
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,035 Member
    well its afternoon where I am here in Ct and boy are we getting a whopper of a storm all non essential employee's stay home...
    so invited a couple of the ladies down for coffee and at 2pm , got Christmas decorations put away, and another pair of earrings I love . lost one of them... I think ill swear off anything but posts from now on lol
    I will see if I can find a practice exam for dental xray exam and try that out ..
  • sun_cat
    sun_cat Posts: 114 Member
    Meg, I was thinking the same about having your clock part 3-d printed.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited January 2018

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2018
    Meg in Omaha - wrote "Janetr: good for you and your good start!"

    This was funny when I read this as I was just getting ready to type "good for you" on your success so far. A start is a start on the cross trainer and 15 minutes is terrific. Baby steps. Hang in there, and think of a different reward for yourself lol

    Janetr OKC
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Greetings friends. It’s another cold day here but at least it’s above zero! Orientation for my new students is today and that’s always kind of exciting. I have a counselor appointment this afternoon then will grocery shop. My list is tiny!!! I’m having trouble cutting down and only buying for me!

    I did 15” on the cross trainer yesterday and that about killed me. I can’t believe how much my inner thighs were hurting! I wasn’t short of breath and didn’t’ even get my heart rate up, but holy cow I had to quit. I’ll do 15” again tonight. I am now on day 4 of my diabetic journal and goals and have met my goal of a healthy breakfast 4/4 days so far (goal of 5/7). I caught myself thinking about biscuits and gravy as a “reward” and then stopped that thought in its tracks!

    I talked to DH last night which is the highlight of the day. He is starting violin lessons today; he used to play with the Phoenix Symphonette (youth symphony) but hasn’t played in ages. He also goes to Toastmasters each week.

    Janetr: good for you and your good start!

    Heather: good for you to figure that out!

    Speaking of figuring things out, does anyone know a person who can make gears for antique clocks? I am in desperate need of an escape wheel being made as you can’t get them anymore for French mantle clocks.

    Michelle: how do you stay so busy?

    Becca: I don’t know the answer to your question about the vodka but I’ll let you know tomorrow!!! 

    KJ: I agree; I have met up with several MFP friends!

    DJ: Stay warm down there!

    Vicki: thanks for your prayers! Enjoy the heat wave and please pass it along when you are done with it!

    Sharon: (((hugs)))

    Marcelyn: we had the same pipe break 2 times in our (finished) basement. The insurance company was not too happy about it! Good luck.

    KEtoneKaren: OK I’ll bite. What is a “bombogensis”?

    Allie: I’m so sorry about your dad. That’s tough to watch.

    Matchka: that’s a good routine! What are you going to study?

    Kevrit: Wicket is adorable!

    Joyce: did I miss something? What’s up with the blood pressure and numbness??? Take care sister!

    Rye: I have one cat who has always slept with me, now that DH is gone the other one gets up there too. So I do love that!

    Terry: OMG that snow!

    WENDY: OMG I spit out my coffee and had to make a mad dash to the bathroom when I saw that video clip you posted. That is the funniest thing ever!!! Thanks for making my day!

    Margaret: what a frustrating experience! I would be calling the bank too.

    Terry: LOVE the readers! You look gorgeous!

    Stephanie: (and all the other newbies): Welcome!

    OK well I really should get some work done! Take care and stay warm. Meg from still-frosty Omaha

    Thanks. I never think selfies are the best pictures (shows too many wrinkles!) but the glasses are fun. I have polka dot ones at home.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2018
    Rye, what a good tip about substituting cinnamon for sugar. I have been studying how to change your habits and that is one of the guidelines, that if you take something away you have to fill the empty space/time with something else. I like cinnamon and it's so good for you for so many reasons. I am going to take on board your suggestion and try to become a cinnamonholic instead of a sugarholic this year.

    Margaret, I ran into a condescending attitude from a guy at a bank that left me fuming and belittled and frustrated some years ago. I changed banks and the original bank manager rang me up to ask why and I told them it was because of the way I was treated. I run into untrained people who try their best to help me and I can be very patient in that situation. But it is very annoying if they forget something because I live way out of town and its a 40 minute round trip to return, like I had to do when I bought a wheelbarrow and they gave me the wrong handlebars...which I didn't find out until having spent a long time trying to put it together! Anyways, step back and ask yourself, What can I take away from that experience that will a. help me next time and b. make me a better person. Seems like you have already done that. I am still waiting to hear if the insurance company will cover my stolen phone or not... Trying not to feel angry about it.vxmkdrl2l2zs.gif

    Today is day 3 of fasting and I'm not sure how I will go. I am starting with good intentions to not eat anything but I am giving myself the option of having a small dinner tonight if I really need to...I still lose weight if I am only eating one meal a day, it just is slower than a total fast. I am not at my Happy Place yet. I am moving slower, as the glycogen in my cells has been depleted now, but I am also not really feeling hungry so my hormones are getting tamer. Going to do my morning workout now then feed the animals then head to the office. Wendy
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather UK - wrote "Found the photo and many others. I have had to walk away for the moment, but it's lying on my spare bed. I want to use it in the memoir and also blow up a part of it for the cover. I will post it on here in a bit."

