JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »

    JFT Sunday
    • Log all food eaten
    • 64 oz water
    • 10K steps
    • Meet with daughter for financial planning lesson we are making this a weekly event
    • Create encumbrance adj for Nov Financial Statements - worked on it - not done yet
    • Start clearing the desk at old job. (6 official days left) Yep, started. Can accumulate a lot of junk in 13 years

    Oooh! I DO like crossing things off. <3:)

    I love that idea! Crossing things off just feels good, doesn't it? LOL!

    I love the idea of you working with your daughter for financial planning lessons. I have an adult child who is an absolute financial dumbass and I seriously need to sit down with him to create a budget! But he won't do it... :dizzy:
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Day 3: Accomplished everything with (again) exception of water. However, I did not do JFT on Sunday, and I did actually drink 4.5 cups so yea for me.

    Personal success: About to eat healthy snack; noticed it was after my allotted time to stop eating and inner voice said, "Just put it away" and so I did!

    Monday, 1/5 Personal weekly weigh in: 174, down from 177
    I will drink 4.5 cups of water
    I will do 15 minutes of stretching
    I will do 30 minutes of band work.
    I will complete my online lesson
    I will record my food on mfp
    I will stand firm.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Okay sussed the CP dilemma.
    It was as simple as she didn’t like the lotion.

    So went and bought a gel based one called Virasoothe and when I got in the door she was practically begging me to put it on! Poor thing!
    But I’m not taking any nonsense off her, she was writhing around on the sofa screaming and I just told her to get up on her feet or I wouldn’t help her. She soon stood up and let me take her top off and I got the cream on straight away. Can’t be dealing with massive over reactions like that. I know she’s only 4 but my god, I ain’t got time for that and I told her so!
    Things are difficult enough without her doing that, but at least she’s got the right cream for her and we can move forward hopefully.
    I need to treat it because I’m at high risk for being pregnant, fortunately having it as a child myself makes me immune but it can have an affect on the baby (at this stage I think baby can be born with it - no growth problems or anything like that) but hopefully the baby should just miss the infection!

    The house is now calm. And I’m gonna need about a gallon of tea to relax lol!
    I’m not gonna have goals til next week I reckon. Just need to sort this out!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    missheidi wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Okay so this is TOTALLY off topic but I’m at a bit of a loose end!

    My eldest has chicken pox. I have calamine lotion.
    She is point blank refusing to have any put on to the point where she is hysterical. She doesn’t even like me looking at her tummy or back to check them. She won’t actually let me without a major meltdown.
    It’s just took me 20 minutes to do about 15 spots on her face and that was with the promise of chocolate and she was defiant throughout. I had to take it one spot at a time but I can’t do that on her whole body.

    So any tips? Ideas? Help? To get her to show me and let me put it on her? I’ve tried talking to her but she can’t tell me why she doesn’t like it.

    how old is she?
    is it because it looks weird or feels funny after?
    cool bath with the oatmeal stuff...ohhh, can't remember the name. starts with an A. Avedo?
    Give her oral Benedryl to help with the itching as well. there is also benedryl cream, but if she is little, don't do both. Calamine smells a little strange as well.

    She’s 4 next week.
    All I can gather is that she doesn’t like the spots and doesn’t want me to look at them let alone touch them.
    It took ages to get her to agree to change her clothes. It’s really getting to her and Im just not sure how I can help her.
    I get that she feels unwell but I’m not sure why she doesn’t want me to try help her?

    Yeah it’s Aveeno, my partner forgot to buy it, so going to nip out again later and get it or maybe tomorrow because it’s nearly her bedtime (it’s 6pm here, having our tea soon)

    She seems to say that it hurts more than it itches (although I have caught her scratching and trying to pick) and then she gets upset when I tell her not to. I’ve shown her my eyebrow from when I was 2, I have a chicken pox scar from picking.
    It must be just too much for her to understand.

    Just trying to scope when Marley will catch it.
    I’ve got a feeling she might be a bit easier to deal with. Less defiant anyway.

