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  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,986 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    First thing I did when I got home was to vacuum the whole area. I sucked up 2 or 3 more spiders I hadn't relocated last night. They looked like teenagers. I also got 2 or 3 more babies. Hopefully that's all of them. There was A LOT of cobweb and that's all gone now. :)

    M in Oz

    I admit to being kind to spiders, always taking the relocation option when possible. But I hope to never become so familiar with them that I can identify them as babies, teenagers and adults!

    That is something I find amazing. :smiley:

    I am kind of guessing based on size. The newborns are tiny dots you'd hardly even recognise as anything alive. They're easy to overlook. Then they get slightly bigger and you can identify the little legs and see them crawling up and down the wall, but you'd probably still think "what on earth is that?" ... I'm guessing that's the toddler phase. The little ones in my bedroom were slightly larger than that when I first noticed them, and identifiable as a "tiny spider" ... probably at the age they're about ready to start school. :grin:

    Then they seem to grow remarkably quickly! The "teenagers" were about 1/3 the size of the mom. Dad is likely smaller, but mom was huge ... one of the biggest pholcus phalangioides I've seen. Her body was a decent size but from the tip of one leg to the tip of the next on the other side was getting on for 4 inches. Dad may have been the carcass on the floor which I vacuumed up. I'm not sure if mom eats dad or not.

    Some people want to get rid of all the spiders, but a lot of people (like me) like to keep these around because they help to keep other pests down. So we've got a pholcus phalangioides in each room and I really don't mind them ... I just don't want an entire family in my bedroom where I'm sleeping, and specifically ... not on the bed!!

    M in Oz
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Dr's App. this AM so I can get all my meds refilled. Dread going because she always comments about my weight and wine consumption. :'( It is 17* here so glad I have my ugly down coat to wear.

    Heather ~ Hugs!

    Spiders ~ Don't like them.

    Alison ~ I don't think it's right for your landlord to not be in compliance with the fire marshal's orders about the stairs. It's not right that he says he won't fix things that are broken. We are constantly having to spend money on repairs to our rental property.

    Love to all who are hurting!

    Carol in GA
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hugs Heather :heart: :heart: Your mother looks a lot like you and together you all DO look like the perfect little family. Appearances deceive. Have you figured out what you will tell your sons, and when?
    /Penny, sending strengthening thoughts from the t07190.gif

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hugs to you too, Allie. :heart: :heartbreak::heart: Stay strong!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pholcus phalangioides (spiders - Daddy Long Legs). Well, when you said that, I am not nearly as scared of them as I am the brown, jumpy spiders that have two beige lines on it body (brown) ... that is in the family of 'brown recluse spiders) but not the ones who are dangerous. I knocked one off my arm after it had bitten me and had to take it with me to the MD who said it wasn't the 'bad' recluse ... just in the family). The bite hurt like a Sum-O-Beach. Left a pretty bad bite area. Red and swollen and hot. But, we'd have a colony of them on the roof of our dog pen in Albany ... I'd freak out when I saw them. 100s of them in a pack, so that they made an area about the size of both fists put together. I'd just stay away from that side of the pen as best as I could. I've heard they were poisonous; but about the only area they would ever be able to reach would be that area between where your fingers area attached to her hand to be able to bite you.

    No, Allie, I don't think bad of you for adopting a dog and going to work. Lots of people 'crate' their dogs while working. But, being able to come check on his during the day is good. Oh, I get it now, Tom wants you to pay for things that need to get down around the previous marital home so he can sell it. Even then, you should not be 'expected' to pay the total amount. It should be in a % based on what he makes compared to what you make. Don't expect him to reimburse you 'if' you pay it. Don't put yourself in a 'financial' bind. He makes more than you and can better afford to pay his share to get things done. You don't live there any more. Try to think about 'if' you had passed away ... he would be expected to pay the full 100%o of the repairs. One reason I have wanted to tell DOS that 'he needs to find a job - before something happens that makes his Dad unable to work'. It is a good job and being self-employed has its perks as well as its down-side.

    Today, my list means I will try to finish up with the purging of the 2nd bedroom. I'll hit the desk today. I will wait until next week, when Louis is gone, to vacuum it. Yesterday, I cleaned the light fixture and cleaned the grout, as best I could, and that finished up the bath completely. Talked to oldest sister who got me started. She is planning on coming down as soon as she can. I might leave the utility room, computer area, and kitchen until she is here. But, I will start on the utility room just to get some of it 'out of the way'.

