Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    day 4 done. pushed thru the whole thing with my 3.5kg/7.7lb weights today. was quite tough near the end! those side lunge and raise thingies are way hard with heavy weights. my form was probably all over the place though so will probably go back to my 2kg/4.4lb weights again for those bits tomorrow as i guess its probably better to do them right with lighter weights than wrong with heavy weights.

    was glad to get thru it all though. even after 4 days of RI30 i can feel the difference in my arms already. :happy: kinda wishing i had these weights for 30DS but not to worry.

    2 more days for me then we'll see what joys jilian brings us for level 2! lol

    korygilliam (Kory) L1D5Done! (08/04)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D4- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D4 done! (08/05)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Day 5 done this morning. lt'll be nice to sleep in a little tomorrow. It's been hard to get up early again. Tomorrow I will do day 6 and then take Sunday off.
    I'm looking forward to starting level 2. I get bored easily. Not so much of the exercises but of the talking. The last couple days I've had it on mute.

    korygilliam (Kory) L1D5Done! (08/04)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D5- done! (08-04)
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D4 done! (08/05)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • hdreher1117
    korygilliam (Kory) L1D5Done! (08/04)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D5- done! (08-04)
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D4 done! (08/05)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    I've been enjoying this more than I thought ... each day the exercises are getting easier and I'm noticing that my stamina is totally improving. I actually got through all the running mans and the reverse crunches ... I'm trying to do this 5-6 days a week. I did take off yesterday b/c I had a friend visit with her kids.

    korygilliam L1D4Done! (08/03)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D4- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D3 done! (08/04)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D4-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    day 5 done for me! had a bad day at work so decided to step it up a gear to get my frustration out! lol.

    instead of just holding the plank pose for 30 secs i done those side twist leg raises things which i think we're at the end of level 2 of 30DS. then i used weights for the squat and punch cardio bits and also for the butt kicks, again similar to what she does in 30DS.

    1 more day of level 1!

    korygilliam L1D4Done! (08/03)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D4- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D5 done! (08/06)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D4-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Here we go!!! Started this morning (again). I decided to start with 5 lb weights and hopefully get to 8lb weights by the end of each level- we'll see what happens though ;)
    I have to admit L1 doesn't kill me- maybe because I did 30DS first and am running 3 miles a day now- I don't know, but I remember the start of 30DS being MUCH harder!!!! I guess that's a good thing!

    korygilliam L1D4Done! (08/03)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D4- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D5 done! (08/06)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D4-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- L1D1 (5lb weights)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Day 5 done!

    Decided to go at it for 6 days a week. Monday will start Week 2. I wonder what that will bring! I'm almost afraid to look!!
    Here's to one more day to close out week one!!

    How's everyone else doing?? Keep at it folks!! Can't wait to see the results!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wow! everyone is doing so well! i cant wait to start on monday! have had a rest week to let my body regroup and back on it as of monday! so one more day to start!

    for those doing this now, is it tougher than 30ds? do u like it better or does it measure up the same?
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    My abs are feeling the work of those reverse crunches today! Hope everyone is enjoying themselves!! Can't wait to start week 2!

    korygilliam L1D4Done! (08/03)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D4- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D5 done! (08/06)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D5) as of 8/04
    SDV219 L1D5-Done! (start date 08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- L1D1 (5lb weights)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Please make sure and copy the latest post :smooched:

    I ended up skipping yesterday due to an impromptu shopping spree at a new outlet mall that opened here in oklahoma I had to fight myself to stop reading my Sookie books (again...have to re-read all of them every time a new season of True Blood starts) and get up and do the RI30 on what is supposed to be my day off...but I did it!

    I would love to take a couple of weeks off...but I know I won't start back up and will start gaining weight again! Must keep pushing so it becomes a natural part of my day instead of a chore. I wish I could get myself to wake up in the morning to do them instead of doing it a 8 or 9 at night... :yawn:

    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D1 -Done! (/)(5lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Trying to psych myself up...need motivation...

    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D1 -Done! (/)(5lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Did last day of level 1 on friday so started L2D1 saturday!!! I think the first set of cardio is more like an arm exercise... Your stuck in the plank position for twovminutes doing planks jumps and mountain climbers. Arms and shoulders were screaming!!!

    Oh and at one point she wants you to bring your knees to your elbows while doing ..... I wont ruin the surprise awaiting you!!!

    Had a long day yesterday so im lying in bed but need to get to a bridal shower. So im skipping today and will resume level 2 monday!!!

