JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 27



  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    R09 SW 197.8 (My round 1)
    R10 SW 198.9
    R11 SW 196.7
    R12 SW 196.9
    R13 SW 193.3
    R14 SW 194.9
    R15 SW 192.7
    R16 SW 195.8 I'm not telling what happened here
    R17 SW 194.2
    R18 SW 194.0
    R19 SW 191.4
    R20 SW 191.4
    R21 SW 191.1
    R22 SW 190.7
    R23 SW 194.0
    R24 SW 192.2
    R25 SW 191.6 missed R26 (didn't really finish 25 either missed last two days)
    R27 SW 194.0

    I totally missed R26 and I am late for this round, but I have my numbers. I've barely been online since mid-December; it was a busy month! Happy to get back to what passes for normal.

    12/29 - 194.4
    12/30 - 193.8
    12/31 - 194.7
    01/01 - 194.9
    01/02 - forgot First day back to work. I actually forgot to weigh in this morning.
    01/03 - 195.8 Ewww! Wish I had forgotten to weigh today. This is the day I want to forget about this, but really need to post to keep myself honest and aware.
    01/04 - 195.1 Need more fiber, veg, fruit and fluids!
    01/05 - 194.2 The cold weather may be bringing on a cold. Bleagh, hope it's just reaction to the dry air / pollen. Yes, we have yellow pollen already down here in Florida. The past few days freezes should back that off for a few weeks.
    01/06 -
    01/07 -

    Colds are no fun. Hope you get to feeling better.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    @quiltingjaine Could you please post the next round?
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,519 Member
    edited January 2018
    Historical SW (January 2017): 193
    Recent SW: 187.6 (Sunday after Thanksgiving)
    Challenge SW: 181.8
    R25 AVE = 180.36
    R26 (Christmas!) AVE = 179.23 (End weight was 180.8)
    Goal for this round: Can I get to 175.something???

    12/29: 178.8 Walked for 6.5 miles and road my bike for 6.6. Day 1 of 100 mi. in 10 Days Challenge= 13.1
    12/30: 177 —100mi in 10 Days Total= 22.01 walking and biking
    12/31: 177.6— 100 mi in 10 Days Total= 33.23
    1/1: 178.6— 100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 4= 13.39; Total so far= 46.62 Back to eating right today, I hope!
    1/2: 176.8— Woot Woot!!! Moving in the right direction again. 100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 5= 4.63; Total so far= 51.25 This frigid weather and being away from my gym may make this challenge more difficult than I had intended for it to be. It's not supposed to be this cold in Florida, and all my warm coats are at home.
    1/3: 175.4—Yay! Now if I can just not creep back up by the end of the round! Would be good to keep losing!
    100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 6= 14.39 walking and biking; Total so far= 65.64 mi
    1/4: 175 Splurged yesterday and had fried grouper nuggets, but made myself go to the gym in the evening. Success!
    100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 7= 9.5 walking, indoor treadmill and cycling; Total so far= 75.14
    1/5: 174.4 Took my longest bike ride in several years today on the Pinellas Trail. Felt SO good! I’m below my goal for this round if I can just keep it down. 100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 8= 16.15 bike ride; Total so far= 91.29
    1/6: 173.4 All this bike riding and walking along with eating fresh fish while on vacation in Florida is working, but back to reality tomorrow. Flight back to Tennessee leaves early in the morning. I’ll have to find another way to burn calories. Will complete the 100 mi challenge today with one last ride on the Pinellas Trail.
    100 mi in 10 Days Challenge: Day 9= 6.61 mi bike ride; Total so far= 97.9
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I just searched for JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 28 and nothing came up. But I know someone said earlier that it is open. Can anyone point me to it? A link maybe? Please tag me if you do, so it doesn't get lost in the thread. Thanks!
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    I just searched for JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 28 and nothing came up. But I know someone said earlier that it is open. Can anyone point me to it? A link maybe? Please tag me if you do, so it doesn't get lost in the thread. Thanks!

    It isn't posted yet, but it probably will be at some point today or early tomorrow is my guess. :)
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    I am back for round 27 (R 14 for me); I enjoy this group! Let's see can I find and hold on to the elusive 212?????

