JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
    edited January 2018
    Changing my goals for tomorrow....I am starting a new workout plan in the morning
    JFToday I will (1/7)
    1. Lift and warm up run :/ lift but no run again... I might go run after work just to turn this face into a smile we will see I do not get off work until 9pm...
    2. drink 6 bottles of water
    3. Get 15,000 steps
    4. log EVERYTHING I eat
    5. Stay green
    6. Do 100 air squats throughout the workday
    7. Do 20 push ups and 30 sit ups

    JFTomorrow I will (1/8)
    1. Initial Assessment for new fitness program
    2. drink 6 bottles of water
    3. Get 16,500 steps
    4. log EVERYTHING I eat
    5. Stay green
    6. Check Weight (Sundays are weigh in days for me... but I didn't make it into the gym this morning)
    7. Wake up by 0530 to meet all prework goals
    8. Take progress pictures
    9. Measurements
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    End of my weekly challenge for myself and I score myself a 5.5/7

    1 point for spot on days, 0.5 for mostly great days which are still on goal but possibly overeating my calories a little.

    Today I lost 1 point as i caved and had some chocolate I was given as a present. But I’m still not upset, which feels really nice. I did an epic job this week and am really proud.

    1st week of the new year and new me down. Ready and pumping for more!

    I hope you all did well and feel great. Even if not, tomorrow is another day!

    I quite like the idea of point scoring! Do you write it down in a notebook or something?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Have been lurking here for a while but would love to join even though I’m maintaining - is that ok? UK based single mum of two young children and full time worker.

    Kids are with their dad today so JFT:

    Do home workout - done
    Do grocery shopping
    Take time for a coffee out alone
    Pack school bags and get uniforms ready for return to school
    Muscle soak bath
    Get to bed early

    Yay another UK based! Lol where abouts in the UK?
    How old are your kids?
    I have a 4 and 18m old and another due in 8 weeks!
    So not really doing goals atm..

    And of course it’s okay to come here to maintain! I think sometimes that’s the hardest bit, a lot of people lose weight and when they hit their goal they don’t keep up the work and before they know it they’ve piled on pounds again!

    Good luck :)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2018
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    1/6 Saturday JFT:

    ✔▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ✔▪Post JFT
    ✔▪Manage Saturday Chores
    ✔▪Review next week's schedule
    ✔▪Organize office
    ❌▪Read ONE research article (5 total)
    ❌▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ❌▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    Well the good news, my office is finally organized but it took all day! :lol: We had dinner late bc my hubby was busy working on the remodel and asked if we could have a late dinner. So my plans we kinda "play it by ear" yesterday. We only have 15 weekends to finish our complete remodel before the baby arrives, so that is our priority right now. I'm excited about the remodel though. We are building a nursery, updating all bathrooms and living room, remodeling the kitchen, building a teen suite and a gym. :joy::joy: So when the baby arrives and the doctor clears my exercise, I'm "hitting" the home gym to lose the baby weight plus down size from prepregnancy weight! Needless to say, there is light at the end of the tunnel to all this "play it by ear" weekends!

    1/7 Sunday JFT:

    ▪Breakfast w/ family
    ▪Self pampering
    ▪Relax and rest (I'm achy from yesterday)
    ▪Read ONE research article (5 total)
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,513 Member
    edited January 2018
    Recap Sat. 1/6 - Plans were very fluid for Sat., decided with hubby once he was fully awake from 2nd shift. SIL & BIL changed minds, it's too cold to drive 1 1/2 hours (currently 6F), so they are staying home instead of visiting. I had a suspicion. So now the plans are...
    1) Already walked 3 miles on treadmill / 54:13 without pushing too hard & felt good! :smiley:
    2) Make chili for supper & get chop suey meats out of freezer for tomorrow = Done & done :smiley:
    3) Put away presents and take down real tree in family room = Well...organized presents & even moved some to proper room at least / ornaments off tree and boxed, but lights still on. Move to Sunday. :#
    4) Find last weekly w-i post from 2017 JFT and update...I plan on doing the same @joan6630! For me, making it public last year really kicked me into gear, since that's when I consistently started to lose weight. Thanks for that! = Done :smiley:
    5) Remember to drink & track water...I'm not so good at home, since I'm doing stuff and don't keep water bottle at my fingertips all day. = 14c water. :smiley:

    JFT Sunday 1/7
    1) Bible class resumes & church = Done :smiley:
    2) Finish taking down tree & out to curb / maybe put away fake tree
    3) Walk 3 miles on treadmill (I really want to be lazy today so on list)
    4) Make chop suey for supper / net calories green / 12c water
    5) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    So, Just for Today (Saturday)
    • I will journal all food intake. :)
    • I will drink 8 cups of water. ;)Did better than yesterday, so I'm taking that as progress
    • I will do 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of stretching and/or weights. :/Didn't feel good yesterday. Rested a lot.
    • I will think before speaking today, as I'm feeling a bit irritable. I think I must have allergies to something in the house...woke up with puffy, itchy, watery eyes and headachy. :)Was careful not to snap at anyone.
    • I will mark one thing off my to-do list. :) Laundry done
    • I will eat more protein and less sugar. :)
    • Start over honestly on the Beck Diet Solution book and plan. :# Moving this forward to today.

    Well, yesterday was pretty much a bust. But I didn't dig into chocolate and I didn't bite anyone's head off when they talked to me (and I was feeling pretty lousy so this was actually quite an accomplishment), so it wasn't all bad, right? :mrgreen:

    Hoping for a better day today.

    Just for Sunday, I WILL:
    • journal everything I eat.
    • increase my water intake from yesterday.
    • hit my step goal.
    • be mindful of my food choices.
    • meal plan for week and make grocery list
    • prep snacks for the week so I can grab and go
    • rewrite my Beck's diet index cards in truthful words that will really hit me when I read them.
    • unplug today except for MFP. No Facebook, no Amazon shopping, no Twitter...no drama.
    • write in my gratitude journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, and I will read out of my Simple Abundance book before bed.

    I have a question for you guys. I do not like veggies without some sort of dip. Does anyone out there have healthy alternatives to Dill Dip or Sour-cream based dips? I know guacamole is really fattening but it's kind of good for you isn't it? Or what about hummus? Fattening? Maybe I need to stick with my Walden Farms Creamy Bacon dressing, but I sure miss dip...

    Have a great Sunday!!!

    Tracie in Green Bay, still trying to come to terms with the Packers not being in the playoffs this weekend. :cry:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Yay another UK based! Lol where abouts in the UK?
    How old are your kids?
    I have a 4 and 18m old and another due in 8 weeks!
    So not really doing goals atm..

    And of course it’s okay to come here to maintain! I think sometimes that’s the hardest bit, a lot of people lose weight and when they hit their goal they don’t keep up the work and before they know it they’ve piled on pounds again!

    Good luck :)

    Thanks! I’m in London. Two girls aged 6 and 8 although they both have birthdays next month (argh cake central!)

    Definitely find maintenance tricky. I’m very “all or nothing” so I am great at hitting it hard to lose but struggle to find a bit of balance. Hoping to stay mindful about it all by coming on here daily and having goals that are not just about diet.

    Nice to connect with a fellow Brit Mum on here! X

    My 4yos birthday is next week and fortunately i didnt plan a party because she's just erupted in chicken pox today!
    I didn't fancy doing a party anyway, I'll be 33 weeks and don't have the energy to climb the stairs! never mind run after about 15 kids lol

    I'm all the way up in Manchester, well South Manchester!

    I'm kind of the same, if i put my mind to it i can get far but there's no balance at all lol
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2018
    @OConnell5483 I like hummus as a dip. I usually steam my veggies instead of eating them raw then I do not add anything to them. I also will bake some veggies in chicken broth in the oven and that makes them taste wonderful :blush: (Just add enough broth to come up just before covering the veggies and bake around 375°F For ~ 20 min.)