    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L2D1...done!! As of 8/07
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D1 -Done! (/)(5lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    HI everybody! Just found this thread, and I am really excited to continue with you all... it was so great doing 30DS with you! I was planning to start on the 24th, but I need to have Mondays be my off day, so I will start the 23rd :) In the mean time, I am rotating through levels of the 30ds again, hoping it will result in me being more fit to start Ripped!

    SO, I will add myself to the list with my start date, but if that is not OK, take me off until I start :) I will read along from now til then so I know what's coming and can get inspired by all you wonderful people!


    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L2D1...done!! As of 8/07
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D1 -Done! (/)(5lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Mom-Great to have you with us...For those that know they aren't starting until later, I am not removing from the list. I am just removing from the list those that don't end up starting and those that don't update their name (in both instances, won't remove until around 10 days after their last update or their supposed start date).

    For those of you that need motivation, just go and see the pics of others that have done the 30 day exercises and see how much difference there is in just one month! Our group was the JM 30 Day Shred and if you look at the end of the part 2 and part 3, you can see how much you can change. Of course, RI30 is supposed to be harder, so the end results should be even more! My changes would've been better if I didn't go over my calories so many times and/or kept up w/ doing my elliptical (which is what I am trying to do this least 6 hours of exercise a week of total exercise and only going over my calories no more than one time per week...if any)

    Remember also, you didn't get to where you are overnight, so you can't get to where you want to be overnight! But the more focused, realistic, and dedicated you are, the faster and better you will get there and the more likely you are to be able to maintain that state! If you expect an overnight change, then you are just as easy able to have an overnight change that puts you back or over where you started (see yo-yo dieters and other crash doesn't work)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 today- done and done!! Used 8lbs weights today- definitely feeling it more than with 5lbs!!

    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L2D1...done!! As of 8/07
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D2 -Done! (/)(8lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi all!

    jojo: wow, we have someone in leven 2 already! wtg! sounds like u are doing well!

    kory: i do my exercises at night as well, cant be doing with waking up at 5am! thought about it! not happening! lol! my daughter wakes around 5.30-6ish anyways so i def need a bit of a lie in! i tend to do my exercises at 7.30ish as well once my dinners in the overn/ cooking with hubby supervising!

    mom: good to have you on the thread again! your results were fab in the 30ds!

    AFM: ok so i started today instead of tomorrow! have a good week off but had a pub lunch today with the family and didnt fancy a run tonight so ripped it was! wow! im loving it! def better and the music is a little better too. some complicated moves! my little brain couldnt figure out the side lunges with the extra step! i think i finally get it now as i had to get hubby to show me! i just did what we did in the 30ds! lol! used 3lbs for some and 5lbs for other moves! wow im feeling it! my neck is a little sore which means im going to have to stretch out some more! but def feel this is a step up from the shred! was able to do most of the advanced bar a few!

    korygilliam...................L1D6 -Done! (08/06)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L2D1...done!! As of 8/07
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D2 -Done! (/)(8lb weights)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    mariababe81(mariam)- L1D1 (08/07)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23)
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, is it ok to join in here? I finished level 1 last week and today was my first day of level 2!! OMG im sore now. Those crow push ups are hard! (even on the modified version)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Hi, is it ok to join in here? I finished level 1 last week and today was my first day of level 2!! OMG im sore now. Those crow push ups are hard! (even on the modified version)

    Heya, definately...welcome to the group. A couple of us just did L2D1 today as well..yeah, those crow's are nuts! Just read the first posts on this thread to see how it works. I'll add your name to the list!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    First day of level 2 and wow...all those 'favorite' plank items all in one little package! grrrr....and those crows...(OMG!) Overall, not too bad...once again am glad that I did the 30DS first and built up some endurance to those plank moves, but the push up moves are killers for me, since I still can't do a full blown push up

    korygilliam...................L2D1 -Done! (08/07)
    pizzygirltx....................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79........................L1D5 -Done! (08/04)
    Evotchka (Eva)............L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent......................L1D5 -Done! (08/06)
    jojowink........................L2D1...done!! As of 8/07
    SDV219.......................L1D4 -Done! (08/01)
    momofJandA (Tori)-....L1D2 -Done! (/)(8lb weights)
    mysummerbikini..........L2D1 -Done! (08/07)
    mariababe81(mariam).L1D1 -Done! (08/07)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (starting 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23)
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for adding me Kory :)