

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie I'm so sorry you had a headache. Does putting a hot compress on help? Or the opposite: an ice pack? Today IS a new day, just begin again, even with the next bite. Thank you!

    Hi all. I broke from the usual last night when I went to the gym, I actually got on the treadmill instead of the recumbent bike. I didn't walk for long (I only walked 22 minutes) but that's 22 minutes more than I would have walked if I didn't go to the gym so that's a win. Have a good day, everyone!
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello ladies!!!
    My first week on WW and I lost 4.2 lbs.. ( you have to put that .2 in lol lol). I continue to reach my Fitbit goal. I put my goal at 5,000 steps because I’m starting slow, but everyday I go over, so I might increase it to 7,000 next week.

    @cbabie How are you feeling? I hope your headache is gone!! I had such a horrible pain, on my side, close up my ribs, the other day. It was so bad I had a hard time sleeping. It lasted about 3-4 days. It’s gone now. Thank God

    @TrishasTime How are you? I hope you’re better today. I know the feeling of eating your feelings ughhh. It’s done.. it’s over.. now you star again. We are not perfect.. we are going to fall sometimes.. but we need to get back up.

    @trooworld congrats on the weight loss!! Yayyyyy!!!! Keep it up!! You encourage me!!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes she’s 6 already and can be very sassy at times. She thinks she knows it all lol lol!!! I hope you feel better... I haven’t been here in a few days, so I’m trying to catch up :)

    Ok ladies I’ll try to CBL!!have a great day!!
  • peruviansweetie
    peruviansweetie Posts: 66 Member
    edited January 2018
    Enjoy your day!!!!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone
    Yep the scales reflected the emotional eating and I have set myself back a couple of weeks. You think I would learn - doh.

    @trooworld - Well done - would give you a high five for both losing weight and for trying something new

    @theslightedgeforever - thankyou for your meeting. I can not seem to find you on utube to follow?

    @cbabie - How are you feeling today? Hope you are feeling better

    @peruviansweetie - What a terrific loss - I am so pleased for you :)

    It is Saturday here, expected 99 degrees fahrenheit - hoping to stay cool
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    trooworld Hooray on your loss. Seems like this plan is working for you. Interesting info on Dicks sporting goods. Yaaaay on tbe treadmill. I've been lax about my exercise while fighting this cold. 15 min here and there. Time to get back into it.

    cbabie I don't have a cold I was fighting a cold. I won.

    peru What a great start. Now keep doing those healthy habits this week.

    trishastime don't beat yourself up about the emotional eating. Everything we do on this journey is a learning experience. That moment in life taught you something. What did you learn from it? Oh that wasn't my meeting. I just post it each week. Its from the channel Let's get fit.

    daily check in non sticker day. I haven't done very well this week. Onto tomorrow. Always a new chance to do it right
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @peruviansweetie wow, congratulations and YES, you DO have to put that .2 in there! I would!!! 5,000 steps is still really good. Thanks! That's very sweet of you to say.

    @TrishasTime don't be so hard on yourself, just learn from it and move on. Go out into that nice weather and move, do something fun! (Or go walking inside lol...I wouldn't want to walk in 99 degree weather!)

    @theslightedgeforever thanks! It's hard to work out while you are sick. I generally don't do any exercise while I am sick, I let my body fight off the bug instead.

    Hi all! I'm so happy it is Saturday. I had a long week at work and need a break. I downloaded a paid app for my phone, it's called the 5 Minute Journal app (you may have heard of the book by the same name by the same people). It's a gratitude app. The idea is to start your day off writing 3 things that you are grateful for, then 3 things that you will do to make your day great, then you fill in this blank: "I am..." (For instance, today I wrote: I am a healthy person). At night, you come back and write 3 "amazing" things that happened today. I'm sure there are free apps out there like this but I liked this one. We'll see if I stick to it, if not, I'm out $5 lol.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all

    Wow lots of good news on here today.

    I haven't done my best and I WI tomorrow...not expecting a I did get my sugar and cholesterol tested...all is good..but BP is a little high and BMI shows overweight... so I just keep trucking forward..

    @peruviansweetie. Great loss..sounds like the new plan is good for you...keep walking

    @TrishasTime you know you got this and you are in happens and we just keep looking to the next goal....I think you are doing great..i was at a conf and one thing stuck with can't change what you don't acknowledge...

    @theslightedgeforever I am glad you won .....but u always were competitive...☺

    @trooworld Yes that book is quite helped me through a tough time in my life...and yes sometimes I am still there. Lol

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    The sun is shining today - I have no idea what the temp will be but I need to go into work anyway and the A/C will not be running. I work for a government department and they do not run the a/c on the weekends.

