Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    edited January 2018
    justlog wrote: »
    Had a chance today to listen to an hour conversation on NPR today about drinking and what is considered norm versus too much. Quite interesting.

    Here's a link to the podcast in the event you might be interested in listening to it.

    Alcohol is a unique legalized drug in American culture. It’s not a crime to consume in all states (unlike marijuana). There is little stigma attached to having a drink (unlike cigarettes). And it can be abused somewhat openly, even in the company of your co-workers (unlike opioids).

    Happy hour, anyone? Americans are drinking more than we used to. Much more.

    The biggest increases are among women, minorities and elderly people. An estimated 32 million adults in the U.S. binge drink weekly, according to the National Institutes of Health. The Centers for Disease Control say drinking at dangerous levels is responsible for as many as 88,000 deaths every year.

    We take a look at new trends in alcohol consumption and abuse and how to recognize when you should seek help for your happy hour habits.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    justlog wrote: »
    justlog wrote: »
    Had a chance today to listen to an hour conversation on NPR today about drinking and what is considered norm versus too much. Quite interesting.

    Here's a link to the podcast in the event you might be interested in listening to it.


    Alcohol is a unique legalized drug in American culture. It’s not a crime to consume in all states (unlike marijuana). There is little stigma attached to having a drink (unlike cigarettes). And it can be abused somewhat openly, even in the company of your co-workers (unlike opioids).

    Happy hour, anyone? Americans are drinking more than we used to. Much more.

    The biggest increases are among women, minorities and elderly people. An estimated 32 million adults in the U.S. binge drink weekly, according to the National Institutes of Health. The Centers for Disease Control say drinking at dangerous levels is responsible for as many as 88,000 deaths every year.

    We take a look at new trends in alcohol consumption and abuse and how to recognize when you should seek help for your happy hour habits.

    Excellent points! I was going to ask about the podcast you all were mentioning. Thanks for sharing! I know among my friends and teachers, we are all big wine drinkers. The habit is ingrained in some of us. I'm happy to be breaking it. Also, Tony Robbins videos on youtube have been helpful. My fitness pal friend mentioned it to me a week ago.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I will have a drink occasionally, but rarely more than one a day. Those I can fit into my calorie count by having a smaller portion, ie, 2 oz instead of 4 oz of wine--it's better than nothing, and I still get to explore the subtleties of a good wine or vodka. But sweets are my kryptonite! Another poster suggested she will total all her calories from alcohol. I need to go back and total my calories from sweets/sugar consumption. I'm sure it will be a not so pleasant revelation into why I'm not dropping pounds faster.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    NormInv wrote: »
    Listened to the meditation app last night for sleep. It made me fell asleep but the schmuck kept talking and woke me again. I need an assistant to turn it off

    Can you set a timer?

    Schmuck!! LOL!! :) I had to laugh at that....funny...sorry though that he woke you up...
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    A sad "bonus" today. This morning at 7 my daughter called. She lives a 4-hour drive away. Her best friend's husband is on life support and probably coming off in the next 2 days (30-year-old with kids 4 and 2--cancer). She asked if I could possibly come up this weekend to be with her kids while she goes through this with her friend. I was able to quickly reschedule a Dallas meeting for tomorrow (my daughter lives in Ft. Worth) so that I can be nearby and ready to pitch in Thursday through Sunday. While all of this is terribly sad, I was grateful that at 7 a.m. I was clear headed and able to go into "think through all the logistics" mode. And another thing is that I'm not thinking, "What will I do about drinking those 5 days I am away from home and in various hotels and homes? Should I pack wine? Vodka?" I realized that removing alcohol from the equation of my days and life is a real plus. I will definitely be checking this thread for support while traveling!

    Wow...great realization...I didn't even think about traveling and having to pack enough alcohol...That is a real plus. So sorry about your daughter's friend and husband...How awful...and the kids are so young...Careful driving and have a wonderful time with your grandchildren. Prayers for all of you! XOXO
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Weste wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    You guys are killing it.

    I am not.

    It was a rough weekend. In more ways than one.

    You know when your parents would say, "I'm not mad; I'm just disappointed," and that would really sting?

    I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. And kinda mad. I know I can be better.


    We all have those weekends. Press restart and begin anew! You can do it.

    My favourite saying is:

    "Winners are not people who never lose, but people who never quit"

    just keep trying!! you got this!

    Great saying!! also...Winners hang on and keep going even when the going gets tough...
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    Day 10. I know this isn't everybody's experience, but it feels pretty easy in week two. I'm pretty much out of the habit of the 6 p.m. glass (or two or three) of wine. I'm eating too much chocolate, though, LOL. If I could only get ALL the vices under control at one time!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    Day 10. I know this isn't everybody's experience, but it feels pretty easy in week two. I'm pretty much out of the habit of the 6 p.m. glass (or two or three) of wine. I'm eating too much chocolate, though, LOL. If I could only get ALL the vices under control at one time!

    It's been pretty easy for me so far. I've been in a mood for change and making goals and I've been sticking to all of them so far. I know that feeling won't last though (especially in about 2 weeks when PMS rears it's ugly head, lol) so I'm just going with it for now.
  • Cleosweetie
    Cleosweetie Posts: 71 Member
    Wow, @marybethhempel. That is amazing. Great job. And bless your heart for accomplishing that while your husband is still drinking a lot of wine right beside you. That is really impressive!
  • Cleosweetie
    Cleosweetie Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats, @kittybenn!
  • kcn2bluesky
    kcn2bluesky Posts: 187 Member
    Alcohol-free day for me yesterday again and feeling great every single day!

    @MaryBethHempel You are doing amazing! I think you may have mentioned you are your hubby are going to be reading This Naked Mind together? Have you started the book yet? I finished it yesterday and it’s truly helpful for anyone wanting to abstain from any alcohol. I started out just wanting to moderate, but as each day passes I don’t envision drinking again. I’m feeling too good, both mentally and physically, without it.
  • marquis06
    marquis06 Posts: 3 Member
    I am in! I am always amazed with the amount of weight I lose when I stop drinking for awhile! I drink more watching sports and now that football season is, pretty much, over I will be doing a lot better!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I made it thru last night ;-)
    I am 38 hours in!!!

    I do anticipate changing gears to a damp January. My husband is working out of state again, and I will be visiting him most every weekend. Maybe I can limit to a bottle of wine for the whole weekend... Enough to be social and take the edge off, but not enough to get me hammered.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    becky3695 wrote: »
    I made it thru last night ;-)
    I am 38 hours in!!!

    I do anticipate changing gears to a damp January. My husband is working out of state again, and I will be visiting him most every weekend. Maybe I can limit to a bottle of wine for the whole weekend... Enough to be social and take the edge off, but not enough to get me hammered.

    I had to chuckle at this. Describes me when i am with my husband and we go out to dinner.

  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My true test is this weekend. Friday going out with some friends. Trying to debate in my mind if I should have a glass of wine. I will be happy when i get to the point when I don't fear weekends and the mental war in my mind to drink or not drink or just have one glass. Me I am like F it I'm drinking the bottle.