    Starting Weight: April 2017: 242
    Starting Weight: R23: 215.5......Ending Weight: ? Vacation

    Starting Weight: R24: ? Vacation.......Ending Weight: R24: 215.4
    Starting Weight: R25: 216.7......... Ending Weight: R25: 214.7
    Starting Weight: R26: 214.7..........Ending Weight: R26: 217.4
    Starting Weight: R27: 216.4
    Goal Round 27: 212


    12/29: 216.4
    Ok, here I go again!

    12/30: 215.3
    Getting there slowly but surely. I'm going to give in and go to the doctor for my back and hip; it's not getting any better, and I want to get back to exercising! Think I'll go sit in the hot tub at least!

    12/31: 213.4

    01/01: 213.2

    01/02: Woke up late; had already started drinking coffee before I remembered I was supposed to weigh. Didn't sleep much last night. So many doctors appt. and I'm already tired. But nobody told me that the road would be easy; I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me!

    01/03: 216.7
    Got a new med from the urologist for bladder urgency, now I am holding fluid! Plus my granddaughter cooked some greens using country salt cured meat, so they were full of sodium. I ate them all. Need to push more water. Doctor's appt. for today cancelled due to inclement weather, so I'm going to get my hair done!

    01/04: 219.6
    Went totally crazy last night; my grandson came home with a box of hot, cheesy, bacony breadsticks, and told me to help him eat them. So I ended up eating 5 (yes f i v e) breadsticks and a slice of pound cake my granddaughter made! I have no excuse; I just don't know exactly how I felt last night! I know it was related to emotional eating, but I have yet to figure out why! Thank God today is a new day! His mercies are new every morning!

    01/05: 217
    Almost forgot to log my weight today! :o Been running all day today; got the oil changed in car. Found another great MIM recipe; this one uses flax seed meal which is a great source of fiber! I might try it with some sausage tomorrow. I have some pork sausage cooked with onions and bell peppers in the fridge leftover from another recipe. I'll let you know how it turns out! Been pushing water; got over 12 cups today and yesterday! Eight days down; two more to go! :#

    01/06: 216.8
    Took an extra water pill this morning! I need to get back on track with exercise, so I have joined the Amazing Race! We will see! We will see!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    12/29 - 210.6 lbs
    12/30 - 208.8 lbs
    12/31 - 207.8 lbs
    1/1 - 207.0 lbs
    1/2 - 207.0 lbs
    1/3 - 207.0 lbs
    1/4 - 205.4 lbs
    1/5 - 206.8 lbs
    1/6 - 206.2 lbs

  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    SW: 255 (July 2017)
    GW: 180

    Round 20 SW: 234
    Round 21 SW: 231.4
    Round 22 SW: 229
    Round 23 SW: 227.6
    Round 24 SW: 224.2
    Round 25 SW: 222.4
    Round 26 SW: 220.6
    Round 27 SW: 220.8

    Round 27

    12/29: 220.6
    12/30: 221 :(
    12/31: 221
    1/1: 220.8
    1/2: 221.6
    1/3: 220
    1/4: 219.8
    1/5: 219.2
    1/6: 217.8

    Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.
  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member

    ROUND 22 starting weight 185.6
    ROUND 23 starting weight 184.7
    ROUND 24 starting weight 184.2
    ROUND 25 starting weight 184.4
    ROUND 26 starting weight 185.8
    ROUND 27 starting weight 185.0

    12 / 29 - 185.0.....It's taken me 50 days (5 Rounds) to lose .6.....LOL! Better than a gain. 2018 will be my year!
    12 / 30 - 185.2....Here we go again?
    12 / 31 - 186.0....I will be glad when the Holiday Season is over and I can get back on track!
    1 / 01 - 186.8......What can I say?
    1 / 02 - 186.0...Heading in the right direction. TOPS weigh in tonight. Haven't weighed in 2 weeks ......?
    1 / 03 - 186.6....So I lost 1.5lbs since Dec 19 (last TOPS weigh in), but my "daily weight" isn't changing. I am
    using my home scale each day, whereas TOPS use it's official scale each week
    1 / 04 - 185.8...Happy Birthday to my Hubby (61). Pie tonight, but in MODERATION!
    1 / 05 - 185.0...had a small slice of pie & a tiny scoop of ice cream, and sticking to my plan paid off!
    1 / 06 - 185.2...To many slices of pizza. Out for dinner tonight, so tomorrow could be a wash.
    1 / 07 -

    It won't be easy, but it will be worth it!

