JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @missheidi and @Bex953172 I set it on my phone. I really think if I could just fall asleep at a half-way decent hour, I'd be able to get up earlier. But I struggle falling asleep.

    Actually, one of my 2018 goals is to get up earlier and walk before work. It just might take me until December 28, 2018 to achieve it, but it's something I'm really trying to make a habit.

    I figure the first baby step is to actually get up without hitting snooze... Bex, I won't hear it if I move it too far away. I keep the volume pretty low because I try not to wake my husband up with it since he's retired.

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @OConnell5483 Have you tried drinking a cup of chamomile tea or bedtime tea after dinner? These always helped me get to sleep. I use to have trouble getting to bed at a decent time bc I drank to much caffeine or was up stressing over everything. My hubby like a his tea with a teaspoon of honey and lemon.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    1. Stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Do 10 mins yoga :p (I’m so sore after all my exercises this week, so did 4 mins max - a few really gentle sun salutations! Conscious of not overdoing it and then not being able to walk tomorrow)
    3. Do circuit type workout with personal trainer :)
    4. Walk for 1hr at lunchtime (I have downloaded podcasts to listen to whilst walking in preparation - so no excuses!) :| (I did half an hour, it’s just not going to work for me fitting an hour lunch in my hectic workday. Can definitely commit to 20 mins though when a lunch walk is my goal - think it’s also easier when I’m walking to somewhere rather than just pacing about trying to go my time! Will choose a nice cafe/shop 10 mins away- just for a browse...then walk back)

    3 out of 4 achieved (half achieved goals 2 & 4).

    1. Stick to calorie goal
    2. Do yoga class
    3. Walk dogs

    Awesome job!! :blush:
    A 20 min. walk during lunch is a wonderful idea!! It's all about rearranging things to accomadate an achievable healthy daily lifestyle, not just a quick burn. Don't over do it, ease back into things. Before you know it, you'll be hitting all your goals!! :lol:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    @missheidi and @Bex953172 I set it on my phone. I really think if I could just fall asleep at a half-way decent hour, I'd be able to get up earlier. But I struggle falling asleep.

    Actually, one of my 2018 goals is to get up earlier and walk before work. It just might take me until December 28, 2018 to achieve it, but it's something I'm really trying to make a habit.

    I figure the first baby step is to actually get up without hitting snooze... Bex, I won't hear it if I move it too far away. I keep the volume pretty low because I try not to wake my husband up with it since he's retired.


    I go to bed at a decent time and still hit the snooze.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2018
    I figure the first baby step is to actually get up without hitting snooze... Bex, I won't hear it if I move it too far away. I keep the volume pretty low because I try not to wake my husband up with it since he's retired.


    I was the same way - I wouldn't even hear the alarm! We tend to stay up late, so for me to get up at even 7:30 was very hard, especially since we don't get to bed much before midnight or 1am (and I rarely can sleep at nite). Going to bed earlier did not work either ... because we couldn't get to sleep, and since hubby is a late nite person, we were both just tired. Hubby didn't want me to even set a alarm because then it woke him up. But ... I did it anyhow. It actually took me about 2 weeks, and I found I was waking up before the alarm even went off. But .... it also is so easy to just fall back asleep, so I don't want to lose this habit. Now though, it has become a habit of mine to get to the gym, and the days I don't go, I truly miss it. So keep doing what you are doing ..... you will be surprised how quickly this can become a habit. Even just the getting up part .... and sit and have a nice cup of coffee in the quiet. Once warmer temps get here ... you will love that nice walk in the quietness of the morning!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    The house is now calm. And I’m gonna need about a gallon of tea to relax lol!
    I’m not gonna have goals til next week I reckon. Just need to sort this out!

    OMG - not fun I'm sure!! I can still remember when our kids got the chicken pox. You be careful for yourself, and hopefully your little one will not catch it1

    And for the home gyms ..... I used to have an ellipitical, and found myself only using it to hang clothes on! I had such good intentions. Before that .... a exercise bike .... a rowing machine .... etc. So for me, I need to either go outside and walk, or get myself to a gym! No motivation for me I guess!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited January 2018
    Last year I did OK with losing weight ..... I did not reach the goals I wanted because I lost the motivation around Halloween, but I still got almost 25 pounds off. This year .... I am struggling to get/stay motivated -- and its only January. I really want to lose those last 20 pounds, and I don't want to wait until springtime to decide I better buckle down.

    So tonite I was trying to think of what I did last year that was differen than what I am doing this year, and I came up with a list. I'm going to keep this list handy to remind myself of why I was successful last year, and what it takes.

    If any of you have more ideas, I would love to hear them. I think for all of us, January usually is a high motivation month, and I get frustrated that I am struggling so soon. So hoping to change this around quickly - and this year, reach that goal.

    Here is my list.
    1. brush/floss my teeth after dinner to keep from snacking
    2. carry my water bottle with me everywhere.... even in the car
    3. eat a apple or something light before going out to eat
    4. don't let myself get so starved that I eat mindlessly. Eat small meals often
    5. chew gum
    6. drink flavored water in the evenings. Evenings are my hardest time. I can be perfect all day, only to ruin it in the evenings
    7. when I crave something ..... wait 10 minutes...... distract myself by cleaning out a closet, folding clothes, calling a friend, do anything for at least 10 minutes (I had even made a list of distractions)
    8. eat slowly
    9. think before I eat ..... Ask myself are the calories worth it
    10. log all food everyday ... no matter what I eat
    11. weigh at least once a week, and write it down.