    Heather, biggest of big (((hugs))), I can only imagine how hard and definitely a bit scary for you to pull out the photos. You are strong and brave for facing this and I hope that by going through all of this that you will somehow achieve some degree of peace. Your an inspiration. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,598 Member
    Rye "fault usually lies with the institutions and management practices" that was exactly it for me this morning. Employee and Supv hamstrung "by CMS rules". Ridiculous when Social Security (also "managed" by CMS) accepted Joe's verbal for me to speak for him. Proud of myself that I was only a little grumpy, told the supv I understood she and emp were just following rules. Asked her to tell her manager this is the kind of complaint she's getting and could their protocols be aligned with Soc Sec.
    Meg "stopped that thought in its tracks" YESS! Have you tried watchmakers or experts in antique jewelry repair?
    Heather "line dancing without music" that's how I learn/practice new dances. Will think of you next time ;)
    Wendy the look on the little groomer's face, priceless! Smart pooch too, knows how to dodge away.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,253 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka, how fascinating. There certainly is an overload of data available, but making sense of all the information...especially when it seems conflicting, that's the hard part. You will be learning some valuable skills!

    Yes ... my director, manager, and a more senior colleague are all quite pleased I'm taking this course. They don't mind my other courses, which are all related, but this is one of the ones specifically related to what I do at work, and they'd like to get me into doing a whole lot more!! It's the main reason why my employer is willing to let me take these courses during work time. :)

    Machka in Oz

    I taught this class a few years ago when "big data" term was just starting to be a thing. Will you be using SQL or some other data management software?

    RV Rita in Columbus NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,253 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    <3 Heart goes out to Allie and all who are dealing with loved ones who are facing life threats or suffering diminished capacity. Just spent way more time than should have had to on phone with Part D ins carrier, trying for the 5th or 6th time to: verify our address change, continuation of coverage for Joe. I've received my card but Joe hasn't, nor have we received invoice for "new" coverage. (Long story, if you move from one state to another, you have to reapply in new state and terminate in old. Filling in the forms received does not suffice. Phone followup is required.) Even though Joe verbally told the gal he wanted me to speak for him, she could do nothing until he gave her his birthdate, zip code, then finally member id number. At that he balked. Either too stubborn, too much of a rebel, or too vain to put on his glasses B) , he refused. Supervisor said it was the rules with no way around, but finally said she'd send a different form that if he filled it in, would allow me to speak for him. Sure needed the meditation session after that!

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    I changed my twice with Humana from CT to FL to NM. Spent a day on the phone each time. Canceling the old address insurance and reapplying for the new version at the new address. Both times had to have DH there to give permission and ' electronically sign on phone". Pain!

    Never heard of a bombogenisis storm. Hope all stay safe and warm on the East Coast!

    RV Rita in NM
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,613 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Things like well documented procedures and checklists are worth their weight in gold for these types of things. Unfortunately you need good management to recognize that and talented trainers/ documentary’s to implement.

    Rye -

    The job I retired from was quite similar to yours - I was part time, lowest paid, had totally inadequate training = the training manual I was told to use was horribly out of date. So when I had spare moments, I rewrote it for myself and updated it since I was really training myself through trial and error it seemed, lots of errors. :(

    Depending on the size of your supervisor's ego, it can be risky letting management know you're doing it. But it helped me and I figured it would help the next person who had the job. And it did earn me a few brownie points with the supervisor - my employer realized it was in his best interest to have the thing up to date plus I made it look like it was his idea, lol.

    So I am very sympathetic to your situation. I would never complain to management about an employee in a business such as where you work unless what the employee did was criminal ( a cashier intentionally adding cash to a credit card transaction and pocketing it, hoping the customer doesn't notice for example.) I know everyone has bad days, gets tired, etc. Been here. I've had grumps complain about me to management - I was union so there were safeguards in place as far as firing once I was off probation. And a grump complaining isn't a cause for termination most of the time, tho I'm sure it has happened.

    Most of the time, I just take my business elsewhere if customer service is bad. I've had a LOT of jobs during my life and can only say I've had three good supervisors. The rest made the job harder than it had to be. Not everyone is a born supervisor, that's for sure.

    The bank, on the otherhand, has MY money and they darn well need to know what they are doing with it expediently and professionally.

    Barbara in OR -- golly, what a nightmare. So far we've been lucky with me putting myself and DH on the speakerphone, and he says "she speaks for me, she'll handle it" and the rep on the other end of the line for his retirement or medicare stuff was good with it.

    SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Oooh Baileys...... Once when we were moving from Japan to stateside, I had a bottle of Bailey's. (Like I'm telling you all a great bedtime story....). So I had a gallon of vanilla ice cream too, so every evening I would put a couple of scoops in a soup bowl, and then pour the Bailey's over, until I had soup..... Slept quite well every night, and finished the Bailey's before we transferred. The end..