    My ultimate goal is 170lbs, so any loss is a good loss.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,217 Member
    @ggilson13 You don’t have to give up your Starbucks, just order Skinny or fat free sugar free or however YOU want it. I have been told different definitions of SKINNY by different locations so when I did WW I ordered FF,SF just to be safe.

    @cathya4 Yes! There will be another round! But jump in now!

    @cyrada63 Sure thing! I’ll post it today as I will be heading home tomorrow.

    @UTMom81 Fresh fish in Florida for 7 years spoiled me. I hate fish that has been frozen! I will be posting the new round this morning.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,217 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 67 y 10.5 m
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4
    SW Rnd 27 146

    12/29 146.5 Well, it’s been a while since I had an up bump so I’m okay with it. We are finally leaving on our Christmas trip to Oklahoma.
    12/30 Traveling - no scale - this will mess with my system so I expect to be up tomorrow on DD#1’s house. This too shall pass!
    12/31 146.0 At DD#1’s house for overdue Christmas celebration tomorrow and her birthday on the 4th. Her house is NOT Keto friendly! I am hoping to expose her to this WOE because she told me she needs to do “something.”
    1/1 144.5 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I was short on calories and all three macros yesterday. I was just not hungry. My body is still on Pacific time even though we are in Central. At about 10PM I had one slice of Keto bread with 1T natural PB. We watched a movie and went to bed around 1AM.
    1/2 145
    1/3 144
    1/4 143 dinner out tonight for older daughter’s 47th birthday.
    1/5 144 Probably something salty at Golden Corral
    1/6 144.5
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I am going to jump in mid-challenge if that is o.k. I did these 10 day challenges for a while last spring, but really let myself go throughout the fall, and even more since Thanksgiving. I have started to eat lots of "crap" again and stopped logging. As a result, I am currently just under 149 pounds, from a low of 137 last April. I started at 193 in July of 2016. I'd like to get back down to 140 in the next 2 months. I joined a gym in late November, but have not been going. I am committing to change to be healthier, in both the amount and quality of food I eat, and in getting regular exercise.

    1/2 148.9
    1/3 146.6 (well that is a nice start!; 65 minutes on elliptical; only ate back about 100 calories; lots of water)
    1/4 145.5 (45 min elliptical; 35 min body pump class (too hard to do whole class- must have had a bit of water weight as I weighed over 149 on the 1st)
    1/5 144.6 (40 min elliptical)
    1/6 144.3 (60 min elliptical; eating back some, but not all exercise calories; looks like I might be getting closer to my real fat gain from the fall- about 4 pounds I think. If I get back to 140 in a few weeks, I will be very happy. )
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,753 Member
    Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4
    Round 22 SW: 147.5
    Round 23 SW: 147.5
    Round 24 SW: 144.3
    Round 25 SW 143.2
    Round 26 SW: 141.8

    Round 27
    SW: 143.4
    GW: 141

    12/29 143.2 ~ (Steps 15,152)

    12/30 143.3 ~ (Steps 14,066)

    12/31 144.3 ~ (Steps 15,004)

    1/1 no scale

    1/2 146.6 ~ (Steps 16,395)

    1/3 143.7
    ~ (Steps 19,440)

    1/4 143.9 ~ (Steps 17,719)

    1/5 144.4 ~ (Steps 25,038)

    1/6 144 ~ (Steps 8,661)


  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    12/29: 195.8 — finally shedding some water weight from the holidays
    12/30: 194
    12/31: 196 — salty restaurant food yesterday
    1/1: 196
    1/2: 196
    1/3: 196
    1/4: 194.4
    1/5: 194.4
    1/6: 192.6 — dehydrated

  • SHW33TP3A
    SHW33TP3A Posts: 58 Member
    I'm new to this but have always been a "daily weigher" to see trends, so I'm really excited to find this group!

    Historical SW: 254.0
    November 1, 2017: 205.0
    December 1, 2017: 195.4
    Goal this round: 186.5

    12/29: 188.8
    12/30: 187.6
    12/31: 188.8
    1/1: 189.4 retaining some water from a heavy New Year's Eve dinner and regretting it! Got a good workout in.
    1/2:188.6 - strength training day
    1/3:187.8- right direction
    1/4: 187.0- almost there... need it to stick.
    1/5: 187.4- could be worse.
    1/6:188.4-Nooooo! So close yet so far away. Tomorrows a new opportunity though.