrackers start up. Rosie the pup doesn't seem phased by them, but old Sophie stops and shivers and runs back to the house. We'll put a tight sweater on her tonight which will act like a Thundershirt, and put a blanket in the closet for her to curl up on.

    I'm going to put my walking shoes on and get a mile in this afternoon while the sun is still out. It's 38f right now - and to many of you, I'm sure that would feel downright balmy. Sending warm thoughts!!

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbie: I love your Happiness Commandments! You are a wise woman. :star: I'm saving them in a place where I can remind myself now and then. :star:

    Wendy: I have a neighbor who is a real fan of Menucha Honey. She gets hers from someplace "down under," but I don't know where. :smiley:


    Lanette: I have eaten and enjoyed Kale. DH was on a kale kick a few years ago and cooked it in a wok as part of a stir-fry. It was good and smelled okay, too. As a child we had German immigrants as neighbors, and they boiled what they called Chicken Kale. Very smelly. :grumble: The smell is always my first thought when I hear the word Kale even though I know how good DH's tastes. I don't think his has ever smelled bad, either. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: It is great to see your post & to learn a little bet more about Scandinavian Christmas traditions. :heart: I love the photos. Thank you!

    Wendy: I had eggplant lasagna for the first time last summer. It was delicious! I got the recipe from DSIL but haven't made it yet. I haven't seen any eggplant in the market. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: I love this! "Don't expect any New Years resolutions from me. I intend on staying the same awkward, sarcastic, foul-mouthed delight you've all come to know and love." Me, too! :star::heart:

    Allie: I am so glad that your son is stepping up to support his Grandpa. You've clearly raised him right. :smiley:

    SueBDew: I'm also a fan of Doc Martin. I've seen Martin Clunes on a horsey program, too. He had some draft horses he was having trained. :smiley:

    Yvonne in TX: So sorry for the loss of your dad. :broken_heart::heart:

    Becca : I'm so glad you were able to spend Christmas with your sons. Yay! :flowerforyou: Thank you for posting "You are Not Everyone's Cup of Tea." It helps me put my obnoxious neighbor into perspective. I'm not her cup of tea, & she is not mine. :noway:

    Rori: I hope you will enjoy your cruise. :bigsmile:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: Warm thoughts for you, too. I hope that 2018 will be a good year for us all. :heart:

    Lisa in NC: I read your description of the "crapweasel sperm donor" to DH and it made both of us laugh out loud. You have a unique way with words. No wonder you're an author. :laugh:

    I'm out of time, but haven't read all the way through the posts. I hope everyone has a good day today. Best news for us regarding our dog is that he is doing well. He had a slipped disc and it seems to be back in its proper location. Yay!!! That is the best gift of this Christmas season after the birth of our grandson and the good health of our adult children & grandchildren. I am so grateful.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Heather posted a quote similar to this that I wanted to use, but I couldn't recall it quite right. I went online and found this one.

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    Love u lots
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Beth, thanks for the Scottish tradition. Think I still have a real silver coin around somewhere...oh wait, it's probably packed up in a box! :{
    Wendy Hives stolen by organized crime groups? Yikes! Had to look up manuka, know it better as tea treel Are the down under hives safe from all the mysterious health issues affecting our bees?

    Warmest wishes to all for a safe, healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year.

    Time to nap before line dance pot luck party. Expect to be home and asleep by 10 ;}

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    it is about 8 degrees outside ,will not take pup out to go potty with it this cold. thats what his wee wee pads are for...I didnt take a nap because I got enough sleep last night ..will go up at 7 for the party but might go drop off treats earlier
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Lanette I like Progresso lentil soup very much.

    Michele Any chance the day you didn't log was the wedding day? I bet that was a busy, whirlwind kind of day...

    We went to lunch with a dear friend. Greek food, very yummy. It was great to see my friend, who is a former neighbor and a good friend. We haven't seen her for more than a year. :s

    Happy New Year!

    Karen in Virginia