    Four is so hard to understand. And the spots are pretty sensitive to touch. I'd try some Benedryl and maybe she can rest a bit.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    @saragirl2 Thank you for the kind words on my weekly w-i post. :blush: I debated whether to edit down (who
    wants to read all that?) but it helps me to review my trend and patterns, to see that life happens. It also reminds me that losing weight takes time, and allows me to cut myself some slack once in a while. That's why I have no target dates set...as long as the overall trend is what I'm trying to achieve, everything is good. :)

    Oooh! Don't edit it down! It helps me a lot to look at how far you have come at a steady pace. I find it really inspiring too! :)
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Off topic, but i'm not sure how to do this.
    I've used MFP for years, but I still can't figure out how to count, if I made a giant pot of soup, how to figure out the calories and stuff. I don't KNOW how many servings, I just throw stuff in until the pot is full or i run out of stuff. I've been just finding something close in the lists, but I'd like to know my own too.
    Does anyone know the best way?
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member

    @saragirl2 Thank you for the kind words on my weekly w-i post. :blush: I debated whether to edit down (who
    wants to read all that?) but it helps me to review my trend and patterns, to see that life happens. It also reminds me that losing weight takes time, and allows me to cut myself some slack once in a while. That's why I have no target dates set...as long as the overall trend is what I'm trying to achieve, everything is good. :)

    Oooh! Don't edit it down! It helps me a lot to look at how far you have come at a steady pace. I find it really inspiring too! :)

    Thank you! That means a lot to me. :smiley:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    I’m so jealous of all those with home gyms..
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Off topic, but i'm not sure how to do this.
    I've used MFP for years, but I still can't figure out how to count, if I made a giant pot of soup, how to figure out the calories and stuff. I don't KNOW how many servings, I just throw stuff in until the pot is full or i run out of stuff. I've been just finding something close in the lists, but I'd like to know my own too.
    Does anyone know the best way?

    Have you used the "recipe" builder. I do that - you just add all the ingredients, add the servings, and it will calculate for you. Sometimes I have to guess as to the servings, but this is what I try to do.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Off topic, but i'm not sure how to do this.
    I've used MFP for years, but I still can't figure out how to count, if I made a giant pot of soup, how to figure out the calories and stuff. I don't KNOW how many servings, I just throw stuff in until the pot is full or i run out of stuff. I've been just finding something close in the lists, but I'd like to know my own too.
    Does anyone know the best way?

    I've got the same problems with some family recipes. If I can find something similar in MFP, I use that, but that can be a guess as well. What I usually do: create the recipe in MFP and enter all the ingredients, then guestimate how many servings that should be. I figure I'm usually close, not exact, and that's ok with me. As long as I have a ballpark figure to use because nothing is really EXACT in any of my logs. I don't often weigh my food either, just sometimes.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Sunday, I WILL:
    • journal everything I eat. :)
    • increase my water intake from yesterday. :)
    • hit my step goal. :(
    • be mindful of my food choices. :)
    • meal plan for week and make grocery list :)
    • prep snacks for the week so I can grab and go :)Only prepped for today's work lunch/snacks but that's all I needed to do right now so I'm counting it as a win! (Giving myself credit...Beck Diet Solutions).
    • rewrite my Beck's diet index cards in truthful words that will really hit me when I read them. :)
    • unplug today except for MFP. No Facebook, no Amazon shopping, no Twitter...no drama. :)
    • write in my gratitude journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, and I will read out of my Simple Abundance book before bed. :)

    I think the baby steps for me is the way to go. I only have one :frowning: on my list which is rare for me lately! Today when I was getting dressed for work, my "fat pants" as I call them, did not fit! They were tight! WTH? NOT acceptable. No way. So, I have read my Beck Diet index cards three times already today and am eating my pre-logged, prepacked healthy lunch.

    Just for Monday (1/8):
    • Journal every bite
    • Drink more water than yesterday
    • Reach my step goal
    • Only eat sitting down, put down my fork between every bite and be mindful while eating,
    • Prep for work tomorrow, tonight (clothes, breakfast/lunch/snacks packed and pre-logged)
    • Stop at the store on the way home and pick up January birthday cards
    • Listen to Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily podcasts
    • Bed one hour early to read Simple Abundance, write 5 things in gratitude journal that I'm grateful for today and catch up in my bullet journal.
    • Get up tomorrow without pressing snooze button 4,872,287 times!!!!!

