
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - I sometimes go through my old photos. Larry does not share my enthusiasm for the most part. I have a photo from my Mom and Dad that I don't even know who it is. I keep it because it makes me smile when I remember my Aunt's response when asked about it.
    Your poor DH. It must feel like he has been rejected 2x. First she gives him away and then she doesn't want to meet him. I am glad that he has a good adoptive family.

    Evie in Buffalo Grove - We can do this together. The ladies are such a wonderful support system.

    Pip - What a Streak! I am always amazed by you and by Lillian. She is into curling season now.

    Cathy - Looks like you are doing great with weight loss. Congratulations.

    Yesterday I go to spend some time with Jheri. It was some much needed Mom/daughter time. We shopped, we laughed, we talked, we coffeed. I did run out of energy (it frustrates me so bad when this body gives out). I was glad for the invitation to supper at her house. Larry took Greysyn off to the new Star Wars movie. I coloured and cuddled with Keira. She requested one of "Her" stories for bed. As I tell the story she corrects it to exactly how she wants it. Apparently "We are going to be friends until you die" Ryan (DSIL) told her that she shouldn't say that. She says "Why not? It's true. Grandma will die some time but it shouldn't be for a very long time because she has to see me graduate and get married and be famous" Oh, how I love that girl.

    I was busy today. Baking, cooking, recycling, going to a movie, doing my Spanish duolingo. I planned on going to church today but found myself still in pjs at 1. I decided to read my Bible instead. I phoned a long time friend for her birthday today. She was very excited to talk and talk we did for almost 2 hrs. Note to self - more calls and visits. I didn't know what to say when she told me that they had bought a 5th wheel and were looking forward to camping. Maybe with us. I haven't shared with her what is happening and today wasn't the day. Will camping be in my future this summer? I guess we will have to see.

    Good night world.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge where the temperatures are supposed to plunge again.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I'm collecting some running songs for a play list on my phone. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Songs with a good, regular, upbeat beat. I've found three so far, but would love to get at least 30 minutes worth. :D
    I'm so annoyed about them changing the app. :grumble:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I can listen to music when I run on the treadmill, but not on the road. Too dizzy!

    However, when I'm on the treadmill, I grabbed a collection of choices from my husband ...

    Tina Turner - The Best
    Little River Band - Playing to Win
    Angry Anderson - Bound for Glory
    Mark Williams - Show No Mercy
    Quiet Rio - Winners Take All
    Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
    Jefferson Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
    Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down to Georgia

    and others. :)

    M in Oz
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Back home now to freezing Liverpool, I am glad to be home which is unusual for me as I love my Spanish Christmas sojourn. Still coughing a bit but appetite seems to be returning. Missed a lot of posts will try to catch up.
    Welcome to all newbies especially our new UK ladies

    Looking forward to gym and regular exercise one "advantage" to being sick is I dont seem to have put on any weight

    Kate UK <3

    Welcome back to a cold UK! Not as cold as in parts of the US though! Hope your cough improves soon.
    All the best
    Karen UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Today (Monday) was a bit of a whirlwind!

    I was up really early (for me) to get the bus into town and then to walk to the university ... and arrived really early for my lecture. I'll go in a little bit later tomorrow. I did have time to pick up a huge black coffee ... and I needed every drop for that lecture. 3 hours!!

    Then I had some errands to run & lunch to eat ... and a quiz to study for. The course is set up so that we have a lecture in the mornings and after our break we immediately have a quiz. And then we go into our tutorials and have to submit our work on the tutorials for marks at the end of the tutorial.

    It's intense!

    When got home, I made dinner, did laundry, and downloaded the data analysis software we're using for this course on my two computers and have got it going on both. One I will take with me to the university tomorrow so I can work on this stuff during my break.

    I have some cycling club stuff I really wanted to get to this evening, but it just didn't happen!

    I didn't sleep well last night ... probably a bit nervous about all this, plus it was warm and humid which is a bit uncomfortable. Fortunately tonight is cooler and I'm tired, so I'm hoping I'll sleep better. And I must start heading that direction now!

    Oh ... I had more than enough food with me: banana, apple, several different granola bars, tuna and crackers, cheese and crackers ... I didn't eat it all. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Greetings Ladies - I had a good weekend. I was hungry all day yesterday and snacked my way through the evening (stayed within my cals, but goodness I ate a lot of crap). I was down a lb this morning and I will take it. For the longest time, the hubs and I would stop and get a diet beverage on the weekends (both days) while we were out running errands. I wasn't losing much if any weight over the weekends. I finally connected the extra diet beverage (I have a diet pepsi in the morning, I'm not a coffee drinker) to not losing. When I switched it up and got iced tea instead, I started losing on the weekends again. That is the only change I made. I think my body just doesn't like the extra carbonation or something.

    As for sheets, I'm with Cathy, I wash them and put them back on. I have an extra set that are folded and in my linen closet, but I just wash them and put them back on until they are ready for the rag bin and then get the "new" ones out of the linen cabinet. I do the same thing with my towels, I wash them and hang them back in the bathroom. I have extras in the linen cabinet, but don't use them either.

    Sharon - so glad you got to spend time with your daughter. Your grandkids sound great! I love hearing stories about them.

    Terry - love the jewelry and your creativity. I have not one crafty bone in my body. I can organize you to the nth degree, but I can't craft to save my life.

    Machka - Hope school went well today for you.

    Have a great week ladies! Hugs to those that need them!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited January 2018
    As for sheets, I'm with Cathy, I wash them and put them back on. I have an extra set that are folded and in my linen closet, but I just wash them and put them back on until they are ready for the rag bin and then get the "new" ones out of the linen cabinet. I do the same thing with my towels, I wash them and hang them back in the bathroom. I have extras in the linen cabinet, but don't use them either.

    I usually can't wash mine and put them back on ... they'd be wet!!

    We don't have a dryer, dryers aren't really a thing here in Australia. So we line dry everything. If I get a really good sheet drying day, I can have them in by the end of the day, but sometimes they stay out overnight ... other times they have to come in and get draped over an indoor drying rack.

    Edit - and see my post above yours for how my day went. :) Thanks for asking!!

    M in Oz
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Rita, you are my twin! My house is livable. Anyone who comes to see me in my home knows what to expect. The most sweeping that is done is around the litter box and that is only because I don't like walking on dirty kitty litter and trading it all over the house.

    Joyce, Indiana.

    If we get ti Indiana in our travels, I’ll have to look you up!