Is it appropriate for my boyfriend to ask me to pay him to live with him?



  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
    I would sit tight for a wee while and see how things are in six months,do not give up your place too quickly
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    elizarizo wrote: »
    Is this jasiek legal?

    Yes, as an EAAC national he is allowed to be here :3
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    If I believed this was real, which I *don't*, Jasiek wants a green card. And as a Pole, I could see how his Polish brain could try to request splitting the rent and having it come out as you need to pay me. That's if I believed this was real, which it isn't. For my sanity's sake, it can't be.

    We're not going to the United States. Also I'm not giving him any rent money I put my foot down yesterday. We will be in London
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    Is it school holidays everywhere or just in Australia?

    Some of these teenagers get very bored and you know, the internet is big place to amuse oneself making up silly stories for forum threads.......
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    edited January 2018
    my gym
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    London aquarium

    books I'm reading

    my planner

    Jasiek at Queen's house
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    silkmouse wrote: »
    Wait...What?? this is a joke right?? In what universe don't you pay your share of the living expenses??? I'm sure once you let him know you expect to be "kept" he will run for the hills

    I laid down the law yesterday telling him that I will not pay him a cent of the rent or for food or anything else and he said that I am right. Men are supposed to be the providers, this is a biological thing and women take care of the kids, not that I plan to have kids though honestly.

    you sound kind of old fashioned.

    So you expect him to provide for you and you not work? do you cook and clean and have his kids? Do you do as he tells you?

    Or are you picking and choosing from the 1950s? picking the best parts like the man pays for everything and leaving the worse parts like being a subordinate wife, no sex before marriage, doing all the house work, cooking dinner for when he gets home etc?

    These might help :smiley:
  • sweet2def
    sweet2def Posts: 52 Member
    Women want equality, as long as it's beneficial to them. Yeah, I said it! Girl, split the living costs and stop with this nonsense.

  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    Of course you should contribute, the food/gas/electric/water bills will all increase with another person living with him so it's only fair that you pay your bit!

    I'm genuinely stumped as to why you would even ask this question. When my partner asked me to move in with him I insisted on paying my way from the get go, I'm working 45 hours a week so why shouldn't I? This is a modern society after all.

    Unless you find yourself a sugar Daddy that's the way the world works!

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    sweet2def wrote: »
    Women want equality, as long as it's beneficial to them. Yeah, I said it! Girl, split the living costs and stop with this nonsense.

    this sounds about right. and if the guy goes a long with this nonsense, i feel sorry for him, for being taken for a ride.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    Either pay up or find someone who can afford to keep you in the life you are accustomed to princess!
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,750 MFP Moderator
    Closed for moderation.
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