    Welcome to our new members! So glad to see you! Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for more support. I'm not so good at taking my advice, but I'm really really good at giving it! :mrgreen:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    Off topic, but i'm not sure how to do this.
    I've used MFP for years, but I still can't figure out how to count, if I made a giant pot of soup, how to figure out the calories and stuff. I don't KNOW how many servings, I just throw stuff in until the pot is full or i run out of stuff. I've been just finding something close in the lists, but I'd like to know my own too.
    Does anyone know the best way?

    For my home cooked meals, I have a food scale. I take the time at least once to weigh everything and individually add it into "My Meals" or My Recipes." It is very time consuming but you only have to do it once and then it'll always be there.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    I didn't think i knew about the recipe thing, but i have three other entries in there, so apparently I knew about it sometime. I did learn that I need to adjust the recipe a bit to cut down the carbs.
  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    I didn't think i knew about the recipe thing, but i have three other entries in there, so apparently I knew about it sometime. I did learn that I need to adjust the recipe a bit to cut down the carbs.

    This is the best part of using the mfp recipe builder -- like MLHC1 said, I also use a food scale to weigh everything once, then enter it into mfp. That way, I can see what the macros are per serving, and this does help with adjusting recipes to make them more low-carb/keto-friendly. :)
  • hadasul
    hadasul Posts: 16 Member
    jft monday -
    log all food - yup
    stay green - yes!
    go to sleep by 11 pm - 5 minutes to go :o
    eat a salad - yes!

    jft tuesday -
    log everything
    stay green
    dance a little or go for a walk
    eat a salad
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @Bex953172 What if you get her to do it herself? Even put some on you? On her dolls? Both of you use mirrors and pretend you're doing your makeup? An oatmeal/colloidal bath?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @Bex953172 What if you get her to do it herself? Even put some on you? On her dolls? Both of you use mirrors and pretend you're doing your makeup? An oatmeal/colloidal bath?

    Tried it. I said it was like body paint and she looked at me as if I was stupid hahah
    I bought a different thing, it’s a gel rather than the lotion and she doesn’t mind that.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Just for Sunday, I WILL:
    • journal everything I eat. :)
    • increase my water intake from yesterday. :)
    • hit my step goal. :(
    • be mindful of my food choices. :)
    • meal plan for week and make grocery list :)
    • prep snacks for the week so I can grab and go :)Only prepped for today's work lunch/snacks but that's all I needed to do right now so I'm counting it as a win! (Giving myself credit...Beck Diet Solutions).
    • rewrite my Beck's diet index cards in truthful words that will really hit me when I read them. :)
    • unplug today except for MFP. No Facebook, no Amazon shopping, no Twitter...no drama. :)
    • write in my gratitude journal 5 things I'm grateful for today, and I will read out of my Simple Abundance book before bed. :)

    I think the baby steps for me is the way to go. I only have one :frowning: on my list which is rare for me lately! Today when I was getting dressed for work, my "fat pants" as I call them, did not fit! They were tight! WTH? NOT acceptable. No way. So, I have read my Beck Diet index cards three times already today and am eating my pre-logged, prepacked healthy lunch.

    Just for Monday (1/8):
    • Journal every bite
    • Drink more water than yesterday
    • Reach my step goal
    • Only eat sitting down, put down my fork between every bite and be mindful while eating,
    • Prep for work tomorrow, tonight (clothes, breakfast/lunch/snacks packed and pre-logged)
    • Stop at the store on the way home and pick up January birthday cards
    • Listen to Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily podcasts
    • Bed one hour early to read Simple Abundance, write 5 things in gratitude journal that I'm grateful for today and catch up in my bullet journal.
    • Get up tomorrow without pressing snooze button 4,872,287 times!!!!!

    Welcome to our new members! So glad to see you! Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for more support. I'm not so good at taking my advice, but I'm really really good at giving it! :mrgreen:

    good luck on the snooze button!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @OConnell5483 what do you set your alarm on? Phone?

    Could you put it out of reach so to turn it off you have to get out of bed?