    @theslightedgeforever - I love that phrase that tomorrow is a new day - I always add - and the frst day for the rest of your life. You can not change the past and tomorrow is always a gift.

    @trooworld - I love the idea of the app - I find it hard enough to do everything else including writing in my journal. It seems as life gets busy, I forget to find time for me

    @cbabie - Best of luck for weigh in tomorrow. It is great that you are doing health checks so you know where you are at

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    trooworld That's great about you keeping a gratitude journal. People who do are happier and more fun to be around.

    cbabie People always say I'm competitive but I am selective about it. For instance Fitbit. If you noticed I could care less my standing and if step goals were met. Playing games, I'm competitive.

    Trishastime Nice quotes you have there too. I feel busy too these days and can't seem to get in all of my things.
    Did you exercise? I got in 30 min on treadmill.

    Daily check in No sticker Here's to a better week
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie (((( SKINNY VIBES )))) for today! Good news on the sugar and cholesterol! You are working on the others, you'll get there.

    @TrishasTime oh dear, you have to work on the weekend AND there is no a/c? Ugh! Yeah, we'll see how long I keep the app up lol. I am notorious for starting journals and pooping out on them. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever that's what I heard too. I listened to a podcast, the Fat Burning Man, and he had on there the co-creator of the 5 minute journal. I really liked what he had to say, so I looked up the app. Who couldn't use a little more positivity in their life? :)

    Hi all! I ended up having a migraine yesterday but I didn't let that stop me, I still went for a couple of walks. I need to do some serious meal prep today, I'm going to make 2-ingredient everything bagels for breakfast sandwiches, and some dinners for the week. Last night, we indulged in some fun food delivery: I had a bacon cheeseburger and split some fries with the husband. I think that is the first time I've ever split fries in my life lol. Yay me! Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @theslightedgeforever - Nope - no exercise but felt satisfied. I was actually studying and I fell I achieved something. Competitive - Ihear you. I have a hearts game on the ipad and have names the 3 hands fom my family, so I play against them (in my mind). I turned off the exercise points from the fitbit appearing in my food diary last night, so I am no longer tempted to eat them

    @trooworld - Hope your migraine is better. Well done on sharing B) .

    I was slicing carrotts last, missed the carrott, losts of blood, lost the top of the finger :( Every time I knock it (and it seems every 2 min) - it starts throbbing again :'(
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    Trooworld. Yaaaay on splitting fries. I’ve been counting out 10. Then cut those 10 in half so it looks like I have 20 fries. I had a bacon cheeseburger too this weekend I pulled off the crunchy onions and bun and just ate the meat

    Trishastime. I used to play hearts like that too. I “played with my three best friends”. lol. I would play a hand and then get up and do something in my house then go back and play one more hand. Hmmmm I might have to see if there’s a Hearts game app for my phone. Ouch on your finger. I hope it’s okay

    Daily check in. No sticker but did walk 37 min
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @TrishasTime yes, migraine is gone! Thanks! OUCH! I'm so sorry that happened. I've almost done that before. Did you have to go to the doctor?

    @theslightedgeforever that's a great idea about the fries! I had about 10-14 fries. I was satisfied. Great job on the walk.

    Hi all. Well, my migraine is gone but I've got other problems: it was a lovely day yesterday, probably 78F, and I was going out onto the patio off of our bedroom when I tripped over a small pile of clothes at the foot of our bed. I fell out the door and onto my face. I skinned up my leg really badly, and my hands a little bit. I'm in a lot of pain but didn't have to go to the doctor and didn't break anything thankfully. I just can't do any exercise for a while, I don't know how long but probably at least 3 days. I stood on my feet trying to do meal prep yesterday for 2 hours and that was a mistake: my leg throbbed and burned and I had to sit down. Other than that, I had a great day lol.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Afternoon guys:

    Sorry I have had another crazy weekend. I just got home, but it feels good to be out of the house doing something. I am not getting paid for what I am doing, but I am enjoying it. So that is good for my depression. You know one of the things I am facing is that I am under (by 1 lb) my lifetime goal at WW..I remember when I got there I felt so skinny. However, with life happenstances 3 years ago I lost another 30 mind you I looked like death warmed over, but I loved the way I felt and how my clothes fit. So I have. been trying to get back there..well what happened to when I felt good at 1 more lb than I am currently at? Well my clothes are the smaller ones...and to be at a healthy weight, I realllyt need to lose 15-20 lbs. So I am working on being glad that I am still under my goal at WW, but know for my health I need to continue working on my habits and the foods I eat. So getting ready to log my food in and see what I have left for the day. I didn’t get to exercise this morning, but have 4400 steps right it’s better than 300..LOL

    @TrishasTime Oh no your finger, I hope it’s okay. I hate when I do something like that....someone in my family would say...that’s why I use a food processor..LOL. I say I like to chop... I hope you feel better soon and it stops throbbing. I also took off my exercise off my logging so I won’t eat them.