    Yeah, my husband and I were doing that during our last few months in Victoria (State in Australia) just before we moved to Tasmania (another State in Australia) ... large bowls of ice cream topped with Bailey's and others.

    In fact, while we were packing, that was often dinner ... with a side of whatever we wanted to use up in the cupboards.

    It's probably no wonder I hit my highest weight ever not long after. :grin:

    Machka in Oz

    With stuff in refrigerators and freezers, if its a long move, well then I usually call all my friends up and they haggle over all of it. I have no problem giving opened boxes of pasta, frozen chicken to friends. It beats throwing it away! I have only done it twice, because the Navy most often gives you a heads up with moves.

    When we moved home from Shanghai, I put all the things I wasn't packing to take home with us in our dining room and invited the neighbors in to take what they wanted. It was entertaining to watch them go through and grab things they wanted.


    I bet it was!! I did that with a lot of items too. Want my table, best friend? Its yours! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of asking about my table a year later. That's when she confessed that her daughter had it, but when the daughter's marriage went south, so did my table. I loved that table, but it was too big for where we were moving to. Let it go, let it go! Yep I sang that!

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    I am packing up all the Christmas decorations today. I came home last night to find The Grinch had visited. Our Christmas tree was knocked over and all my stuffed Christmas animals were lying slaughtered on the floor, with white snow stuffing scattered about...someone had left the front door slightly ajar and Major had waltzed in for his Christmas Party. LOL


  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Heather, good for you facing your fears and pulling out the pictures.

    “What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Wendy, love the video. I so feel like that some days. Guess Major had felt left out.

    KetoneKaren, Don’t care what you call it, bombogenesis or anything else, it’s not going to be pleasant. Work is talking about closing early. If they decide to close or not, I’m going to leave early enough that I won’t be driving home in the dark. Starting to really come down. I have about a half hour drive home, mostly interstate.

    Terry in VT watching the weather.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    ((((((((((Many hugs to you Heather))))))))),as you go thru the photos you need for your book.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited January 2018
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Quick question:-
    What would you all enter in your exercise for a Lesley Sansome "Walk at home" workout, please?

    I do a lot of Leslies workouts and I think I read at one stage that she advised adding as aerobics general I did that until I got Fitbit, now I use FB figure

    Kate UK <3

    I also do Leslie Sansone Walking At Home videos! Adding as aerobics,low impact on MFP. I have some of her DVDs but mostly use the ones on YouTube.

    College Station, TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janetr: We took down our Christmas trees and other decorations, too. The ornaments are all in boxes in the garage and we need to take them up into the garage attic where they are kept. Not happening today. :ohwell: The trees are back outside in the yard. They are living plants. :star:

    KJ, SueBDew & Cathy: Great that you have had a meet up. I've had the good luck to meet Rori and Sue in WA. One of these days I'll figure out a meet up with Becca--It feels like she is just down the road. Since both of us have DH's with health issues it hasn't been easy to get together. I'm keeping an optimistic attitude. :smiley:

    Lisa & Heather: We have the "poo" test sitting up in our bathroom waiting for action. We have done this before. I've also had a colonoscopy and so has DH. The prep is extremely unpleasant, in my opinon. I prefer the poo test. :embarassed:

    Allie: You and your dad are in my prayers. I hope the news for him is positive. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: I hope you get your lens situation solved ASAP. Eye-strain headaches are NO fun. (((HUGS)))

    Barbie: Compared to our friends in the east and midwest, I think our weather is practically balmy at 46F. :bigsmile: (She said while sitting next to a cozy heater...)

    Machka: You have my deepest sympathy. I am no fan of "data" although I know it can be useful. :flowerforyou:

    Wendy: I love the dog eating! Thank you for sharing. I needed a good laugh just now. :bigsmile:


    Machka: I hope we don't have a cloud cover for the blue moon eclipse. What a wonderous thing to see. :star:

    We are working on a plan for our trip to see the kids. Our son is doing all of the leg work, thank goodness. I'm sure he'll come up with something that will be as easy on us as possible. The plan is to visit Illinois first, then Virginia. Does anyone have advice on Delta v United Airlines?

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hello ladies. Still frigid outside, I just listened to the weather forecast for next week and he is predicting 50 next Wednesday. Yeah, believe it when I see it. At least I don't hav snow or ice, just cold. I am a,so glad I don't have animals that need to go outside. Micelle has dogs that not only need to go outside to do thier business but go to the dog park to run. So,stokes she brings them over here to use our back yard.

    Meg, my problems with the numb and tingly fingers is because I had a stroke last week. It was due to high blood pressure. It was 229/107 in the ER. So I was in Nuero ICU for several days on an IV drip of Cardene. I still have to check itn4 times a day and take medicine as needed. Yesterday I called my family doc because I was having to take the new medicine 4 times a day and really needed it more often but wasn't ordered. It is better today but still a little high. I guess tomorrow I will have to call the doctor again. I know am supposed to call them Momday.

    Big hugs to Sharon.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Newest pair of readers

    Looking good! :)