    I usually cook: corn, carrots, peas, green beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, occasionally broccoli, artichokes, edamame, zuchini and squash. I also like taking fresh spinach putting it in a skillet with a small amount of Olive oil or butter and lemon juice. Then I cook it until it is wilted. My hubby and I like this but my kiddos do not, lol!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    So, Just for Today (Saturday)
    • I will journal all food intake. :)
    • I will drink 8 cups of water. ;)Did better than yesterday, so I'm taking that as progress
    • I will do 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of stretching and/or weights. :/Didn't feel good yesterday. Rested a lot.
    • I will think before speaking today, as I'm feeling a bit irritable. I think I must have allergies to something in the house...woke up with puffy, itchy, watery eyes and headachy. :)Was careful not to snap at anyone.
    • I will mark one thing off my to-do list. :) Laundry done
    • I will eat more protein and less sugar. :)
    • Start over honestly on the Beck Diet Solution book and plan. :# Moving this forward to today.

    Well, yesterday was pretty much a bust. But I didn't dig into chocolate and I didn't bite anyone's head off when they talked to me (and I was feeling pretty lousy so this was actually quite an accomplishment), so it wasn't all bad, right? :mrgreen:

    Hoping for a better day today.

    Just for Sunday, I WILL:
    • journal everything I eat.
    • increase my water intake from yesterday.
    • hit my step goal.
    • be mindful of my food choices.
    • meal plan for week and make grocery list
    • prep snacks for the week so I can grab and go
    • rewrite my Beck's diet index cards in truthful words that will really hit me when I read them.
    • unplug today except for MFP. No Facebook, no Amazon shopping, no Twitter...no drama.
    • write in my gratitude journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, and I will read out of my Simple Abundance book before bed.

    I have a question for you guys. I do not like veggies without some sort of dip. Does anyone out there have healthy alternatives to Dill Dip or Sour-cream based dips? I know guacamole is really fattening but it's kind of good for you isn't it? Or what about hummus? Fattening? Maybe I need to stick with my Walden Farms Creamy Bacon dressing, but I sure miss dip...

    Have a great Sunday!!!

    Tracie in Green Bay, still trying to come to terms with the Packers not being in the playoffs this weekend. :cry:

    Have a recipe I like. At gym now. Pester me if you don't hear from me within like 2 hrs?
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Spaghetti sauce and zoodles. Yum.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    So, Just for Today (Saturday)
    • I will journal all food intake. :)
    • I will drink 8 cups of water. ;)Did better than yesterday, so I'm taking that as progress
    • I will do 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of stretching and/or weights. :/Didn't feel good yesterday. Rested a lot.
    • I will think before speaking today, as I'm feeling a bit irritable. I think I must have allergies to something in the house...woke up with puffy, itchy, watery eyes and headachy. :)Was careful not to snap at anyone.
    • I will mark one thing off my to-do list. :) Laundry done
    • I will eat more protein and less sugar. :)
    • Start over honestly on the Beck Diet Solution book and plan. :# Moving this forward to today.

    Well, yesterday was pretty much a bust. But I didn't dig into chocolate and I didn't bite anyone's head off when they talked to me (and I was feeling pretty lousy so this was actually quite an accomplishment), so it wasn't all bad, right? :mrgreen:

    Hoping for a better day today.

    Just for Sunday, I WILL:
    • journal everything I eat.
    • increase my water intake from yesterday.
    • hit my step goal.
    • be mindful of my food choices.
    • meal plan for week and make grocery list
    • prep snacks for the week so I can grab and go
    • rewrite my Beck's diet index cards in truthful words that will really hit me when I read them.
    • unplug today except for MFP. No Facebook, no Amazon shopping, no Twitter...no drama.
    • write in my gratitude journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, and I will read out of my Simple Abundance book before bed.

    I have a question for you guys. I do not like veggies without some sort of dip. Does anyone out there have healthy alternatives to Dill Dip or Sour-cream based dips? I know guacamole is really fattening but it's kind of good for you isn't it? Or what about hummus? Fattening? Maybe I need to stick with my Walden Farms Creamy Bacon dressing, but I sure miss dip...

    Have a great Sunday!!!

    Tracie in Green Bay, still trying to come to terms with the Packers not being in the playoffs this weekend. :cry:

    Have a recipe I like. At gym now. Pester me if you don't hear from me within like 2 hrs?

    Avocado is good fat. Hummus is yummy.