    @trooworld I love that you are enjoying the new WW, I like to see people energized about their life and their goals. It creates an environment for success. Not just for you, but for others around you. Including this board!!

    @theslightedgeforever Okay, you are selective about your competitiveness...LOL. In that case, I will get my steps ahead of you again..LOL

    Okay guys, I have things I have to do , like log my food and write emails to my teachers at church. Have a great day.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @theslightedgeforever - yah on your walk - which is 37 min longer than min "grin". I normally take the dogs out but we are sufffering the effects from the cyclone here

    @cbabie - I remember when I got my lifetime membership at WW - it seems a distance memory now but I am working hard to get back to it. I too felt really good. I have done 5666 steps today

    @trooworld - I am sorry to hear that you tripped and then fell. Can you use a stool when doing meal prep? After 9 surgeries on my hip within a year, I relied on my stool and it was a blessing

    Well the finger is still throbbing. I redressed it this morning. DH thinks I should go to the DR, but yeah I will see how it looks again in a few days. In the meantime I am keeping it clean and dry

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie that is great that you are so close to the WW lifetime goal. Do you think it is realistic to lose another 15-20 lbs?

    @TrishasTime I can't use a stool because our kitchen is so tiny, no room. :( But that is a great idea! Do not wait for that finger, please take care.

    Hi all! Well, my leg is a mess. It hurts and is swollen. I came home from work at noon yesterday and rested it. I'm going to work today, hopefully I'll be able to stay all day. I wish I had some long skirts to wear so that my pants wouldn't rub on my leg but I don't. I think I may have one long skirt, but it needs leggings under it or everything shows. :D so that defeats the purpose. Not getting any exercise in, and trying not to eat my feelings.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member

    I was over 395 calories yesterday...oh well I tracked...I also realized that Raisin Bran has to many carbs for what I get from it. :(

    @trooworld I hope that leg gets to feeling better quickly! Please get it some it scrapes and bruises? Yes I do need to lose at least 10 lbs. When I created the goal and WW agreed to it, I thought it was a little to much weight on me, but they allowed that to me my goal. I am sure based on my age..LOL

    @TrishasTime I have only done 3756 today. That included my walking with Leslie Simmons....It was a little chilly this morning, so I for sure didn’t want to go outside. I agree with Trooworld...please take care of your finger. My husband hates DR and he almost. Cut his little finger off with a chain saw...had my girls call me at. Work...REALLY? Why not call 911...he never went, had them pour some iodine and butterfly bandage it...I would have been take me to urgent care NOW..LOL

    okay you all have a great day...I am doing some self reflection...I don’t want to repeat. 2017!!!

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    @trooworld _ you ca buy some spray plastic skin to stop the rubbing (welly you can here in Aussie). You look after yourself too and try to be strong and not eat your feeling (says someone who did it a few days ago)

    @cbabie - I manged 5726 steps, what sort of stop counter do you have? Do you use your phone, fitbit etc? It is nice to tell someone, then you become aware of the need to move

    Pick up GD aged 3 from daycare esterday. As soon as she saw me she turned to one of the carers. My husband stepped into view and she did a 360 and literally flew into his arms. He is one of those adults kids adores.

    Hope you all have a great day
  • hayleyb25
    hayleyb25 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to join this thread, I left ww a few months this ago and have regained the 10lbs I lost. I cat afford ww at the moment, so hopefully this can give me the accountability factor

    Start weight: 8st 13lbs
    Goal weight: 8st 3lbs
    Current weight: too scared too look
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @cbabie thanks! It's scraped and bruised really bad and swollen. Self reflection is good!

    @TrishasTime I did better yesterday (although still went over my points a little). My husband is the same way--- I joke he's a movie star among kids, their face just lights up when they see him even kids that don't know him. For some reason, they just love him!

    @hayleyb25 welcome, Hayley! We are glad you are here. Please come back often, as I get lonely some days when they leave me alone lol.

    Hi all! Well, I found a dress in my closet that is long enough to cover up my mangled leg. I'll wear that to work today. I went to work yesterday and stayed until 1:30 which is longer than I lasted the day before. Maybe today I'll stay all day. Pants just bother my leg too much. I also saw, in my closet, two pairs of flowy palazzo pants that I can wear. So, I'm set for the week in clothes! Have a good day everyone!