    Listening to a set of 5 discs so that I will be prepared for a long, extensive couseling session that she said she would like for me to go through ... really helped her (and Tommy) because she had gone through it before Tommy had his stroke and both of them after he had his stroke. Tommy is truly a 'walking miracle'. After 3 major surgeries the only residual damage is some weakness in this arm. He always was alert when they brought him back to the room, recognizing Suzanne and the girls. Even answering questions when they were whispering. All this and he wears 2 hearing aides ... and still has to sometime ask, 'what did you say'?

    It is still cold ... Louis came in yesterday and looked like he was 'frozen'. I was cold last evening and he was going to build a fire. The room temperature was 69 degrees and I was pretty miserable. But, it did warm up once he built the fire.

    I'm feeling so much better after 2 weeks of recuperating. I am looking forward to a week on my own. Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed being home and having Louis do just about everything for me. Jenn liked the 2 candle holders I gave her that were my Mothers. I know she enjoys having things that belong to people that she is kin to. I was going to put a picture and bowl I had made in ceramics in a garage sale and she told me, 'no I want that, you made it'.

    I need to call a friend that I think collects on of the patterns of glassware that I think I got some from my Mother to see if she is interested in maybe buying them. I'd probably give them to her; but, I would like to get a little money for them. I might even ask sister if she'd take them back home and send them to the auction place. We don't have anything like that in Podunk. I plan to do the same with a dozen very heave beer mugs that hang under my kitchen cabinets. I'd like to go to a hotel supply company and find some that are much heavier. I want to get a dozen so I can hang them there and so they would be easy to get to.

    Today, I have to get the sheets folded and put away in the locker. I know I only need to keep 2 sets of sheets for the beds ... one on, one off. I gave Trey a mattress pad that took up one side of it, and when I put it in it I think it was straining to close. I hate having to figure out how to fold the fitted sheets. Wish I had a place that I could lay them out flat, that has been the only way I have been able to get them flat and folded. Just not enough floor space anywhere in the house. Not anywhere, even trying to do it on the bed hasn't been very successful. I know sister would take them away and put them in the 'Goodwill' box. I know she would be right. But, I keep thinking about throwing out my face regiment. LOL! I should just 'let it go' ... I thought it took too long to do it anyway.

    First thing I am going to do today is take a nice, long, hot shower, even if I have to take another after my cleaning up routine.

    Diningroom cabinet ... oh, how hard that will be to 'let go' of some of the things in it. I need to go through that while I have 'time to think about it'. I need to try to get everything in it, rather than sitting on top of a couple of pieces of furniture. I will leave my whiskey decanters out. I just need to rearrange the china, putting the heavy pieces on the bottom shelf. I am surprised that the shelf they are on has been able to hold up.

    I finally finished the coloring piece of paper that Lynn brought me while I was in the hospital. Found the aqua pencil. It was right on the kitchen counter where I had laid it down after sharpening it. Almost in plain view. I swear, there is a Gremling that takes things when I am looking for them, hides them, and then puts them back after I have just given up on trying to find them. Yesterday, I found a set of dog nail clippers, and I don't even think they were the pair that we actually found. Both have pink handles; but, the one we found looked smaller.

    There is so much to dust in the den area and diningroom area and I will have to get my ladder to do it. Even then, some will be too far away to reach because on furniture in front of the wall where they hang. Louis can do that when he gets home from Louisiana next weekend.

    Well, got to go take my shower.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,986 Member
    Today was my last day at work for a little while. I got my project to a decent stopping point and submitted it to my partner so that he's got it in case he wants to look at it or in case anyone asks questions about our progress.

    I think I've got everything ready for this course. I'm actually a little bit nervous about it. It's a university course like any other, but as it is so condensed, I've got to understand it all in a matter of days!

    Tonight I went for a 2.2 km run. I did loops around the local oval which is OK, but I do find that I have more trouble breathing when I do that. I think it's all the grass I'm running on and surrounding trees. Touch of the allergies and asthma.

    And then I started the trifle I'm making this weekend. It is a multi-stage process. :) It will be a chocolate cherry trifle by the time I'm finished. The chocolate cake is done. I've got to pit a pile of cherries and put the layers together which I'll do tomorrow.

    Tomorrow ... is apparently supposed to be really hot. They're saying 34C (93F). So I'm thinking I might wander down to the beach for a bit, and then go for a bicycle ride.

