JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 28



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,164 Member
    @suuufiii My experience is that it can take 2 or 3 days for the food I eat to show up on the scale.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited January 2018
    @Morrighan_632017 500 steps is just 5 mins walking. You've gotta be creative. Lol! I walk round the house during ads on TV to get my steps up. That's 20 minutes in an hour. That's over 1,000 extra steps.
  • mrs_sutsie
    mrs_sutsie Posts: 511 Member
    In for my seventh round :)

    Round 22 start weight - 151.40
    Round 23 start weight - 145.80
    Round 24 start weight - 147.60
    Round 25 start weight - 141.60
    Round 26 start weight - 141.90
    Round 27 start weight - 146.20
    Round 28 start weight - 143.20

    Loss to date - 8.2 lbs

    1/08 - 142.40 lb - Back from Butlins last night and weighed this morning and lost 0.8lb over the weekend!!! A huge personal victory to go away and not only maintain but lose weight (lots of food but an active weekend - I managed 55,000 steps Friday through to Sunday (not bad considering 5hour coach journey each way) plus a couple of hours in the pool up and down the steps to the water slides! Didn't drink so much water yesterday as on the coach but a normal day today so all should be good :smile:

    1/09 141.70lb another 0.70lbs gone yay!! Did my 10,000+ steps yesterday again too. Until we go away Friday its a normal week for me so no reason not to stay focused and on track.

    1/10 140.9lb down 0.8lb and back to my low from before Christmas. Only hit 9,000 steps yesterday as hubby had to go out but did have a tough gym session so don't feel too guilty! Feeling good and focused - long may it continue!!

    1/11 140.7lb down 0.2lb. All going in the right direction at the minute although slowing as the post Christmas / New Year bloat has gone. Didn't hit step goal yesterday again - only 7,000. Had the builder round so was too late by the time he went home to go out and do my last evening walk - must try harder.....

    1/12 Travelling up to Yorkshire when kids finish school - 6 hours in the car so need to ensure I pack a healthy tea / car nibbles and snacks
    1/13 Away for weekend again - will be eating in hotel and restaurants out so food choices will be tough and hard to track.
    1/14 Away - 6 hour car journey home so won't be home till late evening. Need to avoid motorway service station junk food!