    Any more ideas of what you do to help to succeed?
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
    @Bex953172 I hope your daughter is starting to feel a little better so exhausting sick kid and pregnant

    JFYesterday I will (1/8)- Monday
    1. Initial Assessment for new fitness program :)
    2. drink 6 bottles of water :)
    3. Get 16,500 steps :) ended up with 19,120 :D nice surprise
    4. log EVERYTHING I eat :D
    5. Stay green:) (technically... but it includes all my exercise calories so...)
    6. Check Weight :)
    7. Wake up by 0530 to meet all prework goals :)
    8. Take progress pictures :)
    9. Measurements :)

    Yesterday was a great day I hope to carry the momentum through today :)

    JFToday I will (1/9)- Tuesday
    1. Assigned Workout :)
    2. drink 6 bottles of water
    3. Get 17,000 steps
    4. log EVERYTHING I eat
    5. Stay green
    6. Wake up by 0530 to do both assigned work out and challenge work out :)
    7. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
    8. redo measurements :)
    9. Laundry

    JFTomorrow I will (1/10)- Wednesday
    1. Assigned Workout
    2. drink 6 bottles of water
    3. Get 20,000 steps
    4. log EVERYTHING I eat
    5. Stay green
    6. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
    7. Challenge Video
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    The house is now calm. And I’m gonna need about a gallon of tea to relax lol!
    I’m not gonna have goals til next week I reckon. Just need to sort this out!

    OMG - not fun I'm sure!! I can still remember when our kids got the chicken pox. You be careful for yourself, and hopefully your little one will not catch it1

    And for the home gyms ..... I used to have an ellipitical, and found myself only using it to hang clothes on! I had such good intentions. Before that .... a exercise bike .... a rowing machine .... etc. So for me, I need to either go outside and walk, or get myself to a gym! No motivation for me I guess!

    I’m pretty sure Marley will get it too. They share a bedroom and are together all day. It only takes 15 mins of being in the same room as an infected person to catch it apparently. But takes a few day to surface.
    Saskia caught it from a pantomime!!
    It took me ages to figure it out because we stay in over the holidays and just do family stuff, so she’s only been exposed to us. And there was one day my parents took her to a panto. And clearly one of the parents took their sick kid probably because they didn’t want to “waste money” by not going.
    I can’t stand things like that. I don’t like germs haha I hate it when she’s playing and I can see the other kid has a cold lol. I don’t stop them playing because that’s taking it too far but it makes me so on edge.

    Also as for your list...

    I personally find chewing gum makes me more hungry. I’m sure by chewing something (but not swallowing) you activate your digestive system because your body thinks you’re about to eat so it prepares for food, (think the first sign is you salivate more whilst chewing)

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    edited January 2018
    JFY (Monday, 1/8/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Go to the gym (30 minute circuit, 30 minutes on treadmill) :)
    5. Complete 4 orders from my shop :D (also started on a couple others for Tuesday)

    JFT (Tuesday, 1/9/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Shovel some snow (Is it Spring yet?!?!)
    5. Finish up 4 additional orders from my shop
    6. Help my oldest clean out part of his bureau (Ongoing effort to clean his room!)
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Last year I did OK with losing weight ..... I did not reach the goals I wanted because I lost the motivation around Halloween, but I still got almost 25 pounds off. This year .... I am struggling to get/stay motivated -- and its only January. I really want to lose those last 20 pounds, and I don't want to wait until springtime to decide I better buckle down.

    So tonite I was trying to think of what I did last year that was differen than what I am doing this year, and I came up with a list. I'm going to keep this list handy to remind myself of why I was successful last year, and what it takes.

    If any of you have more ideas, I would love to hear them. I think for all of us, January usually is a high motivation month, and I get frustrated that I am struggling so soon. So hoping to change this around quickly - and this year, reach that goal.

    Here is my list.
    1. brush/floss my teeth after dinner to keep from snacking
    2. carry my water bottle with me everywhere.... even in the car
    3. eat a apple or something light before going out to eat
    4. don't let myself get so starved that I eat mindlessly. Eat small meals often
    5. chew gum
    6. drink flavored water in the evenings. Evenings are my hardest time. I can be perfect all day, only to ruin it in the evenings
    7. when I crave something ..... wait 10 minutes...... distract myself by cleaning out a closet, folding clothes, calling a friend, do anything for at least 10 minutes (I had even made a list of distractions)
    8. eat slowly
    9. think before I eat ..... Ask myself are the calories worth it
    10. log all food everyday ... no matter what I eat
    11. weigh at least once a week, and write it down.

    Any more ideas of what you do to help to succeed?

    I have a board on Pinterest of motivational quotes that I'll go to and read whenever I start struggling with my weight loss. It helps remind me of why I'm on this journey (loooonnnnggg journey LOL).