    Machka in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,472 Member
    :) My efforts to declutter have taken years. I was raised by depression era parents who saved things "just in case" My mother saved photos and documents and letters and keepsakes of all sorts. It was a huge mental shift to even start letting go of things. I have been better at not acquiring new things. It has also been a challenge to focus on what is mine to discard and not comment on what my darling husband has that he doesn't need. Moving several times in our marriage has helped the process.

    :) Breakfast finished, meditation next, then dog walking.

    <3 Barbie
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,986 Member
    Pholcus phalangioides (spiders - Daddy Long Legs). Well, when you said that, I am not nearly as scared of them

    These are bigger than the Canadian daddy long legs ... but maybe the southern US ones are bigger too with the warmer climate. I remember the Canadian daddy long legs getting to be about the size of a quarter (legs and all). These can be 3 or 4 inches and more substantial.

    But they are, apparently, harmless.

    And there are, of course, a whole lot of other spiders here. Once in a while you'll see a huntsman, occasionally a white tail (those are poisonous), and black house spiders.

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Machka I couldn't help myself. I had to google Australian Spiders:


    Karen in Virginia
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,650 Member
    Did Bob Harper's Inside Out DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael's Shred it With Weights DVD.

    yeaaa! The Wii this morning said that I was no longer in the "overweight" category but in the "normal". Not by much, but I was there. It looks like so far I've lose 2 lbs of my holiday weight gain.

    Did a load of whites today, need to put them in the dryer now. If they need to be dried any more, I will be able to put the dryer on right before I go to mahjongg later this morning.

    The other night I was thinking about all the people here in MA, VT, NY, places in the path of the storm. You all mean so much to me.

    Welcome everyone new!

    katla - your fitness center keeps a list of everyone's combinations? What's to prevent someone from looking at the list and then breaking into someone's locker?

    M - Wendy has another good idea of things you can take to eat to school with you, hard boiled eggs! the microwave in my daughter's place had a cracked handle. I've never seen one like hers. I guess it must have been one of the original microwaves. You actually have to crank the thing in the middle so that it will rotate! I'd never seen one like it until I saw hers.

    Wendy - that's great that you'll get a new phone

    Read in the paper how the GS Cookie Sale is starting and I immediately thought of Rori and Lisa.

    Lanette - that's how I like my yogurt. I buy the plain then add my own fruit or honey. I've found that if you add fruit that's been frozen, when it defrosts, there's this "liquid" which to me tastes better than the sugar sweetened stuff. Or worse yet to me, the artificial sweetened stuff.

    Heather - yes, you look like the perfect family. (((HUGS)))) for you.

    Carol - when we went to Washington to see TSO, that was the first time since we moved down here that I wore the heavy coat. I have another heavy jacket that I've worn, but not that coat. It's long and heavy. It worked real well when we lived in PA since being long helped keep me warm(er) from the wind.

    Going to take some of the ornaments off the tree and then go to mahjongg. I like to just show up sometimes.

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,675 Member
    Morning peeps
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,986 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - Wendy has another good idea of things you can take to eat to school with you, hard boiled eggs!

    Good idea, and I do like hard boiled eggs, but unfortunately they don't like me. I can eat the occasional one, but two in a week would give me a bad night of gall bladder pain. :(

    I saw PB & J suggested too ... I haven't eaten peanut butter in about 25 years. Back then, I discovered that peanuts and peas did not sit well with me at all. And then just a few years ago, tree nuts joined the list. :(:(

    There is a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard which my husband uses, and sometime I wish I could too. But I know I'd be in agony. About 3 years ago, he was eating peanuts and they smelled so good that I had some. Big mistake!

    I can handle a very small amount like maybe 6 or 8 peanuts (like what you might find in a granola bar), but even that is just borderline OK.

    And milk is another bad one for me. I can do hard cheeses, but not soft unless it is something like paneer or cottage cheese. I can do yogurt and hard ice cream, but butter and soft ice cream are questionable. And milk itself ... I can do a bowl of cereal with a little bit of milk 2 or 3 days in a row, but that's it. I cannot eat chocolate pudding - the kind you make with the pudding mix and lots of milk, and I can't drink a glass of milk.

    It would make life so much simpler in many ways if I could eat those things, and I try now and then ... but nope.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,675 Member
  • loumoon5
    loumoon5 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Still bitter cold here in Chicago. I'm wearing layers at work because our heat went out (repairman has been called) but can't do much for my poor toes. Does shivering count as exercise?
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